
I often browse through book acknowledgments, amazed that so many people are typically involved in the production. At first, I didn’t think that would happen in this project. Wrong. Way wrong. I am so indebted to so many people, my fear now is that I have forgotten to acknowledge someone. If I have, I pray for your forgiveness. This book wouldn’t exist without the gracious contributions of so many friends and colleagues.

All the examples are real, functional e-learning applications. This is a rarity in publications such as this, because obtaining rights to show applications is a daunting and complex undertaking. I was extremely fortunate to get the support of many organizations who have developed leading-edge e-learning applications and were willing to share them. Among those providing support (and willing to accept acknowledgement) are Corning, Inc.; DaimlerChrysler Corporation; Fallon Worldwide; Iconos, Inc.; Macromedia, Inc., National Foods Services Management Institute; and Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. Thanks to all of you. I hope your contributions herein will encourage others to raise their expectations for e-learning.

Examples master Ethan Edwards did an heroic job in harvesting examples and contributed thoughtful descriptions. Sharilyn Fehr led our internal editing efforts with patience, professionalism, and creativity. Corey Stern contributed masterful illustrations. Mary Breslin organized and managed us all. Bob Russell helped with screen captures and document assembly. Andy Pace helped us through the last-minute crunch.

I held chapter review meetings with professional instructional designers and producers. Their comments and suggestions were invaluable. I can only hope I did them justice. Thank you all: Scott Colehour, Keith Craig, Paul Howe, Mary-Scott Hunter, Joy Kopp, John Lenker, Murray Levitt, Ted Manning, Tim Martin, Bill Mills, Laura Nedved, Laurie Squillace, Nan Thornton, Shannon Turner, Jeff Weinberg, and Jason Zeaman.

My business partner, Marty Lipshutz, contributed in countless ways, kept our business running during both my physical and mental absences, and encouraged me even at my most frustrated moments. We have assembled an extraordinary team of e-learning professionals who inspire us and teach us every day. If it weren’t for the extraordinary value of their works, many of the e-learning insights shared in this book would still be hidden from view.

My sincere thanks to Matt Holt for his vision in initiating the project and for his resolute encouragement, patience, and advice throughout. I shall always be grateful to him. Thanks to M. R. Carey for his long hours, talented editing assistance, tolerance of my determination to break rules, and ability to reflect my thoughts more clearly than I could reveal them. Thanks to Virginia Carroll for writing a valuable, professional index. Thanks to Courtney Platt, Cayman Islands resident, whose spectacular photographs appear in such prestigious works as National Geographic, for capturing my humble likeness. And very special thanks to luminary and warm-hearted friend Gloria Gery for reviewing rough manuscripts and writing such an expressive and substantive foreword.

My wife and partner in life encouraged me to undertake this project shortly after advising me that I needed to learn the freeing power of the word no. She spent many hours reading and critiquing at the most inconvenient times. At other times, she parented, hosted, and coordinated our lives while Dad was sequestered somewhere amongst piles of notes, papers, books, and computers.

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