Analyze Your Skills Gaps

Unless you’ve already been preparing yourself for the new position, you might perceive some gaps in your current leadership and management skill sets. Your strong technical background was probably a factor in your being selected for the leadership role. But you’ll need some additional skills to be fully effective. Take an honest inventory of your strengths and shortcomings in critical people and project skills, and begin closing any gaps.

Software people aren’t famous for having superb people skills. You might wish to enhance your adroitness at handling interpersonal relationships, resolving conflicts, persuasion, and selling ideas. You’ll have to be able to deal with situations ranging from hiring and firing staff, to negotiating schedules, to having someone crying in your office during a performance review session.

Analyze Your Skills Gaps

I found it valuable to begin my management career by taking a listening skills class. As individual contributors, we often have the luxury of energetically pushing our own technical agendas on the group. Managing effectively, though, demands a more collaborative and receptive interpersonal style. It took me awhile to learn how (and when) to skillfully channel my natural assertiveness. The listening skills class provided communication tools I’ve found useful in many situations.

Next, step to the other side of the podium and improve your presentation skills. If you’re uncomfortable at public speaking, a Dale Carnegie course can be helpful, as can participation in a Toastmasters group. Practice what you learn through such training and you’ll find that your enhanced communication ability will serve you well in any future job you hold.

As a project manager, you’ll be responsible for coordinating the work of others, planning and tracking projects, and taking corrective actions when necessary to get a project back on track. Take a training course in project management and begin reading books and articles on project and risk management. Join the Project Management Institute and consider pursuing a professional certification in project management. Your ability to set priorities, plan, conduct effective meetings, and communicate clearly will have a substantial impact on your effectiveness as a manager.


Analyze Your Skills Gaps

Being too busy to attend pertinent training classes with your team. Managers who come to training classes send a powerful message: This is important to me so it should be important to all of us.

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