
Abel-Smith, Brian 323324

Accum, Fredrick 8790, 222

Acton, Eliza 70, 206207

additives, food 320321; see also adulteration

adulteration of food; before 1850 87101; 1850–1914 216237; post-war 320321; legislation 227234, 320321; voluntary reform 222227

Adulteration of Foods Act (1860) 228229

Adulteration of Foods, Drink and Drugs Act (1872) 229230

advertising 261262

Advisory Committee on Nutrition 283

agricultural labourers:

1815–1850 2135, living standards 2835, wages 21, 2425, 28; 1850–1914 132155, 328, regional variations 141144, 149153, trade unions 134, 144, wages 110, 136138, 149, 153154

agriculture: ‘bondage’ system 3435; depression 2223; ‘Golden Age’ 134, 147; ‘health protective’ foods 257258; and imports 108, 116, 118, 147; and population growth 9; post-Napoleonic Wars 132155; wages 21, 2425, 28, 110, 136138, 149, 153154; World War I 255256; World War II 289

alcohol see beer; spirits

alcoholism 319

Allinson, Dr T.R. 236

Anti-Corn Law League 18

Arch, Joseph 138

aristocracy 6566, 192193; eating habits 197209; see also upper classes

Army: fitness of recruits 61, 187, 254; supplies for 244245

Ashley, Sir William 4

Asquith, H.H. 252

Assizes of Bread and Ale 87, 92, 94, 96

Atwater, Professor 154

Austen, Jane 67

Australia, imported meat from 116117, 256

baking see bread; confectionery

ball suppers 197198

Banks, J.A. 206

banquets 74, 195, 197, 266

Barnett, Dr Margaret 252

Barnsby, Dr G. 108

Bartley, Sir George Christopher 145

Battiscombe, Georgina 204

Baxter, Dudley 65, 66, 108

beer: adulteration of 8889, 9293, 9699, 220221, 234235; brewing industry 119120; competition 9697; consumption 1617, 4950, 107, 112113, 115, 175176, 319; home-brewing 57, 9293; see also public houses

Beerhouse Act (1830) 16, 49, 96, 220

Beeton, Mrs Isabella, menus etc. 197200, 204208

Bell, Lady 180, 183184

Beveridge, Sir William, later Baron 244, 245, 248

Billingsgate market 13

Bird, Alfred 214

Bird’s Eye 310, 322

Birmingham 3, 223

birth rate 296, 301

biscuits 123

Black Report, Inequalities in Health (1980) 315

Blackwell, Thomas 224225

Blincoe, Robert 46

Boer War, fitness of recruits 61, 187, 236, 243

books, cookery and domestic

economy: for middle and upper classes 6973, 7679, 197199, 204210, 265, 318; for working classes 27, 43, 165166

Booth, Charles 109, 179

Booth, General William 179, 195196

Bosanquet, S.R. 5456

Bourne, Stephen 111112

Bowley, Prof. A.L. 108, 176

Boyd Orr, John 269270, 271272, 274

brand names 261262

Bransby, Dr E.R. 296

bread: adulteration of 88, 9192, 96, 217, 221, 227, 232234; and agricultural labourers 140141; Assize 92, 94, 96; baking industry 120122; brown 4, 236237; consumption of 4, 910, 112113, 140141, 187, 282, 306308; home-baking 5, 27; and imported wheat 116; wartime 247, 29192; white 4, 121, 236237, 308; wholemeal 236237

Bread and Food Reform League 236

breakfast: cereals 214, 261, 264; Royal Court 194, 266; surveys 275276, 314315; upper classes 67

brewing see beer

Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme 83, 199

British Association for the Advancement of Science 112

British Medical Association 271

British Restaurants 293

Brockway, Fenner 286

Buchanan, Ian 124

budgets, household:

before 1850, agricultural

labourers 25, middle and upper classes 7579, town workers 5060;

1850–1914, agricultural

labourers 146155, town workers 169188;

between the wars 266, 269280;

1950–1985 305309;

1985 302303;

Burn, J.D. 223

butter: adulteration of 221;

consumption of 113, 125, 142, 249, 266268, 305; import of 257

Buxton, C.R. 153

Cadbury’s 168169

cafés 122, 128, 263264

Caird, Sir James 10, 11, 136137

calories: agricultural labourers’ diets 23, 142143, 154; town workers’ diets 59, 179; World War I rationing 245, 247, 249250; between the wars 266; World War II rationing 291292; post-war 323

Cambridgeshire 152

Cameron, Dr Charles 228229

canning 116117, 213214, 261

Cannon, Geoffrey 321, 327

canteens, industrial 247248, 293

Cantlie, James 187

capitalism, and growth of the middle classes 6566 see also industrialization

carbohydrates 9, 140, 266

Cardiff, children’s nutrition 272273

Carême, Antonin 73, 199

cereals 910; breakfast 214, 261, 264

Chadwick, Edwin 158

Chaloner, Dr W.H. 14

Chamberlain, Joseph 119

chandler’s shops 4445

cheese 113, 125, 142, 257, 266268, 305

Child, Samuel 92

Child Poverty Action Group 324

children: care of 162, 164, 251; diet of 109, 188, 243244, 251, 272273, 315316; growth of 296297; infant mortality 61, 124125, 187, 285286, 296; school milk and meals 188, 243, 285, 292293, 315316

China, tea from 118, 219, 234

chips 117118

chocolate 124

chop houses 82, 168

Churchill, Sir Winston S. 293

Clapham, Dr J.H. 6

Clark, Colin 260

Clarke, Allen 178

class: and consumption 6667, 270, 274283, 322324; and health 270, 315, 326

clubs 81, 83

coal: mining 5254, 169170; prices 5_6, 164165

Cobbett, William 5, 6, 10, 2527

cocoa 114115, 124, 268

coffee: adulteration of 99, 217, 221; consumption of 1516, 113114, 268, 306, 308; -houses 81, 114115

Cole, G.D.H. 66

Colmore, G. 210

colouring, food 100, 217218, 224227, 321322; see also additives; adulteration

Committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA) 308, 327

competition 9597, 256; see also retailing

confectionery 100, 227, 306

consumption levels: 1850–1914 112114, 151, 185186; 1909–1934 267268; 1934–1938 259; 1950–1985 302309; and class 6667, 270, 274283, 322324; see also foods by name

‘convenience’ foods 307, 309310

cooking, Victorian era 164165

Co-operative Movement 125126, 225226, 259, 262

Copley, Esther 27

Corn Laws 1314

Cornwall 140141

cotton industry 48, 56, 178, 268; and American Civil War 161162, 174

Coventry 40, 158, 172

Crawford, Sir William, food survey 274283

Crawford, W.S., Ltd 313

Crimean War 30

Cumberland 140141, 143

Customs and Excise Department 13, 94, 99, 234; see also tariffs

dairy produce see butter; milk; etc.

Dana, Richard 198

David, Elizabeth 318

Davies, Rev. David 9, 10, 22, 23

Davies, Maude F. 154

death: by food adulteration 97, 100, 227; infant mortality 61, 124125, 187, 285286, 296; malnutrition and 270271; by starvation 54, 180181

debt 4444, 57

dehydration of food 291

De Quincey, Thomas 69

Derbyshire 143, 152153

Devon 143, 147, 148

Devonport, Lord 245

diet see food

dietetics 236

Digby, Dr Anne 33

dinner: evening 6869; menus 7778, 207208; midday 276277, 313; middle classes 207208; post-war 314; Royal Court 68, 81, 193197

dinner-parties 67, 192193; menus 7274, 7981, 199202 middle classes 206 Regency 7071 World War II 294

Disraeli, Benjamin 64, 75

distribution, food see retailing; transport

doctors see medical profession

Dodd, George 120, 124

Dolby, Richard 7172

domestic industry 140, 144, 171174

domestic servants 39, 7577, 79, 192, 210211

Dorset 140, 143, 148, 153

D’Oyly Carte Company 203

drinking see beer; spirits

Driver, Christopher 318

Drouitt’s Institution 97

drugs see under adulteration

Drummond, Sir John 243, 245, 248, 290291

drunkenness 175176, 319

Dukinfield, family budgets 5659

Durham 140

East Anglia: agricultural labourer’s diet 3133, 138; poverty and riots 24, 31, 35

Eden, Sir Frederic 4, 29

Education Code (1876) 165

Education (Medical Inspections) Act (1907) 188, 243

Education (Provision of Meals) Act(1906) 188, 243

Edward VII, King 195196

eggs 113, 256, 266268, 305306

Elizabeth II, Queen 266

Engels, Friedrich 4, 38, 44, 5758

entrées 201202

Equitable Pioneers of Rochdale 125, 226

Ernie, Rowland Prothero, Baron 21

Escoffier, Auguste 203

‘European’diet 311

European Economic Community (EEC), membership of 327328

families, size of: and diet 271272; and Poor Relief 24; post-war 302, 303, 323324

farming see agriculture; agricultural labourer

fats 9, 266268, 292; see also butter; etc.

Felix (chef) 73

fibre, dietary 326327

Fielding, Sir Charles 255

Filby, Dr Frederick A. 87

fish: canned 213; and chips 117118, 128; consumption of 1213, 113114, 117118, 266268, 305, 307; transport of 8, 12

fitness, national: and Boer War 61, 187, 236, 243; policy 254255; and World War I 61, 254

Flux, Sir Alfred 113


1815–1850, adulteration 86101, agricultural labourers 2135, industrialization 318, town workers 3861, upper classes 6483

1850–1914, adulteration 216237, living standards, supplies, etc. 107128, rural areas 132155, towns 158188, upper classes 192214

1914–present day, World War I 243252, between the wars 254287, World War II 289297, 1945–1985 300328

Food Act (1984) 321

Food Advisory Committee 321

Food and Drugs Act (1955) 320

Food Policy Unit, Manchester Polytechnic 325

foreign food 312; French cooking 7073, 7980, 193

Fox, Arthur Wilson 150, 151

Francatelli, Charles Elme 42, 81, 166

Fraser, Rev. J. 144

free trade: and adulteration 94; and agriculture 108, 147; end of 256257; see also tariffs

French, Henry Leon 290

French cooking 7071, 73, 7980, 193

frozen foods 309310

fruit: canned 213, 261; consumption of 113, 266268, 305; imported 119, 256257

fuel, cost of 56, 164165

Fuller, Prof. John 318

Gallup Polls 312, 316

Game laws 139

George V.King 197, 265266

Germany: meat imports from 116; trade 108; World War I 244246; World War II 291292, 296

Giffen, Robert 110, 176

Gilbert’s Act (Poor Law) 24

Girdlestone, Canon Edward 134, 147

Goderich, Viscount 228

Good Food Guide 318

Goulburn, Henry 96

government, food policy: adulteration 227234, 320321; World War I 244252; between the wars 285286; World War II 289297, 303; school meals and milk 188, 243, 285, 292293, 315316; present day 327; see also Parliamentary Committees: Royal Commissions

Great Exhibition 160

Greg, W.R. 160161

groceries: adulteration 97, 225; branded goods 261262; retailing 144145, 125128, 258261, 311

Gronow, Captain Rees 7071

Haggard, H. Rider 150151

Halsey, Prof. A.H. 300

Halsham, John 139

Hamill, Dr J.M. 236

Hampshire 22, 140, 149

Hasbach, DrW. 134

Hassall, Dr A.H. 97, 99, 100, 216218, 222228

Hayward, Abraham 7374, 83

health: and adulteration (q.v.) 223225, 228229; and class 270, 315, 326; and diet 326327; and malnutrition 31, 180181, 243, 270271, 286

health foods 261262

Heath, Francis George 132133, 145146, 148, 153

Heinz, H.J. 214

Hemans, Felicia 132

Henderson, Dr W.O. 14

Hewitt, Dr Margaret 124, 164, 166

Hobsbawm, Prof. E.J. 12, 41

Hobson, John A. 167

Hollingsworth, Dorothy 248

Holyoake, George Jacob 125, 226

Home and Colonial Stores 123, 127, 259260

Hooper, Mary 208

Hopkins, F.G. 236

Horner, Leonard 44

Horniman, John 126

hors d’oeuvres 201202

horses, keeping 79

hotels 82, 202204, 318319

housing, and health 158, 271

Hovis Bread Company 237

Howard, Dr 54

Hoyle, William 175

Hudson, W.H. 133

Huntley & Palmer 123

imports, food 9, 1114, 115119, 255259, 289290; duties 1314, 115, 160161

incomes see wages

Industrial Revolution 3, 38, 107

industrial unrest 246

industrialization 34, 3839, 107, 162

infant: mortality 61, 124125, 187, 285286, 296; welfare see under children

inflation 109, 300

influenza epidemic 248

inns 8283, 96

Ireland 27, 60, 140

Jago, William 122

jam 124

Jefferies, Richard 133

Jeune, Lady 200, 202

Johnson, Dr Samuel 67

Jones, Caradog 284

Kay, Dr James Phillips 28, 54

Kaye-Smith, Sheila 294

Kebbel, T.E. 144

Kelloggs, breakfast survey 314

Kemble, Fanny 68

Kenney-Herbert, A. 202

Kitchiner, Dr William 69, 70, 7677

labourers see agricultural labourers; town workers

Laing, Samuel 158159, 162

Lancashire: agriculture 144; cotton industry 5657, 161162, 174

Lancet, campaign against food adulteration 216, 218, 222225

Lankester, Dr Edward 227

Layard, G.S. 210

LePlay 170

Leeds 3, 127, 158, 226

Letheby, Dr Henry 228229

Levi, Prof. Leone 110, 115

Lewis, R., and Maude, J. 65

Licensing Act (1921) 262

Lincolnshire 3334, 143

Lipton, Thomas 123, 127, 259260

Liverpool 96, 120, 227

living standards: agricultural labourers 2835; and industrialization 3941, 158159; 1850–1914 107115; post-war 300301

Lloyd George, David 254, 255

London 7, 120, 168, 176, 278; child health 250251; food adulteration 220, 223; hotels 203204; poverty 179181

London Coal Company 4748

Lovett, William 52

luncheon 6768

Lyons, Joseph, teashops 122, 128, 264

Macaulay, Thomas Babington 68

McCulloch, J.R. 90

McGonigle, DrG.C.M. 271

McGovern, George, US Senator 326327

McKenzie, J.C. 311

McNab, Dr Henry 48

Mallock, W.H. 110

malnutrition, and physical deterioration 31, 180181, 243, 270271, 286 see also starvation

Malthus, Rev. Thomas 24

Manchester 3; retail prices 18, 43; working-class budgets 5660

Mann, H.H. 153

Marcet, Dr 223

margarine 114, 123, 249, 266268, 304306

Marks & Spencer 321322

Marx, Karl 108

Mauduit, Vicomte de 294

Mayhew, Henry 13, 91, 117, 126, 167

Maypole Dairy Company 123, 127, 260

Meakin, J.E. 168169

meals: agricultural labourers 143144; ‘ideal’ 316317; middle classes 210213; patterns 313314; Royal Court 68, 81, 193197; school 188, 243, 293, 315316; see also breakfast; dinner; etc.

meat: and agricultural labourers 141142, 152; consumption of 1112, 112113, 141142, 249, 266268, 283, 305, 307; imported 1112, 116117, 256257; transport of 78; World War I 247, 249

medical profession: and adulteration 223225, 228229; government health policies 244; and nutrition 244, 271273, 284285

Medical Research Committee 244, 284

Ménager, M., Royal Chef 194

Metropolitan Brewing Company 225

microwave ovens 301

middle classes 39, 6566, 265; budgets 265; cookery books 6973, 7679, 197199, 204210, 265; food of 206212

Middlesborough, poverty in 180, 183184

milk: adulteration of 98, 217, 227; bars 264; for children 162, 164; condensed 124125; consumption of 114, 124, 142, 152, 266268, 304305; in schools 285, 292; supply of 177; transport of 8

milling 120121, 259; and adulteration 95, 236

Millstone, Dr Erik 321

Ministry of Food: World War I 248; World War II 290291, 293, 297

Mitchell, John 9192, 221, 222

monarchy see Edward; George; Victoria

monopoly, and adulteration 95

Montizambert, Elizabeth 263

More, Hannah and Martha 4849

Morrison, W.S. 290

munitions workers, diet of 247

Napoleonic Wars 2123, 65, 70

National Advisory Council on Nutrition Education (NACNE) 308, 327

National Catering Inquiry 318

‘National Efficiency’ 187188

National Food Survey Reports 304, 313, 322323, 324325

National Insurance Act (1911) 188

Neild, William 5659 New Zealand, imports from 117, 256, 296

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, diets 273274

Newnham-Davis, Lieut-Col 203204, 318

Norfolk 33, 138, 153

Normandy, Dr Alphonse 93, 218

Northumberland: agricultural labourers 31, 3435, 140141, 150; miners 5254, 169170

Norwich 4, 120

Nottinghamshire: agricultural

labourers 143

framework-knitters 51

obesity 311

Oddy, Prof. Derek J. 9, 25, 113114

Odling, Prof. William 227

Oldknow, Samuel 47

Orr, John Boyd 269270, 271272, 274

Orwell, George 283, 286

Osborne, Rev. Lord Sidney Godolphin 133, 138139

Overcrowding Survey Report 271

Owen, Robert 48

Oxfordshire 140, 149, 153

Panton, J.E. 209

Paris, J.A. 90

Parliamentary Papers and Reports: (1815) Select Committee on Assize of Bread 92; (1824) Select Committee on Rate of Agricultural Wages 2425; (1831–1832) Select Committee on Regulation of Factories 47; (1834) Select Committee on Handloom Weavers‘ Petitions 13; (1836) Select Committee on Agricultural Distress 18; (1837–1838) Select Committee of the House of Lords on the Poor Law Amendment Act 28; (1842) Royal Commission on Children’s Employment (Mines) 47; (1843) Select Committee on Employment of Women and Children in Agriculture 31; (1850) Select Committee of the House of Lords on Sale of Beer 220; (1853–1854) Select Committee on Public Houses 220221; (1855–1856) Select Committee on Adulteration of Food 218219, 224, 227; (1862) Report on Grievances of the Journeymen Bakers 96, 122, 227; (1863) Report on Food of the Poorer Labouring Classes 111, 139144, 162165, 171174; (1867–1870) Reports of Commissions on Children’s Young Persons’ and Women’s Employment in Agriculture 144; (1871) Commissions on the Truck System 4546 (1874) Select Committee on Adulteration of Food Act, 1872 230; (1880–1881) Annual Reports of Local Government Board 231234; (1882) Royal Commission on Agricultural Depression 148; (1893) Royal Commission on Labour (Agricultural Labourer) 149150; (1893) Royal Commission on Liquor Licensing Laws 128; (1899) Report on the Aged Deserving Poor 180; (1901–1903) Royal Commission on Arsenical Poisoning 235; (1903) Report on British and Foreign Trade and Industry 151; (1904) Inter-Departmental Committee on Physical Deterioration 180, 187; (1905–1909) Royal Commission on the Poor Law 180; (1917) Royal Commission on Industrial Unrest 246; (1918) Report on Working-class Cost of Living 250251

Peckham Pioneer Health Centre 270

Peel, Mrs C.S. 210, 265

Pereira, Jonathan 90

Phillips, George 91, 99, 165, 221

Piachaud, David 324

picnics 204206

Pilgrim Trust 272

pleasure gardens 168

poaching 139

‘points’ scheme of rationing 293295

Poor Laws 2324; reform, 1834 28; Speenhamland system 5, 24

poor relief 144, 158

population: agricultural 134135; and employment 163; and industrialization 3, 38; and overcrowding 271; post-war 301; upper and middle classes 6566

pork 1112, 22, 146147

Porter, G.R. 10, 15, 79

Postgate, Dr John 223224, 227, 229

Postgate, Raymond 318

potatoes 1011; chips 117118; consumption 27, 113114, 141, 249, 266268; crisps 261

poverty: and agriculture 2835, 133139; and industry 4142, 109; ‘line’ 109, 283284; town workers 179187, 211; York survey 179180, 181182, 211; 1815–1850 2835, 4142; 1850–1914 109, 133139, 179187; between the wars 283284; 1965–1983 323324


food 1518, 185186, fluctuations 28, 4243, Napoleonic Wars and 2122, World Wars 250, 292, 295;

fuel 56, 164165

processed foods 309

proteins: before 1850 9; 1850–1914 59, 142143, 154; between the wars 266268; World War II rationing 292

public houses: food sold 128, 168, 262, 319; reform movement 176; ‘tying’ of 95, 127128

Pükler-Muskau, Prince 71

Purdy 28

purity of food 225226, 230235, 319322

railways 8, 169

Rank, Joseph 121, 258259

rationing: World War I 245247, 250; World War II 291295; post-war 303

Reading, poverty in 180

recipe books see books

Reeves, Mrs M. Pember 186187

Reform Club 42, 74, 81

refrigeration 117, 1971, 256; see also frozen food

Renner, H.D. 167

rents: agriculture 25, 3132; towns 5160 passim, 170

restaurants 8283, 262263, 317318

retailing, food 4445, 125128, 167, 259260

Reynolds, M.E. 70, 80

Rhondda, David Thomas, Viscount 246, 248, 252

Rice, Margery Spring 286

Richardson, Dr T.L. 22

Ridley, George 220

riots, food 24, 35, 51

Ritz, César 203

road-houses 263

Roberts, Robert 186187, 251

Rochdale Pioneers 125, 226

Roseveare, M.P. 294

Rowntree, B. Seebohm, studies: agricultural labourers 154155; poverty line 109, 284; York 179180, 181182, 211

Rowntree, Joseph 115, 175

Runciman, Walter, Baron 244

Rundell, Mrs Maria Elizabeth 5253, 70, 7576, 79

Ruskin, John 4

Russia, influence on meal service 200

Sadler, Michael 47

Sainsbury, J.J. 127, 260

St Helier, Lady 195

Salaman, Dr R.N. 9, 10, 11

Sale of Food and Drugs Act (1875) 230232

Sale of Food and Drugs Act (1899) 234

Salford, diets 186187, 251

Salvation Army 179, 181, 195

Sanitary Commission Bread Company 225

schools: meals 188, 243, 293, 315316; milk 285, 292

Scotland 29

Scott, Wentworth Lascelles 229

Senn, Herman 202

Shaw, Charles 4950

Sheffield 78

Sherwell, Arthur 115, 175

shops, food 4445, 125128, 167, 259260

Simmons, P.L. 99

Simon, André 262

slimming 314

Smiles, Samuel 175

Smith, Adam 94

Smith, Dr Edward, studies: agricultural labourers’ diet 111112, 140144, 328 minimum subsistence levels 139140; national food inquiry 139144; publications 166, 223; Reports to Privy Council 162165, 171174 town workers’diet 162165

Smithfield market 12

Social Democratic Federation 179

Society of Public Analysts 9899, 231232

Somerset 140, 147, 148, 230

Somerville, Alexander 11, 5860, 138

Soyer, Alexis 7475, 7779; publications 74, 166; soup kitchens 42, 60, 74

Spencer, Edward 168

Spiller Ltd 258259

spirits, consumption of 115, 175, 319

Staffordshire 49, 140, 153, 229

starvation 54, 180181

state, food policy see government

Statistical Society surveys: household budgets 176178; Lancashire cotton workers 5659

stoves, cooking 42, 164165

street-traders 167168

Sturgeon, Launcelot 71

Suffolk 5, 32

sugar: adulteration of 218;

consumption of 1415, 113114, 142, 249, 266268, 283, 305307;

imports 257

Sugar Commission 244

Sumner, John Hamilton, Viscount 250

supper 279, 314315

supplies of food see agriculture; imports; shops; etc., also bread; meat; milk; etc.,

tariffs, food 1314, 115, 160161, 256257; and adulteration 94, 97

tastes 4, 6667, 310311, 316317

tea: adulteration of 89, 91, 217220, 226, 234; ‘afternoon’ 68, 278, 313314, 316; consumption of 4, 1416, 113114, 268, 306, 308; ‘high’ 276279; imports 118119; retailing of 126127, 226; teashops 128, 264, 316

technology: domestic appliances 301302; food industry 119125

Technology Assessment Consumerism Centre (TACC) 326

Temperance Movement 50, 175176

Thompson, Sir Henry 166

Titmuss, R.M. 251, 286

town workers:

1800–1850 3861, budgets 5060;

1850–1914 158188, budgets 169188;

see also middle classes; urbanization

Townsend, Peter 323323

trade unions: agriculture 134, 144; factories 107, 161

transport of food 78, 12, 177

Tremenheere, H.S. 121122

truck system 4546

Tschumi, Gabriel, Royal Chef 194, 266

Tuckwell, Rev. Canon 148149

Ude, Louis Eustache 73

unemployment: agriculture 2324; towns 41, 108; between the wars 268269, 283284; 1945–1985 300, 324325

United Dairies 260261

United States of America: Civil War, and UK cotton industry 161162, 174; diet 311, 326327; imports from 11, 116117, 214, 261, 291

Universal Purveyor Company 225

Unwin, T. Fisher 29, 35

upper classes: 1800–1850 6483; 1850–1914 108109, 192214; between the wars 264265

urbanization 34, 7, 38; see also town workers

Ure, Dr Andrew 48, 90

vegetables: consumption of 30, 113, 266268, 305; imported 257; transport of 8;

Victoria, Queen, and food 68, 73, 81, 193195

villages, and industrialization 36

vitamins 248, 261, 282, 295

wages: agriculture 21, 2425, 28, 110, 136138, 149, 153154; industry 40, 110111, 158159; national income distribution 65, 109, 274

Wakley, Thomas 216217, 222

Wales 7, 140

Walker, Caroline 321

Walker, Thomas 80

Walsh, J.H. 206

Wanklyn, Professor 232

Ward, John 161, 174

Warington, Robert 218219

Webb, Sidney and Beatrice 188

welfare schemes 168169, 187188, 243, 285286

Westmorland 140

wheat 4, 9, 13, 116, 244, 256257

Wilbraham, Anne 248

Williams, Lady 270271

Williams, Prof. E.F. 11

Wilson, Dr George 16

Wiltshire 31, 140, 143

wine 80, 113, 319; adulteration 86

Winter, J.M. 251

women: agricultural work 144; domestic work 213, 302; factory work 44, 159; maternal mortality 270271; and poverty 286; shopping 261; upper classes 68

Wood, Thomas 159160

Woodin, Joseph 219, 226

Woolton, Lord 291

workhouses 28, 31, 96, 216

working classes see agricultural labourers; town workers World War I 243252; consumption 248250; food control 243247, 250; munitions work 147; nutrition 244, 247248; unfit conscripts 61, 254

World War II 289297; food control 289295; nutrition 295296; prices 297

Yates, May 236

York, poverty in 179180, 181182, 211

Yorkshire 31, 34, 144

Young, Arthur 137

Yudkin, Prof. John 143, 310

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