Chapter 2. Planning

Guiding Questions

  • Why is a systematic process of planning necessary?

  • What are the goals of the planning process?

  • What are instructional goals and objectives?

  • Why must we strive for clarity in expressing goals and objectives?

  • Why must you categorize instructional goals and objectives?

  • What learning domain categories are available?

  • What is the driving assumption behind the instructional design process?

  • What is the difference between the world of work and the world of knowledge, and how do those differences inform a task analysis?

  • What is the principle of congruency?

Chapter Overview

Instruction is often perceived as an event. However, quality instruction is actually a system of events. Instructional design is essentially a cyclical process that analyzes needs, develops solutions, tries out those solutions, and revises. An instructional system includes identifying needs, developing goals, designing strategies, creating materials, and continually revising and editing these materials. The most important phase in this system is planning. Planning places your instruction on a solid foundation. In this chapter, this continual process is described in detail.

This text presents a unique instructional design model that is appropriate for instructional software. If you do not have experience in instructional design, you should review the contents of this chapter carefully. If you are an experienced designer, you will benefit from reviewing the material and integrating it into your own set of instructional design models.

Systematic Design of Instruction

In general, instructional design is like any design process; it is a method for planning and guiding the development of a product. Other design processes may create plans for cars or buildings; your goal is to design for instruction. The design model in this text includes three large phases: (1) planning, (2) presentation, and (3) and practice. Each phase offers opportunities to revise and revisit the instructional materials and assumptions. I am primarily concerned with planning in this chapter.

As demonstrated in Figure 2.1, planning consists of (1) analyzing needs, (2) identifying tasks, (3) creating objectives, (4) classifying objectives, and (5) creating test items. These stages are followed by the planning phase, which includes designing presentation and practice strategies that can be classified as attention management, cognitive load management, and structural management. Evaluation is not a separate phase because it is done concurrently throughout the entire design process. Evaluation has two components: (1) assessing the learner and (2) evaluating and revising the instructional materials.

Systematic Design of Instruction.

Figure 2.1. Systematic Design of Instruction.

In the planning phase, you determine what problems need to be addressed with instruction and determine what the tasks are involved in addressing those problems. Once you have a good idea of what the problems are, you can begin to consider the learner. You will need to describe the goals to the learner. Each goal will then have to be classified. Classifying goals according to learning domains narrows down the number of instructional strategies that have to be considered in the presentation and practice phases, which should result in considerable time saving.

The development phase consists of creating presentations and practice sequences that instruct the learner. Finally, the evaluation phase consists of assessing the learner and gathering data from user tests to determine the value of the instructional product.

Each of these phases must be congruent and consistent with the other phases to ensure validity. Congruency means that each phase agrees with and supports the others. For example, a factory line has many people doing independent jobs; however, an industrial engineer has carefully planned each step to be congruent with the next. All of the steps in a congruent process contribute, seamlessly, to a coordinated conclusion. If we can maintain congruency between our instructional phases, we can be confident that our instruction, at least, will attempt to solve the problems we identified.

It might be beneficial to review what type of activity education is. Adler (1977) describes it as a cooperative activity as opposed to an operative activity. Operative activities are those that lead to outcomes that could not possibly occur with out the activity, operative activities are necessary interventions that cause outcomes. For example, heating a gas is an operative activity; heat causes gas to expand. All other things being equal, there is no chance for an ambiguous result with an operative activity.

Education, on the other hand, is a cooperative activity. Cooperative activities merely improve the probability of a particular outcome occurring. The most we can hope for, with any instructional intervention, is to make the achievement of learning goals more probable. The implication of this distinction is that selecting an appropriate instructional intervention does not guarantee results. There is no way to rank instructional strategies, techniques, and tactics on a continuum of best to worst before you have tried them out on particular problems. We do not know, beforehand, what will work for our particular goals and circumstances. This means that, if we are going to have any sort of quality control in our instructional materials, we must have a system that lets us know whether our interventions are working in the context for which they were designed.

Unfortunately, as much as we have learned about pedagogy, instructional design is largely reliant on trial and error. Instruction, while based on principles garnered from science, does not have the certainty of science. We try things, see how they work, and modify them if necessary. This is a systematic, continual, and iterative process. The advantage of this approach is that, regardless of where one starts, one will eventually end up with an appropriate and useful intervention if enough iterations can be developed. Without thorough usability testing, it is unlikely that any instructional product will perform as intended.

Using a systematic process of instructional design assumes that the first set of strategy choices may not reflect what the final product looks like. Your initial choices for designing an intervention come from a carefully cataloged set of options derived from both science and experience. Nevertheless, these are merely suggestions; they need to be tried out on a set of sample of learners who have similar characteristics as the target audience. This sample audience is the best source of feedback. Their performance and comments are critical for revising the materials.

Analyzing Needs

A needs analysis is the first step of the planning process. At this stage, you need to determine what the need for instruction is. You need to determine whether problems exist that instruction can fix. Remember, you are only looking for needs that you can solve through instruction. Perhaps the biggest mistakes you can make as an instructional designer is to attempt to solve a non-instructional problem with an instructional intervention.

For example, a customer support representative at a call center might be consistently rude and insensitive to callers. It is important not to prematurely identify this problem as an instructional need. It may very well be a motivation problem. The representative may be aware of what constitutes quality customer service; however, he or she may have no incentive to behave in a manner that reflects that awareness. A needs analysis will help you uncover whether an instructional problem exists.

There are two primary sources for identifying needs. Van Merrienboer (1999) describes these as the "World of Work" and the "World of Knowledge." The world of work represents needs pulled from daily tasks, particularly needs associated with occupations. These needs become apparent when there is a performance discrepancy, new tools or techniques, or when new employees are brought into an organization. For example, a master plumber asks her new assistant to troubleshoot a malfunctioning valve. If the assistant is not familiar with the various things that can go wrong with a valve, and if he is not familiar with the tools involved in remedying the difficulty, then he will not be able to assist the master plumber. This scenario indicates a performance problem that can be addressed with an instructional intervention.

By surveying experts involved in a task, you can determine whether a need exists. There are likely to be several needs, requiring you to place them in order of importance. You do not want to spend your time on trivial tasks. Focus your resources on tackling problems that have the biggest impact. With experience, you will be able to judge how long it will take to develop instruction for different situations; at that point, it will be easier to rank order instructional needs.

It is particularly important to consider whether any need relates to a dangerous situation or to an economically important situation. For example, if you ask a new employee to operate a forklift without proper training and practice, there is a possibility that he could seriously injure himself or others. The risks of ignoring this type of training are too high to ignore. Likewise, if you ask a new employee to sort files on an adequately backed-up computer system, there is little chance for any large-scale destruction. In that case, it might be a reasonable decision to have an employee attempt to train himself for the task.

The world of knowledge is a bit different. In the world of knowledge, "a particular discipline or subject matter domain is analyzed and ordered . . . . the main output of the process is a highly structured description of the domain" (van Merrienboer, 1999, p. 5). Academic settings have organized knowledge into hierarchical structures. These structures are further organized into fields of study. It is assumed that, to participate in various types of inquiries or to participate in professions related to these domains, a learner must master a set of interrelated skills and knowledge. For example, the field of biology has a long and established history. Universities offer degrees in biology that consist of carefully organized courses. Each course covers a portion of the field. By engaging in these courses, a student develops a comprehensive understanding of the field as a whole.

Identifying needs in such an environment is largely an act of examining the established relationships and hierarchical structures in the field and determining whether the learners understand them. For an established field such as biology, these relationships are well known and updating a course of study is a matter of determining what new information is available and how to best integrate it with currently established ideas. Identifying instructional needs is largely an act of identifying what learners have mastered and comparing it to what they do not yet know.

Identifying Tasks

Once you have identified needs that can be addressed with instruction, you will have to analyze the tasks involved in meeting those needs. The world of work and the world of knowledge have different methods for identifying tasks.

Performance Analysis

For the world of work you may want to conduct a procedural analysis. This type of analysis will break down a task into its constituent elements. From these elements, you can create objectives (discussed in the next section). The steps for conducting a procedural analysis include (Jonassen, 1999): (1) document the terminal performance of the task, (2) identify an expert to model the performance, (3) observe and interview the expert, (4) document the performance in a table, and (5) review the table with expert (s).

What you are getting at here is a comprehensive list of knowledge and skills that your learners need to know in order to be able to perform as needed. For example, let' s say that you have hired a new bartender with no experience. Part of her duties include identifying inebriated patrons and then not serving them. This seems like a simple enough task; however, in practice there are a number of challenges. One customer may be inebriated and yet show few signs, while another may show the reverse.

There are also subtasks involved. For example, if your novice bartender has to "cut someone off" she must do it tactfully, in a way that does not humiliate the customer and that does not cause further problems, such as an emotional or physical outburst. With a careful performance analysis, you can identify all of the sub-skills involved. A performance analysis is demonstrated in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Table of Performance Analysis.

Expert Performance

Second Expert's Review

Knowledge and Skills Required

Be patient. An irate customer will not be placated by anything but a satisfactory resolution to his or her problem.

Getting angry back will not help.

Identify signs of emotional disturbance.

Approach the angry customer and ask what why he or she is displeased.

Usually, restating the issue will help to calm them. For example, say, "I can understand your frustration with that policy."

Identify expressions of confidence and calmness.

If the customer asks for the manager, get him/her and do your best to solve the problem.

Do this as quickly as possible.

Be aware of scheduling and environmental factors.

After the problem has been addressed, apologize for taking the time and inform the customer that your business will do everything possible to correct any problem.

Then make sure you and your co-workers do everything possible to correct the situation.

Know the concept the dynamics and cultural norms of apology.

Compliment the customer after the discussion. The next time he or she comes back, do everything possible to be polite.

Say something to the effect of, "It's people like you who help our business." A customer complaint can be a vehicle for customer retention. If you handle the customer appropriately and apologize, effectively you can turn a negative into a positive.

Understand the value of long-term contacts.

What is apparent from Table 2.1 is that seemingly simple actions can require a number of sub-skills. Identifying these sub-skills can give you a great deal of direction on how to address the deficiencies of the learner.

Generally, content in the world of knowledge is well documented, so analyzing task in the world of knowledge is a bit different than it is in the world of work. Rarely will you begin with an actual performance in the world of knowledge. More likely, you will begin with some sort of text analysis. Experts play a different role in analyzing content from the world of knowledge in that they recommend updates and clarifications instead of demonstrate their skill.

For example, analyzing research in biology might result in the identification of cellular organization as an important topic, and cell size and shape, the cell membrane, the cell wall, the nucleus, cytoplasm, vacuoles and vesicles, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria, and plastids might be identified as subtopics (, 2008). These topics can then be compiled into a textbook. Most textbooks in a field cover similar content. Academic content, the content that is studied in formal academic settings, emerges from the world of knowledge.

Of course, there is interplay between these two task sources. Most often, problems are originally encountered in the world of work, and then, if it is felt that they have wider importance, are integrated into the world of knowledge. For example, at some point the actions of people responsible for hiring employees began to be examined. Those who appeared to be successful had their actions evaluated in some type of performance analysis. Once a large set of these performance analyses were collected, they began to be transferred and organized into the world of knowledge, which resulted in human resources, as a field of study, being created.

Creating Objectives

At this point, it is time for you to create learning objectives, detailed descriptions of what the learner should be able to do at the conclusion of instruction. Learning objectives are not descriptions of what will be done to the learner; but descriptions of what the learner will be able to do at the conclusion of instruction. We cannot begin to discuss instructional strategies until we have clearly articulated learning objectives that tell us what to expect out of our learners. Learning objectives give us, and the learner, a target to guide our actions. Without clearly defined objectives, there is no way to establish whether we have invested our time and effort wisely.

As we will see, instructional strategies are directly associated with learning objectives. There are an infinite number of possible instructional strategies we could try to implement; however, once we clearly state an objective, and once we classify that objective as a particular "type," then our choices of which instructional strategies becomes manageable.

Mager (1961) described three components that are required to be in each objective as follows:

  1. Behavior: What the learner will be able to do is clearly specified. The behavior will produce unambiguous, overt evidence of mastery.

  2. Conditions: The setting in which the behavior will take place needs to be stated. The setting includes the environment and the type and kind of assistance, if any, that the learner is provided.

  3. Standards: The objective should include how much deviation is allowed that can still count as master.

For example, the learning objective: Given a pair of binoculars, on a night with sky visibility at 90 percent, within thirty minutes, the astronomy student will be able to identify and list the relative coordinates of the planets Mars, Venus, and Jupiter on at least two out of three separate viewing nights.

This learning objective is very specific. There is little ambiguity as to what the learner should be capable of at the conclusion of instruction. The learning objective can be broken down as shown in Table 2.2.

Terms such as "understand" and "know" are inadequate for describing learning objectives because they do not specify what the learner should be able to do to demonstrate mastery. Specifics are important because they guide what type of instruction the learner will receive and they guide what kind of performances the learner is expected to produce. For example, we tried to state a learning objective as: The learner will understand how to operate the Series 7 Food Processor.

Table 2.2. Components of a Learning Objective.

Given a pair of binoculars, on night with sky visibility at ninety percent, within thirty minutes the astronomy student


will be able to identify and list the relative coordinates of the planets Mars, Venus, and Jupiter


on at least two out of three separate viewing nights.


It is ambiguous what the learners will have mastered. Perhaps they will "know" that if you turn the device on the blade will rotate. However, they may not know how to select an appropriate blade for a particular task, they may not know how to add ingredients, they may not know how to clean and care for the device. It is unclear what the term "operate" suggests.

The objective could be revised into objectives such as:

Given a Series 7 Food Processor, within five minutes the culinary student will be able to slice two pounds of carrots into long, thin strips, on nine out of ten attempts.

Given a Series 7 Food Processor, within five minutes the culinary student will be able to clean and dry the processor' s components, on nine out of ten attempts.

The added detail makes it very clear as to what is expected of the learner.

The important point is to make objectives as useful as possible. Objectives should not be constructed for their own sake. The point is to make objectives a tool in your design process. If designed correctly, they will provide guidance for all of the other stages in the instructional development process. In general, the more specific you make an objective, the more useful it will become.

Learning objectives should follow closely from the task analysis. For example, the objectives below directly relate to the task analysis performed in Figure 2.3:

Given a set of thirty portrait photographs, within five minutes the customer representative will be able to sort the set into those demonstrating frustration and those demonstrating distraction, with an 85 percent success rate.

Given a set of five videos of a customer service representative apologizing, the customer representative will be able list the stages of apology that are absent in each scenario, with an 80 percent success rate.

Likewise, learning objectives can be developed from a text analysis. For example, the objectives below are produced based on the previously mentioned biology studies.

Given a diagram that includes the cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and mitochondria), and a list of those structures, in two minutes you will be able label each one appropriately, with no errors.

Given no assistance, you will be able to describe, through both words and illustrations, the functions of the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope, the description should accurately account for the principles involved.

Classifying Objectives

The field of instructional design is based on the assumption that different kinds of learning exist and that different instructional strategies are required for each kind of learning (Gagné, 1985). This assumption addresses one of the most difficult problems instructional designers face. For example, if you are going to teach someone to shoot a basketball, what strategy would you use? Would you:

  • Provide a demonstration, perhaps many different demonstrations from different players?

  • Provide a list of steps?

  • Have the person memorize the steps?

  • Have the person try to shoot a basketball on the court?

  • Describe the history of the form?

  • Have the person practice the movement ten times? One hundred times? One thousand times?

  • Provide examples of poor shooting style?

Likewise, if you were teaching someone to distinguish Georgian from Victorian architecture, would you:

  • Provide a definition of each?

  • Ask the person to sort instances of both?

  • Have the person memorize a mnemonic of each style's primary attributes?

  • Have the person create designs for each?

  • Use flash cards matching attributes to styles?

Your choices are endless. However, by matching up learning objectives with learning domains, we gain a clearer idea of what strategies we should use.

Once instructional objectives have been identified, they then can be classified. Categorizing individual objectives allows you to work with them as a class—a set with similar characteristics. This is an enormous time saver. It is much easier to create instructional solutions for a small set of categories than to address each learning objective as a unique instance.

There are many ways in which to classify content. Bloom's taxonomy (1956) uses the categories of Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation to categorize learning objectives. Gagné's taxonomy (1985) used the categories Attitudes, Cognitive Strategies, Intellectual skills, Psychomotor Skills, and Verbal Knowledge. However, for online learning, I have chosen to use Merrill's (1983) category system. Merrill (1983) proposed a classification that emphasized the cognitive aspect of intellectual skills. He suggested that most learning objectives could be classified as enabling Facts, Concepts, Principles, or Procedures.

This classification system is very specific and uses the terms (Facts, Concepts, Principles, and Procedures) in specific ways that may not be familiar to you. For example, the term "concept" is often used as a synonym for an idea or a notion; however, in this classification system, the term is used to designate entities that have been grouped according to a set of attributes or characteristics. The term "principle" is often used to designate a basic truth; however, in the context of instructional design it describes a relationship between two or more "concepts." For example, in Table 2.3 I have classified a set of learning objectives and have included a brief summary of each category.

These categories are used to organize the instructional strategies in this text. The specifics of how and why you would classify a learning objective into a particular classification will be covered in Chapters 8 through 11.

It is sufficient at this point to state that the chosen classification for learning objective leads to a set of instructional strategies that have been shown to be successful in teaching that subject matter. This is a critical point because learning is dependent on instructional strategies more than any other variable; much more so than the media or the technology chosen to deliver instruction (Hannifin & Hooper, 1993).

If you misclassify an objective, you will be teaching the learner with misaligned strategies and thus ruining any hope for congruency among objectives, methods, and assessments. In other words, your instruction will have no coherence and is likely to be a hindrance in accomplishing your goals.

Creating Test Items

The last step of the planning phase is to write test items. It may seem counterintuitive to write these before you select instructional strategies and before you develop the instructional materials; however, because congruency among all of the elements is an important instructional design rule, it makes sense to make a clear connection between the learning objectives that we have identified and the test items. One of the biggest mistakes in instructional design is not to make this connection. For example, Table 2.4 demonstrates the relationship between learning objectives and test items.

Table 2.3. Matching Learning Objectives and Learning Domains



Sample Learning Objective


Facts are essentially arbitrary associations.

Given a diagram that includes the cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) and a list of those structures, in two minutes you will be able label each one appropriately, with no errors.


A concept is a classification of entities that share the same features or attributes, such that you can consider them a group.

Given a set of thirty portrait photographs, within five minutes the customer representative will be able to sort the set into those demonstrating frustration and those demonstrating distraction, with an 85 percent success rate.


A principle describes how two or more concepts are related and provides an explanation for that relationship.

Given no assistance, you will be able to describe, through both words and illustrations, the functions of the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope. The description should accurately account for the principles involved.


Procedures are series of steps performed in order under specific conditions. Underlying each procedure is a set of rationales and principles.

Given a set of five videos of a customer service representative apologizing, the customer representative will be able list the stages of apology that are absent in each scenario, with an 80 percent success rate.

Notice how the objective reflects the learning objective. Also, notice how the objective limits the scope of the test item. For example, learning objective 1 in the table clearly states that a diagram will be provided, but this description does not allow for a photograph of a microscope or another type of representation. Identifying cellular structures in diagrams is an easier task than it is with an actual photograph because a diagram is a stylized representation; the guidance from the objective is unambiguous.

Table 2.4. Connecting Learning Objectives and Test Items.


Image from

Learning Objective

Test Item

1. Given a diagram that includes the cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) and a list of those structures, in two minutes you will be able label each one appropriately, with no errors.

Connecting Learning Objectives and Test Items.

Match the following structures with the diagram above:

Cell membrane
Endoplasmic reticulum Chloroplasts

2. Given a set of thirty portrait photographs, within five minutes the customer representative will be able to sort the set into those demonstrating frustration and those demonstrating distraction, with an 85 percent success rate.

The facial features of this person indicate:

Connecting Learning Objectives and Test Items.

3. Given no assistance, you will be able to describe through both words and illustrations, the functions of the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope. The description should accurately account for the principles involved.

Describe how the nucleolus and the nuclear envelope function. Be sure to describe the nature of their cause an effect relationship, particularly, as it relates to ribosome storage.

4. Given a set of five videos of a customer service representative apologizing, the customer representative will be able list the stages of apology that are absent in each scenario, with an 80 percent success rate.

Which stage of apology is absent from Video 4:


Extended Example


This section of the chapter presents a case study on Supply and Demand Dynamics. The case is presented by stepping you through the instructional design planning process, which includes (1) how the need for instruction is established (needs analysis), (2) how the tasks involved are identified (task analysis), (3) how learning objectives are generated, (4) how learning objectives are classified, and (5) how test items are created.

Case: Supply and Demand—Dynamics


In this section, you will walk through the entire instructional design process beginning with a description of a case, which describes all of the elements in from the Planning, Presentation and Practice chapters. Once the case is described you walk through the development of a Flash application, step-by-step, to address the needs of the case. Along the way, you will be introduced to the instructional rationale for each action.

For this case, you will observe an instructional Design planning process, which will be followed up in Chapter 12 with a guide on how to select Flash techniques to develop presentations and practice sequences in Flash that align with attention management, cognitive load management and structural management strategies. At each point, when one of these strategies, is used it will be described in detail; these descriptions will be set off from the procedures describing the Flash activity.

Needs Analysis

Identifying problems that can be solved with instruction is the first step of the instructional design process. You will need to discriminate instructional problems from organizational problems or management problems. Once you have identified instructional problems, you must prioritize them and focus the rest of your design and development efforts on those instructional problems that have the most potential to improve performance.

In the case below, you are introduced to a situation in which you will assume the role as a training firm, hired to improve performance. Your training firm has been hired by a convenience store chain to train their managers on a variety of economic skills and issues. Specifically, the chain is concerned that their managers do not have the requisite skills to maximize their stores' profits. After surveying a large sample of store managers, it has become apparent that few of the managers set prices strategically. Your firm consulted with an economist (a subject-matter expert) who has reviewed the survey and has suggested that store managers are not aware of how to set prices on their various products and as a result do not maximize profits when they set prices.

The common tactic seems to be the raising or lowering of prices for all store products by the same percentage. You suspect this may be because the store managers are busy, and this is an expedient strategy. However, after a series of follow-up interviews, you become convinced that the store managers are not knowledgeable about different pricing strategies. This suggests to you that you have a training problem and not a motivation problem. Your subject-matter expert has suggested that the store managers are not aware of the dynamics of supply and demand, and that they are not familiar with the concept of "price elasticity."

Task Analysis

Now that you have determined that the problem can be solved with an instructional intervention, the next step in the planning process is to identify the tasks involved in addressing the problems generated in the needs analysis. This involves interviewing experts who have solved similar problems and perhaps observing those experts while they perform those tasks.

Although you are familiar with the idea of supply and demand, you are not sure that you completely understand what is involved in using those tools to set prices for a store. You set up an appointment with your economists and she makes the following points:

  • Supply and demand dynamics explain how price and quantity are related through the behavior of suppliers and consumers. Consumers are willing to purchase a particular product at a particular price; if the price changes they will purchase more or less of that product. Likewise, producers are willing to sell a particular product at a particular price; if the price changes they will be willing to sell more or less of that product.

  • Consumer and producer behavior at different prices and quantities can be represented graphically, with both supply and demand having their own curves.

  • The behavior of the consumer and the producer interact and form an equilibrium when the two curves intersect that identifies a price and quantity to be both produced and consumed.

  • Further, each product has its own curve, which indicates that changes in the price of some products can have a larger or smaller effect on the quantity sold. For example, an increase in the price of tickets to a sporting event may dramatically reduce the quantity demanded because the consumer may have other, less expensive options for entertainment, while an increase in the price of gasoline may not reduce consumption at all because drivers often have limited options to fulfill their transportation needs. This is called elasticity.

  • These supply and demand dynamics are stable. However, supply and demand curves can be shifted if something changes the essential nature of either one. For example, the consumers' demand curve could be shifted if there is a substantial increase in their collective incomes, or producers' supply curve could be shifted if they adopt a new, more efficient manufacturing process.

  • These dynamics are best understood by creating graphs and manipulating them under different scenarios.

The economist suggests that the store managers should become knowledgeable about supply and demand graphs, elasticity, how to calculate elasticity, and how to make pricing decisions based on the nature of particular products. She also suggests that the store managers become aware of some of the history of these ideas to give them context.

Based on your conversation with your subject matter expert you have mapped out the tasks in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5. Supply and Demand Tasks.

Terminal Task

Component Tasks

Knowledge and Skills

Store manager will be able appropriately adjust prices to maximize profit.

Supply and Demand Dynamics

Parts of the supply and demand graph; Difference between curves and shifts; Identifying equilibrium points.



Defining elasticity; Classifying different products according to their elasticity; Predicting price changes depending on elasticity; Calculating elasticity



Awareness of the four major contributors to supply and demand theory and their relative time of discourse.

Objectives, Classes, and Evaluation

From the task analysis, we can create specific learning objectives, assign those objectives to learning domains, and write initial test items. These actions lay the foundation for targeting specific instructional strategies.

Learning Objective 1

Given a supply and demand graph, you will be able to identify and appropriately label the parts of a supply and demand graph including price, quantity, equilibrium point, supply curve and demand curve. You will be able to accomplish this task seventy-five percent of the time.

Learning Domain Fact

A supply and demand graph is arranged in a somewhat counterintuitive manner. In most graphs, we tend to put the dependent variable on the vertical axis. In the case of a supply and demand graph the dependent variable, price (because price tends to predict quantities produced and consumed), has been placed on the horizontal axis. This arrangement must be associated by the e-learner and thus belongs in the fact domain.


Which axis below is the Price axis?


Which axis below is the Quantity axis?


Learning Objective 2F

Given a list of key economic theorists, you will be able to associate their names with their relevant ideas. You will be able to perform this task with a 75 percent rate of success.

Learning Domain: Facts

Identification and association are classified as facts because the task requires that the learner select and apply appropriate labels.


Match the following theorist with his or her major text.



Correct Match

A. Stuart

1. Principles of Political Economy


B. Smith

2. Wealth of Nations


C. Cournot

3. Principles of Economics


D. Marshall

4. Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth


Match the following theorist with his or her major idea.



Correct Match

A. Mill

1. equilibrium point where the two curves crossed


B. Smith

2. developed a mathematical model of supply and demand


C. Cournot

3. assumed that the supply price was fixed


D. Marshall

4. first used phrase "supply and demand"


Learning Objective 3C

Given a supply and demand graph, you will be able to classify the demand curve as being elastic, inelastic, perfectly elastic, or perfectly inelastic and will be able to accomplish this task 75 percent of the time.

Learning Domain: Concept

Elasticity is a concept because it allows you to classify its instances. It is helpful to know the definition of elasticity; however, ultimately you will need to classify unencountered examples to provide evidence that you have mastered the concept.


In the graph below, the Demand curve represents:

  1. Perfect Elasticity *

  2. Perfect Inelasticity

  3. Elasticity

  4. Inelasticity


In the graph below, the Demand curve represents:

  1. Perfect Elasticity

  2. Perfect Inelasticity *

  3. Elasticity

  4. Inelasticity


Learning Objective 4 Pro

Given a scenario describing a customer's buying patterns, you will be able to calculate that customer's price elasticity of demand, and your calculation will be within 5 percent of the actual elasticity.

Learning Domain: Procedure

This objective is placed in the Procedural domain because to accomplish the task requires a series of steps. In this case, you are calculating, which requires selecting relevant data from the irrelevant and processing that data using a pre-determined methodology


What is the consumer's price elasticity of demand for bushels of apples in the following scenario? When apples cost $20 a bushel, consumers are willing to buy ten bushels of apples, and orchards are willing to sell ten bushels of apples. When they cost $1.50 each, consumers are willing to buy only six bushels, and orchards are only willing to sell fifteen bushels. Orchards sold two hundred bushels last year.

Learning Objective 5P

Given a scenario in which both the Supply and Demand curves shift, you will be able to state the equilibrium point in reference to the newly established Price and Quantity figures; you will be able to perform this task ninety percent of the time.

Learning Domain: Principle

Objective 1 examines the dynamic causal relationships displayed among the concepts Supply, Demand, Equilibrium, Price, and Quantity. Knowledge of these concepts is a prerequisite.


An increasing shift in the Supply graph will shift the equilibrium point from A to _.


B * is correct



A decreasing shift in the Demand graph shift the equilibrium point from A to _.


B * is correct




Table 2.6 summarizes the planning process.

Table 2.6. Planning Summary

Economics Sub-Topics






Objective 1


Parts of Graph

Objective 2




Objective 3


Calculating Elasticity


Objective 4


Finding equilibrium: Laws of supply and demand


Objective 5


The important ideas in this chapter include:

  • Designers should use a systematic process of planning for instruction.

  • Congruency and consistency are important for all phases of instructional design.

  • It is important to continually revise instructional materials.

  • Learning objectives should be matched with learning domains.

  • Test items should be matched with learning objectives.

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