killing the Newton when he returned to Apple because it had been championed by
John Sculley, the Apple CEO who had ousted Jobs from his own company.
According to Newton fans, however, the product was turning a corner when
it got shelved. Newton enthusiasts don’t think the device’s reputation as a failed
device is fair and are quick to come to its defense. When Hutchinson spoke of the
device, he put air quotes around the word failure. “The Newton did not fail,” said
Hutchinson, a web design and software consultant from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
“It was early to market, and it was killed just as it was getting going. The thing that
gets under my skin is when people call Google Glass or the Apple Car the next
Newton. Don’t compare Betamax tapes to Newton.”
The Newton Talk mailing list, which Hutchinson oversees, has a membership
of just under 1,000. With several active Newton user groups overseas (Japan is
a “hotbed” for Newton aficionados), he believes the number of Newtonists is
around 4,000.
To appreciate the various generations of Newtons, check out the Newton
Flickr group, which is just shy of 300 members.
Mobile computing in the 1990s was done
on the Newton MessagePad. PHOTO:
Grant Hutchinson
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