
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


achievable commitments, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria (see )
action planning, Focus on the Facts, Focus on the Facts
template for, Focus on the Facts
actual/estimated duration metric, What to Measure
actual/estimated effort metric, What to Measure
actuals, recording, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
after-action report, Recognize Progress (see )
agile, Preface, A Software Metrics Primer
Airlie Council, Best Practices
analysis, earned value, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
analysis paralysis, Worst Practices
Anderson, Ann, Insist on Using Objective Criteria
anonymity, Wideband Delphi method, Individual Preparation, Estimation Meeting
antipatterns for project management, Worst Practices
assembly, task, Wideband Delphi method, Estimation Meeting
approval, of project charter, Approving the Charter
assertiveness, Set Your Priorities
Assumptions, Assumptions and Dependencies, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks
in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
Wideband Delphi method, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks
Austin, Robert D., Make It a Habit


base measures, Why Measure Software, Solutions
precision of, Solutions
Basili, Victor R., Why Measure Software
best practices, Recognize Progress, Project Management Good Practices, Learning from Experience
Boddie, John, Project Management Good Practices, Learning from Experience
Boehm, Barry, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Risk Management Components, Separate the People from the Problem, Stop Promising Miracles
bottom-up estimates, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
Brackett, John W., Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
Brooks, Frederick P., Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Worst Practices
Brown, Norm, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Best Practices
Brown, William, Worst Practices
budget buffers, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
buffers, contingency, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Insist on Using Objective Criteria, Saving for a Rainy Day, Saving for a Rainy Day, Saving for a Rainy Day, Send in the Reserves, Send in the Reserves, Send in the Reserves, How Big Is Your Buffer?, How Big Is Your Buffer?, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Critical Chain Project Management, Critical Chain Project Management
budget, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
calculating, Saving for a Rainy Day, Send in the Reserves
critical chain project management, How Big Is Your Buffer?
estimating, How Big Is Your Buffer?
feeding, Critical Chain Project Management
iterations and, Send in the Reserves
project, Critical Chain Project Management
risk analysis and, How Big Is Your Buffer?
schedule, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
skeptics, convincing, Saving for a Rainy Day
business, Project Management Good Practices, Background, Success Criteria Breed Success, Success Criteria Breed Success, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Practice Activities, Why Charter?, Why Charter?, Project Description, Project Description, Milestones
case, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Why Charter?
(see also )
drivers, Background
goals, Project Management Good Practices, Success Criteria Breed Success, Project Description
objectives, Success Criteria Breed Success, Practice Activities, Project Description
requirements, Why Charter?
risks, charter, Milestones


calendar-time estimates, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
calibration, prioritization model, Constructing the Model
Campanis, Nicholas A., Completing the Estimation
Capability Maturity Model for Software, Wideband Delphi
Carr, Marvin J., Why Manage Risks Formally?
CASE tools, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption (see )
Caswell, Deborah L., Defects
change, responding to, Practice Activities
charter, Step 1: Define Business Objectives (see )
checklists, tasks, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
classic mistakes, project management, Worst Practices
coaching, Set Your Priorities
code defects, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
code generators, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
Collier, Bonnie, Kickoff
commitment analysis checklist, Your Personal Commitment Ethic
commitment ethic, personal, Modifying Commitments
commitments, achievable, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Why Charter?, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Making Project Commitments, Making Project Commitments, Insist on Using Objective Criteria, Modifying Commitments, Modifying Commitments, Modifying Commitments, Practice Activities
commitment record template, Modifying Commitments
documenting, Insist on Using Objective Criteria
making, Making Project Commitments
modifying, Modifying Commitments
negotiating, Making Project Commitments
personal commitment ethic, Modifying Commitments
worksheets, Practice Activities
commitments, negotiating, Making Project Commitments
(see also )
committed delivery date, Send in the Reserves
communication, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Solutions
inefficiencies, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
lack of, Solutions
skills, Analyze Your Skills Gaps
computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
cone of uncertainty, Stop Promising Miracles
confidence level, Completing the Estimation
configuration management, Functionality, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, Individual Preparation
task estimates, Individual Preparation
tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
conflict resolution, Set Your Priorities
condition-consequence format for risks, Documenting Risks
consensus approach, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Stop Promising Miracles
(see also )
conservatives market segment, Marketplace Expectations
constraints, Project Management Good Practices, Success Criteria Breed Success, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Assumptions and Dependencies
economic, Success Criteria Breed Success
in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
project, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
Construx Software, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
context diagram, Scope
contingency buffers, Saving for a Rainy Day (see )
contingency plans, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks
continuous learning, Learning from Experience
contracts, litigation, Saving for a Rainy Day
cost, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
as project dimension, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
drivers, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
Covey, Stephen, Success Criteria Breed Success
critical chain analysis, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
critical chain project management, How Big Is Your Buffer?
critical path, Send in the Reserves
culture, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption, What to Measure, Symptoms
measurement, creating, What to Measure, Symptoms
tools and, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
customer representatives, Background, Constructing the Model
customer satisfaction, Set Your Priorities, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, How Do You Know When You’re Done?
product quality, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, How Do You Know When You’re Done?


Daskalantonakis, Michael K., Why Measure Software
data, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, What to Measure, Make It a Habit, Share the Data, Share the Data, Solutions, Symptoms, Solutions, Solutions, Lessons Learned
defining, Share the Data
field descriptions, lessons learned, Lessons Learned
historical, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
measurement, correlation of, Solutions
metrics, Symptoms
misinterpreting, Solutions
privacy, What to Measure
sharing, Make It a Habit
trends, Share the Data
unused, Solutions
datasheet, project, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Why Charter?
(see also )
debriefing, Recognize Progress (see )
decision making, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Stakeholders
decision matrix analysis, Background
decision rules, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Stakeholders
defects, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Possible Release Criteria, Individual Preparation, What to Measure
code, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
metric, What to Measure
release criteria, Possible Release Criteria
rework estimates, Individual Preparation
degrees of freedom, Project Management Good Practices, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
deliverables, in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
delivery date, planned vs. committed, Send in the Reserves
Delphi, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them (see )
DeMarco, Tom, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Saving for a Rainy Day, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Kickoff
dependencies, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Assumptions and Dependencies
in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
risks related to, Why Manage Risks Formally?
Derby, Esther, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Retrospective Defined
derived measures, Why Measure Software
design tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
Dettmer, William, Critical Chain Project Management
diagrams, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Scope, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
CASE, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
context, Scope
flexibility, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
Kiviat, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
diffusion of innovation, Marketplace Expectations
dimensions, project, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Practice Activities, Assumptions and Dependencies
in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
worksheet, Practice Activities
documentation, commitment, Insist on Using Objective Criteria, Modifying Commitments
drivers, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Background, Background, Background, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
business, Background
cost, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
prioritization, Background
project, Project Management Good Practices
schedule as, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
technical, Background
dysfunctional measurement, Make It a Habit, Solutions


early adopters market segment, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Marketplace Expectations
early majority market segment, Marketplace Expectations
earned value analysis, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
Eastman Kodak Company, A Project Management Primer, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Learning from Experience
errors, estimation, Completing the Estimation
Estimate Express software, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
Estimate software, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Stop Promising Miracles
estimated/actual duration metric, What to Measure
estimated/actual effort metric, What to Measure
estimates, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Stop Promising Miracles, Assemble Tasks, Assemble Tasks, Completing the Estimation, Completing the Estimation
buffer, How Big Is Your Buffer?
errors, Completing the Estimation
vs. predictions, Completing the Estimation
recording, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
results review, Assemble Tasks
single-point, Assemble Tasks
tools for, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
Wideband Delphi, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them (see )
work, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
estimating work, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
estimation, Wideband Delphi, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them (see )
estimation, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time (see )
estimation meeting, Wideband Delphi method, Individual Preparation
ethic, personal commitment, Modifying Commitments
evaluation, individual, Symptoms
Evanco, William M., Best Practices
evolutionary delivery, Best Practices
experience, Learning from Experience (see )
external stakeholders, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
exit criteria, Wideband Delphi method, Assemble Tasks


facilitator, retrospectives, Estimation Meeting, Kickoff, Results Reporting
Fearey, Peter, Kickoff
features, as project dimension, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
feeding buffers, Critical Chain Project Management
(see also )
Fisher, Roger, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Making Project Commitments
flexibility diagram, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
Fogle, Sam, Best Practices
Foody, Michael A., Testing
formal commitments, Making Project Commitments
forming, group stage, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
freedom, degrees of, Project Management Good Practices, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
functional requirements, Why Charter?
functionality, Functionality


Gilb, Tom, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Support
goal-question-metric (GQM), Why Measure Software, Make It a Habit, Practice Activities, Solutions
worksheet, Practice Activities
goals, Set Your Priorities, Recognize Progress, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Success Criteria Breed Success, Project Description, Why Measure Software
business, Project Management Good Practices, Success Criteria Breed Success, Project Description
(see also )
for improvement, Recognize Progress
metrics and, Why Measure Software
product release, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom
setting, Set Your Priorities
Goldratt, Eliyahu, How Big Is Your Buffer?
good practices, Project Management Good Practices, Practice Activities
worksheet for, Practice Activities
good practices tips for project management, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives
Gottesdiener, Ellen, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Stakeholders
GQM (goal-question-metric), Why Measure Software (see )
Grady, Robert B., Defects, What to Measure, Symptoms
Green, Michael, Critical Chain Project Management
Greene, Jennifer, Stop Promising Miracles
ground rules for retrospectives, Kickoff
group(s), Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
estimation, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
processes, General Lessons for Tool Adoption


Iannino, Anthony, Defects
ideas, selling, Set Your Priorities
IEEE Std 1058-1998, Practice #5: Write a Plan
IFPUG (International Function Point Users Group), Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria
III, Why Charter?
inch-pebbles, Practice #5: Write a Plan, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
individual-level metrics, What to Measure, What to Measure, Symptoms
information-gathering stage, retrospectives, Kickoff
initiation, project, Marketplace Expectations (see )
innovation, diffusion of, Marketplace Expectations
innovators market segment, Marketplace Expectations
interests, stakeholder, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
internal stakeholders, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
International Function Point Users Group (IFPUG), Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria
interpersonal skills, Set Your Priorities
iron triangle,", Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
issue analysis and prioritization, in retrospectives, Information Gathering
iterations, Send in the Reserves, Stop Promising Miracles
contingency buffers and, Send in the Reserves
estimates and, Stop Promising Miracles


Karten, Naomi, Modifying Commitments
Kerth, Norman, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Retrospective Defined, Planning
key stakeholders, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
keywords, vision statement, Vision
kickoff meeting, Wideband Delphi method, Kickoff Meeting
kickoff stage, retrospectives, Planning
Kiviat diagram, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
KLOC, Defects
knowledge, lack of, risks related to, Requirements Issues
KnowledgePlan software, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them


labor-hour estimates, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Kickoff Meeting
laggards market segment, Marketplace Expectations
Larsen, Diana, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Retrospective Defined
late majority market segment, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Marketplace Expectations
Lawrence, M. J., Send in the Reserves
Leach, Lawrence, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Critical Chain Project Management
leadership, A Project Management Primer, Set Your Priorities
vs. management, A Project Management Primer
services of, Set Your Priorities
learning, Learning from Experience, Learning from Experience, Learning from Experience, Worst Practices, Worst Practices
best practices, Learning from Experience
continuous, Learning from Experience
from experience, Learning from Experience
lessons, Worst Practices
worst practices, Worst Practices
learning curve, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Fitting Tools into Your Culture
tool adoption, Fitting Tools into Your Culture
lessons learned, Worst Practices, Practice Activities
worksheet for, Practice Activities
Lewis, James P., Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
long-term goals, Recognize Progress
life cycle best practices, Best Practices
life cycle model selection, Best Practices
listening skills, Set Your Priorities
Lister, Tim, Success Criteria Breed Success, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Send in the Reserves, How Big Is Your Buffer?
litigation, contract, Saving for a Rainy Day
Loulis, Carol, Best Practices


management, A Project Management Primer, Set Your Priorities, Functionality, Making the Call, Requirements Issues, Fitting Tools into Your Culture, Saving for a Rainy Day, Symptoms, Best Practices, Worst Practices, Information Gathering, Information Gathering
(see also , , )
commitment, lack of, Symptoms
irrational, Worst Practices
vs. leadership, A Project Management Primer
retrospectives results, Information Gathering
risks related to, Requirements Issues
senior, Set Your Priorities, Making the Call, Fitting Tools into Your Culture, Saving for a Rainy Day, Information Gathering
Theory-W, Best Practices
management reserves, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Saving for a Rainy Day
(see also )
market segments, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria
marketing requirements document, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Why Charter?
(see also )
marketplace expectations, Marketplace Expectations
May, Lorin J., Retrospective Defined
McConnell, Steve, Recognize Progress, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Documenting Risks, Insist on Using Objective Criteria, Stop Promising Miracles, Completing the Estimation, Best Practices, Worst Practices
McGary, Rudd, Success Criteria Breed Success, How Big Is Your Buffer?
McManus, John, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
measurement, A Software Metrics Primer, Make It a Habit, Solutions
(see also )
dysfunctional, Make It a Habit, Solutions
mentoring, Set Your Priorities
merging, task lists, Estimation Meeting
metrics, software, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates (see )
milestones, Assumptions and Dependencies, Best Practices
in project charter, Assumptions and Dependencies
miniature, Best Practices
mistakes, classic, project management, Worst Practices
moderator, Wideband Delphi method, Wideband Delphi, Kickoff Meeting, Estimation Meeting
Monte Carlo simulation, Completing the Estimation
Moore, Geoffrey, Marketplace Expectations, Vision
More About Software Requirements (Wiegers), Scope
motivation, and metrics, Symptoms
multitasking, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
multivoting, Information Gathering
Musa, John D., Defects


Parkinson, C. Northcote, Send in the Reserves
Parkinson’s Law, Send in the Reserves, How Big Is Your Buffer?
past, learning from, Recognize Progress, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend
Patton, Bruce, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Making Project Commitments
Paulk, Mark, Wideband Delphi
peer review, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Defects, Approving the Charter
people skills, Set Your Priorities
performance evaluation, Symptoms
performing, group stage, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
personal commitment ethic, Modifying Commitments
persuasion, Set Your Priorities
plan, project management, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Why Charter?
vs. charter, Why Charter?
writing, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria
Planguage, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Support
release criteria, Support
planned delivery date, Send in the Reserves
planning, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Wideband Delphi, Worst Practices, Planning, Focus on the Facts
action, Focus on the Facts
stage, retrospectives, Planning
stage, Wideband Delphi method, Wideband Delphi
too much, Worst Practices
worksheets, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
post-project reviews, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives, Retrospective Defined
(see also )
postmortems, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives, Retrospective Defined
(see also )
Potter, Neil, Stop Promising Miracles
pragmatists market segment, Marketplace Expectations
predictions, vs. estimates, Completing the Estimation
predictive capability, prioritization model, Constructing the Model
presentation skills, Analyze Your Skills Gaps
principled negotiation, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Making Project Commitments, Best Practices
priorities, setting, A Project Management Primer
prioritization, project, Just Too Much to Do, Background, Background, Background, Constructing the Model, Practice Activities
calibrating model, Background
drivers, Background
model construction, Background
model use, Constructing the Model
spreadsheet, Practice Activities
prioritization, of retrospective issues, Information Gathering
privacy, of metrics data, Focus on the Facts
probability distribution, Saving for a Rainy Day, Completing the Estimation
Wideband Delphi method, Completing the Estimation
procedures, defining, Share the Data
Process Group, The, Stop Promising Miracles
process, vs. tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
process improvement, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
retrospectives and, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
product, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Success Criteria Breed Success, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
functions, Success Criteria Breed Success
operational and temporal context, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
release criteria, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom (see )
product size metric, What to Measure
productivity, tools and, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
progress, Define "Quality", Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
recognizing, Define "Quality"
tracking, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
project(s), A Project Management Primer, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #5: Write a Plan, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives, Just Too Much to Do, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Stakeholders, Scope, Approving the Charter
appropriateness, A Project Management Primer
constraints, identifying, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
overconstrained, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
plan template, Practice #5: Write a Plan
prioritization, Just Too Much to Do (see )
rejecting, Approving the Charter
retrospectives, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives
risks, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
scope, Scope
sponsor, Stakeholders
successful, defining, Project Management Good Practices
work estimations, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
project buffer, Critical Chain Project Management
(see also )
project charter, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Chartering a Course for Success, Why Charter?, Why Charter?, Why Charter?, What Goes in the Charter?, What Goes in the Charter?, Approving the Charter, Approving the Charter
approval, Approving the Charter
components, What Goes in the Charter?
defined, Why Charter?
vs. project management plan, Why Charter?
vs. requirement specification, Why Charter?
template for, What Goes in the Charter?
use, Approving the Charter
project constraints, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
project datasheet, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Why Charter?
(see also )
project description, in project charter, Project Description
project dimensions, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
project drivers, Project Management Good Practices
project initiation document, Step 1: Define Business Objectives (see )
project initiation phase, A Project Management Primer, Success Criteria Breed Success, Are We There Yet?, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Chartering a Course for Success, Why Charter?, What Goes in the Charter?, Project Description, Stakeholders, Milestones, Using the Charter, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Saving for a Rainy Day, Send in the Reserves, Stop Promising Miracles, A Software Metrics Primer, A Software Metrics Primer, Learning from Experience, Learning from Experience, Worst Practices, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
charter, Chartering a Course for Success, Why Charter?, What Goes in the Charter?, Project Description, Using the Charter
commitments, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Negotiating Achievable Commitments
estimates, Stop Promising Miracles
human resources, Milestones
mistakes, Worst Practices
release criteria, Are We There Yet?
retrospectives, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
risk management, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management
stakeholders, Stakeholders
tools, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption
project-level metrics, What to Measure
project management, Preface, A Project Management Primer, Set Your Priorities, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Define "Quality", Recognize Progress, Recognize Progress, Set Improvement Goals, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, Success Criteria Breed Success, Are We There Yet?, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Chartering a Course for Success, Why Charter?, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Saving for a Rainy Day, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Stop Promising Miracles, Learning from Experience, Worst Practices, Worst Practices
(see also individual subentries as main entries)
achievable commitments, Negotiating Achievable Commitments
best practices, Learning from Experience
buffers, Saving for a Rainy Day
charter, Chartering a Course for Success
classic mistakes, Worst Practices
critical chain, How Big Is Your Buffer?
definition of, Preface
estimates, Stop Promising Miracles
good practices, Project Management Good Practices
improvement goals, Recognize Progress
initiation phase, A Project Management Primer (see )
past, learning from, Recognize Progress
plan, vs. charter, Why Charter?
progress, recognizing and tracking, Define "Quality", Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
quality, defining, Analyze Your Skills Gaps
skill gap analysis, Set Your Priorities
release criteria, Are We There Yet?
risk management, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management
starting slowly, Set Improvement Goals
status tracking, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
success criteria, Success Criteria Breed Success
tool adoption, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption
tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
worst practices, Worst Practices
Project Management Institute, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Approving the Charter
project management plan, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria
project managers, A Project Management Primer, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend, Wideband Delphi
(see also )
project sponsor, Stakeholders
project team, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom (see )
public speaking skills, Analyze Your Skills Gaps


Rand Corporation, Stop Promising Miracles
Rapid Development (McConnell), Recognize Progress, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Best Practices
rating scales, project prioritization drivers, Constructing the Model, Constructing the Model
Rational Edge, The, Success Criteria Breed Success, Negotiating Achievable Commitments, Saving for a Rainy Day
recognition, team members, Define "Quality"
Reifer, Donald J., Project Management Good Practices
release criteria, product, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Are We There Yet?, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, Possible Release Criteria, Possible Release Criteria, Possible Release Criteria, Possible Release Criteria, Defects, Testing, Functionality, Functionality, Functionality, Support, Marketplace Expectations, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
ambiguous, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, Possible Release Criteria
configuration management, Functionality
defects, Possible Release Criteria
functionality, Functionality
marketplace expectations, Marketplace Expectations
Planguage and, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Support
quality attributes, Testing
sample, Possible Release Criteria, Possible Release Criteria
support, Functionality
testing, Defects
worksheets, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
requirements, Requirements Issues, Why Charter?, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, What to Measure
risk related to, Requirements Issues
metric, What to Measure
tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
vs. project charter, Why Charter?
resources, in project charter, Milestones
retrospectives, Recognize Progress, Practice #21: Conduct Project Retrospectives, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Retrospective Defined, Retrospective Defined, Information Gathering, Information Gathering, Results Reporting, Focus on the Facts, Practice Activities
action planning, Focus on the Facts
after iterations, Retrospective Defined
defined, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
process, Retrospective Defined
process improvement and, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
reporting results, Information Gathering
risk management, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend
summary report template, Information Gathering
success factors, Results Reporting
worksheet for, Practice Activities
rewards, team members, Define "Quality"
rework, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Individual Preparation
tasks, estimates, Individual Preparation
risk(s), Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Risk Management Components, Risk Management Components, Risk Management Components, Risk Management Components, Risk Management Components, Risk Management Components, Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment, Documenting Risks, Documenting Risks, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Milestones, How Big Is Your Buffer?, Best Practices
analysis, buffers and, How Big Is Your Buffer?
assessment, Risk Management Components
avoidance, Risk Management Components, Risk Assessment
business, in project charter, Milestones
contingency buffers, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
control, Risk Assessment
defined, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management
documenting, Documenting Risks
exposure, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks
identification, Risk Management Components
list, top 10, Best Practices
management, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity (see )
monitoring, Risk Management Components, Risk Assessment
prioritization, Risk Management Components
resolution, Risk Management Components, Risk Assessment
software, Why Manage Risks Formally?
tracking, Documenting Risks
worksheets, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
risk list, template for, Documenting Risks
risk management, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Lack of Knowledge, Lack of Knowledge, Documenting Risks, Documenting Risks, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
components, Lack of Knowledge
defined, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management
documenting risks, Documenting Risks
past, learning from, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend
rationale for, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Risk Management Can Be Your Friend
software risks, Why Manage Risks Formally?
plan template, Lack of Knowledge
tracking, Documenting Risks
worksheets, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
risk management plan, template for, Lack of Knowledge
roles and responsibilities in project charter, Stakeholders
Rogers, Everett M., Marketplace Expectations
Rombach, H. Dieter, Why Measure Software
Ross, Ronnie, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Separate the People from the Problem
Rothman, Johanna, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #3: Define Product Release Criteria, Possible Release Criteria, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Rubin, Howard, Metrics Traps to Avoid


safety increments, Send in the Reserves, How Big Is Your Buffer?
safety time, Saving for a Rainy Day (see )
Sakry, Mary, Stop Promising Miracles
Sassenburg, Hans, Defects
scales, rating, Constructing the Model
schedule, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Assumptions and Dependencies, Individual Preparation, Individual Preparation
buffers, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
as project dimension, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
estimates, Individual Preparation, Individual Preparation
learning curve time, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks
milestones, Assumptions and Dependencies
over-scheduling, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
process improvement time, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks
rework time, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
slips, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
training time, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
Schragenheim, Eli, Critical Chain Project Management
scope, in project charter, Scope
senior management, Success Criteria Breed Success (see )
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), Success Criteria Breed Success
Shoemaker, F. Floyd, Marketplace Expectations
short-term goals, Recognize Progress
Simmons, Erik, Support
simulation, Monte Carlo, Completing the Estimation
single-point estimates, Assemble Tasks
six sigma quality, Define "Quality"
size, product metric, What to Measure
skeptics market segment, Marketplace Expectations
skill gaps, analyzing, Set Your Priorities
SLIM-Estimate software, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them
SMART, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Possible Release Criteria
business objectives, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
release criteria, Possible Release Criteria
Smith, Larry, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
software, A Project Management Primer, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, Recognize Progress, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, Possible Release Criteria, Why Manage Risks Formally?, Why Charter?, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption
development tools, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption (see )
industry, best practices, Recognize Progress
management, A Project Management Primer
metrics, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates (see )
quality, Analyze Your Skills Gaps, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, Possible Release Criteria
(see also )
release criteria, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom (see )
requirements, Why Charter?
risks, Why Manage Risks Formally?
Software Development (CMP Media Inc.), A Project Management Primer, Just Too Much to Do, Are We There Yet?, Know Your Enemy: Introduction to Risk Management, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption, Stop Promising Miracles, A Software Metrics Primer, Metrics Traps to Avoid, Looking Back, Looking Ahead
Software Engineering Institute, Why Manage Risks Formally?
Software Estimation (McConnell), Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
Software Management (Reifer), Project Management Good Practices
software metrics, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, A Software Metrics Primer, Why Measure Software, What to Measure, Make It a Habit, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Metrics Traps to Avoid, Symptoms, Solutions, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
culture, measurement, creating, What to Measure, Symptoms
reasons for, A Software Metrics Primer
tips for success, Make It a Habit
traps to avoid, Metrics Traps to Avoid
vague, Solutions
what to measure, Why Measure Software
worksheets for, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
sponsor, project, Stakeholders
spreadsheet, for project prioritization, Practice Activities
staff, as project dimension, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
staged delivery, Best Practices
stakeholders, Project Management Good Practices, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Practice Activities, Project Description, Approving the Charter
analysis, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
charter, Project Description, Approving the Charter
identifying, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
worksheet, Practice Activities
statement of work, Step 1: Define Business Objectives (see )
static code analyzers, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
Stellman, Andrew, Stop Promising Miracles
storming, group stage, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
success criteria, Project Management Good Practices, Success Criteria Breed Success, Success Criteria Breed Success, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Practice Activities, Project Description
in project charter, Project Description
define business objectives (step 1), Success Criteria Breed Success
derive success criteria (step 4), Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
identify project constraints (step 3), Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
identify stakeholders and their interests (step 2), Step 1: Define Business Objectives
sample, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria, Step 4: Derive Project Success Criteria
worksheet, Practice Activities
support, product release criteria, Functionality
symbolic recognition, Define "Quality"


task lists, Wideband Delphi method, Kickoff Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks
final, Assemble Tasks
individual, Kickoff Meeting
merging, Estimation Meeting
task(s), Practice #5: Write a Plan, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, Kickoff Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks
assembly, Wideband Delphi method, Estimation Meeting
completion, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
decomposing, Practice #5: Write a Plan
estimation, Wideband Delphi method, Kickoff Meeting
lists, Assemble Tasks (see )
work estimations, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
worksheets for, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
team members, A Project Management Primer, Define "Quality", Project Management Good Practices, Project Management Good Practices, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Stakeholders, Milestones, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, Wideband Delphi, Kickoff Meeting, What to Measure, What to Measure, Solutions, Engage the Right Participants, Engage the Right Participants
as degree of freedom, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom
job satisfaction, Project Management Good Practices
metrics for, What to Measure, What to Measure
needs of, A Project Management Primer
preparing, Engage the Right Participants
recognition of, Define "Quality"
resources, charter, Milestones
roles, in project charter, Stakeholders
selecting, Engage the Right Participants
tool adoption, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
training time, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Solutions
turnover, Project Management Good Practices
Wideband Delphi method, Wideband Delphi, Kickoff Meeting
technology drivers, Background
technology enthusiasts market segment, Marketplace Expectations
templates, Practice #5: Write a Plan, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Risk Management Components, Documenting Risks, What Goes in the Charter?, Vision, Modifying Commitments, Practice Activities, Individual Preparation, Lessons Learned, Information Gathering, Focus on the Facts
(see also )
action plan, Focus on the Facts
commitment record, Modifying Commitments
estimation form, Wideband Delphi method, Individual Preparation
lessons learned, Lessons Learned
project charter, What Goes in the Charter?
project management plan, Practice #5: Write a Plan, Step 1: Define Business Objectives
retrospective summary report, Information Gathering
risk list, Documenting Risks
risk management plan, Risk Management Components
vision statement, Vision
testing, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Defects
as release criteria, Defects
Theory-W management, Best Practices
time lines, retrospectives, Kickoff
timebox development, Best Practices
tool adoption, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
CASE, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
culture and, matching, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
lessons learned from, Lessons Learned from Tool Adoption
worksheet for, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
tools, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, General Lessons for Tool Adoption, Make It a Habit
metrics tracking, Make It a Habit
productivity and, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
quality and, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
vs. process, General Lessons for Tool Adoption
tracking, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates, Documenting Risks, Make It a Habit
metric, Make It a Habit
progress, Practice #18: Record Actuals and Estimates
risks, Documenting Risks
tradeoff matrix, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints
tradeoffs, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests
training, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Fitting Tools into Your Culture, Solutions
lack of, Solutions
tool adoption, Fitting Tools into Your Culture
trends, data, Share the Data


Unified Modeling Language (UML), Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption
Ury, William, Making Project Commitments
user requirements, Why Charter?


Verner, June M., Best Practices
vision, in project charter, Stakeholders
vision and scope document, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Why Charter?, Vision
(see also )
visionaries market segment, Marketplace Expectations
Voas, Jeffrey, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests


waiting times, estimates, Individual Preparation, Individual Preparation, Estimation Meeting
Walsh, James, Defects
weighting factors for project prioritization, Constructing the Model
Weinberg, Jerry, Planning
Whitten, Neal, Information Gathering
Wideband Delphi method, Practice #15: Record Estimates and How You Derived Them, Stop Promising Miracles, Stop Promising Miracles, Wideband Delphi, Kickoff Meeting, Kickoff Meeting, Individual Preparation, Individual Preparation, Individual Preparation, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks, Assemble Tasks, Assemble Tasks, Completing the Estimation, Practice Activities
anonymity, Individual Preparation, Estimation Meeting
assumptions, Estimation Meeting, Estimation Meeting, Assemble Tasks
completion, Assemble Tasks
cone of uncertainty, Stop Promising Miracles
estimation form, sample, Individual Preparation
estimation meeting, Individual Preparation
evaluation of method, Completing the Estimation
kickoff meeting, Kickoff Meeting
planning stage, Wideband Delphi
preparation, individual, Kickoff Meeting
results review, Assemble Tasks
task assembly, Estimation Meeting
worksheet, Practice Activities
Wiegers, Karl E., A Project Management Primer, Practice #2: Identify Project Drivers, Constraints, and Degrees of Freedom, Practice #9: Manage Project Risks, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time, Step 1: Define Business Objectives, Step 2: Identify Stakeholders and Their Interests, Step 3: Identify Project Constraints, How Do You Know When You’re Done?, Defects, Testing, Vision, Assumptions and Dependencies, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption, A Software Metrics Primer, What to Measure
win-win objectives, Separate the People from the Problem
work, estimating, Practice #12: Estimate Based on Effort, not Calendar Time
work effort distribution metric, What to Measure
worksheets, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
achievable commitments, Practice Activities
business objectives, Practice Activities
good practices, Practice Activities
lessons learned, Practice Activities
metrics, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
planning, Practice #6: Decompose Tasks to Inch-Pebble Granularity
prioritization, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
project dimensions, Practice Activities
release criteria, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
responding to change, Practice Activities
retrospectives, Practice Activities
risk documenting, Practice Activities
risk lists, Practice Activities
stakeholders, Practice Activities
success criteria, Practice Activities
tool adoption, Practice Activities, Practice Activities
Wideband Delphi, Practice Activities
worst practices for project management, Worst Practices
Wysocki, Robert K., Success Criteria Breed Success, How Big Is Your Buffer?


Yourdon-DeMarco analysis, Lessons from CASE Tool Adoption


Zultner, Richard E., How Big Is Your Buffer?
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