Trap #9: Lack of Communication and Training


You could be stepping into this trap if the participants in the metrics program don’t understand what is expected of them. Verbal opposition to the program is another symptom of inadequate communication. Fear of measurement is a classic sign that the objectives and intent of the program need to be better communicated. If people don’t understand the measurements and haven’t been trained in how to perform them, they won’t collect reliable data at the right times.


Develop a short training class to provide some basic background on software metrics, describe your organization’s program, and clarify each participant’s role. Explain the base measures being collected and how they will be used. Defuse the fear of measurement by stressing that individuals will not be evaluated on the basis of their reported metrics data. Develop a handbook or Web site with detailed definitions and procedures for each of the requested data items. Top-down communication from management should stress the need for data-driven decision making and the need to create a measurement-friendly culture.

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