Part I

Network Fundamentals

This first part of the book covers one of the six overall sections you must master for the CCNA exam. The nine chapters in Part I relate to a significant portion of the questions you will face in your exam.

Here you will master networking models and designs and review key fundamentals of networking such as transport protocols and cabling. You’ll dig into the worlds of TCP/IP version 4 and TCP/IP version 6. Both of these protocol suites are already popular today. IPv4 should gradually fade away from use (although perhaps never completely), whereas IPv6 should become predominant in more and more installations and IoT applications. Part I includes the following chapters:

Chapter 1 The Role and Function of Network Components

Chapter 2 The Characteristics of Network Topology Architectures

Chapter 3 Physical Interfaces and Cabling Types

Chapter 4 Describe TCP and UDP

Chapter 5 Configure and Verify IPv4 Addressing and Subnetting

Chapter 6 Configure IPv6

Chapter 7 Describe Wireless Principles

Chapter 8 Explain Virtualization Fundamentals

Chapter 9 Describe Switching Concepts

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