Appendix A

R packages used in examples

The following R packages were used in the examples in this book. Sources for those not on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) are noted.

  • adagio: Discrete and global optimization routines
  • alabama: Constrained nonlinear optimization
  • BB: Solving and optimizing large-scale nonlinear systems
  • bbmle: Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation
  • compiler: This is now provided as a standard package in the base distribution.
  • DEoptim: Global optimization by differential evolution
  • deSolve: General solvers for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations (ODE), partial differential equations (PDE), differential algebraic equations (DAE), and delay differential equations (DDE)
  • expm: Matrix exponential
  • GA: Genetic algorithms
  • gaoptim: Genetic algorithm optimization for real-based and permutation-based problems
  • GenSA: R functions for generalized Simulated Annealing
  • gnm: Generalized nonlinear models
  • grofit: The package was developed to fit many growth curves obtained under different conditions
  • linprog: Linear programming/optimization
  • MASS: Functions and data sets to support Venables and Ripley, ‘Modern Applied Statistics with S’ (4th edition, 2002). This recommended package generally is installed with the base distribution.
  • maxLik: Maximum likelihood estimation
  • microbenchmark: Submicrosecond accurate timing functions
  • minpack.lm: R interface to the Levenberg–Marquardt nonlinear least squares algorithm found in MINPACK, plus support for bounds
  • NISTnls: Nonlinear least squares examples from NIST
  • nleqslv: Solve systems of nonlinear equations
  • nlmrt: Functions for nonlinear least squares solutions
  • nloptr: R interface to NLopt
  • nloptwrap: Wrapper for package nloptr
  • nls2: Nonlinear regression with brute force
  • nnls: The Lawson–Hanson algorithm for nonnegative least squares (NNLS)
  • numDeriv: Accurate numerical derivatives
  • optextras: A set of tools to support optimization methods (function minimization with at most bounds and masks),
  • optimx: A replacement and extension of the optim() function
  • pander: An R pandoc writer
  • polynom: A collection of functions to implement a class for univariate polynomial manipulations
  • pracma: Practical numerical math functions
  • profr: An alternative display for profiling information
  • quantreg: Quantile regression
  • rbenchmark: Benchmarking routine for R
  • Rcgmin: Conjugate gradient minimization of nonlinear functions with box constraints
  • RcppDE: Global optimization by differential evolution in C++
  • reportr: A general message and error reporting system
  • rgenoud: R version of genetic optimization using derivatives
  • Rmalschains: Continuous optimization using memetic algorithms with local search chains (MA-LS-Chains) in R
  • Rmpfr: R MPFR—multiple precision floating-point reliable
  • rootoned: Roots of one-dimensional functions in Ronly code
  • Rsolnp: General nonlinear optimization
  • Rvmmin: Variable metric nonlinear function minimization with bounds constraints
  • setRNG: Set (normal) random number generator and seed
  • smco: A simple Monte-Carlo optimizer using adaptive coordinate sampling
  • soma: General-purpose optimization with the self-organizing migrating algorithm
  • stats4: Statistical functions using S4 classes. This collection of materials is part of the base distribution but appears to need loading via require().
  • trust: Trust region optimization.
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