Chapter 15. Understanding Wireless Networking


This chapter covers the following Cisco-specific objective for the “Explain and select the appropriate administrative tasks required for a WLAN” section of the 640-822 ICND1 exam:


Describe standards associated with wireless media (including: IEEE WI-FI Alliance, ITU/FCC)

<feature><title>Outline</title> </feature><feature><title>Study Strategies</title>
  • Read the information presented in this chapter, paying special attention to tables, Notes, and Exam Alerts.

  • Spend some time soaking up how Wireless Radio Frequency operates. This understanding is key to an optimized wireless network deployment.

  • The ICND1 and CCNA exams focus only on the concepts behind wireless technology rather than the configuration. The Exam Alerts in this chapter and Chapter 16, “Wireless Security and Implementation Considerations,” will guide you to specific areas of study.



It was one of those moments I’ll never forget. I (Jeremy) had just installed my brand-new D-Link 802.11b wireless access point in my home and slid the new PCMCIA wireless card into my laptop. I sat on the couch in another room, held my breath, and opened Internet Explorer. I was so excited to see my home page appear, I jumped up off the couch and yelled to my wife, “Sue! I’m on the Internet! Look!” I held my laptop high in the air to show that there were no wires attached. “Wow . . .” came the not-as-excited reply (she had become used to my ultrageekdom by this point). I then proceeded to run around the house, laptop in hand, yelling, “I’m still on the Internet! I’m still on the Internet!” as I went in and out of each room. Amazing. Network connectivity without wires!

Fast-forward two years from that monumental moment. I am standing in an office talking to the VP of Sales for the organization. “What do you mean the wireless is down?” he says to me. “The wireless access point went bad. We have one on order. It should be here early next week,” I reply. “So what am I supposed to do until then?” he counters. He follows my gaze to the Ethernet wall jack, about three feet from the desk. “You’re going to have to plug in,” I mutter as I pull an Ethernet cable from my bag. From the look of utter annoyance on his face, I might as well have told him that he’ll have to walk five miles, uphill, in the snow before he will get his Internet access back.

What happened to the excited people running through companies screaming, “I have Internet!” with their laptops held high above their heads? Convenience happened—and the ultimate convenience at that: solid network connectivity without wires. Yes, 802.11 wireless networking has taken over the world faster than nearly any other network technology ever created. It is now rare to find even a small business without a wireless access point sitting on a shelf somewhere. It doesn’t matter if users are sitting at home, at work, or at Starbucks; they’ve all come to expect that they will always be connected to the great network power of the sky.

The Business Case

The funny thing about wireless LANs (WLANs) is that the technology was just so cool that network administrators started deploying it and making up the business case as they went along. Wireless networks were a new way of looking at infrastructure, and within a few years of mainstream deployment, the applications that used this infrastructure began to emerge. One of the first changes businesses began to realize was the increased use of laptops within the organization rather than their stationary desktop counterparts. In 2005, laptops outsold desktops for the first time, accounting for 53% of all PC sales. That figure continued to increase in the following years as vendors began including embedded wireless network cards in the devices. Companies are now purchasing laptops for their employees for two reasons. Employees love laptops, because they get a “new computer” they can use at home, on vacation, and at the office. The companies love the laptop because the employee can now work while they are at home, on vacation, and at the office. Along with laptops, personal digital assistants (PDAs) began to support 802.11 wireless standards. These devices now allow employees to check email, voice mail, and the company intranet over a virtual private network (VPN), all while walking to a flight.

While a host of new wireless networking devices continue to emerge (including wireless VoIP phones), the most tangible benefit of wireless is found simply in not having wires. The IT cost of moving an employee from one cubicle to another ranges from $175 to $375, depending on the equipment present. When you realize that an average of 10 to 15% of staff moves every year, you can begin adding up the numbers for your organization. Likewise, eliminating cable runs in new or existing buildings can always provide traceable cost savings provided by wireless technology.

Finally, realize that wireless technology has moved to the point where even someone who knows nothing about networking can drive to a local electronics store and pick up a wireless access point requiring zero setup and configuration. Some users are so desperate to have wireless access at work that they bring in their own wireless network devices and build “mini-WLANs” in their cubicles, knowingly or unknowingly violating company policy. This can subject your organization to an enormous security risk that could have been minimized by using a centrally managed WLAN system.

The Players in the 802.11 Market


  • Describe standards associated with wireless media (including: IEEE WI-FI Alliance, ITU/FCC)

802.11 holds a host of standards that every vendor is scrambling to implement and every network admin is trying to keep straight. Three organizations play key roles in managing this wireless world:

  • International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R): Regulates the radio frequencies (RF) used for wireless transmission

  • Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE): Maintains the 802.11 wireless transmission standards

  • Wi-Fi Alliance: Ensures certified interoperability between 802.11 wireless vendors

Entering the Radio Frequency World


  • Describe standards associated with wireless media (including: IEEE WI-FI Alliance, ITU/FCC)

Because of the simplicity associated with setting up 802.11 wireless networks in small office/home office (SOHO) environments, it can be easy to underestimate the task of deploying a wireless network on a corporate scale. Wireless access points (WAPs) use radio frequencies that are subject to interference and distortion. Likewise, when we move into the wireless network world, we take a step backward in our switch-based mind-set to the days of network hubs. Only one device attached to a wireless access point can send or receive at a time (half duplex). Understanding these facts is key to a successful WLAN deployment.

Understanding Wireless Transmission

Back in the day, the two competing LAN technologies were Ethernet and Token Ring. Many argued that Token Ring was the better technology because the users would never experience a collision of data on the network. This is because only one user could transmit data at a time due to the token-passing mechanism. Ethernet ended up winning the competition because its method of collision detection (CSMA/CD) allowed for higher transmission speeds.

When we move into the WLAN environment, we move our transmission methods to a collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) strategy because wireless devices have no collision detection mechanism. Likewise, because a wireless device that is sending data cannot receive data at the same time, WLAN devices run at half duplex as a rule. When you combine this limitation with signal degradation due to wireless range and interference, you’ll find that wireless devices rarely run at the advertised speed (11Mbps for 802.11b, 54Mbps for 802.11b and 802.11a). Most of the time, the actual speed you are receiving is less than half of the maximum data rate!

Much of the wireless signal degradation is due to the nature of RF. Most of us are used to the land of Ethernet, where data signals travel cozily through a padded copper wire, free from most interference. Wireless RF signals are sent through the air using an antenna, and unfortunately, the air is an ugly place. The first challenge that the wireless signal faces is physical objects. Every object the signal must pass through can degrade the signal in some way. Reflective surfaces, such as metal or glass, cause RF waves to bounce off, shooting in a different direction. Uneven surfaces, such as a gravel road, piles of merchandise in a warehouse, a desk, or a cubicle can cause the signal to reflect and scatter in many directions. Finally, as wireless signals pass through physical objects, they are absorbed. This absorption rate differs depending on the type of material the signal passes through.

As if physical objects weren’t enough, the wireless signal is also subject to interference. All 802.11 technology uses unlicensed wireless bands (discussed further in a moment). This means that they are not sanctioned by the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and any wireless device can use them. In many ways, this is fantastic. Without unlicensed wireless bands, every new wireless network in the world would need approval from the FCC, along with all the licensing fees associated with the process! However, unlicensed RF bands also present the challenge of conflict. Cordless phones, Bluetooth, microwave ovens, and WLAN technology all share the same unlicensed RF band. Never before have network administrators faced the challenge of a Stouffer’s Microwavable Macaroni Dish being responsible for a 1-minute network outage. It’s a good thing this is reduced to 30 seconds in high-powered microwaves!


The U.S. designates the FCC to manage the radio frequency bands. Other countries each have their own agency that manages radio frequencies. Often, these agencies mirror many of the rules that the FCC has specified. However, you may find differences as you move from country to country.

Unlicensed RF Bands

The FCC maintains three unlicensed RF bands called the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) bands. Figure 15.1 shows where these RF bands fit in the entire wireless spectrum.

FCC unlicensed bands in view of the entire wireless spectrum.

Figure 15.1. FCC unlicensed bands in view of the entire wireless spectrum.

The three specific bands are as follows:

  • 900MHz band: 902MHz to 928MHz

  • 2.4GHz band: 2.400GHz to 2.483GHz

  • 5GHz band: 5.150GHz to 5.3GHz and 5.725GHz to 5.825GHz

Exam Alert

You will want to know the two primary unlicensed RF bands used for wireless networking: 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

Keep in mind that these ranges of frequency are for the U.S. Other countries may support more frequencies, and others support fewer. Some countries may not allow unlicensed wireless transmission at all!

Every company that manufactures equipment that transmits wirelessly and that does not want to license frequencies from the FCC is forced to share these unlicensed bands. Combining different devices in the same area that are sharing the same frequencies results in interference. For our WLAN, that means impaired performance or potentially a completely unusable network, depending on the severity of the interference.

By far, more equipment uses the 2.4GHz band, making it more difficult to keep the airwaves free from interference. The more popular 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n standards fit into this RF band. The 5GHz band is home to the 802.11a standard. On that note, let’s also discuss some key facts about RF:

  • Fact #1: The higher frequencies allow for higher data rates.

  • Fact #2: The higher frequencies have shorter transmission distances (range).

  • Fact #3: Shorter distances can be compensated for by using high-powered antennas.

  • Fact #4: Every country has its own restrictions on how powerful your radio transmission can be for the unlicensed bands.

So, building a 500-foot-high tower on top of your company building powered by a small nuclear generator most likely is not an option for achieving campus-wide network coverage. The alternative solution requires you to purchase many small transmitters and strategically place them throughout your network.

The Key to Successful Wireless: Channel Surfing

Because government restrictions keep us from saturating our campus network with an ultrapowerful wireless signal, we are forced to deploy many transmitters (WAPs) that have a much smaller coverage radius. The problem with this solution is that these transmitters all use the same RF band. Because a good wireless design requires overlapping signals, we are stuck with a problem: the adjacent transmitters will interfere with each other.

Having a 10 to 15% overlap in signals, as shown in Figure 15.2, is a good design. With the right configuration, this overlap can allow clients to roam seamlessly between transmitters. However, the client will experience heavy interference and performance degradation within the overlapping coverage areas.

The problem with overlapping wireless signals.

Figure 15.2. The problem with overlapping wireless signals.

The solution? Wireless channels. Just because a wireless access point uses the 2.4GHz range of RF doesn’t mean it consumes the entire range. The 2.4GHz RF band is divided into different channels, as shown in Figure 15.3.

2.4GHz band wireless channels.

Figure 15.3. 2.4GHz band wireless channels.

The 2.4GHz band supports up to 14 different channels (the FCC allows only channels 1 to 11 in the U.S.). Each channel consumes 22MHz of frequency bandwidth. When you walk through the setup wizard of a wireless access point, one of your options is a channel selector, typically populated with channels 1 to 11. Your goal is to put adjacent access points on separate channels. Be careful when doing this—it’s not as simple as it looks! First, most of the wireless channels the FCC has sanctioned are overlapping. Figure 15.3 shows that Channel 1 (2401 to 2423MHz) overlaps with Channel 2 (2406 to 2428MHz), Channel 3 (2411 to 2433MHz), Channel 4 (2416 to 2438MHz), and Channel 5 (2421 to 2443MHz). Placing one access point on Channel 1 and an adjacent access point on Channel 3 would cause interference problems.

For this reason, it is commonly said that the 2.4GHz band supports only three channels: 1, 6, and 11. These three channels do not overlap with each other. With this in mind, we need to arrange our wireless access deployment into logical, nonoverlapping “cells,” as shown in Figure 15.4.

Arranging 2.4GHz channels into logical, adjacent cells.

Figure 15.4. Arranging 2.4GHz channels into logical, adjacent cells.

Looking at Figure 15.4 should make you realize that, indeed, deploying an organization-wide wireless network does take planning.

One of the big advantages that the 5GHz band has over the 2.4GHz band is the number of channels supported. Depending on your locale and the channels you choose, you could have up to 23 nonoverlapping channels in the 5GHz range! This makes it much more viable to find a clear channel without interference. Remember our Stouffer’s Macaroni Dish microwave issue? Using different channels can be one solution to help alleviate some of the microwave interference.

Exam Alert

Understanding the concept of wireless RF channels is key—not only for proper network design, but also for the ICND1 and CCNA exams.

The 802.11 Standards Family

Now that you have a foundational understanding of RF signaling, we can move to the 802.11 standard. When many network administrators hear of 802.11 technology, their mind immediately equates this with the three or four popular wireless networking standards: 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and the prestandard (at the time of this writing) 802.11n. However, 802.11 describes much more than this when dealing with wireless networks. For example, 802.11e describes quality of service (QoS) standards for 802.11, and 802.11i is an enhanced wireless security standard, to name just a couple. In a way, 802.11 is similar to TCP/IP in that it depicts a suite of protocols and standards.

Of course, in this suite of standards, the most popular are the common 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. Let’s look at the evolution of these standards.

Party Like It’s 1999: 802.11a and 802.11b

In 1999, two competing standards were released: 802.11a and 802.11b. As with most brand-new standards, vendors did not really begin implementing and releasing equipment that used 802.11a or 802.11b until about 2002. The two standards offered the following features:




RF Band







Up to 23

3 (nonoverlapping)

Outdoor Range

Approximately 75 meters

Approximately 100 meters

Indoor Range

Approximately 25 meters

Approximately 45 meters

It’s an interesting story how these two standards competed. 802.11a was clearly the better standard. It offered faster speeds (54Mbps versus 11Mbps), more channels (23 versus 3), and an overall cleaner RF band (nowhere near as many devices use the 5GHz band as the 2.4GHz band). Alas, the 802.11b standard won the competition (for now) just because it was more available. The silicon used to make the 802.11a chips was in short supply, and the industry was hungry for wireless, so it gobbled up 802.11b instead.

2003 Delivers: 802.11g

After the newness of the 802.11b standard wore off, users and administrators alike demanded more speed. The IEEE answered with the 802.11g standard. This standard borrowed much of the 802.11a technology and implemented it in the 2.4GHz RF band. One of the major hurdles that was overcome was to achieve backward compatibility with 802.11b, thus allowing 802.11g access points to also support 802.11b clients. For this reason, most access points are labeled as 802.11b/g. Let’s pull the same stats on 802.11g as we did for 802.11a and 802.11b:



RF Band





3 (nonoverlapping)

Outdoor Range

Approximately 95 meters

Indoor Range

Approximately 40 meters

The Next Generation: 802.11n

At the time of this writing, 802.11n is currently in prestandard state, set to become a standard in September 2008. Therefore, I will write about the basics of what we currently think the 802.11n standard will become. 802.11n adds multiple input, multiple output (MIMO) technology to wireless cards and access points. Simply put, you now have multiple antennas that can send or receive between devices. This can bring about increased range and throughput. The irony of the situation is that even though the 802.11n standard is not yet complete, vendors are releasing prestandard devices, placing their bets on what they believe the standard will be. This is quite a risk, because it has yet to be decided which RF band 802.11n will use; it could use the 2.4GHz and/or 5GHz bands. Perhaps by the time you read this, the standard will have been decided. Here is what we currently know about 802.11n:



RF Band

2.4GHz and/or 5GHz


248Mbps (with two receiving and two transmitting antennas, called “2 × 2”)



Outdoor Range

Approximately 160 meters

Indoor Range

Approximately 70 meters


Many vendors are now supplying wireless network cards and wireless access points that support all three (802.11a/b/g) wireless standards. I would expect that the 802.11n standard will obtain similar support before long.

Chapter Summary

In less than a decade, 802.11 wireless technology has changed everything we thought a LAN environment to be. Many people believe that someday networks will become “a world without wires” as wireless technology becomes more developed and deployed. To successfully deploy a wireless network, it is essential to understand the basics of radio frequency (RF). The 802.11 wireless networking standards are designed to operate in the unlicensed bands of 2.4GHz (802.11b/g) and 5GHz (802.11a). These bands are subject to interference from a variety of devices, so care must be taken to choose the correct location, number of access points, and channels when deploying wireless networking devices. Many wireless spectrum analysis tools are available from the general market that can help with this process.

Because of interference and half-duplex operation, the actual throughput of a wireless device is typically half of the maximum specified by the standard. As new standards develop, the throughput and range of wireless technology will continue to increase.

Apply Your Knowledge


Designing a Wireless Network

Estimated Time: 15 minutes

This exercise helps you apply the knowledge of wireless design you have gained in this chapter. Figure 15.5 represents the design of a new office building you have acquired. Your organization would like to deploy 802.11g wireless that covers the entire building. It has seven Cisco wireless access points to use and would like to minimize the amount of wireless access available outside the building. Each access point provides 300 feet of unobstructed wireless coverage; however, each wall you pass through reduces this coverage by an average of 75 feet. The thicker walls surrounding the building reduce the coverage by 150 feet. Find the most effective location in which to place each wireless access point in the network. In addition, state what channel the wireless access point will use. The diagram scale is located at the bottom of Figure 15.5.

Wireless network schematic.

Figure 15.5. Wireless network schematic.

Review Questions


Three agencies manage the standards and frequencies of wireless networks. List the names of these agencies and briefly describe their functions.


802.11b/g is the more popular wireless standard worldwide. One of your fellow network administrators on staff states that 11 separate RF channels are available for use across your corporate network. Is this true? Should you use all 11 channels? Justify your response.


List the three RF spectrums that are considered unlicensed bands. Which wireless standards are associated with each?


Higher and lower frequencies on the RF spectrum provide different benefits. What are the benefits of higher frequencies (such as 2.4GHz and 5GHz) over lower frequencies?


List at least three business benefits of using wireless networking.

Exam Questions


What Cisco-founded organization ensures compatibility between all 802.11 wireless vendor equipment?

  1. 802.11

  1. IEEE

  1. ITU-R

  1. Wi-Fi Alliance


Which of the following wireless standards use the 2.4GHz RF band? (Choose two)

  1. 802.11a

  1. 802.11b

  1. 802.11g

  1. 802.11i


802.11 wireless standards use which of the following transmission methods?

  1. CSMA/CD, half duplex

  1. CSMA/CD, full duplex

  1. CSMA/CA, half duplex

  1. CSMA/CA, full duplex


How many wireless channels are available in the U.S.A. for the 2.4GHz band without overlapping frequencies?

  1. 1

  1. 3

  1. 11

  1. 23


When wireless technology uses a higher frequency, what factors must you consider? (Choose two)

  1. The higher frequency will allow for higher throughput.

  1. The higher frequency will restrict throughput.

  1. The higher frequency has more range.

  1. The higher frequency has limited range.


You are the network administrator for Widgets, Inc., a worldwide distributing organization. You are planning on setting up a new wireless network for the organization. Which of the following are considerations for the new wireless network?

  1. The geographic location of the office

  1. The radio frequencies currently in use at the office locations

  1. The radio channels currently in use at the office locations

  1. The wireless cell configuration on the access point


To provide for successful client roaming, how should wireless cells be configured?

  1. Wireless cells should use the same RF band and channel.

  1. Wireless cells should use the same RF band but different channels.

  1. Wireless cells should use different RF bands but the same channel.

  1. Wireless cells should use different RF bands and channels.


Which of the following are advantages of 802.11a over 802.11b? (Choose two)

  1. Increased throughput

  1. Increased range

  1. More channel diversity

  1. Support for more clients


You are deploying a wireless network at a new office location. The office happens to be located next to an apartment complex with many existing wireless access points using all available channels in the RF band. Which agency would handle this situation?

  1. ITU-R

  1. IEEE

  1. Wi-Fi Alliance

  1. None of the above


What is the largest cost savings that organizations typically find with wireless technology?

  1. Elimination of stationary equipment

  1. Minimized office space due to roaming users

  1. Access to new cost-savings applications

  1. Cable installation and management cost

Answers to Review Questions


The agencies that govern wireless networks are as follows:

The International Telecommunication Union-Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) regulates the radio frequencies used for wireless transmission.

The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) maintains the 802.11 wireless transmission standards.

The Wi-Fi Alliance ensures certified interoperability between 802.11 wireless vendors.


The short answer to this question is that yes, 11 channels are available for use. However, it is not a good idea to use all 11 channels, because many of them overlap RF signals. In the U.S., you should use only channels 1, 6, and 11, because these channels have no overlap in RF signal.


The three unlicensed RF bands are as follows:

900MHz: No mainstream wireless network technologies use this spectrum.

2.4GHz: 802.11b and 802.11g use this spectrum.

5GHz: 802.11a uses this spectrum.


Higher frequencies provide more bandwidth than the lower frequencies, but they also have a more limited range.


There are many reasons why a business may be interested in wireless networking. Here are four:

Elimination of stationary equipment

Minimized office space due to roaming users

Access to new cost-savings applications

Cable installation and management cost

Answers to Exam Questions


D. The Wi-Fi Alliance was founded by Cisco to ensure vendor interoperability on the 802.11 wireless standard. A vendor can obtain Wi-Fi certification, which assures customers that the equipment will interoperate with any other Wi-Fi certified device. Answer A is incorrect because 802.11 represents the wireless standard. Answer B is incorrect because the IEEE only manages and approves the wireless standards. Answer C is incorrect because the ITU-R is focused on regulating the 802.11 RF bands.


B, C. 802.11b and 802.11g share the 2.4GHz band. This allows the newer 802.11g standard to be backward-compatible with 802.11b. 802.11a uses the 5GHz band, and 802.11i is a security standard that does not use a specific band.


C. 802.11 uses CSMA/CA (collision avoidance) with half-duplex transmission. Because of this, the maximum rate of transmission is rarely attained when communicating on an 802.11 wireless network.


B. In the U.S., only three nonoverlapping channels are available for the 2.4GHz band. Europe has four nonoverlapping channels, because access to other unlicensed RF bands is available. The moral of the story? If you’re having trouble finding a free wireless channel in your area, move to Europe.


A, D. The benefit of using a higher frequency is the ability to obtain more bandwidth (throughput). The drawback is the limited range of the higher frequencies.


A, B, C. When deploying a new wireless network, you must take into account the geographic region, because government regulations dictate what unlicensed RF bands and channels are available for public use. Likewise, you must also see what wireless RF bands and channels are free (not in use) in your location to get a clean signal. Answer D is incorrect because wireless cells are not configured on access points; rather, they are a design concept.


B. To provide for client roaming, wireless cells should use the same RF band but different channels. This allows a client to move between wireless access points without interference caused by overlapping signals.


A, C. 802.11a has more bandwidth (54Mbps) compared to 802.11b (11Mbps) and more wireless channels available (up to 23). 802.11b does have more range than 802.11a because it uses the lower-frequency 2.4GHz band. Neither standard has any advantage as far as client support.


D. Although the ITU-R does manage the RF bands, it would not handle this specific situation. Both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands are considered unlicensed for a reason: no entity will manage them. The solution to the apartment situation would be to find out if the apartment wireless devices are transmitting at a higher-than-legal power or to change your company to the less-congested 5GHz band.


D. Although wireless provides many conveniences for businesses, the primary cost savings can be found in the elimination of cable installation and management.

Suggested Readings and Resources

  1. Wikipedia 802.11 definitions,

  2. How WiFi Works,

  3. Chris Ward and Jeremy Cioara. Exam Cram 2 CCNA Practice Questions. Que Publishing, 2004.

  4. Toby Velte and Anthony Velte. Cisco 802.11 Wireless Networking Quick Reference. Cisco Press, 2005.

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