Assemble Tasks

The Delphi session isn’t finished when the estimation meeting concludes. Either the moderator or the project manager assembles the project tasks and their individual estimates into a single master task list. This person also merges the individual lists of assumptions, quality- and process-related activities, and waiting times.

The merging process involves removing duplicate tasks and reaching some reasonable resolution of different estimates for individual tasks. "Reasonable" doesn’t mean replacing the team’s estimates with values the project manager prefers. Large estimate differences for apparently similar tasks might indicate that estimators interpreted that task in different ways. For example, two people might both have a task called "implement a class." However, one estimator might have included unit testing and code review in the task, whereas the other meant just the coding effort. All estimators should define their tasks clearly to minimize confusion during this merging step. The merging step should retain the estimate range for the tasks. If one estimator’s task estimate was wildly different from that of the other estimators, understand it and then perhaps discard or modify it.

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