Kenny Pollock
By the time computer store owner Kenny Pollock runs out of
blank skin, his tattoos will be an inked history of technology
and its most prominent leaders. Pollock’s tattoo of Jobs,
created by artist Darian Lisker in Hollywood, Florida, is a
colorful rendition of Watson’s black-and-white image.
On another place on his arm, Pollock has the Apple
logo, the Finder logo, and a smaller portrait of Microsoft
founder Bill Gates. He has his chest reserved for Tesla and
Space X founder Elon Musk.
Pollock has been using a computer since age 2 and
has dedicated his life to fixing the machines. He had trouble
with schoolwork, and the computer was the only thing that
kept his attention. He even learned to read on a computer,
and teachers used computer time as a reward for focusing
on his classwork. It wasn’t long before teachers called on
him to help troubleshoot their tech issues.
He gravitated to Macs for their simplicity. “I always
idolized Steve Jobs,” Pollock said. “I would skip school to
watch the keynote speeches. I would get every product.
He’s on my arm because he was my life.”
Pollock often wears a tank top in sunny Florida and
is used to heads turning to catch a glimpse of his brightly
colored body art. He plans to give the right arm a robotic
design, complete with gears, wires, and circuit boards.
Craig Sarich
As an MBA student and senior analytics analyst for a paper
products company, Craig Sarich of LaGrange, New York,
didn’t understand all the fuss about Apple — until he got his
first iPod and then an iPad. Soon Apple fever set in and he
had iPhones, iMacs, and AirBooks. Now he’s going back in
time by acquiring and refurbishing vintage Apple hardware.
The more time he spent with Apple devices, the more
he came to understand Jobs’s unique genius. To celebrate
Jobs, he used Jonathan Mak’s design as inspiration for a
rainbow-colored tattoo on his left arm.
“How did I not see this and then I couldn’t get enough
of the guy,” Sarich said, trying to understand why he came
so late to an appreciation of Apple products. “He gets com-
pared to Edison, but he only transformed two industries.
Jobs transformed at least four, and his reach is not fully
understood yet.”
Sarich said the Jobs tattoo makes him a popular
interview subject for reporters covering Apple’s new product
rollouts at its stores. He also gladly poses with Apple fans
who want a picture with the tattoo.
(PAGE 43) Craig Sarich proudly displays his tribute
to Jobs. PHOTO: Craig Sarich
(PAGE 42 LEFT) A visual story of technology on the
body of Kenny Pollock. PHOTO: Chuck Tocco
(PAGE 42 RIGHT) Pollock’s tattoo was inspired by
the famous Albert Watson photo of Jobs. PHOTO:
Chuck Tocco
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