Chapter 2 Administering the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine

Although SQL Server 2008 is composed of numerous components, one component is often considered the foundation of the product. The Database Engine is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data for the most challenging data systems. Note that the Database Engine is also known as Database Engine Services in SQL Server 2008, Likewise, it provides the foundation and fundamentals for the majority of the core database administration tasks. As a result of its important role in SQL Server 2008, it is no wonder that the Database Engine is designed to provide a scalable, fast, secure, and highly available platform for data access and other components.

This chapter focuses on administering the Database Engine component, also referred to as a feature in SQL Server 2008. Administration tasks include managing SQL Server properties, database properties, folders within SQL Server Management Studio, and the SQL Server Agent based on SQL Server 2008. In addition, Database Engine management tasks are also covered.

Even though the chapter introduces and explains all the management areas within the Database Engine, you are directed to other chapters for additional information. This is a result of the Database Engine feature being so large and intricately connected to other features.

What’s New for DBAs When Administering the Database Engine on SQL Server 2008

SQL Server 2008 introduces a tremendous number of new features, in addition to new functionality, that DBAs need to be aware of. The following are some of the important Database Engine enhancements:

Image   Built-in on-disk storage compression at several different areas. DBAs can compress database files, transaction logs, backups, and also database table elements at the row level and the page level.

Image   A new storage methodology for storing unstructured data. SQL Server FILESTREAM allows large binary data to be stored in the filesystem yet remains an integral part of the database with transactional consistency.

Image   Improved performance on retrieving vector-based data by creating indexes on spatial data types.

Image   A new data-tracking feature, Change Data Capture and Merge, allows DBAs to track and capture changes made to databases with minimal performance impact.

Image   A new database management approach to standardizing, evaluating, and enforcing SQL Server configurations with Policy Based Management. This dramatically improves DBA productivity because simplified management can be easily achieved. In addition, the policies can scale to hundreds or thousands of servers within the enterprise.

Image   A DBA can leverage standard administrative reports included with the Database Engine to increase the ability to view the health of a SQL Server system.

Image   Performance Studio can be leveraged to troubleshoot, tune, and monitor SQL Server 2008 instances.

Image   New encryption technologies such as Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) can be leveraged to encrypt sensitive data natively without making any application changes.

Image   New auditing mechanisms have been introduced; therefore, accountability and compliance can be achieved for a database.

Image   A DBA can add processors to the SQL Server system on the fly. This minimizes server outages; however, the hardware must support Hot CPU Add functionality.

Image   Resource Governor is a new management node found in SQL Server Management Studio. Resource Governor will give DBAs the potential to manage SQL Server workload and system resource consumption.

Image   SQL Server 2008 enhances table and index partitioning by introducing an intuitive Create Partition Wizard tool.

Image   SQL Server 2008 and PowerShell are integrated; therefore, DBAs can use Microsoft’s extensible command-line shell to perform administrative SQL Server tasks by execution of cmdlets.

Image   The Database Engine Query Editor now supports IntelliSense. IntelliSense is an autocomplete function that speeds up programming and ensures accuracy.

Administering SQL Server 2008 Server Properties

The SQL Server Properties dialog box is the main place where you, as database administrator (DBA), configure server settings specifically tailored toward a SQL Server 2008 Database Engine installation.

You can invoke the Server Properties dialog box for the Database Engine by following these steps:

1.   Choose Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Management Studio.

2.   Connect to the Database Engine in Object Explorer.

3.   Right-click SQL Server and then select Properties.

The Server Properties dialog box includes eight pages of Database Engine settings that you can view, manage, and configure. The eight Server Properties pages are similar to what was found in SQL Server 2005 and include

Image   General

Image   Memory

Image   Processors

Image   Security

Image   Connections

Image   Database Settings

Image   Advanced

Image   Permissions


Each SQL Server Properties setting can be easily scripted by clicking the Script button. The Script button is available on each Server Properties page. The Script output options available include Script Action to New Query Window, Script Action to a File, Script Action to Clipboard, and Script Action to a Job.


In addition, it is possible to obtain a listing of all the SQL Server configuration settings associated with a Database Engine installation by executing the following query, in Query Editor.

           SELECT * FROM sys.configurations
           ORDER BY name ;

The following sections provide examples and explanations for each page in the SQL Server Properties dialog box.

Administering the General Page

The first Server Properties page, General, includes mostly information pertaining to the SQL Server 2008 installation, as illustrated in Figure 2.1. Here, you can view the following items: SQL Server name; product version such as Standard, Enterprise, or 64-bit; Windows platform, such as Windows 2008 or Windows 2003; SQL Server version number; language settings; total memory in the server; number of processors; Root Directory; Server Collation; and whether the installation is clustered.

FIGURE 2.1 Administering the Server Properties General page.


Administering the Memory Page

Memory is the second page within the Server Properties dialog box. As shown in Figure 2.2, this page is broken into two sections: Server Memory Options and Other Memory Options. Each section has additional items to configure to manage memory; they are described in the following sections.

FIGURE 2.2 Administering the Server Properties Memory page.


Administering the Server Memory Options

The Server Memory options are as follows:

Image   Use AWE to Allocate Memory— If this setting is selected, the SQL Server installation leverages Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) memory. Typically, this setting is no longer needed when running 64-bit systems as they can natively handle more than 4GB of RAM out of the box. Therefore, the setting is only tailored toward 32-bit systems.

Image   Minimum Server Memory and Maximum Server Memory— The next items within Memory Options are for inputting the minimum and maximum amount of memory allocated to a SQL Server instance. The memory settings inputted are calculated in megabytes.

The following Transact-SQL (TSQL) code can be used to configure Server Memory Options:

sp_configure 'awe enabled', 1
sp_configure 'min server memory', ,<MIN AMOUNT IN MB>
sp_configure 'max server memory', <MAX AMOUNT IN MB>


The information enclosed in angle brackets < > needs to be replaced with a value specific to this example. This applies to this Transact-SQL example and subsequent ones to follow in this chapter and book.

Other Memory Options

The second section, Other Memory Options, has two additional memory settings tailored toward index creation and minimum memory per query:

Image   Index Creation Memory— This setting allocates the amount of memory that should be used during index creation operations. The default value is 0, which represents dynamic allocation by SQL Server.

Image   Minimum Memory Per Query— This setting specifies the minimum amount of memory in kilobytes that should be allocated to a query. The default setting is configured to the value of 1024KB.


It is best to let SQL Server dynamically manage both the memory associated with index creation and the memory for queries. However, you can specify values for index creation if you’re creating many indexes in parallel. You should tweak the minimum memory setting per query if many queries are occurring over multiple connections in a busy environment.

Use the following TSQL statements to configure Other Memory Options:

sp_configure 'index create memory, <NUMBER IN KB>

sp_configure 'min memory per query, <NUMBER IN KB>

Administering the Processors Page

The Processors page, shown in Figure 2.3, should be used to administer or manage any processor-related options for the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine. Options include threads, processor performance, affinity, and parallel or symmetric processing.

FIGURE 2.3 Administering the Server Properties Processor page.


Enabling Processors

Similar to a database administrator, the operating system is constantly multitasking. Therefore, the operating system moves threads between different processors to maximize processing efficiency. You should use the Processors page to administer or manage any processor-related options such as parallel or symmetric processing. The processor options include:

Image   Enable Processors— The two processor options in this section include Processor Affinity and I/O Affinity. Processor Affinity allows SQL Server to manage the processors; therefore, processors are assigned to specific threads during execution. Similar to Processor Affinity, the I/O Affinity setting informs SQL Server about which processors can manage I/O disk operations.


SQL Server 2008 does a great job of dynamically managing and optimizing processor and I/O affinity settings. If you need to manage these settings manually, you should reserve some processors for threading and others for I/O operations. A processor should not be configured to do both.

Image   Automatically Set Processor Affinity Mask for All Processors— If this option is enabled, SQL Server dynamically manages the Processor Affinity Mask and overwrites the existing Affinity Mask settings.

Image   Automatically Set I/O Affinity Mask for All Processors— Same thing as the preceding option: If this option is enabled, SQL Server dynamically manages the I/O Affinity Mask and overwrites the existing Affinity Mask settings.


The following Threads items can be individually managed to assist processor performance:

Image   Maximum Worker Threads— The Maximum Worker Threads setting governs the optimization of SQL Server performance by controlling thread pooling. Typically, this setting is adjusted for a server hosting many client connections. By default, this value is set to 0. The 0 value represents dynamic configuration because SQL Server determines the number of worker threads to utilize. If this setting will be statically managed, a higher value is recommended for a busy server with a high number of connections. Subsequently, a lower number is recommended for a server that is not being heavily utilized and has a small number of user connections. The values to be entered range from 10 to 32,767.


Microsoft recommends maintaining the Maximum Worker Threads setting at 0 in order to negate thread starvation. Thread starvation occurs when incoming client requests are not served in a timely manner due to a small value for this setting. Subsequently, a large value can waste address space as each active thread consumes 512KB.

Image   Boost SQL Server Priority— Preferably, SQL Server should be the only application running on the server; therefore, it is recommended to enable this check box. This setting tags the SQL Server threads with a higher priority value of 13 instead of the default 7 for better performance. If other applications are running on the server, performance of those applications could degrade if this option is enabled because those threads have a lower priority. If enabled, it is also possible that resources from essential operating system and network functions may be drained.

Image   Use Windows Fibers (Lightweight Pooling)— This setting offers a means of decreasing the system overhead associated with extreme context switching seen in symmetric multiprocessing environments. Enabling this option provides better throughput by executing the context switching inline.


Enabling fibers is tricky because it has its advantages and disadvantages for performance. This is derived from how many processors are running on the server. Typically, performance gains occur if the system is running a lot of CPUs, such as more than 16, whereas performance may decrease if there are only 1 or 2 processors. To ensure the new settings are optimized, it is a best practice to monitor performance counters, after changes are made. In addition, this setting is only available when using Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition.

These TSQL statements should be used to set processor settings:

sp_configure 'affinity mask', <VALUE>;

sp_configure 'affinity I/O mask', :<VALUE>;

sp_configure 'lightweight pooling', <0 or 1>;

sp_configure 'max worker threads', :<INTEGER VALUE>;

sp_configure 'priority boost', <0 or 1>;

Administering the Security Page

The Security page, shown in Figure 2.4, maintains server-wide security configuration settings. These SQL Server settings include Server Authentication, Login Auditing, Server Proxy Account, and Options.

FIGURE 2.4 Administering the Server Properties Security page.


Server Authentication

The first section in the Security page focuses on server authentication. At present, SQL Server 2008 continues to support two modes for validating connections and authenticating access to database resources: Windows Authentication Mode and SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode. Both of these authentication methods provide access to SQL Server and its resources. SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode is regularly referred to as mixed mode authentication,


During installation, the default authentication mode is Windows Authentication. The authentication mode can be changed after the installation.

The Windows Authentication Mode setting is the default Authentication setting and is the recommended authentication mode. It leverages Active Directory user accounts or groups when granting access to SQL Server. In this mode, you are given the opportunity to grant domain or local server users access to the database server without creating and managing a separate SQL Server account. It’s worth mentioning that when Windows Authentication Mode is active, user accounts are subject to enterprise-wide policies enforced by the Active Directory domain, such as complex passwords, password history, account lockouts, minimum password length, maximum password length, and the Kerberos protocol. These enhanced and well-defined policies are always a plus to have in place.

The second authentication option is SQL Server and Windows Authentication (Mixed) Mode. This setting, uses either Active Directory user accounts or SQL Server accounts when validating access to SQL Server. Starting with SQL Server 2005, Microsoft introduced a means to enforce password and lockout policies for SQL Server login accounts when using SQL Server Authentication.


Review the authentication sections in Chapter 8, “Hardening a SQL Server 2008 Implementation,” for more information on authentication modes and which mode should be used as a best practice.

Login Auditing

Login Auditing is the focal point on the second section on the Security page. You can choose from one of the four Login Auditing options available: None, Failed Logins Only, Successful Logins Only, and Both Failed and Successful Logins.


When you’re configuring auditing, it is a best practice to configure auditing to capture both failed and successful logins. Therefore, in the case of a system breach or an audit, you have all the logins captured in an audit file. The drawback to this option is that the log file will grow quickly and will require adequate disk space. If this is not possible, only failed logins should be captured as the bare minimum.

Server Proxy Account

You can enable a server proxy account in the Server Proxy section of the Security page. The proxy account permits the security context to execute operating system commands by the impersonation of logins, server roles, and database roles. If you’re using a proxy account, you should configure the account with the least number of privileges to perform the task. This bolsters security and reduces the amount of damage if the account is compromised.

Additional Security Options

Additional security options available in the Options section of the Security page are as follows:

Image   Enable Common Criteria Compliance— When this setting is enabled, it manages database security. Specifically, it manages features such as Residual Information Protection (RIP), controls access to login statistics, and enforces restrictions where, for example, the column titled GRANT cannot override the table titled DENY.

Image   Enable C2 Audit Tracing— When this setting is enabled, SQL Server allows the largest number of the success and failure objects to be audited. The drawback to capturing for audit data is that it can degrade performance and take up disk space. The files are stored in the Data directory associated with the instance of the SQL Server installation.

Image   Cross-Database Ownership Chaining— Enabling this setting allows cross-database ownership chaining at a global level for all databases. Cross-database ownership chaining governs whether the database can be accessed by external resources. As a result, this setting should be enabled only when the situation is closely managed because several serious security holes would be opened.

Administering the Connections Page

The Connections page, as shown in Figure 2.5, is the place where you examine and configure any SQL Server settings relevant to connections. The Connections page is broken up into two sections: Connections and Remote Server Connections.

FIGURE 2.5 Administering the Server Properties Connections page.



The Connections section includes the following settings:

Image   Maximum Number of Concurrent Connections— The first setting determines the maximum number of concurrent connections allowed to the SQL Server Database Engine. The default value is 0, which represents an unlimited number of connections. The value used when configuring this setting is really dictated by the SQL Server hardware such as the processor, RAM, and disk speed.

Image   Use Query Governor to Prevent Long-Running Queries— This setting creates a stipulation based on an upper-limit criteria specified for the time period in which a query can run.

Image   Default Connection Options— For the final setting, you can choose from approximately 16 advanced connection options that can be either enabled or disabled, as shown in Figure 2.5.


For more information on each of the default Connection Option settings, refer to SQL Server 2008 Books Online. Search for the topic “Server Properties Connections Page.”

Remote Server Connections

The second section located on the Connections page focuses on Remote Server settings:

Image   Allow Remote Connections to This Server— If enabled, the first option allows remote connections to the specified SQL Server. With SQL Server 2008, this option is enabled by default.

Image   Remote Query Timeout— The second setting is available only if Allow Remote Connections is enabled. This setting governs how long it will take for a remote query to terminate. The default value is 600, however, the values that can be configured range from 0 to 2,147,483,647. Zero represents infinite.

Image   Require Distributed Transactions for Server-to-Server Communication— The final setting controls the behavior and protects the transactions between systems by using the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator (MS DTC).


When using Windows Server 2008, MS DTC is now referred to as DTC.

Administering the Database Settings Page

The Database Settings page, shown in Figure 2.6, contains configuration settings that each database within the SQL Server instance will inherit. The choices available on this page are broken out by Fill Factor, Backup and Restore, Recovery, and Database Default Locations.

FIGURE 2.6 Administering the Server Properties Database Settings page.


Default Index Fill Factor

The Default Index Fill Factor setting specifies how full SQL Server should configure each page when a new index is created. The default setting is 0, and the ranges are between 0 and 100. The 0 value represents a table with room for growth, whereas a value of 100 represents no space for subsequent insertions without requiring page splits. A table with all reads typically has a higher fill factor, and a table that is meant for heavy inserts typically has a low fill factor. The value 50 is ideal when a table has plenty of reads and writes. This setting is global to all tables within the Database Engine.

For more information on fill factors, refer to Chapter 4, “Managing and Optimizing SQL Server 2008 Indexes” and Chapter 6, “SQL Server 2008 Maintenance Practices.”

Backup and Restore

The Backup and Restore section of the Database Settings page includes the following settings:

Image   Specify How Long SQL Server Will Wait for a New Tape— The first setting governs the time interval SQL Server will wait for a new tape during a database backup process. The options available are Wait Indefinitely, Try Once, or Try for a specific number of minutes.

Image   Default Backup Media Retention (In Days)— This setting is a system-wide configuration that affects all database backups, including the translation logs. You enter values for this setting in days, and it dictates the time to maintain and/or retain each backup medium.

Image   Compress Backup— Backup compression is one of the most promising and highly anticipated features of SQL Server 2008 for the DBA. If the Compress Backup system-wide setting is enabled, all new backups associated with the SQL Server instance will be compressed. Keep in mind there is a tradeoff when compressing backups. Space associated with the backup on disk is significantly reduced; however, processor usage increases during the backup compression process. For more information on compressed backups, refer to Chapter 7, “Backing Up and Restoring the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine.”


It is possible to leverage Resource Governor in order to manage the amount of workload associated with the processor when conducting compressed backups. This will ensure that the server does not suffer from excessive processor resource consumption, which eventually leads to performance degradation of the server. For more information on Resource Governor, refer to Chapter 16, “Managing Workloads and Consumption with Resource Governor.”


The Recovery section of the Database Settings page consists of one setting:

Image   Recovery Interval (Minutes)— Only one Recovery setting is available. This setting influences the amount of time, in minutes, SQL Server will take to recover a database. Recovering a database takes place every time SQL Server is started. Uncommitted transactions are either committed or rolled back.

Database Default Locations

Options available in the Database Default Locations section are as follows:

Image   Data and Log— The two folder paths for Data and Log placement specify the default location for all database data and log files. Click the ellipsis button on the right side to change the default folder location.

Administering the Advanced Page

The Advanced Page, shown in Figure 2.7, contains the SQL Server general settings that can be configured.

FIGURE 2.7 Administering the Server Properties Advanced Settings page.



FILESTREAM is a new storage methodology introduced with SQL Server 2008. There is only one item that can be configured via the Advanced page.

Image   Filestream Access Level— This setting displays how the SQL Server instance will support FILESTREAM. FILESTREAM is a new feature associated with SQL Server 2008, and it allows for the storage of unstructured data. The global server options associated with FILESTREAM configuration include:

Image   Disabled— The Disabled setting does not allow Binary Large Object (BLOB) data to be stored in the file system.

Image   Transact-SQL Access Enabled— FILESTREAM data is accessed only by Transact-SQL and not by the file system.

Image   Full Access Enabled— FILESTREAM data is accessed by both Transact-SQL and the file system.

Miscellaneous Settings

Options available in the Miscellaneous section of the Advanced page are as follows:

Image   Allow Triggers to Fire Others— If this setting is configured to True, triggers can execute other triggers. In addition, the nesting level can be up to 32 levels. The values are either True or False.

Image   Blocked Process Threshold— The threshold at which blocked process reports are generated. Settings include 0 to 86,400.

Image   Cursor Threshold— This setting dictates the number of rows in the cursor that will be returned for a result set. A value of 0 represents that cursor keysets are generated asynchronously.

Image   Default Full-Text Language— This setting specifies the language to be used for full-text columns. The default language is based on the language specified during the SQL Server instance installation.

Image   Default Language— This setting is also inherited based on the language used during the installation of SQL. The setting controls the default language behavior for new logins.

Image   Full-Text Upgrade Option— Controls the behavior of how full-text indexes are migrated when upgrading a database. The options include; Import, Rebuild or Reset.

Image   Max Text Replication Size— This global setting dictates the maximum size of text and image data that can be inserted into columns. The measurement is in bytes.

Image   Optimize for Ad Hoc Workloads— This setting is set to False by default. If set to True, this setting will improve the efficiency of the plan cache for ad hoc workloads.

Image   Scan for Startup Procs— The configuration values are either True or False. If the setting is configured to True, SQL Server allows stored procedures that are configured to run at startup to fire.

Image   Two Digit Year Cutoff— This setting indicates the uppermost year that can be specified as a two-digit year. Additional years must be entered as a four-digit number.

Network Settings

Options available in the Network section of the Advanced page are as follows:

Image   Network Packet Size— This setting dictates the size of packets being transmitted over the network. The default size is 4096 bytes and is sufficient for most SQL Server network operations.

Image   Remote Login Timeout— This setting determines the amount of time SQL Server will wait before timing out a remote login. The default time is 30 seconds, and a value of 0 represents an infinite wait before timing out. The default setting is 20.

Parallelism Settings

Options available in the Parallelism section of the Advanced page are as follows:

Image   Cost Threshold for Parallelism— This setting specifies the threshold above which SQL Server creates and runs parallel plans for queries. The cost refers to an estimated elapsed time in seconds required to run the serial plan on a specific hardware configuration. Set this option only on symmetric multiprocessors. For more information, search for “cost threshold for parallelism option” in SQL Server Books Online.

Image   Locks— The default for this setting is 0, which indicates that SQL Server is dynamically managing locking. Otherwise, you can enter a numeric value that sets the utmost number of locks to occur.

Image   Max Degree of Parallelism— This setting limits the number of processors (up to a maximum of 64) that can be used in a parallel plan execution. The default value of 0 uses all available processors, whereas a value of 1 suppresses parallel plan generation altogether. A number greater than 1 prevents the maximum number of processors from being used by a single-query execution. If a value greater than the number of available processors is specified, however, the actual number of available processors is used. For more information, search for “max degree of parallelism option” in SQL Server Books Online.

Image   Query Wait— This setting indicates the time in seconds a query will wait for resources before timing out.

Administering the Permissions Page

The Permissions Page, as shown in Figure 2.8, includes all the authorization logins and permissions for the SQL Server instance. You can create and manage logins and/or roles within the first section. The second portion of this page displays the Explicit and Effective permissions based on the login or role.

FIGURE 2.8 Administering the Server Properties Permissions page.


For more information on permissions and authorization to the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine, refer to Chapter 9, “Administering SQL Server Security and Authorization.”

Administering the SQL Server Database Engine Folders

After you configure the SQL Server properties, you must manage the SQL Server Database Engine folders and understand how the settings should be configured. The SQL Server folders contain an abundant number of configuration settings that need to be managed on an ongoing basis. The main SQL Server Database Engine top-level folders, as shown in Figure 2.9, are as follows:

Image   Databases

Image   Security

Image   Server Objects

Image   Replication

Image   Management

FIGURE 2.9 Viewing the Database Engine folders.


Each folder can be expanded, which leads to more subfolders and thus more management of settings. The following sections discuss the folders within the SQL Server tree, starting with the Databases folder.

Administering the Databases Folder

The Databases folder is the main location for administering system and user databases. Management tasks that can be conducted by right-clicking the Database folder consist of creating new databases, attaching databases, restoring databases, and creating custom reports.

The Databases folder contains subfolders as a repository for items such as system databases, database snapshots, and user databases. When a Database folder is expanded, each database has a predefined subfolder structure that includes configuration settings for that specific database. The database structure is as follows: Database Diagrams, Tables, Views, Synonyms, Programmability, Service Broker, Storage, and Security.

Let’s start by examining the top-level folders and then the subfolders in subsequent sections.

Administering the System Databases Subfolder

The System Databases subfolder is the first folder within the Database tree. It consists of all the system databases that make up SQL Server 2008. The system databases consist of

Image   Master Database— The master database is an important system database in SQL Server 2008. It houses all system-level data, including system configuration settings, login information, disk space, stored procedures, linked servers, and the existence of other databases, along with other crucial information.

Image   Model Database— The model database serves as a template for creating new databases in SQL Server 2008. The data residing in the model database is commonly applied to a new database with the Create Database command. In addition, the tempdb database is re-created with the help of the model database every time SQL Server 2008 is started.

Image   Msdb Database— Used mostly by the SQL Server Agent, the msdb database stores alerts, scheduled jobs, and operators. In addition, it stores historical information on backups and restores, SQL Mail, and Service Broker.

Image   Tempdb— The tempdb database holds temporary information, including tables, stored procedures, objects, and intermediate result sets. Each time SQL Server is started, the tempdb database starts with a clean copy.


It is a best practice to conduct regular backups on the system databases. In addition, if you want to increase performance and response times, it is recommended to place the tempdb data and transaction log files on different volumes from the operating system drive. Finally, if you don’t need to restore the system databases to a point in failure, you can set all recovery models for the system databases to Simple.

Administering the Database Snapshots Subfolder

The second top-level folder under Databases is Database Snapshots. A snapshot allows you to create a point-in-time read-only static view of a database. Typical scenarios for which organizations use snapshots consist of running reporting queries, reverting databases to state when the snapshot was created in the event of an error, and safeguarding data by creating a snapshot before large bulk inserts occur. All database snapshots are created via TSQL syntax and not the Management Studio.

For more information on creating and restoring a database snapshot, view the database snapshot sections in Chapter 7.

Administering a User Databases Subfolder

The rest of the subfolders under the top-level Database folder are all the user databases. The user database is a repository for all aspects of a database, including administration, management, and programming. Each user database running within the Database Engine shows up as a separate subfolder. From within the User Database folder, you can conduct the following tasks: backup, restore, take offline, manage database storage, manage properties, manage database authorization, encryption, shrink, and configure log shipping or database mirroring. In addition, from within this folder, programmers can create the database schema, including tables, views, constraints, and stored procedures.


Database development tasks such as creating a new database, views, or stored procedures are beyond the scope of this book, as this book focuses only on administration and management tasks affiliated with the Database Engine.

Administering the Security Folder

The second top-level folder in the SQL Server instance tree, Security, is a repository for all the Database Engine securable items meant for managing authorization. The sublevel Security Folders consist of

Image   Logins— This subfolder is used for creating and managing access to the SQL Server Database Engine. A login can be created based on a Windows or SQL Server account. In addition, it is possible to configure password policies, server role and user mapping access, and permission settings.

Image   Server Roles— SQL Server 2008 leverages the role-based model for granting authorization to the SQL Server 2008 Database Engine. Predefined SQL Server Roles already exist when SQL Server is deployed. These predefined roles should be leveraged when granting access to SQL Server and databases.

Image   Credentials— Credentials are used when there is a need to provide SQL Server authentication users an identity outside SQL Server. The principal rationale is for creating credentials to execute code in assemblies and for providing SQL Server access to a domain resource.

Image   Cryptographic Providers— The Cryptographic Providers subfolder is used for managing encryption keys associated with encrypting elements within SQL Server 2008. For more information on Cryptographic Providers and SQL Server 2008 encryption, reference Chapter 11, “Encrypting SQL Server Data and Communications.”

Image   Audits and Server Audit Specifications— SQL Server 2008 introduces enhanced auditing mechanisms, which make it possible to create customized audits of events residing in the database engine. These subfolders are used for creating, managing, storing, and viewing audits in SQL Server 2008. For more information on creating and managing audits including server audit specifications, refer to Chapter 17, “Monitoring SQL Server 2008 with Native Tools.”

Administering the Server Objects Folder

The third top-level folder located in Object Explorer is called Server Objects. Here, you create backup devices, endpoints, linked servers, and triggers.

Backup Devices

Backup devices are a component of the backup and restore process when working with user databases. Unlike the earlier versions of SQL Server, backup devices are not needed; however, they provide a great way to manage all the backup data and transaction log files for a database under one file and location.

To create a backup device, follow these steps:

1.   Choose Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Management Studio.

2.   In Object Explorer, connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the Server Objects folder.

3.   Right-click the Backup Devices folder and select New Backup Device.

4.   In the Backup Device dialog box, specify a Device Name and enter the destination file path, as shown in Figure 2.10. Click OK to complete this task.

FIGURE 2.10 Creating a backup device with SQL Server Management Studio.


This TSQL syntax can also be used to create the backup device:

USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addumpdevice  @devtype = N'disk',
@logicalname = N'Rustom''s Backup Device',
@physicalname = N'C:Rustom''s Backup Device.bak'

For more information on using backup devices and step-by-step instructions on backing up and restoring the Database Engine, refer to Chapter 7.


To connect to a SQL Server instance, applications must use a specific port that SQL Server has been configured to listen on. In the past, the authentication process and handshake agreement were challenged by the security industry as not being robust or secure. Therefore, SQL Server uses a concept called endpoints to strengthen the communication security process.

The Endpoint folder residing under the Server Objects folder is a repository for all the endpoints created within a SQL Server instance. The endpoints are broken out by system endpoints, database mirroring, service broker, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), and TSQL.

The endpoint creation and specified security options for Database Mirroring endpoints are covered in Chapter 13.

Linked Servers

As the enterprise scales, more and more SQL Server 2008 servers are introduced into an organization’s infrastructure. As this occurs, you are challenged to provide a means to allow distributed transactions and queries between different SQL Server instances. Linked servers provide a way for organizations to overcome these hurdles by providing the means of distributed transactions, remote queries, and remote stored procedure calls between separate SQL Server instances or non–SQL Server sources such as Microsoft Access.

Follow these steps to create a linked server with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

1.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the Server Objects Folder.

2.   Right-click the Linked Servers folder and select New Linked Server.

3.   The New Linked Server dialog box contains three pages of configuration settings: General, Security, and Server Options. On the General Page, specify a linked server name, and select the type of server to connect to. For example, the remote server could be a SQL Server or another data source. For this example, select SQL Server.

4.   The next page focuses on security and includes configuration settings for the security context mapping between the local and remote SQL Server instances. On the Security page, first click Add and enter the local login user account to be used. Second, either impersonate the local account, which will pass the username and password to the remote server, or enter a remote user and password.

5.   Still within the Security page, enter an option for a security context pertaining to the external login that is not defined in the previous list. The following options are available:

Image   Not Be Made— Indicates that a login will not be created for user accounts that are not already listed.

Image   Be Made Without a User’s Security Context— Indicates that a connection will be made without using a user’s security context for connections.

Image   Be Made Using the Login’s Current Security Context— Indicates that a connection will be made by using the current security context of the user which is logged on.

Image   Be Made Using This Security Context— Indicates that a connection will be made by providing the login and password security context.

6.   On the Server Options page, you can configure additional connection settings. Make any desired server option changes and click OK.


Impersonating the Windows local credentials is the most secure authentication mechanism, provided that the remote server supports Windows authentication.


The final folder in the Server Objects tree is Triggers. It is a repository for all the triggers configured within the SQL Server instance. Again, creating triggers is a development task, so it is not covered in this book.

Administering the Replication Folder

Replication is a means of distributing data among SQL Server instances. In addition, peer-to-peer replication can also be used as a form of high availability and for offloading reporting queries from a production server to a second instance of SQL Server. When administering and managing replication, you conduct all the replication tasks from within this Replication folder. Tasks include configuring the distributor, creating publications, creating local subscriptions, and launching the Replication Monitor for troubleshooting and monitoring.

Administering, managing, and monitoring replication can be reviewed in Chapter 15, “Implementing and Managing SQL Server Replication.”

Administering the Management Folder

The Management folder contains a plethora of old and new elements used to administer SQL Server management tasks. The majority of the topics in the upcoming bullets are covered in dedicated chapters, as the topics and content are very large. The subfolders found in the Management folder consist of the following:

Image   Policy Management— A new feature in SQL Server 2008, Policy Management allows DBAs to create policies in order to control and manage the behavior and settings associated with one or more SQL Server instances. Policy Based Management ensures that a system conforms to usage and security practices of an organization and its industry by constantly monitoring the surface area of a SQL Server system, database, and/or objects. To effectively establish and monitor policies for a SQL Server environment, review Chapter 10, “Administering Policy Based Management.”

Image   Data Collection— Data Collection is the second element in the Management folder. It is the main place for DBAs to manage all aspects associated with the new SQL Server 2008 feature, Performance Studio. Performance Studio is an integrated framework that allows database administrators the opportunity for end-to-end collection of data from one or more SQL Server systems into a centralized data warehouse. The collected data can be used to analyze, troubleshoot, and store SQL Server diagnostic information. To further understand how to administer Performance Studio, data collections, and the central repository and management reports, review Chapter 17.

Image   Resource Governor— The paramount new feature included with the release of SQL Server 2008. Resource Governor can be used in a variety of ways to monitor resource consumption and manage the workloads of a SQL Server system. By leveraging Resource Governor and defining the number of resources a workload can use, it is possible to establish a SQL Server environment that allows many workloads to run on a server, without the fear of one specific workload cannibalizing the system. For more information on managing Resource Governor, refer to Chapter 16.

Image   Maintenance Plans— The Maintenance Plan subfolder includes an arsenal of tools tailored toward automatically sustaining a SQL Server implementation. DBAs can conduct routine maintenance on one or more databases by creating a maintenance plan either manually or by using a wizard. Some of these routine database tasks involve rebuilding indexes, checking database integrity, updating index statistics, and performing internal consistency checks and backups. For more information on conducting routine maintenance, review Chapter 6.

Image   SQL Server Logs— The SQL Server Logs subfolder is typically the first line of defense when analyzing issues associated with a SQL Server instance. From within this subfolder, it is possible to configure logs, view SQL Server logs, and view Windows Logs. By right-clicking the SQL Server Log folder, you have the option to limit the number of error logs before they are recycled. The default value is 6; however, a value from 6 to 99 can be selected. The logs are displayed in a hierarchical fashion with the Current log listed first.

Image   Database Mail— The Database Mail folder should be leveraged to configure SQL Server email messages using the SMTP protocol. Management tasks include configuring mail system parameters, creating mail accounts, administering profiles, and mail security. For more information on managing Database Mail, see Chapter 17.

Image   Distributed Transaction Coordinator— There isn’t much to manage; however, the Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC) provides status on the DTC service from within SSMS. Although status is presented, such as running or stopped, the DTC service must be managed with the Services snap-in included with Windows Server 2008.

Image   Legacy— The Legacy subfolder includes a means of managing legacy SQL Server 2008 elements that are still supported and not yet decommissioned. Typically, these elements are pre–SQL Server 2005 and include Database Maintenance Plans, Data Transformation Services, and SQL Mail.


Notification Services, which was previously found in the Management folder, has been deprecated.

Administering Database Properties

The Database Properties dialog box is the place where you manage the configuration options and values of a user or system database. You can execute additional tasks from within these pages, such as database mirroring and transaction log shipping. The configuration pages in the Database Properties dialog box include

Image   General

Image   Files

Image   Filegroups

Image   Options

Image   Change Tracking

Image   Permissions

Image   Extended Properties

Image   Mirroring

Image   Transaction Log Shipping

The upcoming sections describe each page and setting in its entirety. To invoke the Database Properties dialog box, perform the following steps:

1.   Choose Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, SQL Server Management Studio.

2.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the Databases folder.

3.   Select a desired database such as AdventureWorks2008, right-click, and select Properties. The Database Properties dialog box, including all the pages, is displayed in the left pane.

Administering the Database Properties General Page

General, the first page in the Database Properties dialog box, displays information exclusive to backups, database settings, and collation settings. Specific information displayed includes

Image   Last Database Backup

Image   Last Database Log Backup

Image   Database Name

Image   State of the Database Status

Image   Database Owner

Image   Date Database Was Created

Image   Size of the Database

Image   Space Available

Image   Number of Users Currently Connected to the Database

Image   Collation Settings

You should use this page for obtaining information about a database, as displayed in Figure 2.11.

FIGURE 2.11 Viewing the General page in the Database Properties dialog box.


Administering the Database Properties Files Page

The second Database Properties page is called Files. Here you can change the owner of the database, enable full-text indexing, and manage the database files, as shown in Figure 2.12.

FIGURE 2.12 Configuring the database files settings from within the Files page.


Managing Database Files

The Files page is used to configure settings pertaining to database files and transaction logs. You will spend time working in the Files page when initially rolling out a database and conducting capacity planning. Following are the settings you’ll see:

Image   Data and Log File Types— A SQL Server 2008 database is composed of two types of files: data and log. Each database has at least one data file and one log file. When you’re scaling a database, it is possible to create more than one data and one log file. If multiple data files exist, the first data file in the database has the extension *.mdf and subsequent data files maintain the extension *.ndf. In addition, all log files use the extension *.ldf.


To reduce disk contention, many database experts recommend creating multiple data files. The database catalog and system tables should be stored in the primary data file, and all other data, objects, and indexes should be stored in secondary files. In addition, the data files should be spread across multiple disk systems or Logical Unit Number (LUN) to increase I/O performance.

Image   Filegroups— When you’re working with multiple data files, it is possible to create filegroups. A filegroup allows you to logically group database objects and files together. The default filegroup, known as the Primary Filegroup, maintains all the system tables and data files not assigned to other filegroups. Subsequent filegroups need to be created and named explicitly.

Image   Initial Size in MB— This setting indicates the preliminary size of a database or transaction log file. You can increase the size of a file by modifying this value to a higher number in megabytes.

Image   Autogrowth— This feature enables you to manage the file growth of both the data and transaction log files. When you click the ellipsis button, a Change Autogrowth dialog box appears. The configurable settings include whether to enable autogrowth, and if autogrowth is selected, whether autogrowth should occur based on a percentage or in a specified number of megabytes. The final setting is whether to choose a maximum file size for each file. The two options available are Restricted File Growth (MB) or Unrestricted File Growth.


When you’re allocating space for the first time to both data files and transaction log files, it is a best practice to conduct capacity planning, estimate the amount of space required for the operation, and allocate a specific amount of disk space from the beginning. It is not a recommended practice to rely on the autogrowth feature because constantly growing and shrinking the files typically leads to excessive fragmentation, including performance degradation.


Database Files and RAID Sets—Database files should reside only on RAID sets to provide fault tolerance and availability, while at the same time increasing performance. If cost is not an issue, data files and transaction logs should be placed on RAID 1+0 volumes. RAID 1+0 provides the best availability and performance because it combines mirroring with striping. However, if this is not a possibility due to budget, data files should be placed on RAID 5 and transaction logs on RAID 1.

Increasing Initial Size of a Database File

Perform the following steps to increase the data file for the AdventureWorks2008 database using SSMS:

1.   In Object Explorer, right-click the AdventureWorks2008 database and select Properties.

2.   Select the Files Page in the Database Properties dialog box.

3.   Enter the new numerical value for the desired file size in the Initial Size (MB) column for a data or log file and click OK.

Creating Additional Filegroups for a Database

Perform the following steps to create a new filegroup and files using the AdventureWorks2008 database with both SSMS and TSQL:

1.   In Object Explorer, right-click the AdventureWorks2008 database and select Properties.

2.   Select the Filegroups page in the Database Properties dialog box.

3.   Click the Add button to create a new filegroup.

4.   When a new row appears, enter the name of new the filegroup and enable the option Default.

Alternatively, you can use the following TSQL script to create the new filegroup for the AdventureWorks2008 database:

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008] ADD FILEGROUP [SecondFile-

Creating New Data Files for a Database and Placing Them in Different Filegroups

Now that you’ve created a new filegroup, you can create two additional data files for the AdventureWorks2008 database and place them in the newly created filegroup:

1.   In Object Explorer, right-click the AdventureWorks2008 database and select Properties.

2.   Select the Files page in the Database Properties dialog box.

3.   Click the Add button to create new data files.

4.   In the Database Files section, enter the following information in the appropriate columns:


5.   Click OK.


For simplicity, the file page for the new database file is located in the root of the C: drive for this example. In production environments, however, you should place additional database files on separate volumes to maximize performance.

It is possible to conduct the same steps by executing the following TSQL syntax to create a new data file:

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008]
ADD FILE (NAME = N'AdventureWorks2008_Data2',
FILENAME = N'C:AdventureWorks2008_Data2.ndf',
SIZE = 10240KB , FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
TO FILEGROUP [SecondFileGroup]

Configuring Autogrowth on a Database File

Next, to configure autogrowth on the database file, follow these steps:

1.   From within the File page on the Database Properties dialog box, click the ellipsis button located in the Autogrowth column on a desired database file to configure it.

2.   In the Change Autogrowth dialog box, configure the File Growth and Maximum File Size settings and click OK.

3.   Click OK in the Database Properties dialog box to complete the task.

You can use the following TSQL syntax to modify the Autogrowth settings for a database file based on a growth rate at 50% and a maximum file size of 1000MB:

USE [master]
ALTER DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008]
MODIFY FILE ( NAME = N'AdventureWorks2008_Data',
MAXSIZE = 1024000KB , FILEGROWTH = 50%)

Managing FILESTREAM Data

Until SQL Server 2008, organizations have been creatively inventing their own mechanisms to store unstructured data. Now SQL Server 2008 introduces a new file type that can assist organizations by allowing them to store unstructured data such as bitmap images, music files, text files, videos, and audio files in a single data type, which is more secure and manageable.

From an internal perspective, FILESTREAM creates a bridge between the Database Engine and the NTFS filesystem included with Windows Server. It stores varbinary(max) binary large object (BLOB) data as files on the filesystem, and Transact-SQL can be leveraged to interact with the filesystem by supporting inserts, updates, queries, search, and backup of FILESTREAM data. FILESTREAM will be covered in upcoming sections of this chapter.

Administering the Database Properties Filegroups Page

As stated previously, filegroups are a great way to organize data objects, address performance issues, and minimize backup times. The Filegroup page is best used for viewing existing filegroups, creating new ones, marking filegroups as read-only, and configuring which filegroup will be the default.

To improve performance, you can create subsequent filegroups and place database files, transaction log files, Filestream data and indexes onto them. In addition, if there isn’t enough physical storage available on a volume, you can create a new filegroup and physically place all files on a different volume or LUN if Storage Area Network (SAN) is being used.

Finally, if a database has static data, it is possible to move this data to a specified filegroup and mark this filegroup as read-only. This minimizes backup times; because the data does not change, SQL Server marks this filegroup and skips it.


Alternatively, you can create a new filegroup directly in the Files page by adding a new data file and selecting New Filegroup from the Filegroup drop-down list.

Administering the Database Properties Options Page

The Options page, shown in Figure 2.13, includes configuration settings on Collation, Recovery Model, and other options such as Automatic, Cursor, and Miscellaneous. The following sections explain these settings.

FIGURE 2.13 Viewing and configuring the Database Properties Options page settings.



The Collation setting located on the Database Properties Options page specifies the policies for how strings of character data are sorted and compared, for a specific database, based on the industry standards of particular languages and locales. Unlike SQL Server collation, the database collation setting can be changed by selecting the appropriate setting from the Collation drop-down box.

Recovery Model

The second setting within the Options page is Recovery Model. This is an important setting because it dictates how much data can be retained, which ultimately affects the outcome of a restore.

Understanding and Effectively Using Recovery Models

Each recovery model handles recovery differently. Specifically, each model differs in how it manages logging, which results in whether an organization’s database can be recovered to the point of failure. The three recovery models associated with a database in the Database Engine are as follows:

Image   Full— This recovery model captures and logs all transactions, making it possible to restore a database to a determined point in time or up to the minute. Based on this model, you must conduct maintenance on the transaction log to prevent logs from growing too large and disks becoming full. When you perform backups, space is made available again and can be used until the next planned backup. Organizations may notice that maintaining a transaction log slightly degrades SQL Server performance because all transactions to the database are logged. Organizations that insist on preserving critical data often overlook this issue because they realize that this model offers them the highest level of recovery capabilities.

Image   Simple— This model provides organizations with the least number of options for recovering data. The Simple recovery model truncates the transaction log after each backup. This means a database can be recovered only up to the last successful full or differential database backup. This recovery model also provides the least amount of administration because transaction log backups are not permitted. In addition, data entered into the database after a successful full or differential database backup is unrecoverable. Organizations that store data they do not consider mission-critical may choose to use this model.

Image   Bulk-Logged— This recovery model maintains a transaction log and is similar to the Full recovery model. The main difference is that transaction logging is minimal during bulk operations to maximize database performance and reduce the log size when large amounts of data are inserted into the database. Bulk import operations such as BCP, BULK INSERT, SELECT INTO, CREATE INDEX, ALTER INDEX REBUILD, and DROP INDEX are minimally logged.

     Since the Bulk-Logged recovery model provides only minimal logging of bulk operations, you cannot restore the database to the point of failure if a disaster occurs during a bulk-logged operation. In most situations, an organization will have to restore the database, including the latest transaction log, and rerun the Bulk-Logged operation.

     This model is typically used if organizations need to run large bulk operations that degrade system performance and do not require point-in-time recovery.


When a new database is created, it inherits the recovery settings based on the Model database. The default recovery model is set to Full.

Next, you need to determine which model best suits your organization’s needs. The following section is designed to help you choose the appropriate model.

Selecting the Appropriate Recovery Model

It is important to select the appropriate recovery model because doing so affects an organization’s ability to recover, manage, and maintain data.

For enterprise production systems, the Full recovery model is the best model for preventing critical data loss and restoring data to a specific point in time. As long as the transaction log is available, it is possible to even get up-to-the-minute recovery and point-in-time restore if the end of the transaction log is backed up and restored. The trade-off for the Full recovery model is its impact on other operations.

Organizations leverage the Simple recovery model if the data backed up is not critical, data is static or does not change often, or if loss is not a concern for the organization. In this situation, the organization loses all transactions since the last full or last differential backup. This model is typical for test environments or production databases that are not mission-critical.

Finally, organizations that typically select the Bulk-Logged recovery model have critical data, but logging large amounts of data degrades system performance, or these bulk operations are conducted after hours and do not interfere with normal transaction processing. In addition, there isn’t a need for point-in-time or up-to-the-minute restores.


It is possible to switch the recovery model of a production database and switch it back. This would not break the continuity of the log; however, there could be negative ramifications to the restore process. For example, a production database can use the Full recovery model and, immediately before a large data load, the recovery model can be changed to Bulk-Logged to minimize logging and increase performance. The only caveat is that the organization must understand that it lost the potential for point-in-time and up-to-the-minute restores during the switch.

Switching the Database Recovery Model with SQL Server Management Studio

To set the recovery model on a SQL Server 2008 database using SSMS, perform the following steps:

1.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the database folder.

2.   Select the desired SQL Server database, right-click on the database, and select Properties.

3.   In the Database Properties dialog box, select the Options page.

4.   In Recovery Model, select either Full, Bulk-Logged, or Simple from the drop-down list and click OK.

Switching the Database Recovery Model with Transact-SQL

It is possible not only to change the recovery model of a database with SQL Server Management Studio, but also to make changes to the database recovery model using Transact-SQL commands such as ALTER DATABASE. You can use the following TSQL syntax to change the recovery model for the AdventureWorks2008 Database from Simple to Full:

--Switching the Database Recovery model
Use Master

Compatibility Level

The Compatibility Level setting located on the Database Properties Options page is meant for interoperability and backward compatibility of previous versions of SQL Server. The options available are SQL Server 2008 (100), SQL Server 2005 (90), and SQL Server 2000 (80).


Unlike SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2008 does not support SQL Server 7.0 (70) compatibility mode.

Other Options (Automatic)

Also available on the Database Properties Options page are these options:

Image   Auto Close— When the last user exits the database, the database is shut down cleanly and resources are freed. The values to be entered are either True or False.

Image   Auto Create Statistics— This setting specifies whether the database will automatically update statistics to optimize a database. The default setting is True, and this value is recommended.

Image   Auto Shrink— Similar to the shrink task in a maintenance plan or Integration Services, if this setting is set to True, SQL Server removes unused space from the database on a periodic basis. For production databases, this setting is not recommended.

Image   Auto Update Statistics— Similar to the Auto Create Statistics settings, this setting automatically updates any out-of-date statistics for the database. The default setting is True, and this value is recommended.

Image   Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously— If the statistics are out of date, this setting dictates whether a query should be updated first before being fired.

Other Options (Cursor)

The following options are also available on the Database Properties Options page:

Image   Close Cursor on Commit Enabled— This setting dictates whether cursors should be closed after a transaction is committed. If the value is True, cursors are closed when the transaction is committed, and if the value is False, cursors remain open. The default value is False.

Image   Default Cursor— The values available include Global and Local. The Global setting indicates that the cursor name is global to the connection based on the Declare statement. In the Declare Cursor statement, the Local setting specifies that the cursor name is Local to the stored procedure, trigger, or batch.

Other Options (Miscellaneous)

The following options are also available on the Database Properties Options page:

Image   ANSI NULL Default— The value to be entered is either True or False. When set to False, the setting controls the behavior to supersede the default nullability of new columns.

Image   ANSI NULLS Enabled— This setting controls the behavior of the comparison operators when used with null values. The comparison operators consist of Equals (=) and Not Equal To (<>).

Image   ANSI Padding Enabled— This setting controls whether padding should be enabled or disabled. Padding dictates how the column stores values shorter than the defined size of the column.

Image   ANSI Warnings Enabled— If this option is set to True, a warning message is displayed if null values appear in aggregate functions.

Image   Arithmetic Abort Enabled— If this option is set to True, an error is returned, and the transaction is rolled back if an overflow or divide-by-zero error occurs. If the value False is used, an error is displayed; however, the transaction is not rolled back.

Image   Concatenate Null Yields Null— This setting specifies how null values are concatenated. True indicates that string + NULL returns NULL. When this setting is False, the result is string.

Image   Cross-Database Ownership Chaining Enabled— Settings include either True or False. True represents that the database allows cross-database ownership chaining, whereas False indicates that this option is disabled.

Image   Date Correlation Optimization Enabled— If this option is set to True, SQL Server maintains correlation optimization statistics on the date columns of tables that are joined by a foreign key.

Image   Numeric Round-Abort— This setting indicates how the database will handle rounding errors.

Image   Parameterization— This setting controls whether queries are parameterized. The two options available are Simple and Forced. When you use Simple, queries are parameterized based on the default behavior of the database, whereas when you use Forced, all queries are parameterized.

Image   Quoted Identifiers Enabled— This setting determines whether SQL Server keywords can be used as identifiers when enclosed in quotation marks.

Image   Recursive Triggers Enabled— When this setting is enabled by setting the value to True, SQL Server allows recursive triggers to be fired.

Image   Trustworthy— This setting allows SQL Server to grant access to the database by the impersonation context. A value of True enables this setting.

Image   VarDecimal Storage Format Enabled— When this option is set to True, the database is enabled for the VarDecimal storage format. When using SQL Server 2008, True is the default setting. In addition, it is not possible to disable this feature if tables within the database are using the VarDecimal storage format.

Other Options (Recovery)

Also available on the Database Properties Options page is page verification:

Image   Page Verify— This option controls how SQL Server will handle incomplete transactions based on disk I/O errors. The available options include Checksum, Torn Page Detection, and None.

Other Options (Service Broker)

The Service Broker section includes the following settings:

Image   Broker Enabled— This is a database-level setting indicating whether or not Service Broker is enabled or disabled.

Image   Honor Broker Priority— The second setting controls the Honor Broker Priority behavior. The options available are True and False.

Image   Service Broker Identifier— The third setting displays the identifier associated with the Service Broker.

Other Options (State)

The following options are available on the Database Properties Options page:

Image   Database Read Only— Setting the database value to True makes the database read-only.

     The default syntax for managing the read-only state of a database is

ALTER DATABASE database_name
<db_update_option> ::=

Image   Database State— This field cannot be edited; it informs you of the state of the database. Possible states include Online, Offline, Restoring, Recovering, Recovery Pending, Suspect, and Emergency.

     To change the state of a database with TSQL, use the default syntax:

ALTER DATABASE database_name
<db_state_option> ::=

Image   Encryption Enabled— This field indicates whether or not encryption is enabled for a specific database. The options include True and False.

Image   Restrict Access— This setting manages which users can connect to the database. Possible values include Multiple, Single, and Restricted. The Multiple setting is the default state, which allows all users and applications to connect to the database. Single-user mode is meant for only one user to access the database. This is typically used for emergency administration. The final setting, Restricted, allows only members of the db_owner, dbcreator, or sysadmin accounts to access the database.

     The TSQL code for setting the Restrict Access value is as follows:

ALTER DATABASE database_name
<db_user_access_option> ::=

Administering the Change Tracking Page

The Change Tracking page is another new feature associated with SQL Server 2008. This page is used to administer change tracking settings for a particular database. Four configurable change tracking settings are provided:

Image   Enable or Disable Change Tracking by configuring the first setting to either True or False.

Image   Retention Period indicates the number of days to maintain change tracking information. The default value is set to 2.

Image   Retention Period Units is the third setting. When selecting options associated with this setting, a DBA can choose from Days, Hours, and Minutes. Typically, organizations choose days, unless there is an unexpected breach and tracking is required for a smaller increment of time.

Image   Auto Cleanup is the final setting. The default setting is True, which indicates that it is enabled. When this setting is enabled, change tracking information will automatically be removed after the retention period entered has expired.

The basic Transact-SQL syntax to enable Change Tracking for a specific database is as follows:

Use [Master]
Alter Database [Desired Database] Set CHANGE_TRACKING = ON

Administering the Database Properties Permissions Page

The Database Properties Permissions page is used to administer database authorization and role-based access and to control permissions on the database. Chapter 9 covers these topics in their entirety.

Administering the Database Properties Extended Permissions Page

The Database Properties Extended Permissions page is used for managing extended properties on database objects, such as descriptive text, input masks, and formatting rules. The extended properties can be applied to schema, schema view, or column view.

Administering the Database Properties Mirroring Page

Database mirroring is a SQL Server high-availability alternative for increasing availability of a desired database. Database mirroring transmits transaction log records directly from one SQL Server instance to another SQL Server instance. In addition, if the primary SQL Server instance becomes unavailable, the services and clients automatically fail over to the mirrored server. Automatic failover is contingent on the settings and versions used.

The Database Properties Mirroring page is the primary tool for configuring, managing, and monitoring database mirroring for a database. The Mirroring page includes configuration settings for security; mirroring operating mode; and the principal, mirror, and witness server network addresses. For more information on configuring database mirroring, review Chapter 13.

Administering the Database Properties Transaction Log Shipping Page

The final Database Properties page is Transaction Log Shipping. Transaction log shipping is one of four SQL Server 2008 high-availability options. Similar to database mirroring, in log shipping, transactions are sent from a primary server to the standby secondary server on an incremental basis. However, unlike with database mirroring, automatic failover is not a supported feature.

The configuration settings located on the Transaction Log Shipping page in the Database Properties dialog box are the primary place for you to configure, manage, and monitor transaction log shipping.

For more information on administering transaction log shipping, including step-by-step installation instructions, review Chapter 14, “Implementing and Managing Log Shipping.”

SQL Server Database Engine Management Tasks

The following sections cover additional tasks associated with managing the SQL Server Database Engine.

Changing SQL Server Configuration Settings

Presently, most of the configuration settings can be changed from within SQL Server Management Studio. These settings can also be changed using the SP_CONFIGURE TSQL command. The syntax to change configuration settings is

SP_CONFIGURE ['configuration name'], [configuration

The configuration name represents the name of the setting to be changed, and the configuration setting value is the new value to be changed. Before you can change settings, however, you must use the SP_CONFIGURE command. You must enable advanced settings by first executing the following script:

SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options', 1

For a full list of configuration options, see SQL Server 2008 Books Online.

Managing Database Engine Informational Reports

To succeed in today’s competitive IT industry, you must be armed with information pertaining to SQL Server 2008. SQL Server 2008 continues to deliver a tremendous number of canned reports that can be opened directly from within SQL Server Management Studio. These reports provide information that allows you to maximize efficiency when conducting administration and management duties.

You can open these canned reports by right-clicking a SQL Server instance in Management Studio and selecting Reports and then Standard Reports. The standard server reports include the following:

Image   Server Dashboard

Image   Configuration Changes History

Image   Schema Changes History

Image   Scheduler Health

Image   Memory Consumption

Image   Activity - All Blocking Transactions

Image   Activity - All Cursors

Image   Activity - Top Cursors

Image   Activity - All Sessions

Image   Activity - Top Sessions

Image   Activity - Dormant Sessions

Image   Activity - Top Connections

Image   Top Transactions by Age

Image   Top Transactions by Blocked Transactions Count

Image   Top Transactions by Locks Count

Image   Performance - Batch Execution Statistics

Image   Performance - Object Execution Statistics

Image   Performance - Top Queries by Average CPU Time

Image   Performance - Top Queries by Average IO

Image   Performance - Top Queries by Total CPU Time

Image   Performance - Top Queries by Total IO

Image   Server Broker Statistics

Image   Transaction Log Shipping Status

The standard report titled Server Dashboard, displayed in Figure 2.14, is a great overall report that provides an overview of a SQL Server instance, including activity and configuration settings. However, if a standard report does not suffice, a DBA can also create a custom report.

FIGURE 2.14 Viewing the standard Server Dashboard SQL Server canned report.


You can also open canned reports for a specific database by right-clicking a database in Management Studio and selecting Reports and then Standard Reports. The standard database reports include the following:

Image   Disk Usage

Image   Disk Usage by Top Tables

Image   Disk Usage by Tables

Image   Disk Usage by Partition

Image   Backup and Restore Events

Image   All Transactions

Image   All Blocking Transactions

Image   Top Transactions by Age

Image   Top Transactions by Blocked Transaction Count

Image   Top Transactions by Locks Count

Image   Resource Locking Statistics by Object

Image   Object Execution Statistics

Image   Database Consistency History

Image   Index Usage Statistics

Image   Index Physical Statistics

Image   Schema Changes History

Image   User Statistics

Detaching and Attaching Databases

Another common task you must conduct is attaching and detaching databases.

Detaching a Database

When a database is detached, it is completely removed from a SQL Server instance; however, the files are still left intact and reside on the filesystem for later use. Before a database can be detached, all user connections must be terminated; otherwise, this process fails. The detach tool includes the options to automatically drop connections, update statistics, and keep full text catalogs.

To drop the sample AdventureWorks2008 database, follow these steps:

1.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the Database folder.

2.   Select the AdventureWorks2008 database, right-click on the database, select Tasks, and then select Detach.

3.   In the Detach Database dialog box, enable the following options, as displayed in Figure 2.15: Drop Connections, Update Statistics, and Keep Full Text Catalogs. Click OK.

FIGURE 2.15 Specifying detach settings in the Detach Database dialog box.


Attaching a Database

Here’s a common usage scenario for attaching databases: Say you need to move the database from a source to a target SQL Server. When a database is attached, the state of the database is exactly the same as when it was detached.

The following steps illustrate how to attach a database with SQL Server Management Studio:

1.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then select the Database folder.

2.   Right-click the Database folder and select Attach.

3.   In the Attach Databases dialog box, click the Add button to add the database to be attached.

4.   In the Locate the Database Files dialog box, specify the path to the *.mdf file and click OK.

5.   Optionally, change the name or owner of the database.

6.   Click OK to attach the database.

Alternatively, you can use the following TSQL syntax to attach the AdventureWorks2008 database:

USE [master]
CREATE DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008] ON
( FILENAME = N'D:AdventureWorks2008_Data.mdf' ),
( FILENAME = N'D:AdventureWorks2008_Log.ldf' )
if exists (select name from master.sys.databases
sd where name = N'AdventureWorks2008' and
SUSER_SNAME(sd.owner_sid) = SUSER_SNAME() )
EXEC [AdventureWorks2008].dbo.sp_changedbowner @loginame=
N'COMPANYABCSQL.Service', @map=false

Scripting Database Objects

SQL Server 2008 has two levels of scripting functionality that assist you in automatically transforming a SQL Server task or action into a TSQL script. The scripting functionality is a great way to automate redundant administration responsibilities or settings. Moreover, you don’t have to be a TSQL scripting expert to create solid scripts.

You can generate a script from within a majority of the SQL Server dialog boxes or pages. For example, if you make changes to the SQL Server Processor Properties page, such as enabling the options Boost SQL Server Priority or User Windows Fibers, you can click the Script button at the top of the screen to convert these changes to a script. In addition, this script can be fired on other SQL Servers to make the configuration automatically consistent across similar SQL Servers.

When you click the Script button, the options available are Script Action to New Query Window, Script Action to File, Script Action to Clipboard, and Script Action to Job.

Another alternative to creating scripts is right-clicking a specific folder within Object Explorer and selecting Script As or right-clicking a database, selecting Tasks, and then selecting Generate Script to invoke the Script Wizard. Some of these tasks include scripting database schemas, jobs, tables, stored procedures, and just about any object within SQL Server Management Studio. Additional scripting statements include Create, Alter, Drop, Select, Insert, and Delete.

Managing SQL Server with PowerShell

PowerShell is now integrated and supported in SQL Server 2008. PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language that bolsters administrators’ management experiences as they achieve greater control and productivity by leveraging a new standardized admin-focused scripting language, which includes more than 130 standard cmdlets, and consistent syntax and utilities. PowerShell is a prerequisite for installing SQL Server 2008 and for the first time, it is included with the Windows Server 2008 operating system as an optional feature that can be installed. For an overview of PowerShell with SQL Server 2008 including the provider, cmdlets, and most common DBA tasks with PowerShell, review to Chapter 20, “Administering SQL Server 2008 with PowerShell.”

Backing Up and Restoring the Database

Creating a backup and recovery strategy is probably the most important task you have on your plate. When you’re creating backups, it is imperative that you understand the recovery models associated with each database such as Full, Simple, and Bulk-Logged and understand the impact of each model on the transaction log and the recovery process. In addition, it is a best practice to back up the user databases, but to restore a full SQL Server environment, the system database should be included in the backup strategy.

For more information on recovery models and backing up and restoring the Database Engine, see Chapter 7.

Transferring SQL Server Data

There are many different ways to transfer data or databases from within SQL Server Management Studio. There are tasks associated with importing and exporting data and copying and/or moving a full database with the Copy Database Wizard. To use the transferring tasks, right-click a database, select Tasks, and then select Import Data, Export Data, or Copy Database.

Each of these ways to move data is discussed in its entirety in Chapter 3.

Taking a SQL Server Database Offline

As a database administrator, you may sometimes need to take a database offline. When the database is offline, users, applications, and administrators do not have access to the database until it has been brought back online.

Perform the following steps to take a database offline and then bring it back online:

1.   Right-click on a desired database such as AdventureWorks2008, select Tasks, and then select Take Offline.

2.   In the Task Database Offline screen, verify that the status represents that the database has been successfully taken offline and then select Close.

Within Object Explorer, a red arrow pointing downward is displayed on the Database folder, indicating that the database is offline. To bring the database back online, repeat the preceding steps but select Online instead.

In addition, you can use the following TSQL syntax to change the state of a database from Online, Offline, or Emergency:

ALTER DATABASE database_name
<db_state_option> ::=


When the database option is configured to an Emergency state, the database is considered to be in single-user mode; the database is marked as read-only. This mode is meant for addressing crisis situations.

Shrinking a Database

The Shrink Database task reduces the physical database and log files to a specific size. This operation removes excess space in the database based on a percentage value. In addition, you can enter thresholds in megabytes, indicating the amount of shrinkage that needs to take place when the database reaches a certain size and the amount of free space that must remain after the excess space is removed. Free space can be retained in the database or released back to the operating system.

The following TSQL syntax shrinks the AdventureWorks2008 database, returns freed space to the operating system, and allows for 15% of free space to remain after the shrink:

USE [AdventureWorks2008]


It is best practice not to select the option to shrink the database. First, when shrinking the database, SQL Server moves pages toward the beginning of the file, allowing the end of the files to be shrunk. This process can increase the transaction log size because all moves are logged. Second, if the database is heavily used and there are many inserts, the database files will have to grow again. SQL 2005 and above addresses slow autogrowth with instant file initialization; therefore, the growth process is not as slow as it was in the past. However, sometimes autogrow does not catch up with the space requirements, causing performance degradation. Finally, constant shrinking and growing of the database leads to excessive fragmentation. If you need to shrink the database size, you should do it manually when the server is not being heavily utilized.

Alternatively, you can shrink a database by right-clicking a database and selecting Tasks, Shrink, and Database or File.

Data Compression in SQL Server 2008

With data explosion occurring in the industry and enterprise, more and more data is being stored within SQL Server. However, the databases are no longer averaging 100GB in size as they were 10 years ago. Now databases are becoming larger than ever, ranging in sizes from 10 to 50 TB on average. In addition, many times it is only a select few tables within the database that are growing to these record-breaking sizes. In order to combat this, even though storage is getting cheaper, Microsoft has introduced data compression and a Data Compression Wizard or new Transact-SQL statements; therefore, a DBA can compress tables and indexes to conserve storage space. One of the main design goals of compression with SQL Server 2008 was the potential to shrink data warehouse fact tables. Fact tables are typically the largest tables within a data warehouse as it contains majority of the data associated with a database.


Compression is available only in the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008. Moreover, the sp_estimate_data_compression_savings stored procedure can be used to calculate the storage savings associated with a compressed object.

Using the Data Compression Wizard to Compress Space

The Data Compression Wizard can be used to analyze and compress space associated with a whole table that is stored in a heap or clustered index structure. In addition, it can also support compression tables using nonclustered index and index views. Finally, if the table is partitioned, a DBA can compress portions of the tables and various partitions do not have to maintain the same compressed settings.

The Data Compression wizard can be invoked by right-clicking any table or index and selecting Storage and then Manage Compression. The first step is to select the compression type based on a partition number, or you can choose to use the same compression for all partitions. The compression options include row compression, page compression or none, indicating no compression. The next step is to click the Calculate button to review the disk cost savings. The cost savings will be displayed in the Requested Compressed Space column based on a partition number. This is displayed in Figure 2.16. The final step includes selecting an output option. It is possible to create a script, run immediately, or schedule the task to commence at a later time.

FIGURE 2.16 Specifying the Compression Type with the Data Compression Wizard.


Data Compression with Transact SQL

For those of you who do not like using a wizard interface, the following examples outline the default syntax for compressing data with Transact-SQL.

Creating a Table with Row Compression Enabled

(<Column 1. int, <Column 2> nvarchar(50) )

Creating a Table with Page Compression Enabled

(<Column 1. int, <Column 2> nvarchar(50) )

The following Transact-SQL syntax illustrates compressing the Sales Order Detail table in the AdventureWorks2008 database by the page compression setting.

USE [AdventureWorks2008]
ALTER TABLE [Sales].[SalesOrderDetail]

As mentioned earlier, compression is only included in the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2008. Compression technologies dramatically cut I/O requests and storage; however, the storage gained is typically at the sacrifice of processor performance. Therefore, test scenarios in a prototype lab to ensure that performance degradation of the system does not occur when using this new feature. Finally, use the new performance counters Page Compression Attempts /sec and Page Compressed/Sec found in the SQL Server Access Methods Object to monitor compression.

Partitioning Tables and Indexes in SQL Server 2008

Another common phenomena over the past few years is table and index partitioning in order to make large tables and indexes more manageable. By partitioning tables and indexes across multiple filegroups, data retrieval and management is much quicker as only subsets of the data are used; however, the integrity of the total data collection remains is intact. After partitioning, data is stored horizontally across multiple filegroups, so groups of data are mapped to individual partitions. Typical scenarios for partitioning include large tables that become unmanageable, tables that are suffering performance degradation, maintenance costs that exceed maintenance periods, and moving historical data from the table to another partition.

The next section provides an overview of using the Create Partition Wizard, which is a new feature in SQL Server 2008.

Leveraging the Create Partition Wizard to Create Table and Index Partitions

The Create Partition Wizard can be used to divide data in large tables across multiple filegroups in order to increase performance. The Create Partition wizard can be invoked by right-clicking any table or index, selecting Storage and then selecting Create Partition. The first step is to identify which columns to partition by reviewing all of the columns available in the Available Partitioning Columns section located on the Select a Partitioning Column dialog box, as displayed in Figure 2.17. This screen also includes additional options such as:

Image   Collocate to an Available Partitioned Table— Displays related data to join with the column being partitioned.

Image   Storage Align Non Unique Indexes and Unique Indexes with an Indexed Partition Column— Aligns all indexes of the table being partitioned with the same partition scheme.

FIGURE 2.17 Specifying Data Compression Type Settings.


The next screen is called Select a Partition Function. This page is used for specifying the partition function where the data will be partitioned. The options available include using an existing partition or creating a new partitioning. The subsequent page is called New Partition Scheme. Here a DBA will conduct a mapping of the rows selected of tables being partitioned to a desired filegroup. Either a new partition scheme should be used or a new one needs to be created. The final screen is used for doing the actual mapping. On the Map Partitions page, specify the partitions to be used for each partition and then enter a range for the values of the partitions. The ranges and settings on the grid include:

Image   Filegroup— Enter the desired Filegroup for the partition

Image   Left and Right Boundary— Used for entering range values up to a specified value. Left boundary is based on Value <= Boundary and Right boundary is based on Value < Boundary.


By opening the Set Boundary Values dialog box, a DBA can set boundary values based on dates (for example, partition everything in a column after a specific date). The data types are based on dates.

Image   RowCount— Read-only columns that display required space and are only determined when the Estimate Storage button is clicked.

Image   Required Space— Read-only columns that display required space and are only determined when the Estimate Storage button is clicked.

Image   Available Space— Read-only columns that display available space and are only determined when the Estimate Storage button is clicked.

Image   Estimate Storage— When selected, this option determines the rowcount, required, and available space.

Designing table and index partitions is a DBA task that typically requires a joint effort with the database development team. The DBA must have a strong understanding of the database, tables, and columns to make the correct choices for partitioning. For more information on partitioning, review Books Online.

Enabling FILESTREAM Data for a SQL Server Instance

The first step for managing FILESTREAM data is to enable it on the instance of SQL Server. The following steps indicate how to enable FILESTREAM data.

1.   Choose, Start, All Programs, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Configuration Tools, and then select SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2.   In SQL Server Configuration Manager, highlight SQL Server Services and then double-click the SQL Server Instance for which you want to enable FILESTREAM. The SQL Server Instance is located in the right pane.

3.   In the SQL Server Properties dialog box, select the FileStream tab.

4.   Enable the desired FILESTREAM settings and then click OK. The options include: Enable FILESTREAM for Transact-SQL Access, Enable FILESTREAM for File I/O Streaming Access, and Allow Remote Clients to have Streaming Access to FILESTREAM Data.

5.   The final step is to fire the following Transact-SQL code in Query Editor.

Exec sp_configure_filestream_access_level,2

Renaming a Database

The following steps illustrate how to change the name of a database by using SQL Server Management Studio:

1.   In Object Explorer, right-click the name of the database and select Rename.

2.   Type the new name for the database and press Enter.

Administering the SQL Server Agent

The SQL Server Agent is a Microsoft Windows Service that executes scheduled tasks configured as SQL Server jobs. Ultimately, in SQL Server 2008, any task can be transformed into a job; therefore, the task can be scheduled to reduce the amount of time wasted on manual database administration. The SQL Server Agent can be managed from within SQL Server Management Studio.


The SQL Server Agent service must be running to execute jobs and tasks. This is the first level of investigation when you’re troubleshooting why agent jobs are not firing.

Administering the SQL Server Agent Properties

Before utilizing the SQL Server Agent, you should first verify and configure the Agent properties to ensure that everything is copacetic. The SQL Server Agent Properties dialog box is invoked by right-clicking the SQL Server Agent in SSMS and selecting Properties. The SQL Server Agent Properties dialog box has six pages of configuration settings, described in the following sections.

The General Page

The SQL Server Agent page maintains configurable settings such as Auto Restart SQL Server If It Stops Unexpectedly and Auto Restart SQL Server Agent If It Stops Unexpectedly.

From a best-practice perspective, both the restart settings should be enabled on mission-critical databases. This prevents downtime in the event of a server outage because the service will restart if failure is inevitable.

You can change the error log path if preferred and configure a send receipt via the Net send command. In addition, you can include execution trace messages to provide meticulous information on SQL Server Agent operations.

The Advanced Page

The Advanced page controls the behavior of SQL Server Event Forwarding and Idle CPU conditions. It is possible to forward unhandled events, all events, or events based on predefined severity levels selected in the drop-down list to a different server. The target server must be specified in the server drop-down list. The differences between unhandled and handled events are that unhandled events forward only events that no alert responds to, whereas handled events forward both the event and the alert. The final section is tailored toward SQL Server Agent and CPU settings. These settings define the conditions when jobs will run based on values such as Average CPU Usage Falls Below in Percentage and And Remains Below This Level for In Seconds.


In enterprise production environments, a SQL Server instance should have enough processing power that these CPU condition settings are not required.

The Alert System Page

The Alert System page includes all the SQL Server settings for sending messages from agent alerts. The mail session settings are based on the prerequisite task of configuring SQL Server Database Mail. These topics are discussed in Chapter 17.

The Job System Page

The Job System page controls the SQL Server Agent shutdown settings. You can enter a numeric value based on a time increment that governs how long a job can run before automatically being shut down. It is also possible to specify a non-administrator Job Step Proxy Account to control the security context of the agent; however, this option is available only when you’re managing earlier SQL Server Agent versions.

The Connections Page

The Connections Page should be used to configure a SQL Server alias for the SQL Server Agent. An alias is required only if a connection to the Database Engine will be made without using the default network transport or an alternate named pipe.

The History Page

You should use the final page, History, for configuring the limit size of a job history log setting. The options include setting maximum job history log size in rows and maximum job history rows per job.

Administering SQL Server Agent Jobs

The first subfolder located under the SQL Server Agent is the Job folder. Here, you create new jobs, manage schedules, manage job categories, and view the history of a job.

Follow these steps to create a new job:

1.   In Object Explorer, first connect to the Database Engine, expand the desired server, and then expand the SQL Server Agent folder.

2.   Right-click the Jobs folder and select New Job.

3.   On the General page in the New Job dialog box, enter a name, owner, category, and description for the new job.

4.   Ensure that the Enabled check box is set to True.

5.   Click New on the Steps page. When the New Job Steps page is invoked, type a name for the step and enter the type of job this will be. The options range from Transact-SQL, which is the most common, to other items such as stored procedures, Integrations Services packages, and replication. For this example, select TSQL Type and enter the following TSQL syntax in the command window:

BACKUP DATABASE [AdventureWorks2008] TO  DISK =
N'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server

NAME = N'AdventureWorks2008-Full Database Backup',

6.   From within the General page, parse the command to verify that the syntax is operational and click the Advanced page.

7.   The Advanced page includes a set of superior configuration settings. For example, you can specify actions on successful completion of this job, retry attempts including intervals, and what to do if the job fails. This page also includes Output File, Log to Table, History, and the potential to run the job under a different security context. Click OK to continue.

8.   Within the New Job dialog box, you can use the Schedules page to view and organize schedules for the job. Here, you can create a new schedule or select one from an existing schedule.

9.   Click OK to finalize the creation of the job.

Enabling or Disabling a SQL Server Agent Job

Each SQL Server Agent job can be either enabled or disabled by right-clicking the job and selecting either Enable or Disable.

Viewing SQL Server Agent Job History

From a management perspective, you need to understand whether a SQL Server Agent job was fired properly, completed successfully, or just outright failed. The Job History tool, which is a subcomponent of the Log File Viewer, provides thorough diagnostics and status of job history. Perform the following steps to review job history for a SQL Server Agent job from within SQL Server Management Studio:

1.   In Object Explorer, first expand the SQL Server Agent and then the Jobs folder.

2.   Right-click a desired job and select View Job History.

3.   In the Log File Viewer, review the log file summary for any job from within the center pane.

4.   Choose from additional options such as loading saved logs, exporting logs, creating a filter, parsing through logs with the search feature, and deleting logs.

Administering SQL Server Alerts and Operators

The SQL Server Alerts and Operators folders are used for monitoring the SQL Server infrastructure by creating alerts and then sending out notifications to operators. For more information on creating alerts and operators, review Chapter 17.

Administering SQL Server Proxies

The Proxies Folder found within the SQL Server Agent enables you to view or modify the properties of the SQL Server Agent Proxy account. You enter a proxy name and credentials and select the subsystem the proxy account has access to.

Administering SQL Server Error Logs

The final folder in the SQL Server is Error Logs. You can configure the Error Logs folder by right-clicking the folder and selecting Configure. The configuration options include modifying the error log file location, reducing the amount of disk space utilized by enabling the option Write OEM Error Log, and changing the Agent Log Level settings. These settings include enabling Error, Warnings, and/or Information.

Perform the following steps to view SQL Server Agent Error Logs:

1.   In Object Explorer, first expand the SQL Server Agent and then the Error Logs folder.

2.   When all the error logs are listed under the Error Logs folder, double-click any of the error logs to view them.


The Database Engine is the core component within SQL Server; it provides a key service for storing, processing, and securing data. SQL Server 2008 introduces many new features that improve your success at administering and managing this core component. In addition, reading this chapter will help you to fully understand how to manage and administer a SQL Server instance server properties, configuration settings, Database Engine folders, database properties, and SQL Server Agent.

Best Practices

The following list is a summary of some of the best practices from the chapter:

Image   Leverage the scripting utility within SQL Server Management Studio to transform administration tasks into Transact-SQL syntax.

Image   Unless there is a specific need to do otherwise, it is a best practice to allow SQL Server to dynamically manage the minimum and maximum amount of memory allocated to SQL Server. However, if multiple applications are running on SQL Server, it is recommended to specify minimum and maximum values for SQL Server memory. Then the application cannot starve SQL Server by depriving it of memory.

Image   The preferred authentication mode is Windows Authentication over SQL Server Authentication because it provides a more robust authorization mechanism.

Image   Use Change Tracking to ensure accountability and compliance on databases and database objects.

Image   Leverage the compression technologies to reduce storage utilization.

Image   Configuring SQL auditing is recommended to capture both failed and successful logins.

Image   Do not set the database to automatically shrink on a regular basis because this leads to performance degradation and excessive fragmentation over time.

Image   The first Database Engine administration task after a successful SQL installation should involve tuning and configuring the server properties.

Image   Configure the recovery model for each database accordingly and implement a backup and restore strategy. This should also include the system databases.

Image   Database files, transaction log files, and operating system files should be located on separate volumes for performance and availability.

Image   When multiple database files and transaction log files exist, organize them through the use of filegroups.

Image   Create basic reports in Management Studio to better understand the SQL Server environment.

Image   Automate administration tasks by using SQL Server 2008 Agent jobs.

Image   Review the other break-out chapters in the book for more information on items such as hardening a SQL Server infrastructure, encryption, Policy Based Management, Resource Governor, backups, and maintenance plans.

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