Chapter 11. Debugging and Troubleshooting

Debugging Is a Good Thing

Murphy’s Law may be pessimistic, but at some point for all of us, the adage rings true: If something can go wrong, it will. Despite your best intentions, the SWF files you produce will sooner or later perform in unexpected ways. Maybe an audio clip will fail to play or a button will get stuck in its rollover state. In complex situations, the likelihood of a Murphyism is bound to increase, especially in projects comprised of numerous ActionScript classes or SWF files. This all makes perfect sense, of course. Complexity means a developer has to keep more in mind while working. Humans simply have a limit to the number of details they can juggle at once, so the occasional particulars get overlooked. The cause of unexpected behavior is usually the result of an error in the developer’s logic, though certainly other factors may come into play. An external asset, such as a JPEG file, might be missing from the server; a needed database might be inaccessible; perhaps a typo has crept into the code. The challenge in all these cases is straightforward. Once a SWF file is compiled, the timeline and all vestiges of ActionScript are gone. Assets and programming code have been compiled into bytecode, which is effectively indecipherable to the eye—and unchangeable.

How, then, can a developer see what’s going on, other than to experience the error(s) directly and make minimally informed guesses? The answer hinges on debugging, which is a skill, and ultimately a way of thinking, that will help you tremendously in your Flash endeavors. Fortunately, Flash CS4 Professional features a number of updated debugging tools. Some of these work just fine for documents configured for ActionScript 2.0, but the most beneficial improvements appear with ActionScript 3.0.

Testing Your ActionScript 3.0 Code

Programmers tend to learn a famous motto early on, especially when the teacher isn’t a book or mentor, but rather a challenging experience. There’s nothing like a fiasco to make a learning point stick, especially when you have to stay late at the office to fix it! The motto goes like this: Test early, test often. This bears repeating. Test early, test often.

This motto is a good one because it keeps you from getting ahead of yourself. If you type 100 lines of code, either in a keyframe or class file, and only test at that point ... well, you’re taking a pretty big risk. If your ActionScript has errors, the issue (or issues) might stem from any one (or more) of those 100 lines. To be sure, some errors do cause chain reactions, so you really can’t guarantee that you’ll see only a handful of errors at once. Sometimes you’ll see dozens. Ideally, though, you’ll want to grind through as few simultaneous errors as possible. Testing early and testing often helps keep those numbers down.

Compiler Errors

You can perform testing, in its most basic form, by the simple act of running a SWF file in the Flash authoring tool (Control→Test Movie, or Control→Test Scene). If invalid code causes the compiler concern, it alerts you by sending an announcement to the Compiler Errors panel. This alert occurs without any effort on your part. In fact, errors brought to light in this way are the sort that keep a SWF file from compiling in the first place, so a user never sees this category of errors.

The Compiler Errors panel gives you a brief description of each error, and lets you know where to find it, including relevant asset names and scene, layer, frame, and line numbers. For more information on this panel, see the section Exploring the Compiler Errors Panel later in this chapter.

The Flash authoring tool lets you configure the degree to which the Compiler Errors panel displays its messages. This is determined by a pair of modes called Strict Mode and Warnings Mode, which can be set on a per-FLA file basis under File→Publish Settings→Flash→Settings.


You can get a full list of ActionScript 3.0 compiler errors from the built-in documentation (search “compiler errors”), or online at the Adobe online Help Resource Center:

Some errors appear only when you compile in Strict Mode (enabled by default). Strict mode is determined by the presence of a check mark under File→Publish Settings→Flash→Settings→Strict Mode.

Compiler Warnings

Once a SWF file compiles, it is finally capable of trying to carry out the instructions you’ve given it. Even so, your technically valid code may not be written according to the recommended best practices of Adobe. As an example, consider type declaration, which is optional in ActionScript 3.0. It’s possible and valid to declare variables without including a post colon suffix:

// type declared
var worthANickel:int = 5;

// type not declared
var worthADime = 10;

However, omitting the type declaration keeps you from benefiting from ActionScript 3.0’s improved efficiency in Flash Player 9 and higher. For example, in ActionScript 3.0, the int type (a 32-bit signed integer) takes up less system memory than the Number type (a 64-bit double precision non-integer). If you choose to refrain from explicitly specifying a variable’s data type, Flash has no choice but to request as much memory as it reasonably can, on the chance that the variable might be a string, a date, or some other object that requires more RAM. For this reason alone, although type declarations are not required, they’re definitely a good idea. Compiler warnings provide a good reminder of recommended best practices like this one, and they also appear in the Compiler Errors panel.

In addition, some of these warnings are geared toward developer education. Certain programming concepts, sometimes specific to ActionScript, seem intuitive right away, while others may sink in only after months of experience. For example, the default value of many data types is null; that is, variables that have been declared and include type declarations but have not yet been assigned a value.

var str:String;
trace(str); // Displays: null

var d:Date;
trace(d); // Displays: null

var mc:MovieClip;
trace(mc); // Displays: null

If you compare any of these to null with an if statement, the expression evaluates to true:

var str:String;
if (str == null) {
    trace("default value is null");
} else {
    trace("default value is something else");
// Displays: default value is null

If you’re new to Flash programming, you might assume that the default value for all data types is null, but as it turns out, instances of Boolean, int, uint, and Number are by default false, 0, 0, and NaN (Not a Number), respectively.

In the following example, the comparison of the default value of a Boolean to null is actually interpreted as false:

var b:Boolean;
if (b == null) {
    trace("default value is null");
} else {
    trace("default value is something else");
// Displays: default value is something else

In practice, this means your ActionScript might not always behave as you had intended. Many compiler warnings help steer you in the right direction.

Finally, a number of compiler warnings relate specifically to ActionScript 2.0–3.0 migration issues. You may consider these Help docs migration warnings a collection of freebie insider tips!


A full list of ActionScript 3.0 compiler warnings can be obtained from the built-in documentation (search “compiler warnings”), or online at the Adobe online Help Resource Center:

Note that some warnings appear only when you compile in Warnings Mode (enabled by default). Warnings mode is determined by the presence of a check mark in File→Publish Settings→Flash→Settings→Warnings Mode.

Runtime Errors

Runtime errors occur, by definition, at runtime—in other words, after a SWF file has passed the rounds of compiler errors and warnings. Because of this, runtime errors are often a bit harder to track down than the sort described earlier. After all, the ActionScript involved has already passed the test: it’s valid, and has already been converted to bytecode. At that point, the scenes, layers, and line numbers shown in compiler errors and warnings are effectively meaningless. For this reason, notifications of runtime errors do not (cannot!) provide an X-marks-the-spot treasure map to erroneous ActionScript. In fact, the code itself might actually be just fine. The culprit may well be a malformed external file. Don’t let that alarm you, though. While not as precise as compiler errors and warnings in terms of location, runtime error messages do try to show where they originated.

Figure 11-1 shows an example error in which a SWF file attempts to load an XML document that provides file data for a slideshow. In this case, the ActionScript is correct; it’s the XML that contains an error (one of the elements, <slide>, is missing its matching end-tag, </slide>). Because this SWF file is being tested in the Flash authoring tool, the runtime error is displayed in the Output panel.

A runtime error, displayed in the Output panel
Figure 11-1. A runtime error, displayed in the Output panel

Helpfully, this message indicates that the trouble happened during the execution of a function named loadHandler() in the main timeline, as seen in the first line that starts with the word “at.” Further hints—the mention of EventDispatcher and URLLoader/onComplete()—suggest that loadHandler() is an event handler. These are all signposts that should at least give you a head start as you re-examine your source files. Given the error’s description, “the element type ‘slide’ must be terminated...,” and the hints on where to look, you have considerably more information to go on than in previous versions of Flash, which provided only compiler errors and warnings.

To a certain extent, runtime errors are only as helpful as your naming conventions and coding practices. For example, the ActionScript that loads the XML in Figure 11-1 might look something like this:

var myXML:XML = new XML();
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("slideshow.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadHandler);

That last line of code associates a custom function, loadHandler(), with an Event.COMPLETE event. This event is dispatched when the xmlLoader instance finishes loading the slideshow.xml file. The loadHandler() function might look like this:

function loadHandler(evt:Event):void {
    myXML = XML(;
    myComboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider(myXML);

There’s certainly nothing wrong with that function—it’s valid ActionScript—but because the error message mentions loadHandler() by name, you know where to find it in the source file’s frame script. The lack of any obvious errors in the function itself may nudge you into looking at the XML file, where the error actually occurs.

In this scenario, the warning message’s guidance is helpful because loadHandler() is defined as a named function. This event handler might just as well have been written as a function literal, also known as an anonymous function, in which the function’s code appears directly as a parameter of addEventListener() (changes in bold):

var myXML:XML = new XML();
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("slideshow.xml"));

    function (evt:Event):void {
        myXML = XML(;
        myComboBox.dataProvider = new DataProvider(myXML);

If so, the runtime error inevitably becomes less clear, simply because the event handler function no longer has a name.

TypeError: Error #1085: The element type "slide" must be
    terminated by the matching end-tag "</slide>".
    at MethodInfo-392()

This time, the function formerly known as loadHandler() is referenced as MethodInfo-392(). Cryptic? Perhaps. The compiler automatically assigns a name to the anonymous function. Ultimately, everything must have a reference, so Flash does what it needs to in order to keep track of the instructions you’ve given it. Bear this trait in mind as you program, and avoid anonymous functions if you want to improve the clarity of your error messages.


A full list of ActionScript 3.0 runtime errors can be obtained from the built-in documentation (search “run-time errors”), or online at the Adobe online Help Resource Center:

Note that runtime errors appear regardless of your settings for compiler errors and warnings, located under File→Publish Settings→Flash→Settings.

Reviewing Improvements in Debugging Over ActionScript 2.0

So far, you’ve seen a number of ways in which Flash communicates problems without you having to take any action (other than to address the errors, of course!). But true problem solving, at minimum, is an interactive process. Ideally, it’s proactive. The remainder of the chapter fleshes out the Compiler Errors panel in greater detail, and introduces additional debugging tools that require input from you, ranging from the simplest—the humble trace() function—to the improved debug workspace.

Don’t Underestimate trace()

The trace() function bears some similarity to good old low-tech paper sticky notes. Regardless of how powerful (and portable) PDAs and cell phones have become, replete with programmable reminders, alarms, and automated email dispatches, nothing beats the convenience of those stick-anywhere yellow notes. They’re lightweight, informative, and reusable. Likewise, the trace() function makes a terrific and uncomplicated tool.

In short, the trace() function sends information to the Output panel. The information it sends is entirely up to you. Doing so is as easy as passing an expression to the function as a parameter. To ensure that a button is responding to mouse clicks, for example, you might pass in a simple confirmation string.

myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
    trace("This button is working!");

Of course, you’re not limited to strings. The trace() function is great for bringing all sorts of things to light, from the current value of a custom variable to the contents of an XML node; from the position of a movie clip (for example, the MovieClip.x property) to an object’s data type when used with the is operator.

var s:Sprite = new Sprite();
trace(s is Sprite); // Displays true
trace(s is Number); // Displays false

Be aware that trace() always outputs a string, no matter what expression you feed it. When passed any object, the function essentially invokes the Object.toString() method defined for that object (remember, all objects in ActionScript inherit from the Object class, which means all objects have a toString() method).

So, has anything changed for this elementary debugging tool in ActionScript 3.0? The answer is yes, even though it’s a small update. Sometimes it’s the little things that can make your day! The trace() function now accepts multiple parameters, separated by commas. If you’re heavily into using trace(), this can save you a degree of typing.

var n:Number = 42;
var b:Boolean = true;
var d:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
trace(n, b, d); // Displays 42 true [object Dictionary]

In previous versions of ActionScript, the same output would have required a bit of string wrangling:

trace(n + " " + b + " " + d);
// Displays the same, but tedious to type


Trace statements display only when enabled. This situation occurs when two settings in the Flash authoring tool are in agreement. The checkbox under File→Publish Settings →Flash→Omit trace actions must be deselected. Also, the Output panel’s filter level must be set to Verbose. The filter level is available under the Output panel’s menu in the upper-right corner (beneath the X that closes the panel).

Runtime Errors Displayed in Flash Player 9 and Higher

Runtime errors are available only in ActionScript 3.0, which means they’re available only as of Flash Player 9. Returning to the example shown earlier (Figure 11-1), if the same SWF file is embedded in an HTML document and viewed in a browser, the error message appears in a dialog box presented to the user, as shown in Figure 11-2. In ActionScript 2.0 or 1.0, something like this would likely have failed silently—meaning, the user may have seen partial elements of the user interface, but none of the slideshow photos. In fact, in such a scenario, it might not even be absolutely clear that something has gone wrong. The website may simply come across as incomplete or abandoned. ActionScript 3.0 fixes that. Because runtime errors are visually obvious—that dialog box is hard to miss!—the developer sees and addresses errors before the SWF file goes public.

A runtime error, displayed in a browser
Figure 11-2. A runtime error, displayed in a browser


To see runtime errors in a browser, as demonstrated in Figure 11-2, you must have a debug version of Flash Player 9 or higher installed. Debugging is introduced in the Debug Vs. Release Players of Chapter 2 and explored further in this chapter.

Exploring the Compiler Errors Panel

The Compiler Errors panel gives you a remarkably direct road map to errors and warnings related to the process that compiles FLA source files to published SWF files. If multiple errors or warnings are found, the Compiler Errors panel displays one line item per message, as shown in Figure 11-3.

The Compiler Errors panel, showing three frame script errors
Figure 11-3. The Compiler Errors panel, showing three frame script errors

Notice that the Compiler Errors panel gives you quite a bit of information. The panel’s tab reports the number of errors found (three, in this case). The status bar at the bottom of the panel duplicates this information for convenience. Three columns inside the panel dictate where to locate the problem (these are the Location and Source columns; only Location appears in Figure 11-3) and a detailed summary of the error (the Description column).

The Location column provides the scene, layer, frame, and line number of the offending code, which is incredibly useful for files whose ActionScript is distributed among numerous keyframes or class files. The Source column shows the line of code itself. In cases where code has been placed inside the nested timeline of a movie clip symbol, the Location column mentions that symbol by name, and then the layer, frame, and line number, as before. In Figure 11-4, an error occurs in the scripts layer of a movie clip symbol whose library name is “space ship.”

Errors in nested movie clip scripts revealed
Figure 11-4. Errors in nested movie clip scripts revealed

In this scenario, it doesn’t matter what scene or layer the symbol appears in—several instances might, in fact, appear in many places. Likewise, it doesn’t matter if any of the symbol’s instances has been given an instance name in the Property inspector, as only the original asset in the library needs correction.

When erroneous ActionScript has been placed in external class files instead of keyframes, the Location column states the name of the ActionScript file, and then the line number. If at any time the panel seems too cramped, bring your mouse pointer over a line item, as shown in Figure 11-5. This brings up a tooltip that displays the full content of all three columns.

A tooltip with the full content of an error entry
Figure 11-5. A tooltip with the full content of an error entry

To copy the content of the Description or Source column to the clipboard, right-click (Ctrl-click) the desired line item and select the appropriate option from the context menu. You’ll also find an option for clearing all the panel’s line items (Clear) and for jumping to the location of the actual line of ActionScript (Go to Source). The latter moves the playhead automatically to the relevant keyframe, opens the Actions panel if necessary, and highlights the guilty line number. This happens even in nested movie clip timelines, in which case the movie clip symbol is opened in the Symbol Editor from the library. If the code is in an ActionScript class file, then Flash jumps to the relevant line, opening the AS file if necessary.

This line jumping is a remarkable productivity booster and can also be activated by the Go to Source button in the lower-right corner of the panel, which becomes enabled when you click a line item to select it. In fact, this feature is so welcome, there’s even a third way to trigger it: simply double-click the desired line item.

Using the Compile Errors Panel to Open Code

Double-clicking a Compiler Errors panel line item is the quickest route to accessing and fixing problematic code. Here’s a quick example.

  1. In a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, use the Rectangle tool to draw a small shape anywhere on the Stage.

  2. Convert the shape to a movie clip symbol, and then double-click the symbol to enter its timeline.

  3. Inside the symbol’s timeline, add a new layer named scripts. Add a keyframe in frame 15 of the scripts layer, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following invalid ActionScript:

    var shouldBeNumeric:Number = "But this is a string.";
  4. Choose Edit→Edit Document to return to the main timeline.

  5. Choose Control→Test Movie to see an implicit coercion error in the Compiler Errors panel.

  6. Close the Actions panel. Double-click the error in the Compiler Errors panel to see Flash reopen the Actions panel and jump automatically to the correct line number of frame 15 of the movie clip symbol’s timeline.

Interpreting and Understanding Errors

Admittedly, the numbers assigned to compiler errors, warnings and runtime errors aren’t self-explanatory. Compiler errors range from 1000 to 1209, warnings from 1009 to 3607, and runtime errors from 1000 to 2157. The numbers are completely arbitrary (at least, to non-Adobe employees), so you can’t easily group them by some pattern or mnemonic device, such as, “Ah, those 1-800 phone numbers are the toll free ones.” While you may eventually find yourself recognizing the numbers of a handful of your own pet errors, the bottom line is that you’ll want to pay attention to their descriptions. As a note of encouragement, even if the numeric assignments don’t have much inherent meaning, they’re great for using as search terms at the Adobe website, Google, and your favorite tech blogs.

These errors and warnings are listed in the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference (search Help for “compiler errors,” “compiler warnings,” and “run-time errors”). Skim through the documentation’s Code Message heading for any of these terms, and you’ll see that for the most part, the messages themselves are fairly straightforward. True, not all of them necessarily make sense when they occur. That trait is demonstrated later in this chapter with “Compiler Error: 1037: Packages cannot be nested.” But even that message comes together after an explanation, and a fair number of errors and warnings feature a Description heading in the same table that shows the Code Message heading. The content of that Description column, when it does appear, may overlap with the Description column of the Compiler Errors panel. Even so, it often elaborates, including code samples.

One of the most helpful things you can bear in mind when interpreting errors and warnings is that ActionScript 3.0 is an object-oriented language—this version more so than any other. The ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference is neatly organized into a structure that matches the hierarchy of the application programming interface (API) of Flash itself; in other words, in a structure that matches the very composition of the language. If an error or warning mentions a class file you don’t think you’re using, look up that class and investigate its placement in the class hierarchy (essentially a family tree). You might, for example, see a compiler error concerning the DisplayObject class, even though you suspect the issue is related to a button symbol. As Figure 11-6 shows, the DisplayObject class listing, like all class listings, shows a collection of hyperlinks just below the main heading.

A class listing in the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference
Figure 11-6. A class listing in the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference

These links include Package, Inheritance, and Subclasses. The Package heading tells what major branch of the API this class belongs to (in this case, the flash.display package). The Inheritance heading tells what classes this class inherits from. Here, it’s easy to see that all DisplayObject objects are also instances of EventDispatcher—they feature all the functionality of that class, plus functionality of their own—and are also instances, ultimately, of the Object class. The Subclasses heading tells what classes further extend this class by inheriting from it. In this hypothetical scenario, you’re looking for something that seems like a button, because your hunch tells you a button symbol is at fault. Of the choices shown, InteractiveObject seems like the best bet. Certainly, it won’t always be this easy, but be sure to always let your fingers do the walking through the documentation.

The documentation is the closest resource and often the quickest way to find your bearings. Clicking InteractiveObject brings you to the listing for that class, whose own Subclasses heading includes an entry called SimpleButton, which in fact is the class that defines button symbols.


The authoring tool includes Help content that is installed locally on your hard drive. If you don’t have an Internet connection, you’re not entirely out of luck, but the local content is limited to the Using Flash book and the ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference. For anything outside of that, including ActionScript 2.0 reference documentation, you do need to be online.

Identifying Common Errors and What They Mean

Coming from any level of ActionScript 2.0 experience, you may find yourself “stuck” with old habits that were perfectly fine before, perhaps even recommended best practices. New syntax changes things. Some changes are relatively obvious, because they get abundant coverage in the Adobe Developer Connection (; the improved ActionScript 3.0 event handling model comes to mind. Other changes may show up on your doorstep at midnight unannounced, pushing their way past you to the fridge, thanking you in advance for a place to crash—through mouthfuls of your last leftover pizza. Here’s a list of some of most common gate-crashers.

Be careful where you type your code

Many of the ActionScript 3.0 guides on the market—and in fact, most of the code samples in the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference—are written in class format, complete with package and class declarations. When such code is typed or pasted into a keyframe, you see the following compiler error:

Compiler Error: 1037: Packages cannot be nested.

This error happens because every ActionScript 3.0 SWF file is associated with a default document class (see Chapter 6), which can be optionally overridden by a custom class. This means the SWF file’s code already exists inside a package automatically. The introduction of a second (seemingly original) package declaration in timeline code causes those two packages to be nested, which isn’t allowed.

To test sample code that’s formatted as a class, make sure to set it as the document class of your FLA file or create an instance of it in your timeline code:

var codeSample:ExampleCode = new ExampleCode();

Alternatively, though it may take more effort, you can “lift” the relevant code sample from its class trappings by removing the package and class declarations and any exclusively class-related elements, such as public and private member attributes, converting constants to variables, and the like.

Here’s an example that lets you test a code sample from the ActionScript 3.0 Language Reference in a timeline keyframe. This example is taken directly from the Graphics.moveTo() method listing:

package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.CapsStyle;
    import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
    public class Graphics_moveToExample extends Sprite {
        public function Graphics_moveToExample():void {
            graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x990000, 0.25, false, ¬
                 LineScaleMode.NONE, CapsStyle.SQUARE);
            graphics.moveTo(10, 20);
            graphics.lineTo(20, 20);
            graphics.moveTo(30, 20);
            graphics.lineTo(50, 20);
            graphics.moveTo(60, 20);
            graphics.lineTo(80, 20);
            graphics.moveTo(90, 20);
            graphics.lineTo(110, 20);
            graphics.moveTo(120, 20);
            graphics.lineTo(130, 20);

As written, you can’t test this ActionScript from a keyframe. It must be saved as an ActionScript (.as) file named in the same folder as a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file. The FLA file’s document class must be set to Graphics_moveToExample, as explained in Chapter 6.

The point of this sample code is to demonstrate the moveTo() method, which is simple enough to illustrate and actually use in a timeline setting. Note that this class extends Sprite, which means that when used as a document class, it treats the main timeline as a Sprite instance. Because the Sprite class and MovieClip class share the same family tree, both inherit a graphics property from DisplayObject. This means that even the default document class—that is, the absence of a custom document class (just a plain old FLA file)—can be used for this example. Contrast the previous package-based code with the following pared-down revision:

function Graphics_moveToExample():void {
    graphics.lineStyle(3, 0x990000, 0.25, false, ¬
         LineScaleMode.NONE, CapsStyle.SQUARE);
    graphics.moveTo(10, 20);
    graphics.lineTo(20, 20);
    graphics.moveTo(30, 20);
    graphics.lineTo(50, 20);
    graphics.moveTo(60, 20);
    graphics.lineTo(80, 20);
    graphics.moveTo(90, 20);
    graphics.lineTo(110, 20);
    graphics.moveTo(120, 20);
    graphics.lineTo(130, 20);

The package and class declarations are gone. The import statements are gone. The constructor function, along with its public attribute, has been removed. What remains is the part that actually demonstrates the moveTo() method. If you paste the revised version in frame 1 of a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file and test the movie, you see a dashed line in the upper-left corner of the stage. The dashed line occurs because lineTo() draws while moveTo() merely moves the pen.

Remember to omit property underscores

Years ago, most of the familiar movie clip getter/setter properties were preceded by an underscore (MovieClip._x, _y, _width, _height, _currentframe, and so on). As ActionScript matured and new properties were introduced, the underscore was omitted for the new properties (MovieClip.hitArea, scale9Grid, forceSmoothing, and so on). This led to a perplexing situation for newcomers, as it wasn’t apparent without longtime experience why some properties had the underscore and others didn’t. It was simply a matter of a historical change in convention. This scenario was frustrating for seasoned developers new to Flash because, by widely held convention (even in other programming languages), private class members are often preceded with an underscore to set them apart—yet the MovieClip getter/setter properties, and also those of the TextField class and others, were public.

In ActionScript 3.0, the underscore has been dropped across the board as a relic of the past. Still, you may find that your fingers automatically type mc._width when you actually mean mc.width.

// Assumes a movie clip symbol with the instance name mcBox
mcBox._x = 400; // Displays compiler warning

If you do, then you see a compiler warning when the compiler is configured for Warnings Mode:

Compiler Warning: 1058: Migration issue: The property _x is no
longer supported. Use the DisplayObject.x property instead.

You may also see an error in the Output panel:

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property _x on flash.display.Sprite.

Don’t be thrown by the mention of DisplayObject or Sprite: the MovieClip class is a descendent of both classes (its full pedigree is DisplayObjectInteractiveObjectDisplayObjectContainerSpriteMovieClip). Just drop the underscore and the warning goes away:

mcBox.x = 400; // Updates movie clip's horizontal position

Referencing movie clip’s parent requires explicit conversion (casting)

Imagine a relatively simple movie, such as a banner ad or corporate presentation. The main timeline moves from frame to frame, then halts—thanks to a keyframe stop() call—and waits for a nested movie clip in that frame to display an animation of its own. The last keyframe of the nested movie clip tells the main timeline to continue again by issuing a call to in the following manner:

// Last keyframe of a movie clip symbol in the main timeline;

That seems like a straightforward exercise, but in ActionScript 3.0 it generates a potentially confusing compiler error when the compiler is configured for Strict Mode.

Compiler Error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method play
    through a reference with static type flash.display: ¬

How is an undefined method, much less static? As it turns out, the problem here is nothing more than a confusion of data type. From the point of view of the movie clip’s timeline code, the expression this.parent thinks it’s referencing a DisplayObjectContainer instance, and that particular class appears too early in the MovieClip inheritance chain to feature a play() method. Movie clip symbols are instances of DisplayObjectContainer, but additional inheritance eventually gives them the properties, methods, and events featured in the MovieClip class.

To nudge ActionScript 3.0 in the right direction, use the as operator or relevant class function—in this case, MovieClip()—to explicitly convert, or cast, the reference:

// Last keyframe of a movie clip symbol in the main timeline
(this.parent as MovieClip).play();




In some cases, the as operator is the only real choice for casting. Date(someValue) doesn’t convert to the Date data type, but instead behaves the same as new Date.toString(). Array(someValue) behaves the same as new Array(someValue), which sets a new array to the length specified by a numeric parameter.

Variables can be declared only once per timeline or class

In ActionScript 2.0, you could declare a variable in one frame, then declare it again in another (or even the same) frame, or declare the variable more than once in a class file. In fact, re-declaring a variable was a handy way of clearing it out and starting fresh. It tended to happen in one particular circumstance, especially: for statements. Due to the strict nature of ActionScript 3.0, the following pair of for statements generates a compiler error because the variable i has been declared more than once in the same scope.

for (var i:int = 0; i < someUpperLimit; i++) {
    // loop code here
// Displays compiler error
for (var i:int = 0; i < someArray.length; i += 2) {
    // loop code here
Compiler Error: 1151: A conflict exists with definition
    variable name in namespace internal (or relevant namespace).

A compiler warning can also be generated by this issue.

Compiler Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.

To fix these multiple declarations, drop the var definition keyword in the second (or any subsequent) update of the value of the previously declared variable (change in bold):

for (var i:int = 0; i < someUpperLimit; i++) {
    // loop code here
for (i = 0; i < someArray.length; i += 2) {
    // loop code here

Undeclared timeline variables cannot be referenced

In a common practice ActionScript 2.0 timeline code, an if statement could be used to check for the existence of a variable. If the variable hadn’t yet been declared, or hadn’t yet been given a value, a reference to it returned null or undefined, which resolved to false in an if statement. People often used this technique for checking variables passed into the SWF file from external code, such as JavaScript, as with FlashVars.

In ActionScript 3.0, any reference to an undeclared variable generates a compiler error when the compiler is configured for strict mode.

if (someUndeclaredVariable) { // Displays compiler error
    // variable exists
} else {
    // variable does not exist


// Displays compiler error
if (someOtherUndeclaredVariable != null) {
    // variable exists
} else {
    // variable does not exist

Generates an error:

Compiler Error: 1120: Access of undefined property variable name.

To avoid this error, precede the variable with the this expression keyword, which causes Flash to interpret the variable as a class property. In ActionScript 3.0, after all, the main timeline is associated with a default document class (see Chapter 6), which can be overridden by a custom class. In either case, timeline variables are ultimately class properties. The inclusion of this reminds the compiler of that point and keeps the compiler error at bay.

Properties and methods cannot be referenced from a null reference

Related closely to the previous example, ActionScript 3.0 generates a runtime error if you try to reference properties or methods of an object that hasn’t yet been given a value. (In the previous example, it was a reference to the variable or object itself that caused a compiler error.)

var aNullObject:Object; // Declared, but not given a value
if (aNullObject.someProperty) { // Runtime error
    // property exists
} else {
    // property does not exist

Results in the error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method 
of a null object reference.

Note that the variable (an Object instance) does exist, but doesn’t yet contain the property referenced, someProperty. To avoid the runtime error, use the logical AND operator (&&) to test for the object first:

var aNullObject:Object; // Declared, but not given a value
if (aNullObject && aNullObject.someProperty) {
    // property exists
} else {
    // property does not exist

Or use a try..catch..finally block:

var aNullObject:Object;
try {
    if (aNullObject.aProperty) {
        // property exists
} catch (e:Error) {
    // property does not exist
    trace("Caught error: " + e);
} finally {
    // trace("bad reference!");


How do you eat an elephant? One bite (or maybe one byte!) at a time. This adage has been a gentle encouragement since Lao Tzu first rendered it as The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. In short, and in terms of programming, it speaks to breaking down large problems into smaller components, and then repeating the process until the first step (or first bite) becomes clear. In development environments, that first step, no matter how long the journey, tends to be easier when it’s small. Remember, testing early and testing often helps to keep you from getting overwhelmed.

When you do encounter an error or warning you truly can’t make heads or tails of, your situation is ready for troubleshooting. Troubleshooting is a “divide and conquer” approach to problem solving, in which your main aim as a developer is to isolate potential sources of the trouble at hand and, by a process of elimination, find the actual causes and fix them. The trace() statement, mentioned earlier in this chapter, is a good entry point into the troubleshooting process. Two other tools, the Compiler Errors panel and Output panel, are just as important and may be the instruments that alerted you to the trouble in the first place. The most powerful tool in your arsenal is the mechanism that lets you see into a SWF file’s inner workings at runtime. It’s called the debugging workspace, and it’s only available for ActionScript 3.0 documents.

Using the Enhanced Debugging Workspace

FLA documents configured for ActionScript 2.0 and earlier do have a debugging tool, but it exists as a fairly cramped environment, packed into a single panel called the ActionScript 2.0 Debugger panel (Figure 11-7).

The ActionScript 2.0 Debugger panel
Figure 11-7. The ActionScript 2.0 Debugger panel

To be sure, the old panel is no slouch. It does get the job done. In addition, it’s your only choice if your document’s Publish Settings are configured for anything other than ActionScript 3.0 (see File→Publish Settings→Flash). In contrast, using the updated workspace is like stepping from an office cubicle into a swank conference lounge. Its panels are separate, which means you’ll find plenty of elbow room, and the panels can be collapsed, expanded, and rearranged like those of any other workspace (Figure 11-8).

The debugging workspace
Figure 11-8. The debugging workspace

Using the new debugger is relatively easy, but you should be aware of a few changes before diving into an example.

For better or worse, the ActionScript 2.0 Debugger panel’s introspective tree view is no longer available in the new workspace. This is unfortunate, because the tree view was a useful discoverability tool. In addition, two file menu selections in the debug version of Flash Player have disappeared for SWF files published in ActionScript 3.0. Those selections were List Objects and List Variables, each of which sent a text-based snapshot to the Output panel of the objects and variables resident in memory at the time the selections were made. The closest approximation now for the List Objects and List Variables selections is the new public describeType() function, found in the flash.utils package.

Use a trace() statement to display the results to the Output panel in XML format:


// In timeline code, for example, the following
// provides a data dump of the timeline:


The option for the SWF files in tabs preference is located under Edit (Flash)→Preferences→General→Workspace→Open test movie in tabs. ActionScript 3.0 SWF files are displayed in windows only during debugging, but may be displayed in tabs during normal testing.

Using the Debugger Workspace

In ActionScript 3.0 FLA files, debugging is possible only with documents that actually contain ActionScript. That trait may seem self-evident, but the ActionScript 2.0 Debugger panel can be displayed regardless of the presence or absence of code. If you select Debug→Debug Movie for a codeless ActionScript 3.0 file, you see an alert box warning: “You cannot debug this SWF because it does not contain ActionScript.” Can’t argue with that.

To demonstrate the debugging environment, you need a bit of code. The slightest smattering will do.

  1. In a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, select frame 1 in the Timeline, and then open the Actions panel. Type the following minimal ActionScript:

    trace("Just a bit of code.");
A very basic debugging session
Figure 11-9. A very basic debugging session
  1. Select Debug→Debug Movie to enter the debugging workspace. Note the empty Debug Console panel and Variables panel on the left side (Figure 11-9). These panels are empty for a reason, which will be covered shortly. The SWF file itself appears in the debug version of Flash Player, just off center in the figure. The Actions panel may or may not be present, but if so, any changes you make will require a new debug session. The area just below the document tabs, near the top on the right, indicates that ActionScript has been found in Scene 1, Layer 1, Frame 1. In cases where ActionScript appears in several scenes or frames, this area of the debugging workspace displays each of those locations as a clickable line item. The largest pane, middle-right and behind the other content, shows the code for the currently selected frame or, if an AS file is open, the code in the script file whose tab is selected.


    This is another change from the older debugger. In the ActionScript 2.0 Debug panel, as debugging starts, the panel waits for you to choose which script(s) to examine, including external AS files, which needn’t be open when debugging starts. Any classes that are referenced with import statements, in keyframe or external files, are made available in a list box. In the new workspace, AS files must be opened prior to debugging if you wish to examine their contents before debugging begins.

    Finally, the Output panel appears at the bottom right (obscured, here) and behaves as it does during authoring.

  2. End the debugging session by any of the following methods: close Flash Player, close the SWF file’s tab in the Flash authoring environment, or, in the Debug Console panel of the workspace, click the red X.


In order to get the most out of a debugging session, you need to add breakpoints. A breakpoint is a special toggle that lets you pause the execution of code inside a SWF file. Breakpoints are easy to add, both to timeline or external ActionScript. Just locate the desired line number, and then click to the left of it, in the gutter, until a red circle appears (Figure 11-10).

Adding a breakpoint
Figure 11-10. Adding a breakpoint

To remove a breakpoint, click the red circle to make it disappear. Alternatively, you can right-click (Ctrl-click) to the left of a line and select Toggle Breakpoint from the context menu, which adds or removes a red circle. To remove all breakpoints at once, select Remove Breakpoints in This File. Flash CS4 is smart enough to remember your breakpoints even after you close the authoring tool, whether they appear in timeline or class code. You may add as many breakpoints as you wish. In the next few steps, you’ll learn how they work.

  1. Continuing with the same FLA file, use the Actions panel to add a breakpoint to the left of line 1, which contains the trace() function.

  2. Select Debug→Debug Movie to re-enter the debugging workspace. Note the difference among the panels: Flash Player no longer shows, because it hasn’t yet opened (the breakpoint in the first line of code has halted the movie). In addition, both the Debug Console panel and the Variables panel now display information, as seen in Figure 11-11 (click the + sign or arrow triangle inside the Variables panel to open the nodes shown).

    In the upper left, the Debug Console panel displays an interesting bit of information in an area known as the call stack: Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/frame1. The call stack shows the currently executing method, in an ordered list of all methods under execution. Here, the list displays only one item because only one method is executing. Unless you associate a FLA file with a custom document class (see Chapter 6), an automatic document class is assigned by default. This class is named MainTimeline, and keyframe scripts are considered methods of that class, which explains the MainTimeline/frame1 reference, functionally equivalent to the more familiar syntax MainTimeline.frame1(). In complex movies, you may see many entries in the call stack, as potentially numerous methods call each other, and then remove themselves as execution completes.

    The Variables panel displays the properties of the object currently in scope, which is still MainTimeline. Click the + sign or arrow triangle next to the word this, and you see the familiar properties of the MovieClip class, which is the data type of the main timeline in this scenario. The values of these properties reflect the current state of the main timeline as movie clip. The currentLabels property, for example, is an empty array, because the main timeline hasn’t been given any frame labels. The x and y properties are 0 and 0, because the main timeline is inherently positioned in the stage’s upper-left corner.


    The expressions after some properties, for example (@120aec1), are hexadecimal representations of their addresses in memory.

  3. In the Debug Console panel, click the green arrow button. Two things happen when you do: first, Flash Player appears; second, the Output panel displays the trace() message, “Just a bit of code.” The buttons along the top of the Debug Console panel let you control the playback of your breakpoints (Figure 11-12).

    The green arrow resumes normal play of the SWF file until the next breakpoint is encountered. The red X closes the current debugging session. The remaining three arrow buttons let you Step Over, Step In, and Step Out of your breakpoints.

    • Step Over causes the debugger to move to the very next line of code and pause, as though it has encountered a breakpoint. By clicking this button repeatedly, you can step through your code line by line, keeping an eye on the Variables panel to see how values change.

    • Step In jumps to any function or method referenced on the current breakpoint, and then steps through the code of that function or method line by line.

    • Step Out moves the debugger immediately to the exit point of the current function or method, typically where the function or method returns a value.

The debugger workspace, halted on a breakpoint
Figure 11-11. The debugger workspace, halted on a breakpoint
Debug Console panel buttons, with a new method in the call stack
Figure 11-12. Debug Console panel buttons, with a new method in the call stack

Stepping Through a Debugging Example

Here’s a slightly more complex—but still very simple—example that demonstrates the Debug Console panel and Variables panel in action.

  1. In a new ActionScript 3.0 FLA file, use the Oval tool to draw a small shape in the stage’s upper-left. Convert the shape to a movie clip symbol, and then use the Property inspector to give it the instance name btnOrb.

  2. Use the Text tool to add a text field to the right of the movie clip. Use the Property inspector to make sure this text field is set to Dynamic Text, has a width and height of approximately 300 pixels, is set to Multiline, and has the instance name tfReply.

  3. Create a new layer, and then name it scripts. Save the FLA file as DecisionMakerDemo.fla.

  4. Create a new ActionScript file, and then save it as

  5. Type the following code into the ActionScript file:

    package {
        public class DecisionMaker {
            private var _replies:Array;
            public function DecisionMaker() {
                _replies = new Array("Yes", "You betcha", "No", ¬
                     "No Way", "Maybe");
            public function getReply():String {
                return _replies[getRandomMessage()];
            private function getRandomMessage():int {
                var count:int = _replies.length;
                var float:Number = Math.random() * count;
                var index:int = Math.ceil(float);
                return index;

    This ActionScript defines a class, DecisionMaker, that answers yes/no questions. The code contains an error that’ll be spelled out in the debugging workspace.

  6. Save, and then return to DecisionMakerDemo.fla. In frame 1 of the scripts layer, type the following ActionScript:

    var dm:DecisionMaker = new DecisionMaker();
    btnOrb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
    function onClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
        tfReply.appendText(dm.getReply() + "
  7. Select Control→Test Movie to test the movie.

  8. When the SWF file opens in Flash Player, click the “orb” button several times to populate the dynamic text field with replies. Occasionally, you should see “null” among the answers, as shown in Figure 11-13.

  9. Close Flash Player.

  10. A breakpoint would be useful, but where should it go? The “orb” button clearly works, because text does appear when the button is clicked, so the FLA file shouldn’t need a breakpoint. Return to and add a breakpoint to line 7 (the first line of the getReply() definition).

  11. Select Debug→Debug Movie to enter the debugging workspace. Click the “orb” button in Flash Player. Note that Flash stops at the breakpoint (you may have to drag Flash Player aside to see the panels you’re interested in). The call stack in the Debug Console panel now shows two methods (Figure 11-14) because the onClick() function in the timeline has called the getReply() method in the class file.

    The Variables panel now shows properties of the current object, the DecisionMaker instance, which features a _replies array with five elements, 0 through 4, and a length property of 5.

  12. Click the Step Over button, and watch the small yellow arrow move from the breakpoint in line 7 to the next line. Click the Step In button to enter the getRandomMessage() method referenced in that line. The call stack updates with a third method—the one you just entered—and the Variables panel now displays the three variables declared in the getRandomMessage() method: count, float, and index.

  13. Click the Step Over button again. The yellow arrow moves to line 11. Continue clicking Step Over to advance to line 12, 13, and onward. The count variable updates to 5, the float variable to a random number, and so on. You will eventually exit the function through the return statement, at which point Flash Player proceeds as usual, until it encounters another breakpoint. The green arrow (Continue) button also returns Flash Player to a normal execution flow.

A simple application in need of troubleshooting
Figure 11-13. A simple application in need of troubleshooting
The call stack showing two methods, with properties of the current scope below
Figure 11-14. The call stack showing two methods, with properties of the current scope below

If nothing jumps out at you, then you may have to repeat the process a few times. This is the patient discipline of a good troubleshooter. The clues really are right in front of you.

Eventually, you see the float variable get assigned a number greater than 4, which gets rounded up to 5 and assigned to the index variable in line 13. The trouble with 5 in this scenario is that the _replies property, an Array instance, has a total of five elements. Arrays start their count at zero, as shown in the Variables panel in step 12, which displayed elements 0 through 4. There is no element 5. Aha!

The cause of that occasional number 5 is the Math.ceil() method in line 13, which always rounds up. Change that method to this (change in bold):

var index:int = Math.floor(float);

Math.floor() always rounds down, which ensures that index is always a number between 0 and 4.

Debugging Remotely

Flash is a medium designed for the Web. Even with the advent of the Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), it’s safe to say that most Flash content is currently displayed in a browser—and browsers don’t feature the Flash debugging workspace. In spite of this inevitable gap, you can bridge published SWF files past their browser host environments in order to communicate with the Flash authoring tool. The process is called remote debugging.

To allow Flash CS4 to remotely debug a SWF file, you need to indicate your intent by selecting the checkbox at File→Publish Settings→Flash→Permit debugging. Adding that checkmark enables a Password input field (Figure 11-15) intended to let you password protect a SWF file to ensure that only you can debug it. Unfortunately, this password field is only supported by ActionScript 2.0 documents. The Permit debugging option saves breakpoints and other debug information into the compiled SWF file, which can increase file size. In light of this, when it’s time for deployment, you may want to disable remote debugging and perhaps enable Omit trace actions in the same preferences dialog box.

Configuring a SWF file for remote debugging
Figure 11-15. Configuring a SWF file for remote debugging

With remote debugging enabled, select Debug→Begin Remote Debugging Session→ActionScript 3.0. The debugging workspace appears, and the Output panel displays the message “Waiting for Player to connect...”. At this point, launch the SWF file in a browser and then right-click (Ctrl-click) and select Debugger. You need a debug version of the Flash Player ActiveX control or plug-in for this to work, as described in the next section (you may also use the debug version of the standalone Flash Player). The SWF file connects with the authoring tool and debugging continues as before.

Logging trace() Statements from a Browser

The Flex documentation has a trick that explains how to configure the debug version of Flash Player to log trace() statements to a local text file. Fortunately, it works for Flash too, and it doesn’t involve the debugging workspace. In order to make use of this technique, you’ll have to install the debug version of Flash Player as an ActiveX control or plug-in. You can find the necessary files within the installation folder of Flash CS4:

  • Windows: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash CS4PlayersDebug

  • Mac: /Applications/Adobe Flash CS4/Players/Debug/

These files are also available from the Adobe website:
  1. Uninstall your current version of Flash Player with the uninstall file here:

  2. Close all your browsers, and then launch the desired installation file. The one with “ActiveX” in the filename is for Internet Explorer; the one with “Plugin” is for other browsers in Windows, such as Firefox; the one with “UB” is for Mac. For convenience, you may want to use one browser for debugging and one for normal viewing. You know the debug version has been properly installed when you right-click (Ctrl-click) a SWF file in the relevant browser: the context menu has a new option named Debugger.

  3. Create a new text file named mm.cfg in the following location:

    • Windows: C:Documents and Settings<user name>mm.cfg

    • Mac: /Library/Application Support/Adobe/mm.cfg

    Add the following content to mm.cfg, and then save the file:

  4. If you’re on a Windows machine, you’ll have to perform the following additional steps:

    1. On the Desktop, right-click on My Computer, and then, from the context menu, select Properties.

    2. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Advanced tab, and then click the Environment Variables button.

    3. In the User variables area (not the System variables area), click the New button, add the following new variable, and then click OK:

      • Variable name: HOMEDRIVE

      • Variable value: C:

    4. Click the New button again, add the following new variable, and then click OK:

      • Variable name: HOMEPATH

      • Variable value: C:Documents and Settings<user name>

    5. Click OK until the remaining dialog boxes are closed.

    6. Restart your computer.

At this point, when you view a SWF file in a browser that has the debug version of Flash Player installed, any trace() statements in that SWF file are written to a text file named flashlog.txt. This text file is cleared and restarted each time you view the SWF file in a new browser session. The location of flashlog.txt used to be configurable, but this changed with version of Flash Player. The current location is:

  • Windows: C:Documents and Settings<user name>Application DataMacromediaFlash PlayerLogsflashlog.txt

  • Mac: <user name>:Library:Preferences:Macromedia:Flash Player: Logs:flashlog.txt


    Alessandro Crugnola wrote a Firefox extension called FlashTracer that reads from flashlog.txt. This free extension is available at

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