While some bands solve problems by firing
and hiring musicians, Airplane Mode tries to solve its
problems with technology. For a video for the song “Long-
Distance,” the band members briefly considered hiring a
computer animator to integrate live-action emoji into the
video. Instead, Wiskus learned how to use an animation
program to create the video himself.
“We have this common background, and it has
really informed us,” Cieplinski said. “We treat the band
like a business. [We] worked in iOS and worked for small
companies — it comes naturally for us. Most musicians
want to play and don’t think about money until it’s
too late.”
Wiskus had always wanted to do something with
music and had tried to find fellow musicians on Craiglist,
but he couldn’t get anything off the ground. Then while
living in Denver, he met Cieplinski at an iOS developers’
When he moved from Denver to New York, where
Cieplinski was living, they vowed to get together to jam.
Parry Gripp’s Silly iPhone Songs
Parry Gripp was the lead vocalist of a promising pop
punk band with a record deal; stardom seemed to be
just around the corner. Gripp and friends had formed
the band Nerf Herder in 1994 and were signed to Arista
records after the band received significant airplay for a
song that saluted Van Halen. Nerf Herder’s biggest high-
light was appearing as a musical guest on an episode of
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Parry Gripp in the studio with voice artists Kelly Osbourne and Jess Harnell for the Disney cartoon
The 7D
. PHOTO: Disney
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