Select bibliography

This bibliography lists the principal works used in this book, but not all the sources cited in the references to each chapter. It does not include Parliamentary Papers, which are listed under that heading in date order in the Index: nor does it include more ephemeral literature, whether in books, journals, or newspapers. The conventional distinction between primary and secondary sources is not appropriate in this bibliography: instead, books published before 1914 have been divided from those published subsequently.

Books published before 1914

Accum, Fredrick (1820) A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons.

Acton, Eliza (1856) Modern Cookery for Private Families, new edn.

Acton, Eliza (1857) The English Bread Book.

‘Alfred’ (Samuel Kydd) 1985; The History of the Factory Movement, from the year 1802 to the enactment of the Ten Hours Bill in 1847, 2 vols, repub. 1966.

Anon (1795) The Crying Frauds of London Markets, by the Author of the Cutting Butchers Appeal.

Anon (c. 1830–1) Deadly Adulteration and Slow Poisoning Unmasked, or Disease and Death in the Pot and Bottle, by an Enemy to Fraud and Villany, n.d.

Anon (1850) Doings in London; or Day and Night Scenes of the Frauds, Frolics, Manners and Depravities of the Metropolis.

Anon (1824) The Family Oracle of Health.

Anon (1841) The Guide to Trade: The Baker.

Anon 1841) The Guide to Trade: The Baker.

Anon (1858) London at Dinner; or Where to Dine, repub. 1969.

Anon(c. 1850) Memoirs of a Stomach. Written by Himself, that All who Eat may Read. Edited by ‘A Minister of the Interior’, n.d.

Anon (1757) Poison Detected, by My Friend, a Physician.

Anon (1856) The Tricks of the Trade in the Adulteration of Food and Physic.

Arch, Joseph (1898) The Story of his Life, Told by Himself, edited, with a Preface, by the Countess of Warwick.

Ashton, John (1904) The History of Bread.

Bartley, George C.T. (1874) The Seven Ages of a Village Pauper.

Beeton, Isabella (1861 etc.) The Book of Household Management.

Bell, Lady (Mrs Hugh Bell) (1907) ,At the Works. A Study of a Manufacturing Town.

Bickerdyke, John (1886) The Curiosities of Ale and Beer.

Booth, Charles (1889) Life and Labour of the People in London. First Series: Poverty.

Booth, General (William) (1890) In Darkest England, and the Way Out.

Bosanquet, S.R. (1841) The Rights of the Poor; and Christian Almsgiving Vindicated.

Bourne, Stephen (1880) Trade, Population and Food. A Series of Papers on Economic Statistics.

Burn, J.D. (‘One Who Thinks Aloud‘) (1855) The Language of the Walls and a Voice from the Shop Windows, or the Mirror of Commercial Roguery.

Caird, James (1852) English Agriculture in 1850–51.

Child, Samuel (1820 edn) Every Man his own Brewer: A Practical Treatise, etc.

Clarke, Allen (1913) The Effects of the Factory System.

Cobbett, William (1823) Cottage Economy.

Cobbett, William(1830) Rural Rides.

Copley, Esther (1849) Cottage Cookery.

Davies, Rev. David (1795) The Case of Labourers in Husbandry, Stated and Considered.

Davies, Maude F. (1909) Life in an English Village. An Economic and Historical Survey of the Parish of Corsley in Wiltshire.

Disraeli, Benjamin (1845) Sybil, or The Two Nations.

Dodd, George (1856) The Food of London.

Dolby, Richard (1830) The Cook’s Dictionary and Housekeeper’s Directory. A New Family Manual, etc.

Eden, Frederic Morton (1797) The State of the Poor, 3 vols.

Engels, Frederick (1844) The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844, trans, by W.O. Henderson and W.H. Chaloner, 1958.

Family Economist (1848) A Penny Monthly Magazine directed to the Moral, Physical and Domestic Improvement of the Industrious Classes.

Fearon, Rev. H. (1857) Home Comfort: Working Life, How to Make it Happier.

‘Foreign Resident, A‘ (1886) Society in London.

Francatelli, Charles Elmé (1852) A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes, repub. 1977.

Francatelli, Charles Elmé (1911) The Modern Cook, edited by C. Herman Senn.

Gilman, Nicholas Paine (1899) A Dividend to Labour.

Green, F.E. (1913) The Tyranny of the Countryside.

Greg, W.R. (1831) An Enquiry into the State of the Manufacturing Population, and the Causes and Cures of the Evils Therein.

Haggard, H. Rider (1902) Rural England, 2 vols.

Halsham, John (1897) Idlehurst.

Hassall, Arthur Hill (1855) Food and its Adulterations: Comprising the Reports of the Analytical Sanitary Commission of the Lancet.

Hassall, Arthur Hill (1857) Adulterations Detected: or Plain Instructions for the Discovery of Frauds in Food and Medicine.

Hayward, Abraham (1852) The Art of Dining, or Gastronomy and Gastronomers.

Heath, Francis George (1874) The English Peasantry.

Heath, Francis George (1911) British Rural Life and Labour.

Hill, Benson E. (1841) The Epicure’s Almanack, or Diary of Good Living.

Holyoake, George Jacob (1908) The History of Co-operation.

Hooper, Mary (1878) Little Dinners: How to Serve them with Elegance and conomy, 13th edn.

Howitt, William (1862) The Rural Life of England, 3rd edn.

Hoyle, William (1871) Our National Resources, and How they are Wasted. An Omitted Chapter in Political Economy.

Hudson, W.H. (1902) Hampshire Days.

Ingestre, Viscount (ed.) (1852) Meliora, or Better Times to Come, 2nd edn.

Jackson, Henry (1758) An Essay on Bread.

Jeune, Lady (1895) Lesser Questions.

Kay, James Phillips (1832) The Moral and Physical Condition of the Working Classes Employed in the Cotton Manufacture in Manchester.

Kebbel, T.E. (1870) The Agricultural Labourer: a Short Summary of his Position.

Kenney-Herbert, A. (1894) Common-Sense Cookery for English House-holds, 2nd edn.

Kitchiner, William (1817 etc.) The Cook’s Oracle, containing Receipts for Plain Cookery on the most Economical Plan.

Kitchiner, William (1824) The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life, and Peptic Precepts, new edn.

Laing, Samuel (1844) National Distress: Its Causes and Remedies, Atlas Prize Essay.

Letheby, Henry (1868) On Food, being the substance of Four Cantor Lectures.

Levi, Leone (1871) The Liquor Trades.

Levi, Leone (1885) Wages and Earnings of the Working-Classes, Report to Sir Arthur Bass, MP.

London, Jack (1902) The People of the Abyss.

Lovett, William (1876 etc.) The Life and Struggles of William Lovett in his Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge and Freedom.

McCulloch, J.R. (1834 etc.) A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation.

Mallock, W.H. (1896) Classes and Masses, or Wealth, Wages and Welfare in the United Kingdom.

Marshall, A.B. (1879) Mrs Marshall’s Cookery Book, revised and enlarged edn.

Marshall, William (1817) A Review of the Reports to the Board of Agriculture from the Southern and Peninsular Departments of England.

Mayhew, Henry (1851) London Labour and the London Poor, vol. 1.

Meakin, J.E. Budgett (1905) Model Factories and Villages.

Mew, J. and Ashton, J. (1892) Drinks of the World.

Mitchell, John (1848) A Treatise on the Falsifications of Food, and the Chemical Means Employed to Detect Them.

Money, L. Chiozza (1911). Riches and Poverty.

Newnham-Davis, Lt.-Col. (1901) Dinners and Diners. Where and How to Dine in London.

Normandy, Alphonse (1850) The Commercial Handbook of Chemical Analysis.

Northcote, Stafford H. (1862) Twenty Years of Financial Policy.

Panton, Mrs J.E. (1885) From Kitchen to Garret: Hints to Young Householders.

Paris, J.A. (1826) A Treatise on Diet.

Peel, Mrs C.S. (1902) How to Keep House.

Peel, Mrs C.S. (1914) The Labour-Saving House.

Pereira, J. (1843) A Treatise on Food and Diet.

Porter, G.R. (1847/1851) The Progress of the Nation in its Various Social and Economical Relations.

Postgate, John (1857) A Few Words on Adulteration.

Puckler-Muskau, Prince (1830) Tour in England, Ireland and France in the Years 1828–9.

Read, George (1848) The History of the Baking Trade.

Reeves, Magdalen S.P. (1913) Round About a Pound a Week.

Rey, J. (c. 1914) The Whole Art of Dining, n.d.

Reynolds, M.E. (1848) The Complete Art of Cookery.

Robinson, H.M. and Cribb, C.H. (1895) The Law and Chemistry of Food and Drugs.

Rowntree, B. Seebohm (1901) Poverty: A Study of Town Life.

Rowntree, B. Seebohm and Kendall, May (1913) How the Labourer Lives: a Study of the Rural Labour Problem.

Rowntree, Joseph and Sherwell, Arthur (1900) The Temperance Problem and Social Reform, 8th edn.

Rundell, Mrs (‘A Lady‘) (1824) A System of Practical Domestic Economy, new edn.

Shadwell, Arthur (1902) Drink, Temperance and Legislation.

Shaw, Charles (1903) When I was a Child, repub. 1977.

Smiles, Samuel (1905) Thrift.

Smith, Albert (1855) The English Hotel Nuisance.

Smith, Edward (1864) Practical Dietary for Families, Schools and the Labouring Classes.

Somerville, Alexander (1843) A Letter to the Farmers of England on the Relationship of Manufactures and Agriculture, by One who has Whistled at the Plough.

Somerville, Alexander (1848) The Autobiography of a Working Man, by One who has Whistled at the Plough.

Somerville, Alexander (1852) The Whistler at the Plough.

Soyer, Alexis (1849) The Modern Housewife or Ménagère.

Soyer, Alexis (1855) A Shilling Cookery for the People.

Spencer, Edward (1900) Cakes and Ale. A Memory of Many Meals.

Sturgeon, Launcelot (? pseud.) (1822) Essays Moral, Philosophical and Stomachical on the Important Science of Good Living.

Thompson, Sir Henry (1884) Food and Feeding, 3rd edn.

Tuck, John (1822) The Private Brewer’s Guide.

Tuckwell, Rev. Canon (1895) Reminiscences of a Radical Parson.

Unwin, T. Fisher (ed.) (1905) The Hungry Forties. Life under the Bread Tax.

Ure, Andrew (1835) The Philosophy of Manufactures, or an Exposition of the Scientific, Moral and Commercial Economy of the Factory System, 3rd edn, 1861.

Ure, Andrew (1835) A Dictionary of Chemistry and Mineralogy, 4th edn.

Volent, F. and Warren, J.R. (eds) (1859) Memoirs of Alexis Soyer, rep. 1985.

Walsh, J.H. (1857) A Manual of Domestic Economy, new edn, 1873.

White, Arnold (ed.) (n.d.) The Letters of S.G.O. (Sidney Godolphin Osborne), 2 vols.

Woodin, J. (1852) The System of Adulteration and Fraud now Prevailing in Trade.

Woodin, J. (1852) The Central Co-operative Agency, … with Prefatory Remarks on Adulteration.

Wynter, Andrew (1869) Our Social Bees. Pictures of Town and Country Life, and other Papers, 10th edn.

Books published since 1914

Note: Place of publication is London unless otherwise indicated.

Adams, James S. (1974) A Fell Fine Baker. The Story of United Biscuits.

Alexander, D. (1970) Retailing in England during the Industrial Revolution.

Ashby, M.K. (1974) Joseph Ashby of Tysoe, 1859–1919.

Ashley, Sir William (1928) The Bread of our Forefathers, Oxford.

Astor, Viscount and Rowntree, B. Seebohm (1939) British Agriculture: The Principles of Future Policy.

Banks, J.A. (1965) Prosperity and Parenthood. A Study ofFamily Planning among the Victorian Middle Classes.

Barker, Theo and Drake, Michael (eds) (1982) Population and Society in Britain, 1850–1980.

Barker, T.C., McKenzie, J.C., and Yudkin, John (eds) (1966) Our Changing Fare. Two Hundred Years of British Food Habits.

Barker, T.C., Oddy, D.J., and Yudkin, John (1970) The Dietary Surveys of Dr Edward Smith, 1862–3. A New Assessment.

Barker, T.C. and Yudkin, John (eds) (1971) Fish in Britain. Trends in its Supply, Distribution and Consumption during the Past Two Centuries.

Barnett, L. Margaret (1985) British Food Policy during the First World War.

Battiscombe, Georgina (1949) English Picnics.

Beveridge, William H. (1928) Economic and Social History of the World War. British Food Control.

‘Bon Viveur‘ in London (the Daily Telegraph), n.d., c. 1950.

Boswell, James (ed.), (1969) JS 100. The Story of Sainsbury’s.

Bowley, A.L. (1921) Prices and Wages in the UK, 1914–1920.

Bowley, A.L. and Burnett-Hurst, A.R. (1915) Livelihood and Poverty. A Study in the Economic Conditions of Working-class Households in Northampton, Warrington, Stanley and Reading.

Bridge, Tom (1983) The Golden Age of Cookery, Bolton, Lanes.

Brockway, A. Fenner (1932) Hungry England.

Burnett, John (1982) Destiny Obscure. Autobiographies of Childhood, Education and Family from the 1820s to the 1920s.

Burnett, John (1986) A Social History of Housing, 1815–1985.

Burnett, John, Vincent, David, and Mayall, David (eds) (1984/1987) The Autobiography of The Working Class. An Annotated Critical Bibliography, vol. I, 1790–1900, vol. II, 1900–1945, Brighton.

Burnett, R.G. (1945) Through the Mill. The Life of Joseph Rank.

Calder, A. (1969) The People’s War.

Chambers, J.D. (1945) Modern Nottingham in the Making. Nottingham.

Clapham, J.H. (1926–38) An Economic History of Modern Britain, 3 vols. Cambridge.

Cohen, Ruth L. (1936) The History of Milk Prices.

Cole, G.D.H. and Postgate, Raymond (1938) The Common People, 1746–1938.

Cole-Hamilton, Isobel and Lang, Tim (1986) Tightening Belts. A Report on the Impact of Poverty on Food, The London Food Commission.

Constantine, Stephen (1983) Social Conditions in Britain, 1918–1939.

Cooper, Charles (n.d.) The English Table in History and Literature.

Corley, T.E.B. (1972) Quaker Enterprise in Biscuits. Huntley and Palmers of Reading, 1822–1972.

Crawford, Sir William and Broadley, H. (1938) The People’s Food.

Curtis-Bennett, Noel (1949) The Food of the People: The History of Industrial Feeding.

Cutting, C.L. (1955) Fish Saving. A History of Fish Processing from Ancient to Modern Times.

Daunton, M.J. (1983) House and Home in the Victorian City. Working-Class Housing,1850–1914.

Davidoff, Leonore (1973) The Best Circles: Society, Etiquette and the Season.

Davidoff, Leonore and Hall, Catherine (1987) Family Fortunes. Men and Women of the English Middle Class, 1780–1850.

Deerr, Noel (1949–50) The History of Sugar, 2 vols.

Deny, T.K. and Williams, Trevor I. (1960) A Short History of Technology, Oxford.

Dodds, John W. (1953) The Age of Paradox: A Biography of England, 1841–1851.

Driver, Christopher (1983) The British at Table, 1940–1980.

Drummond, J.C. et al. (1940) The Nation’s Larder, and the Housewife’s Part Therein, lectures delivered at the Royal Institution.

Drummond, J.C. and Wilbraham, Anne (1939) The Englishman’s Food. A History of Five Centuries of English Diet, 2nd edn, revised and enlarged by Dorothy Hollingsworth, 1958.

Dyer, Bernard and Mitchell, C. Ainsworth (1932) The Society of Public Analysts. Some reminiscences of its first fifty years.

Ernie, Lord (1961) English Farming Past and Present, 6th edn with Introduction by G.E. Fussell and O.R. McGregor.

Fielding, Sir Charles (‘Agricola‘) (1923) Food.

Filby, Frederick A. (1934) A History of Food Adulteration and Analysis.

Fussell, G.E. (1949) The English Rural Labourer.

Fussell, G.E. and Fussell, K.R. (1981) The English Countryman.

Graves, Robert and Hodge, Alan (1940) The Long Weekend. A Social History of Great Britain, 1918–1939.

Grey, Edwin (1934) Cottage Life in a Hertfordshire Village, repub. 1977, Harpenden, Herts.

Hammond, J.L. and Hammond B. (1917) The Town Labourer, 1760–1832.

Hampson, John (1944) The English at Table.

Hanssen, Maurice and Marsden, Jill (1984) E for Additives. The Complete E. Number Guide.

Harrison, B. (1971) Drink and the Victorians. The Temperance Question in England, 1815–1872.

Hasbach, W. (1920) A History of the English Agricultural Labourer, trans. Ruth Kenyon.

Herbert, S. Mervyn (1939) Britain’s Health.

Hewitt, Margaret (1958) Wives and Mothers in Victorian Industry.

Hilton, G.W. (1960) The Truck System.

Horn, Pamela (1980) The Rural World, 1780–1850. Social Change in the English Countryside.

Howe, Ellic (ed.) (1947) The London Compositor. Documents relating to Wages, Working Conditions, etc., 1785–1900.

Hugill, Antony (1978) Sugar and all that. A History of Tate and Lyle.

Hyde, H.M. (1951) Mr and Mrs Beeton.

Jefferys, James B. (1954) Retail Trading in Britain, 1850–1950.

Johnston, James P. (1977) A Hundred Years of Eating. Food, Drink and the Daily Diet in Britain since the late Nineteenth Century.

Jones, G. Stedman (1977) Outcast London.

Jones, Thomas G. (1944) The Unbroken Front. The Ministry of Food, 1916–1944. Personalities and Problems.

Kaye-Smith, Sheila (1945) Kitchen Fugue.

King, Frank A. (1947) Beer has a History.

Lang, Tim, Andrews, Hazel, Bedale, Caroline, and Hannon, Ed(1984) Jam Tomorrow. Report of a Pilot Study of the food circumstances, attitudes and consumption of 1,000 people on low incomes in the north of England, Food Policy Unit, Manchester Polytechnic.

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