Chapter 4
One-parameter root-finding problems

Quite often problems involve only one parameter. In such cases, some general computational tools actually “crash” when asked to solve them, although this is generally a failure in their software design to deal with the single dimension. However, even if we have a well-programmed solver for any number of parameters, it is usually a good idea to use a tool for finding the root of a function of one parameter or to find the minimum (or maximum) of such a function rather than try to apply the more general program. This chapter considers root-finding.

4.1 Roots

Let us look at how problems involving the root(s) of a function of one variable may arise and how R may solve them. Although we will mention polynomial root-finding, because it is a very common problem, we regard this particular problem (and eigenvalues of matrices) to be somewhat different from those that will be the focus here.

We also wish to point out the limitations of computational technology for root-finding. Treating root-finders as black boxes is, in the author's view, dangerous, in that it risks many possibilities for poor approximations to the answers we desire, or even drastically wrong answers. Largely, this is because users may make assumptions about the problems and/or the software that are not justified. Indeed, in the present treatment, we mostly seek only real-valued solutions to equations—a big assumption.

We also want to show that the built-in tool for one-dimensional root-finding in R (uniroot()), while a very good choice, is still based on several design considerations that may not be a good fit to particular user problems.

4.2 Equations in one variable

There are many mathematical problems stated as equations. If we have one equation and only one variable in the equation is “unknown,” that is, not yet determined, then we should be able to solve the equation. In order to do this, we shall specify that the unknown variable is c04-math-0001 and rewrite the equation as

4.1 equation

where c04-math-0003 is some function of the single parameter.

Of course, there may be more than one value of c04-math-0004 that causes c04-math-0005 to be zero. This multiplicity of solutions is one of the principal difficulties for root-finding software. Roots might also have complex values, and it is quite reasonable that users (and software) may consider that only real roots are admissible and wanted. As mentioned, we will seek real roots unless we state otherwise.

4.3 Some examples

Examples are often the most straightforward way to learn about a subject.

4.3.1 Exponentially speaking

The exponential function c04-math-0006 descends to an asypmtote at 0 with a rate dependent on the positive parameter alpha. Thus the function

4.2 equation

has a root at

4.3 equation

For small alpha, the root will be large, as the function will be very “flat” as it crosses zero. For alpha moderate to large, the function will be very rapidly changing as it crosses the c04-math-0009-axis near c04-math-0010. This problem provides a simple example of some of root-finding and a quite good test of software. Of course, we already have the answer and can see it clearly if we draw the c04-math-0011 function and also draw a line for c04-math-0012-axis. Let us look at the cases c04-math-0013 and c04-math-0014. The c04-math-0015 function is drawn in dashed and dotted, respectively, by the code that follows. Note that an attempt to find a root in an interval where the end points do not have function values with different signs gives an error (Figure 4.1).


Figure 4.1

cat("exponential example
## exponential example
alpha <- 1
efn <- function(x, alpha) {
    exp(-alpha * x) - 0.2
zfn <- function(x) {
    x * 0
tint <- c(0, 100)
curve(efn(x, alpha = 1), from = tint[1], to = tint[2], lty = 2, ylab = "efn(x, alpha)")
title(sub = "Dashed for alpha = 1, dotted for alpha = 0.2")
curve(zfn, add = TRUE)
curve(efn(x, alpha = 0.02), add = TRUE, lty = 3)
rform1 <- -log(0.2)/1
rform2 <- -log(0.2)/0.02
resr1 <- uniroot(efn, tint, tol = 1e-10, alpha = 1)
cat("alpha = ", 1, "
## alpha =  1
cat("root(formula)=", rform1, "  root1d:", resr1$root, " tol=", resr1$estim.prec,
    "  fval=", resr1$f.root, "  in   ", resr1$iter, "

## root(formula)= 1.609   root1d: 1.609  tol= 0.0005702   fval= 0   in    13
resr2 <- uniroot(efn, tint, tol = 1e-10, alpha = 0.02)
cat("alpha = ", 0.02, "
## alpha =  0.02
cat("root(formula)=", rform2, "  root1d:", resr2$root, " tol=", resr2$estim.prec,
    "  fval=", resr2$f.root, "  in   ", resr2$iter, "

## root(formula)= 80.47  root1d: 80.47 tol= 5.004e-11  fval= 9.381e-15  in  8
cat("Now look for the root in [0,1]
## Now look for the root in [0,1]
tint2a <- c(0, 1)
resr2a <- uniroot(efn, tint2a, tol = 1e-10, alpha = 0.02)
## Error: f() values at end points not of opposite sign

4.3.2 A normal concern

The problem we will now consider is actually one of finding the maximum of a one-dimensional problem, the subject of a related chapter. Its relevance to the root-finding problem is how it illustrates the difficulties that numeric precision can introduce.

Consider the Gaussian (normal) density function

4.4 equation

This is the usual “bell-shaped” curve. It is always positive, and we want to find its maximum. Obviously, we know the answer—the mean c04-math-0017. As we are discussing root-finding, we will look at the derivative with respect to c04-math-0018. This function can be found using R with the D() or deriv() tools, which we will explore in Chapter 5.

The function we want to use is

4.5 equation

Let us set mu = 4 and draw the function from 0 to 8 for c04-math-0020 (in gray) and c04-math-0021 (Figure 4.2). To keep the graph viewable, we the log of the magnitudes but keep the sign. As the standard deviation sigma gets smaller, the function gets steeper.


Figure 4.2

Let us use 2 and 6 as the limits of our search interval and find the root for c04-math-0022 progressively smaller.

cat("Gaussian derivative
## Gaussian derivative
der <- function(x, mu, sigma) {
    dd <- (-1) * (1/sqrt(2 * pi * sigma^2))*(exp(-(x - mu)^2/(2 * sigma^2)) *
        ((x - mu)/(sigma^2)))
r1 <- uniroot(der, lower = 1, upper = 6, mu = 4, sigma = 1)
r.1 <- uniroot(der, lower = 1, upper = 6, mu = 4, sigma = 0.1)
r.01 <- uniroot(der, lower = 1, upper = 6, mu = 4, sigma = 0.01)
r.001 <- uniroot(der, lower = 1, upper = 6, mu = 4, sigma = 0.001)
sig <- c(1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001)
roo <- c(r1$root, r.1$root, r.01$root, r.001$root)
tabl <- data.frame(sig, roo)
##     sig roo
## 1 1.000   4
## 2 0.100   4
## 3 0.010   1
## 4 0.001   1

What is going on here?! We know the root should be at 4, but in the final two cases, it is at 1. The reason turns out to be that the function value at c04-math-0023 is computationally zero—a root. The danger is that we just do not recognize that this is not the “root” we likely wish to find, for example, if we are using the derivative as a way to sharpen the finding of a peak on a spectrometer.

Fortunately, thanks to Martin Maechler, there is the package Rmpfr (Maechler, 2013) that allows us to use extended precision arithmetic. This will also work with many R functions, but not with tools such as uniroot() that are programmed in languages other than R. However, when I learned of this issue at the 2011 UseR! meeting, I spent some time in one of the sessions that did not overlap my interests in coding an R version of the root-finder (zeroin() in the developmental R-forge package rootoned from project optimizer). Martin included a modified version of this as unirootR() in Rmpfr. This shows quite clearly that there is no root at 1.

Unfortunately, the code to present this example could not be run in the knitr environment that generated much of this book. (We are still trying to discover the reason.) Thus the computations were carried out in the R terminal and the results are copied here.

> require(Rmpfr)
> der<-function(x,mu,sigma){
+     dd<-(-1)*(1/sqrt(2 * pi * sigma^2)) * (exp(-(x - mu)^2/(2 * sigma^2)) *
+     ((x - mu)/(sigma^2)))
+ }
> rootint1<-mpfr(c(1.9, 2.1),200)
> rootint1
2 'mpfr' numbers of precision  200   bits
[1] 1.899999999999999911182158029987476766109466552734375
[2] 2.100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625
> r140<-try(unirootR(der, rootint1, tol=1e-40, mu=4, sigma=1))
> # r140
> rootint2<-mpfr(c(1, 6),200)
> rootint2
2 'mpfr' numbers of precision  200   bits
[1] 1 6
> r140a<-try(unirootR(der, rootint2, tol=1e-40, mu=4, sigma=1))
> r140a
1 'mpfr' number of precision  200   bits
[1] 3.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999422505411069977
1 'mpfr' number of precision  200   bits
[1] 2.3038700822723117720200096647152975711858994581054996741312416e-47
[1] 8
[1] 5e-41
[1] TRUE

4.3.3 Little Polly Nomial

Polynomial roots are a common problem that should generally be solved by methods different from those where our goal is to find a single real root of a real scalar function of one variable. This is easily illustrated by an example. Suppose we want the roots of the polynomial

4.6 equation

This has the set of coefficients that we would establish using the R code

 z <- c(10, -3, 0, 1)

The package polynom solves this easily using polyroot(z).

z <- c(10, -3, 0, 1)
simpol <- function(x) {
    # calculate polynomial z at x
    zz <- c(10, -3, 0, 1)
    ndeg <- length(zz) - 1  # degree of polynomial
    val <- zz[ndeg + 1]
    for (i in 1:ndeg) {
        val <- val * x + zz[ndeg + 1 - i]
tint <- c(-5, 5)
cat("roots of polynomial specified by ")
## roots of polynomial specified by
## [1] 10 -3  0  1
allroots <- polyroot(z)
## [1]  1.3064+1.4562i -2.6129+0.0000i  1.3064-1.4562i
cat("single root from uniroot on interval ", tint[1], ",", tint[2], "
## single root from uniroot on interval  -5 , 5
rt1 <- uniroot(simpol, tint)
## $root
## [1] -2.6129
## $f.root
## [1] 2.5321e-06
## $iter
## [1] 9
## $estim.prec
## [1] 6.1035e-05

Here we see that uniroot does a perfectly good job of finding the real root of this cubic polynomial. It will not, however, solve the simple polynomial

4.7 equation

because both the roots are at 4 and the function never crosses the c04-math-0026-axis. uniroot() insists on having a starting interval where the function has opposite sign at the ends of the interval. uniroot() should (and in our example below does) work when there is a root with odd multiplicity, so that there is a crossing of the axis.

z <- c(16, -8, 1)
simpol2 <- function(x) {
    # calculate polynomial z at x
    val <- (x - 4)^2
tint <- c(-5, 5)
cat("roots of polynomial specified by ")
## roots of polynomial specified by
## [1] 16 -8  1
allroots <- polyroot(z)
## [1] 4+0i 4-0i
cat("single root from uniroot on interval ", tint[1], ",", tint[2], "
## single root from uniroot on interval  -5 , 5
rt1 <- try(uniroot(simpol2, tint), silent = TRUE)
## [1] "Error in uniroot(simpol2, tint) : f() values at end points not of"
## [2] "opposite sign"
 Try a cubic
##  Try a cubic
cub <- function(z) {
    val <- (z - 4)^3
cc <- c(-64, 48, -12, 1)
croot <- polyroot(cc)
## [1] 4-0i 4+0i 4+0i
ans <- uniroot(cub, lower = 2, upper = 6)
## $root
## [1] 4
## $f.root
## [1] 0
## $iter
## [1] 1
## $estim.prec
## [1] 2

4.3.4 A hypothequial question

In Canada, mortgages fall under the Canada Interest Act. This has an interesting clause:

6. Whenever any principal money or interest secured by mortgage of real estate is, by the mortgage, made payable on the sinking fund plan, or on any plan under which the payments of principal money and interest are blended, or on any plan that involves an allowance of interest on stipulated repayments, no interest whatsoever shall be chargeable, payable, or recoverable, on any part of the principal money advanced, unless the mortgage contains a statement showing the amount of such principal money and the rate of interest thereon, calculated yearly or half-yearly, not in advance.

This clause allowed the author to charge rather a high fee to recalculate the payment schedule for a private lender who had, in a period when the annual rate of interest was around 20% in the early 1980s, used a US computer program. The borrower wanted to make monthly payments. This is feasible in Canada, but we must do the calculations with a rate that is equivalent to the half-yearly rate. So if the annual rate is c04-math-0027%, the semiannual rate is c04-math-0028%, and we want compounding at a monthly rate that is equal to this semiannual rate. That is,

4.8 equation

and our root-finding problem is the solution of

4.9 equation

We can actually write down a solution, of course, as

4.10 equation

A textbook (and possibly dangerous) approach to this has been to plug this formula into a spreadsheet or other system (including R). The difficulty is that approximations to the fractional (1/6) power are just that, approximations. And the answer for low interest rates are bound to give digit cancellation when we subtract 1 from the (1/6) root of a number not very different from 1. However, R does, in fact, a good job. Using uniroot on the function c04-math-0032 above is also acceptable if the tolerance is specified and small, otherwise we get a rather poor answer.

A quite good way to solve this problem is by means of the binomial theorem, where the expansion of c04-math-0033 (substituting c04-math-0034 for c04-math-0035) is

4.11 equation

Besides converging very rapidly, this series expansion begins with 1, which we can subtract analytically, thereby avoiding digit cancellation. The following calculations present the ideas in program form, which show that any of the three approaches are reasonable for this problem.

mrate <- function(R) {
    val <- 0
    den <- 1
    fact <- 1/6
    term <- 1
    rr <- R/200
    repeat {
        # main loop
        term <- term * fact * rr/den
        vallast <- val
        val <- val + term
        # cat('term =',term,' val now ',val,'
        if (val == vallast)
        fact <- (fact - 1)
        den <- den + 1
        if (den > 1000)
            stop("Too many terms in mrate")
    val * 100
A <- function(I, Rval) {
    A <- (1 + I/100)^6 - (1 + R/200)
Rvec <- c()
i.formula <- c()
i.root <- c()
i.mrate <- c()
for (r2 in 0:18) {
    R <- r2/2  # rate per year
    Rvec <- c(Rvec, R)
    i.formula <- c(i.formula, 100 * ((1 + R/200)^(1/6) - 1))
    i.root <- c(i.root, uniroot(A, c(0, 20), tol = .Machine$double.eps, Rval = R)$root)
    i.mrate <- c(i.mrate, mrate(R))
tabR <- data.frame(Rvec, i.mrate, (i.formula - i.mrate), (i.root - i.mrate))
colnames(tabR) <- c("rate", "i.mrate", "form - mrate", "root - mrate")
##    rate  i.mrate form - mrate root - mrate
## 1   0.0 0.000000   0.0000e+00   0.0000e+00
## 2   0.5 0.041623  -3.1572e-15   7.8132e-15
## 3   1.0 0.083160   4.7323e-15  -6.3144e-15
## 4   1.5 0.124611  -5.1625e-15   5.7038e-15
## 5   2.0 0.165976   5.5511e-16   3.3307e-16
## 6   2.5 0.207256   9.9920e-16   2.6923e-15
## 7   3.0 0.248452   5.1625e-15  -5.8287e-15
## 8   3.5 0.289562   1.6653e-16  -2.1094e-15
## 9   4.0 0.330589   3.7192e-15  -7.2164e-15
## 10  4.5 0.371532  -6.8279e-15   4.1078e-15
## 11  5.0 0.412392  -3.7192e-15   7.1054e-15
## 12  5.5 0.453168   7.6605e-15  -3.2196e-15
## 13  6.0 0.493862  -9.5479e-15   1.1657e-15
## 14  6.5 0.534474   5.5511e-15  -5.3291e-15
## 15  7.0 0.575004  -1.3323e-15  -5.8842e-15
## 16  7.5 0.615452  -5.3291e-15   5.3291e-15
## 17  8.0 0.655820   6.8834e-15  -3.9968e-15
## 18  8.5 0.696106  -8.5487e-15   2.2204e-15
## 19  9.0 0.736312   1.1102e-15  -9.5479e-15

4.4 Approaches to solving 1D root-finding problems

From the above examples, it is clear that any root-finder needs to tell the users what it is intended to do. Unfortunately, few do make clear their understandings of a problem. And users often do not read such information anyway! Let us consider the main ways in which root-finders could be called.

  • We could require the user to supply an interval, a lower and an upper bounds for a prospective root, and further insist that the function values at the ends of the interval have opposite sign. This is the situation for R's uniroot() (Brent, 1973) and root1d() (Nash, 1979) from the package rootoned at
  • An alternative approach is to consider that we will search for a root from a single value of the argument c04-math-0037 of our function c04-math-0038. This is the setup for a one-dimensional Newton's method, which iterates using the formula4.12 c04-math-0039
  • We may wish to specify the function with no starting value of the argument c04-math-0040. An example is the polyroot function that we have already used. As far as the author is aware, there are no general root-finders of this type in R, or elsewhere to his knowledge.

With R, a possible package could be developed using an expression for the function. This would allow the symbolic differentiation operator D() to be applied to get the derivative, although there are some limitations to this tool. For example, it does not comprehend sum() and other fairly common functions. I have not bothered to pursue this possibility yet.

It is also possible to consider a secant-rule version of Newton's method. That is, we use two points as in zeroin(), root1d, or uniroot but do not require that they have function values of opposite sign. An alternative setup would use an initial guess to the root and a stepsize.

4.5 What can go wrong?

Root-finding may seem like a fairly straightforward activity, but there are many situations that cause trouble.

Multiple roots are common for polynomial root-finding problems. We already have seen cases in which the polynomial is a power of a monomial c04-math-0041. Computationally, such problems are “easy” if we have an odd power and are using a root-finder for which we supply an interval that brackets the root. We will not, however, learn the multiplicity of the root without further work.

More troublesome are such problems when the function just touches zero, as when the power of the monomial is even. In such case, Newton's method can sometimes succeed, but there is a danger of numerical issues if c04-math-0042 becomes very small, so that the iteration formula blows up. In fact, Newton's methods generally need to be safeguarded against such computational issues. Most of the code for a successful Newton-like method will be in the safeguards; the basic method is trivial but prone to numerical failure. Note that the Rmpfr tools may be of help, but because they require much more computational effort, they need to be used judiciously.

Problems with no root at all can also occur, as in the following example, which computes the tangent of an angle given in degrees. We also supply gradient code.

mytan <- function(xdeg) {
    # tangent in degrees
    xrad <- xdeg * pi/180  # conversion to radians
    tt <- tan(xrad)
gmytan <- function(xdeg) {
    # tangent in degrees
    xrad <- xdeg * pi/180  # conversion to radians
    gg <- pi/(180 * cos(xrad)^2)

Let us consider some example output, which has been edited to avoid excessive space, where we seek a root between 80° and 100°. Here the function has a singularity, but its well-defined values at the initial limits of the interval provided are of opposite signs. Graphing the function, assuming we do not get an error in computing it, will show the issue clearly. However, we could see what happens with four different root-finders, uniroot() and the three root-finders from rootoned, namely, root1d(), zeroin(), and newt1d(). For the last routine, we include the iteration output, noting that

tint <- c(80, 100)
ru <- uniroot(mytan, tint)
## $root
## [1] 90
## $f.root
## [1] -750992
## $iter
## [1] 19
## $estim.prec
## [1] 7.6293e-05
rz <- zeroin(mytan, tint)
## $root
## [1] 90
## $froot
## [1] -6152091027
## $rtol
## [1] 9.3132e-09
## $maxit
## [1] 30
rr <- root1d(mytan, tint)
## Warning: Final function magnitude> 0.5 * max(abs(f(lbound)), abs(f(ubound)))
## $root
## [1]100
## $froot
## [1] -5.6713
## $rtol
## [1] 0
## $fcount
## [1] 6
rn80 <- newt1d(mytan, gmytan, 80)
## $root
## [1] 0
## $froot
## [1] -5.6395e-29
## $itn
## [1] 8
rn100 <- newt1d(mytan, gmytan, 100)
## $root
## [1] 180
## $froot
## [1] -1.2246e-16
## $itn
## [1] 8


  • zeroin() and uniroot() do not give any warning of trouble and return a “root” near 90°, but with a function value at that argument having a large magnitude;
  • root1d() does give a warning of this occurrence;
  • newt1d(), started at an argument of 80° (one end of the starting interval) goes to 0° (another “root”) that is outside the starting interval used for the other root-finders. Similarly, starting at 100° returns a root at 180°. These results are, of course, correct.

4.6 Being a smart user of root-finding programs

Mostly—and I am cowardly enough not to define “mostly”—users of root-finders such as uniroot() get satisfactory results without trouble. On the other hand, it really is worthwhile checking these results from time to time. This is easily done with the curve function that lets one draw the function of interest. Examples above show how to add a horizontal line at 0 to provide a reference and make checking the position of the root easy. Even within codes, it is useful to generate a warning if the function value at the proposed root is “large,” for example, of the same order of magnitude as the function values at the ends of the initial interval for the search. Indeed, I am surprised uniroot() does not have such a warning and have put such a check into one of my own routines.

It is also worth remembering the package Rmpfr when issues of precision arise, although this recommendation comes with the caveats that code may need to be changed so that non-R functions are not called and that both the performance and the output may become unattractive.

4.7 Conclusions and extensions

From the discussion earlier,

  • Methods for univariate root-finding work efficiently well but still need “watching”. This applies to almost any iterative computation.
  • There is a need for more “thoughtful” methods that give a user much more information about his or her function and suggest potential issues to be investigated. Such tools would be intended for use when the regular tools appear to be giving inappropriate answers.
  • As always, more good test cases and examples are useful to improve our methods.


  1. Brent R 1973 Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
  2. Maechler M 2013 Rmpfr: R MPFR - Multiple Precision Floating-Point Reliable. R package version 0.5-3.
  3. Nash JC 1979 Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation. Hilger, Bristol.
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