

“@font-face rule” 83, 91

2/2 document 249

2D graphic design 6


animation 209

infographics 161

texture 49

4/4 document 249

4-color process 129132, 249

10 point type 92


accessibility (web design)

clickable areas 232

links 232

scalable type 232

text equivalents for graphics 232

text and graphics 232

underline hyperlinks 232

video elements 232

accordion menus (web) 228

“aesthetics” term 2

after the storyboard 189190

all caps fonts 9495

alleys 66, 67

alpha channel (transparency) 127

alternatives to photos

clip art 152153

illustrations 150152

type as image 154157

video and multimedia

components 153


3D 209

duration 204

file formats 205

introduction 203

motion tweens 203204

restraint 205

space and time 204

time 204

animation as focal point 151

Announcer (ANNCR) in storyboarding 189

apps, plug-ins and widgets 205207

applications (“apps”) 205206

plug-ins 206

sources 206207

widgets 206

architect’s renderings 150

Arial font 91

aspect ratios

35mm film and digital

photography (1.5:1) 65

tablets and smartphones (1.78:1 or 1.33:1) 65

United States

cinema (1.85:1 or 2.35:1) 65

standard TV and computer

monitor (1.33:1) 65

Widescreen TV and computer

monitor (178:1) 65

audiences 1011


multimedia storytelling 197, 209

slideshows 199

storyboarding 188189


backgrounds 3233, 3839


design 44, 5455

multiple visuals 7172

visuals 7273, 77

bar charts 175176

Bauhaus School of Design 115

binding types

comb 249, 250

“drilled” holes for 3-rings 249

perfect 249

saddle or staple stitch 249

spiral 249, 250

velobinding 249

bleed 6667

“blind emboss” 245

blogs (Web logs) 234235, 235

bold & italic

fonts 103

type 9495

bold type 9495

borders & boxes 3233, 36

Braille 11


cubing 16

fluent thinking 16

scamper 16

see also research and brainstorming

“Break a leg” term 189

budgets 1314


layouts 3233, 41

lines 46

lists 99100

business cards 64


camera angle (storyboarding) 183

captions see cutlines

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) for web

blogs 235

flexible assets 233

fonts 91

media queries 233

paragraph indicators 98

plug-ins/widgets 208

responsive web design 231

RGBA 127

social networking/media sites 235

tracking headlines 97

centering 3233

charts & graphs 162

Christmas colors 119

“Christmas, kings and blue jeans” term 116, 132

classical film lighting 187

clip art 152153

closure (Gestalt theory) 44, 60, 61

“clotheslining” layout 83

CMYK colors 125, 126, 129131, 132

collage layout 83



culture 119120

history 121122

nature 120121

Christmas 119

CMYK 125, 126, 129131, 132

commercial printing 130

contrast 132


color palette and communication 122, 132

element 44, 47

main color & accent color 122

spot color 125

visibility and readabililty 124

emotion 114115

graphical user interface 229

hexadecimal code 127

logos 111

management 126

neutral gray 123

organization 114115

PMS® 130131, 132

press check 255

properties 123124

relationships 116117

retro 121

RGB 125128, 132

RGBA 127128

rules! 131132

saturation 123

screen 126127

screen vs. printed 126

screening color for print 129

separation 129

splashes for visual emphasis 124125

spot color 125, 130131

technology 125126

theory 115116

value 50, 123

visibility & readability 124

visual impact 114

web 128

wheel 116, 118119, 126

works-every-time 123

color relationships

analogous color 117, 118

complementary 116, 118

primary 116

secondary 116

split complements 118

temperature 117118

tertiary 116117

triads 117

color rules!

Christmas, kings and blue jeans 132

color “languages” 132

contrast 132

design 132

inspiration 131

palette 131

unity 132

colorblindness 11


copy 265

dummies 19

grids 6769

newspaper design 102

rhythm/pattern 57

vertical 69

web pages 6869

works-every-time layout 22, 23

commercial/offset printing 244

Common Fate law 58

comp images 146147

competitors 1112

“complementary colors” 117

contact information (checklist for printers) 252

contact sheets (photographers) 148 “Content is king” (SEO) 221

content management system (CMS) 214, 218

content provision 14


Gestalt theory 44, 60, 61

storyboarding 184185


color 132

design 44

fonts 54

Cooper Black typeface 5

copy 22, 2526

copyright law 149150

corners & clutter 3233, 3738

Cowan-Neeld, Elizabeth 16

culture (color) 119120

cutlines (captions)

rectangular story 76

slideshows 198, 199

works-every-time layout 22, 24


dark and light see value

data, multimedia storytelling 209

data visualization 175

De Mille, Cecil B. 189

deadlines 14

“deboss” 245

decorative fonts 89, 92

delivery and distribution 1213


biology 10

brainstorming 1520

co-ordination 11

color 122, 124, 132

colorblindness 11

communication 5

computers 5


change 260

encouragement 261

hiring professionals 261

nothing new 260261


color 44, 47

line 44, 4546

shape/form 44, 4647

size/scale 44, 47

space 44, 45

texture 44, 4849

value 44, 49, 50

form follows function 23, 8

Gestalt theory 44, 5861

golden proportion 5153, 68, 70

multimedia 209

newspapers 101103

pictures and words together in space 67

planning 6


balance 44, 5455

contrast 44, 54

focal points/emphasis 44, 5053

movement 44, 5557

rhythm/pattern 44, 5758

rules and exceptions 78

unity 44, 5859

research 1015

rule of thirds 5153, 70

sidebars 78

type 86

visual 6

web pages 68

World Wide Web 56

see also designing for the web; infographics


designing for the web

accessibility 232

communication 235

how the web works

adding sites to www 216

description 215

domain names 217

file transfer protocol 217218

server space/web hosting 216

introduction 214

mobile web 229


differences 219220

similarities 218219

responsive web design 229233


alternatives 234235

bend, don’t break 230

content areas 225227

content management system 214, 218

graphical user interface 228

home page design 223224

interface areas 227

page design 222223

planning 220221

professional designers 215

SEO 221222

simple images and content 214

templates 214

diagrams & illustrations (infographics) 162, 176

die cutting 245

digital printing 245246

digital stock sites (photos) 146147

direction of pictures 71

domain name server (DNS) 217

dummies 1819

duration of animation 204


Eberle, Bob 16

em dashes 94, 105

“emboss” 245

embossing 245

en dashes 105

End User Licensing Agreements (ELUA) 91

EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) format 139, 142

establishing shot 143144


infographics 168169

shooting and editing 144145


faux fonts

bold 9495

italic 9495

Federal Trade Commission 145

fever charts 175

file formats

animation 205

photos 139

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

blogs 235

printing 252

websites 216, 217218

film noir lighting 187

flipping photos 7172

focal point

animation 151

contrast 50

emphasis 44, 5053

layout 6970

foil stamping 245

folios, printer proofs 254

“@font-face rule” 83, 91


10 point 92

all caps 9495

Arial 91


decorative 89

introduction 86

modern 89, 92

old style 88

sans serif 88, 92

slab serif 89, 92

transitional 88

checklist for printers 252

contrast 54

description 86

display 99

families 86

glyphs 86

headlines 9091

Helvetica 35, 91

kerning 9697

leading 9596

number 3233, 34

old style 88

pairings 111

parts 87

printer proofs 253

proofreading 250

script 90

selection 9091

size 9294

spacing 95

styling 9293

tab & tab/dot leaders 97

Times 35, 86

tracking 97

web 9192

Forestry Stewardship Council (FSI) 242

“form” term 2

“form follows function” term 23, 8

“fourth wall” (storyboarding) 181

“function” term 3

FX (visual effects) in storyboarding 189


Gestalt theory

application 61

infographics 170

introduction 58


closure 44, 60, 61

continuity 44, 60, 61

proximity 44, 5859, 61

similarity 44, 60, 61

web page design 222

GIF (Graphic Interchange Format) 139, 141

glossary 263274

glyphs 86

golden proportion 5153, 68, 70

graphic design see design

“graphic design” term 6

graphical user interface (GUI)

breadcrumb trail 229

color 229

interface design 227228

link names 228

navigation 228229

pull-down menus 228

purpose of each page 228

search box 229

graphics packages 166

Greek text (stand in copy) 70

“greeking” 70

Green Seal 242


alleys and gutters 67

columns 6768, 6869

custom network 69

equal squares layout 83

focal point 69

format 66, 68


infographics design 172

layout 6466, 84

live area/safe area 66

margins 66

trim and bleed 6667

web page 67, 222

“grip-and-grin” shot 137

gutters 6667, 250


hardcopy (checklist for printers) 252

HDTV grids 67


fonts 9091

layout 70

rectangular story 7576

troublesome 77

works-every-time layout 22, 2425

Helvetica font 35, 91

hexadecimal code for color 127

home page design (web)

headers 224

introduction 224

navigation 224225

“hospital green” color 120

HTML (hypertext markup language) 231232, 235

Hurricane Charley 170

HVAC (heating ventilation and air conditioning) diagram 165



change over time 151152

form to the imaginary 151

history 152

imagination to life 151

introduction 150151

sensitive subject matter 151

see also photos and illustrations


checklist for printers 252

clear subject 136138

multimedia storytelling 209

quality 136

resolution 142

in-house printing 243


applications 161163

diagrams & illustrations 162, 176

dynamic generation 164

ethics 168169

examples 166167

graphics packages 166

history 160161

introduction 160

multimedia 165

next generation diagrams (web) 165

quality control 164

sources 163165

timelines 164, 176


charts & graphs 162

diagrams 162

maps 162

sequences 162

text boxes 162

infographics design

bar charts 175176

data visualization 175

diagrams & illustrations 176

fever charts 175

introduction 170

maps 162, 174


byline 171

callouts 171

explainer 171

headlines 171

source line 171

unity 172

timelines 176


black and white 173

compatibility 172173

credit 173

data maps 173

grids 172

groups 172

ornamentation 173

research 172

stand alone 171172

unity 172

writing length 173

initial and drop caps 104


image galleries for slideshows 198

multimedia storytelling 209

web 220

International Color Consortium (ICC) 126

Internet service providers (ISPs) 215216

interviews and monologues (talking heads) 200

IP address 216217

italic type 9495

Itten, Johannes 115


JPG (Joint Photographic Expert Group)

format 139, 141


newspaper design 102

rivers 3233, 42


“Ken Burns” effect in slideshows 197198

kerning 9697

key light (storyboarding) 186

KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle in video production 189



checklist for printers 252

print/web comparison 219

web 231232

see also works-every-time layout

layout patterns

“clotheslining” 83

collage 83

grid of equal squares 83

mondrian 83

multipanel 83

type specimen 83

layout sins (amateur errors)

bad bullets 3233, 41

bulky borders & boxes 3233, 36

busy backgrounds 3233, 3839

centering 3233

corners & clutter 3233, 3738

too many fonts 3233, 34

justified rivers 3233, 42

stairstepping 3233, 3637

steps to visual success 3233, 35

summary 3233

tacky type emphasis 3233, 3941

trapped negative space 3233, 38

warped or naked photos 3233, 34

widows and orphans 3233, 41

layout (visuals and type impact)

aspect ratio 65

body copy 75

conclusions 80

flipping photos 7172

focal point 6970

Greek text 70

grids 6466, 84

hierarchy 7475

ideas 8284

introduction 64

multiple topics on same screen/page 7578

multiple visuals 7273

multiple-page 7880

negative space 73

pictures’ direction 7172

placement 7172

sidebars 78

sketches 68

“wrapping” text 72

leading (line spacing)

hanging indents 100

spacing 9596, 97

lengthy copy

bulleted lists 99100

display fonts 99

hanging indents 100

headings & subheads 9899

paragraph indicators 9899

letterforms 102103, 154

lighting (storyboarding) 186188

line and design 44, 4546

line spacing see leading

live area/safe area 66

logo design

clip art 112

colors 111

font-du-jour 112

fonts and graphics 112

horizontal/vertical design 111

reproducibility in black 111

“reverse out” 111

scalability 110

shapes 112

simplicity 111

testing 112

type-open 112

uniqueness 110

to loop or not to loop (slideshows) 198

“Lorem Ipsum” term 70

lower third (storyboarding) 188



infographics 162


compass 174

inset 174

key 174

pointer box 174

reference points 174

scale 174


design 22, 23

grids 66

printer proofs 254

massively multimedia online role playing games (MMORPG) 194

mini art school

elements of design

color 44, 47

line 44, 4546

shape/forms 44, 4647

size/scale 44

space 44

texture 44, 4647

value 44, 49, 50

Gestalt theory

closure 44, 60, 61

continuity 44, 60, 61

proximity 44, 5859, 61

similarity 44, 60, 61

principles of good design

balance 44, 5455

contrast 44, 54

focal points/emphasis 44, 5053

movement 44, 5557

rhythm/pattern 44, 5758

unity 44, 5859

mobile games, multimedia storytelling 209

“mobile sites” 229

mobile web 229

mockups and beta sites 1920

modern fonts 89, 92

modular page design

headlines 77

rectangular story 7576

sidebars 78

mondrian layout 83

more than one photo 143144

motion tweens (animation) 203204


curving S-line 56

depth of field 56

design 44, 5557

diagonal line 56

motion blur 56

movement (storyboarding) 183185

MPEG-4 (Motion Pictures Expert Group) format 201202

mugshots 73


animation 203205

apps, plug-ins and widgets 205207

audio 197

early years 194

images 195196

infographics 165

introduction 194

slideshows 196199

storytelling 208211

thumbnails, storyboard and site maps 195

video clips 199202

multipanel layout 83

multiple topics on same screen/page

placing story on modular page 7678

rectangular story 7576

sidebars 78

multiple visuals

balance 7172

mugshots 73

variety or uniformity of size? 71

multiple-page layouts

navigational signs 7980

type 79

visual unity 78


NASA 161

navigation on web

GUI 228229

home page design 224225

page design 223

navigational signs (multiple-page layouts) 7980

negative space 44, 73

neutral gray and color 123

newsletters 100

newspaper design

columns 102

justification 102103

story headlines 101

Newton, Isaac 115

next generation diagrams 165


objectives 10

Ogilvy, David 181

old style fonts 88

OpenType® for print design

dingbats 106107

format 86

ligatures 106

old style figures 106107

swash alternates 106

Osborn, Alex 16

“out of gamut” warning sign 130


Pacific Rim cultures 120

pacing in slideshows 197

page design for the web

content areas 225227

content hierarchy 222

direction 222

footer 225

grids 222

headers 225

home page 224225

logo as home page link 223

navigation 223, 225

patterns 226227

relationships among assets 222

scrolling 223

Pantone Matching System® (PMS) 130131, 132

paper & printing

budget 242

checklist for printer 252253

choice 238239

files for printer

contact information 252

fonts 252

hardcopy 252

images 252

layout 252

finished product 257


coated 239

specialty 239

uncoated 239

flight check 251252


accordion 248

brochure/letter 248

double parallel 248

French 248

gate 248

rolling 248

single 248

green issues 239240

introduction 238

look & feel 239

preparation of documents

bleeds 251

image resolutions 251

pasteboard 251

proofreading 250

spot or process? 251

swatch palettes 251

press check 255257

printer proofs 253255

printing estimates

binding and finishing 249

bleeds 249

delivery date 249

delivery instructions 249250

flat and finished sizes 247

number of inks 249

number of pages 247

paper and weight 247

quantity 247

printing types and printers

commercial/offset 244

digital 245246

in-house 243

quick 244

web offset 244


brightness/whiteness 241

formation 241

grain 241

opacity 241

smoothness 241

weight 241

right paper for right task 239240


die cutting 245

embossing 245

foil stamping 245

varnishing 245

paper folds 248

paragraph indicators 9899

The Parthenon 5

patterns in web page design

accordion 226

grid of consistently sized boxes 226

GUIs 226

module tabs 226

rotating feature 226

sliding panels 226

PDF (portable document format) 253

photo flipping 7172

photos & illustrations

alternatives to photos 150151

comp images 146147

contact sheets 148

digital stock sites 146147

diversity as craft excellence 145146

establishing shot 143144

ethics of shooting and editing 144145

file formats

EPS 139, 142

GIF 139, 140142

JPG 139, 140141

PNG 139, 140142

SVG 139

TIF 139, 141

image content 136138

introduction 136

more than one photo 143144

photo composition

asymmetrical balance and rule of thirds 138

interesting light 138

natural lines to create movement 138

tight cropping 138

photographers 147149

resolution, file format & size 138143

retouching 144145

sources 146147

tonal range 136

where not to source 149150

photos/visuals, printer proofs 254

picture window 83 “police line-up” shot 137

Portable Network Graphics (PNG)

format 139, 141

positive and negative space 44

POV (point of view) in storyboarding 182, 185

press check (important jobs)

color 255

ink 256

paper 255

registration 255

varnishes 256

visuals and type 255

Price, Tim 211

print differences from the web

interactive experience 220

layouts 219

linearity 219220

multi-sensory experience 220

‘screen’ size 219

printer proofs

approval 255

description 253

finished product 257

folios 254

fonts 253

margins 254

photos/visuals 254

specialty items 254

spot colors 254

text 253

typos 254

printers’ other services 257

Priyanka, Vidisha 211

professionals (hiring) 261

proofreading 250

proximity (Gestalt theory) 44, 5859, 61

public information officers (PIOs) 234

public service announcement (PSA) 178

pull quotes 155156

pull-down menus (web) 228


quick printing, 244


rectangular story

body copy 75

byline 76

cutline 76

deck 76

headline 7576

visual/photo 76

rendered type 154, 156

research and brainstorming


brown-bag lunches 20

creativity 16

dump 15

ideas 16

morph 15

percolate 15

sketches 1720


audience 1011

brown-bag lunches 20

budget 1314

co-ordination with other design work 11

competitors 1112

content provision 14

delivery and distribution 1213

infographics 172

objective 10

other constraints 15

timing and turnaround 14

resolution (photos/images) 139140, 142

responsive web design

flexible assets 233

flexible grid-based layouts 231233

font size 94

introduction 230231

media queries 233

retouching photos 144145

retro color 121

reversed type 103

RGB colors 125128, 132

RGBA colors 127128

rhythm/pattern 44, 5758

roughs & comps 19

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) 234

rule of thirds

design 5153, 70

photos 138

web columns 68


Sagan, Carl 161

sans serif fonts 88, 92

saturation (color) 123

Scalable Vector Graphic (SCG) format 139

screen content and bleed 67

screen vs. printed color 126

script fonts 90

search engine optimization (SEO)

cutlines 226

designing for the web 221222

planning and implementation 215

text equivalents for graphics, 232

sequences (infographics) 162

SFX (sound effects)

multimedia 197, 209

storyboarding 189

shape/forms 44, 4647

sidebars 78

similarity (Gestalt theory) 44, 60, 61

site exposure (going viral) in multimedia

storytelling 209

site maps and wireframes 18

size/scale 44, 47


dummies 1819

introduction 1718

layout 68

mockups and beta sites 1920

roughs & comps 19

site maps and wireframes 18

storyboards 18

slab serif fonts 89, 92

slideshows (multimedia)

audio 199

captions/cutlines 198

interactive image galleries 198

“Ken Burns” effect 197198

to loop or not to loop 198

pacing 197

photo-sharing websites 198199

storyboard 196

transitions 196197

small caps font 103

smartphones 65, 160, 229

social networking/media sites 235

sound effects (SFX)

multimedia 197, 209

storyboarding 189

sources of photos 146147

see also where not to source photos


design 67, 45

negative (trapped) 3233, 38, 44, 45, 73

positive 44, 45

spacing in fonts (leading) 9596, 97

specialty items, printer proofs 254

splashes of color for visual emphasis 124125

spot color

design 125

printer proofs 254

printing 130131

stairstepping 3233, 4647


after the storyboard 189190

animation/video 18

audio 188189

camera angle 183

continuity 184185

framing the shot 179181

introduction 178

lighting 186188

movement 183185

POV 182, 185

slideshows 196

starting 178179

transitions 185186

type 188

storytelling (multimedia)

content toolbox 209

examples 209, 211

introduction 208209

options 209210

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) 242


tab & tab/dot leaders 97

tacky type emphasis

all caps 3233, 39, 40

reversing 3233, 3940

stroking 3233, 39, 4041

underlining 3233, 39, 4041

tags 22, 2627

Taj Mahal 5


boxes 162

multimedia storytelling 209

printer proofs 253

texture 44, 4849

thumbnails, storyboard and site maps (multimedia) 195

TIF (Tagged Image File) format 139, 141142

time and animation 204


animation 204

infographics 164, 176

multimedia storyboarding 211

Times fonts

Bold 86

Italic 86

New Roman 86

Roman 35, 86

timing and turnaround 14

tracking (letter spacing) 9597


slideshows 196197

storyboarding 185186

trim 6667


bold & italic 94, 103


categories 8690

choice 90

styling 9298

typeface, families and glyph 86

web 9192

initial and drop caps 104

introduction 86

lengthy copy 98101

logo design 110113

multiple-page layouts 79

newspaper design 101103

OpenType 106107

rendered 154, 156

reversed type 103

small caps 103

specimen layout 83

storyboarding 188

typesetting punctuation 104106

type as image

letterforms 154

pull quotes 155

rendered type 154, 156

typesetting punctuation

description 104

web 105106

typography 67

typos in printer proofs 254


uniform resource locator (URL) 215216

United States (US)

business cards 64

copyright law 149150

culture 120

Postal Service 12


design 44, 5859, 78

infographics 172

USA Today 160


value (dark and light)

color 50, 123

design 44, 49

variable data printing (VDP) 246

varnishing 245

vector graphics vs. bitmap 141

video clips (multimedia)

components 153

editing 200201

encoding 201202

formats 201202

interviews and & monologues 200

introduction 199

shooting tips 200

stock sources 202

storytelling 209

video news release (VNR) 178

visibility & readability (color) 124

visual effects (FX) in storyboarding 189


balance 7273, 77

culture 35

design 6

hierarchy 7475, 101

mugshots 73

newspapers 77

placement 7172

rectangular story 76

success 3233, 35

type 86

unity in multiple-page layouts 78

works-every-time layout 22, 23

“wrapping text” 72

Voyager space probe 161


warped/naked photos 3233, 34

web (www)

color 128

description 215216

do-it-yourself 235

fonts 9193

graphics 140141

infographics 165

justification 102103

leading, kerning and tracking 97

pages 6869


GIF format 141

JPG format 141

PNG format 141

resolution 139, 142

typesetting punctuation 105106

see also Cascading Style Sheets; designing for the web

Web Accessibility Initiative 232

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 232

web offset printing 244

what is design?

computers democratized graphic design 5

form follows function 23, 8

graphic design

communication 5

planning 6

pictures and words together in space 67

principles 78

visual culture 35

World Wide Web 56

where not to source photos 149150

widows and orphans 3233, 41

Williams, Frank 16

word or tag clouds 163

works-every-time colors 123

works-every-time layout

1. margins 22, 23

2. columns 22, 23

3. visual 22, 23

4. cutline 22, 24

5. headline 22, 2425

6. copy 22, 2526

7. tags 22, 2627

conclusions 27

focal point/emphasis 51, 6970

gallery 2830

World Wide Web (www) 56

“wrapping text” 72

WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) 231, 232


zoom shot

“Ken Burns Effect” 197

shooting tips 200

smartphone screens 229

storyboarding 184

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