
Page numbers in italics denotes an illustration/table.

Abercombie & Kent 100

Academia de Marketing 227


ADVB-Japan 227

Aehwa Park 245

African National Congress 66

Ahl, Helene 253


Alex Toys 14

Algara 14

Algeria 231

Alicia Escobosa Banquetes (Mexico) 15869; advertising 164; beginnings 15961; and competition 1656; continued professionalization 1638; customer base 166; employees 1645, 165, 168; equipment 164; expansion 1623, 167; growing of 1613; impact of financial crisis 169; purchase of SUV 1601; recent developments 1689; salmonella scare 162; and suppliers 15960

alpaca 195

Alvear Palace Hotel (Buenos Aires) 1034

Amado, Paloma 87, 89

Ancharya, Anu 3545 see also Ocimum Biosolutions

Angulo, Ibó 1121 see also Jugaré

Aoki, Chieko 2219 see also Blue Tree Hotels

Aoki Construction 221, 222

Argentina 93, 1012; annual foreign tourist expenditures in 102; annual tourist arrivals to 101; devaluation of peso 102, 103; and el corralito 102, 103; hotels 101, tourist industry 98, 100, 103; see also Mai10

Art Atlas (Peru) 194206; charitable projects 2034; and fair trade 194; order processing 201; origins and setting up 1958; quality and fair employment as defining characteristics 1989; recruitment of employees 1967; sustainability 2013; training and employment program 200, 2023, 205; wages 202; winning formula of 1989

Art Atlas Foundation 2034

Ash, Mary Kay 138

Ashoka 208, 209

Association for the Centennial of Japanese Immigration 227

Aswan High Dam 212

Azza Fahmy (Egypt) 12535; challenges in selling jewellery internationally 134; collections and marketing 1313; competition 133; copying of products problem 133; factory 127, 128, 129; growth and organization 12731; incentive schemes 131; shops opened 127; strategic options for the future 134; success and profits 126; workflow organization and decision making 131

Bangkok Post 214

Bank of Tanzania 24

Barrenechea, Maita 93104, see also Mai10

bbmundo (Mexico) 10512; beginnings 1078; challenges faced 112; funding 108; growth of 10811; headquarters 106; launching of monthly magazine 10911; launching of website 1078

Bhatia, Sunny 156

Biospectrum 44

Biotracker 367, 389

Black Economic Empowerment Act (2003) (South Africa) 66, 67

Blue Tree Hotels (Brazil) 2219; beginnings 2223; challenges in managing 226; expansion 223; impact of economic crisis on 223; incorporation of Japanese concepts into 2245, 228; and ki concept 2245; name 222; special services for women at 228; training and educating of employees 226

Boserup, Ester: Woman’s Role in Economic Development 251

Bottega Venetta 133

Brazil 79; average yearly income 79; coffee industry 578, 59, 60 see also Café Helena; entrepreneurial environment in 801; illiteracy rate 79; impediments to women in business 7980; Japanese immigrants in 2234; number of women entrepreneurs in 228; see also Blue Tree Hotels; unemployment 79

Brazil Women Entrepreneur of the Year 60

Brazilian Coffee Industry Association (ABIC) 58

Brazilian Events Academy 227

Brazilian Speciality Coffee Association (BSCA) 58

Brazilians: warmth and generosity of 225

BTVM 120

Business Council of Latin America (CEAL) 227

Business Leaders Group (LIDE) 227

cable television industry (China) 114, 118

Caesar Park Hotels 2212

Caesar Towers Hotels and Resorts 222

Café Helena (Brazil) 5562; decision to focus on gourmet coffee and coffee varieties produced 5960; early challenges 567; foreign markets issue 61; future 601; Monte Alto Plantation 556, 58, 58, 59; tourism project 61

Calvo, José García 98, 100

capitalism 249

Catersource 161

Cerca de Ti (tv show) 110

Chan, Angela 11322 see also i-Vision

Charme d’Orient 2308; birth of 2334; clients 234; competition and future risks 237; future 2378; and hair removal 2334; location of 2356; marketing approach 2367; origins 2312; products 234; training of aestheticians 236

China: cable television industry 114, 118; dam construction 215; digitalization of cable television 117, 118; ethnic Koreans in 2402, 245; and guanxi 115; mobile telecom market 119; and mobile television 11921; see also i-Vision; Shokay

China Mobile Multimedia Broadcast (CMMB) 1201

Chongming Island (China) 1856

Chu, Jocelyn 1867

Chyau, Carol 18293 see also Shokay

Clark, Helen 34

coffee industry (Brazil) 578, 59, 60 see also Shokay

Comercial Mexicana 14, 20

CONADI (National Corporation of Indigenous Development) 17

Consejo Regulador de Talavera 141

Cortés, Laura 1121, see also Jugaré

Dadá (Aldaci dos Santos) 7792; background 778; building blocks for restaurant business 823; building a brand 856; and differentiation 85; early influences 812; first restaurant 834; growth aspirations 8990; growth of restaurant business and opening of new restaurants 845, 89; impact of financial crisis (2007–2009) 90; lessons of over-expansion 878; management style 878, 889; profits made 89; restaurant business 78, 801; and self-fulfilment 90

dams 207, 21213

Debayle, Martha 6, 10512 see also bbmundo

Deetes, Pianporn 20717 see also Living River Siam

Deetes, Tuenjai 208, 209

destination management companies (DMCs) 93, 100

Deutsche Bank 31

Díaz, Hilda 1121 see also Jugaré

Dionne, Aissa 5

discrimination 72, 255, 2567, 268

diwaniya 150

Dourado (Brazil) 56

Drayton, Bill 208

ECHO Foundation 173, 1745, 179, 1801

economic development: contributions of women/women entrepreneurs to 34, 24950, 2513

economic dynamism 250

Egypt 126; see also Azza Fahmy

Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) 213

Endeavor 109

enterprise resource planning (ERP) 18

entrepreneurship 17, 249, 251258

Escobosa, Alicia 15869 see also Alicia Escobosa Banquetes

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta 252

Euromonitor International 60

Exim Bank 31

Fahmy, Azza 4, 12535, see also Azza Fahmy

feminist theory 254

fertility 258

finance, access to 5, 255

financial crisis (2007–2009) 90, 1534; impact of on Alicia Escobosa 169; impact of on Global Investment House 1534; impact of on hotel industry 223

Financial Leasing Act (2008) (Tanzania) 30

Fitch 154

Ford Motor Company 108

Francesconi, Louise 74

funding discrimination 5

GBF (Global Bridge Fund) 29, 31, 33

GBM Gruop Bursátil Mexicano 107

gender: as a challenge 1034; impact of on entrepreneurship patterns 252, 2537

Gene Logic 38, 39, 40, 42

Ghaly, Amina 128, 130, 131

Ghaly, Fatma 12830, 131, 134

Ghaly, Nabil 127

Al Gharaballi, Sameer A. 150

Al Ghunaim, Maha 14757, see also Global Investment House

Global Investment House (Kuwait) 14757; business strategy 1513; downgrading of by Fitch 154; establishment and formation of management team 14950; financial data 152; hiring women for leadership positions 150; impact of financial crisis 1534; losses 1545, 156; management team changes 1556; restructuring of and changes in strategy 1557; seminars for women 151; success and profits 147

Global Bridge Fund see GBF

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 5, 258

Gobi Partners 11617

Grameen Bank 182

Green Directory 50

Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy (South Africa) 66

guanxi 115

Güvenç, Nejla 4654 see also Nej

Han Okhee 2434

hanbok 239, 2428

Hasbro 13

HIV/AIDS (Tanzania) 24

Huet, Marcela 1121 see also Jugaré

hydroelectricity 213

i-Vision (China) 11322; awards won 114; building of mobile Internet (Pocket TV) 1212; challenges 118; evolution of 11719; and guanxi 115; initial project with SOE 115; investment in by Gobi Partners 11617; and iTV solution 118; market background 11415; and mobile television 11920; and Olympics (2008) 120

Imaginarium 14

imitators 243

India see Ocimum Biosolutions

International Day of Action for Rivers 209, 215

International Finance Corporation (IFC) 29, 37

Internet 101

Isogen Life Sciences 378

Istanbul Textile and Apparel Exporters’ Union (ITKIB) 51

Japanese: in Brazil 2234

Jugaré (Mexico) 1121; birth of idea 1213; cost structure by product 18; design and production process 1719; devising a strategy for growth 20; first steps 1517; franchising option 20; quarterly income statement by store 16; success of 15; and toy industry in Mexico 1315

Juguetes Nip 14

kaizen 228

Kasuri, Nasreen 5

Kikwete, Jakaya Mrisho 30

Kisyombe, Victoria 1, 2234 see also SELFINA

Kkubana, Janet 6

knitting ayis 1857

Korean Autonomous Prefecture 239, 241, 242

Koreans: and hanbok 239, 242; living in China 2402, 245

Kumar, Vinay 44

Kuwait: and diwaniya 150; see also Global Investment House

Kuwait Foreign Trade and Investment Company (KFTCIC) 1489

Kuwait Investment Authority 153

Kuwait Stock Exchange 153, 154, 156

labor market, segregation of by gender 252

LabRed 109

Lau, Wai-Kit 116, 117, 119

legal discrimination 4, 2567

liberal feminist theory 254

LIDEM 221, 227

LIFE factors 139

Lious, Marie 183

Living River Siam (Thailand) 20717; agenda 20910; challenges of international water politics 21216; collecting information on river ecosystems 21112; headquarters 210, 210; and proposed Mekong river dam 207, 214, 21516; and proposed Salween river dam 21415; protecting rivers strategy 21011; Thai Baan research 21112, 214, 216

Lungareddy, Subash 36, 43

Macdonald, Julien 134

Magalhaes, Antonio Carlos 85

Mai10 (Argentina) 93104; challenges 1003; early development 947; economic problems faced by 1013; expansion of 97100; keys to success 100; and marketing 98; meaning of name 93; profits 100

Mandela, Nelson 66, 73, 74

Mattel 13

Mazumdar-Shaw, Kiram 6

Mekong River 2078, 21516

Mekong River Commission 215, 21516

Mexican Ministry of Culture 144

Mexico: catering industry 167 see also Alicia Escobosa Banquetes; recession 144; starting a business in by women 138; status of female occupations 138; toy industry in 1315 see also Jugaré; Talavera de la Reyna

México Analítica 107

micro and small enterprises (MSEs) 250

Mihwa Ryu 245, 246

mobile telecom market (China) 119

Monteiro, Maria Helena 5562 see also Café Helena

Moreno, Angélica 13646 see also Talavera de la Reyna

Mulla-Hussain, Nawal 1556

Mun River (Thailand) 21112, 213

MWG 37

National Council of Arts and Culture 144

Naz y Rongo magazine 17381; difficulty in getting financial support 178; funding and support from United States 177, 1789; goal of 180; setting up 1758

Nej (Turkey) 4654; advantages of organic fabric 48; arrangement with organic fabric producers 50; beginnings 47; formation and birth of a brand 479, 48; funding 502; future of 534; marketing of brand 523; target customer 49

Nestlé SA 108

networking 56, 255

Ni Putes Ni Soumises 233

9/11 (2001) 103

Al Nouri, Anwar Abdullah 148, 150

Ocimum Biosolutions (India) 3545; acquisition of MWG 37; and Biotracker 367, 389; branding and sales 401; corporate culture of 412; and databases 39; formation of 367; future 434; Gene Logic acquisition 38, 40; growth through acquisitions 378; impact of market crash (2008) on 40; iRNA Check product 37; and oligonucleotides business 3940; personal-professional divide 43; products and services 3840; Research as a Service (RaaS) 44

Okasha, Nadine 12930

Olympic Games (Beijing) (2008) 119

Organic Exchange 50

organic fabrics 4950 see also Nej

organic movement 47

Organic Trade Association 49, 50

Pak Mun dam (Thailand) 213

Pão de Açúcar 60

Patagonia 93, 95

Pepper, David 156

per capita income 257, 258

Peru 1945, 196; economic growth 194; see also Art Atlas

Pesticide Action Network (PAN): Global Report (2010) 49

pottery making 136, see also Talavera de la Reyna

PriceWaterhouseCooper 31

Quality Coffee Circle Program 58

El Quqa, Omar 150, 155

Rapa Nui (Easter Island) 17381 see also Naz y Ronga

Red Herring Magazine 44

Reddy, Kolanu 39

Roa, Isabel 5

Rodríguez, Jessica 194206 see also Art Atlas

Al Roomi, Khawala B. 150, 155

Salween River 21314

Sambo, Sibongile 4, 6576 see also SRS Aviation

Sanchez, Carlos 94

Santos, Aldaci dos see Dadá

Schumpeter, Joseph: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy 249; The Theory of Economic Development 249

SEBA (Sero Businesswomen Association) 26, 31


self-selection 252, 254, 256, 258, 268

SELFINA (Tanzainia) 2234; beginnings and laying of foundations 257; business structure 2930; challenges and hopes for the future 33; expansion of 2830, 33; feedback from clients 32; national and international recognition 301; operating environment 245; origin of idea 234; registering of 278; selection of clients 28; success of 28

Shokay (China) 18293; employees 185, 186; and expatriate publications/ consulate newsletters 1901; future 193; goal for 185; knitting ayis 1857; marketing on a small budget 18993; origins 1834; setting up of Taikang Lu store 1878, 188; in Shanghai 1879; and Shanghai’s international schools 191; Sheraton Hongqiao store 1889; Taikang Lu history tour 190; use of Twitter 1912; ‘Yaks Around the World Campaign’ 1923

Smith, Alan H. 151

social enterprise model 183, 185, see also Art Atlas; Shokay

social entrepreneurs 196, 2089 see also Living River Siam

social feminist theory 254

socio-economic status: and women entrepreneurs 25967

Songok Ryu 23948; background 2423; competitors and advertising 245; future plans 2478; getting hanbok business started 2425; organization and workflow of business 2457; Paris show (2003) 244, 247; politics and government influence 247

Soto, Hernando de 251

South Africa 4, 66; aviation see SRS Aviation; Black Economic Empowerment Act (2003) 66, 67; Growth, Employment and Redistribution (GEAR) strategy 66; Reconstruction and Development Program 66

Southeast Asia Rivers Network (SEARIN) 209, 213

Spotlight Hotels 223

SRS Aviation (South Africa) 4, 6576; background 66; challenges 70, 712; clientele 69; financial and human capital 6972; finding a niche 689; formation 678; personal challenges 73

Sujatha, Dr. P. 36

Sultane de Saba 237

Al Sumait, Bader A. 150, 155

Sustainable Coffee in Brazil Program 58

Taikang Lu (Shanghai) 1878

Talavera de la Reyna (Mexico) 13646; challenges to growth 1434; exports 144; extrinsic factors 1401; future 145; heresay as marketing force 143; impact of economic downturns 144; intrinsic factors in launching 13940; issued with certificate of authenticity 1401, 142; origin 1368; workshop and its products 1413, 142

Talavera Poblana 137

Tanzania: HIV/AIDS 24; income per capita 24; lending and leasing industry 24; obstacles to women setting up small enterprises 23; women and social fabric of 245; see also SELFINA

Tawfik, Aleya 130

Televisa 107

Temperos da Dadá 85

Thailand: dams 21314; see also Living River Siam

Three Gorges Dam project (China) 212

toy industry: in Mexico 1315 see also Jugaré

Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) 66

Turkey: organic apparel in see Nej; and organic production 50

Turquality 50

Tweetdeck 192

Twitpic 192

Twitter: use of by Shokay 1912

United Nations Decade for Women (1975–1985) 3, 251

United States: pharmaceutical companies in 43

Vel, Sowmya 38, 40

venture capitalists 116

Walmart 14, 20

Washington Consensus 250

Al Wazzan, Khalid 151, 156

Weber, Max 251

Westin Hotels 222

women: socio-economic status of 257

women entrepreneurs: barriers to 4, 5; contributions of to economic development 34, 24950, 2513; global statistics on prevalence of 2578; LIFE factors 139; self-selection of into specific industries 252, 254, 256, 258, 268; and socio-economic status 25967

women travelling alone (WTA) 228

work/family balance 6, 256

World Bank 29, 37, 256; ‘Doing Business’ project 2501, 257; World Development Indicators Report (2008) 24; World Development Indicators Report (2010) 257

Wu Huanshu 45

‘Yaks Around the World Campaign’ 1923

yaks/yak herders 1834, 192 see also Shokay

Yedan 246

Yemi Hanbok 239, 2456, 247

Young Presidents’ Organization (YPO) 967

Yunas, Muhammed 1823, 208

Zamora, Annette 6, 17381 see also Naz y Rongo

Zamora, Annette, starting ECHO Foundation 1745

Zang people 183

Zappata Diseñadores 12

Zerroug, Sofiane 231, 234, 237

Zerroug, Yasmina 2308 see also Charme d’Orient

Zhang, Ivy 114, 117

Zhang, Professor He 190

Zhang, Viola 186

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