Chapter 21
Miscellaneous nonlinear estimation tools for R

This chapter concerns a number of R tools that are extensions or accessories to the materials we have discussed so far. Because they are treated here at the end of the book does not mean that they are unimportant. However, my concerns have been the machinery to find estimates of nonlinear parameters by optimizing functions. A number of the tools in this chapter stress other aspects of statistical estimation that illuminate the data or models in other ways.

21.1 Maximum likelihood

As maximum likelihood estimation is such a common task in computational statistics, several tools and packages exist for carrying out some of the forms of ML tasks.

mle in the stats4 (part of the base R distribution, R Core Team (2013), but it appears that one needs to load it with require(stats4)) is intended for minimizing a function minuslogl using a method chosen from optim(). This tool appears to have fallen into disuse, possibly because it seems to be rather fragile. However, it does compute the solution for our Hobbs maximum likelihood example introduced in Chapter 12, and we include an illustration of use of fixed parameters (masks).

require(stats4, quietly = TRUE)
lhobbs.res <- function(xl, y) {
    # log scaled Hobbs weeds problem - - residual base parameters on log(x)
    x <- exp(xl)
    if (abs(12 * x[3]) > 50) {
        # check computability
        rbad <- rep(.Machine$double.xmax, length(x))
    if (length(x) != 3)
        stop("hobbs.res - - parameter vector n!=3")
    t <- 1:length(y)
    res <- x[1]/(1 + x[2] * exp(-x[3] * t)) - y
lhobbs.lik <- function(Asym, b2, b3, lsig) {
    # likelihood function including sigma
    y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443)
    y <- c(y, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
    xl <- c(Asym, b2, b3)
    logSigma <- lsig
    sigma2 = exp(2 * logSigma)
    res <- lhobbs.res(xl, y)
    nll <- 0.5 * (length(res) * log(2 * pi * sigma2) + sum(res * res)/sigma2)
mystart <- list(Asym = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1, lsig = 1)  # must be a list
amlef <- mle(lhobbs.lik, start = mystart, fixed = list(lsig = log(0.4)))
## Call:
## mle(minuslogl = lhobbs.lik, start = mystart, fixed = list(lsig = log(0.4)))
## Coefficients:
##     Asym       b2       b3     lsig
##  5.27911  3.89366 -1.15976 -0.91629
amlef@min  # minimal neg log likelihood
## [1] 8.117
amle <- mle(lhobbs.lik, start = as.list(coef(amlef)))
## Call:
## mle(minuslogl = lhobbs.lik, start = as.list(coef(amlef)))
## Coefficients:
##     Asym       b2       b3     lsig
##  5.27914  3.89373 -1.15976 -0.76712
val <-, args = as.list(coef(amle)))
## [1] 7.8215
# Note: This does not work
## Error: 'b2' is missing
# But this displays the minimum of the negative log likelihood
## [1] 7.8215

The function mle2() from package bbmle (Bolker and Team, 2013) does seem to work more satisfactorily in my opinion. It has a data= argument that allows us to specify the data with which the model functions are to be computed. Moreover, the standard output includes the value of the likelihood.

require(bbmle, quietly = TRUE)
lhobbs2.lik <- function(Asym, b2, b3, lsig, y) {
    # likelihood function including sigma
    xl <- c(Asym, b2, b3)
    logSigma <- lsig
    sigma2 = exp(2 * logSigma)
    res <- lhobbs.res(xl, y)
    nll <- 0.5 * (length(res) * log(2 * pi * sigma2) + sum(res * res)/sigma2)
y0 <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443)
y0 <- c(y0, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
mystart <- list(Asym = 1, b2 = 1, b3 = 1, lsig = 1)  # must be a list
flist <- list(lsig = log(0.4))
amle2f <- mle2(lhobbs2.lik, start = mystart, data = list(y = y0), fixed = flist)
## Call:
## mle2(minuslogl = lhobbs2.lik, start = mystart, fixed = flist,
##     data = list(y = y0))
## Coefficients:
##     Asym       b2       b3     lsig
##  5.27911  3.89366 -1.15976 -0.91629
## Log-likelihood: -8.12
amle2 <- mle2(lhobbs2.lik, start = as.list(coef(amlef)), data = list(y = y0))
## Call:
## mle2(minuslogl = lhobbs2.lik, start = as.list(coef(amlef)), data = list(y = y0))
## Coefficients:
##     Asym       b2       b3     lsig
##  5.27914  3.89373 -1.15976 -0.76712
## Log-likelihood: -7.82

Note: The log likelihood displayed above for amle2 and amle2f is the negative of the function we have minimized. The function value is found as

## [1] 7.8215

maxLik offers a somewhat different set of tools for maximum likelihood estimation. Its optimizers (some of which are built on the optim() function) are all maximizers, in contrast to almost all the methods in this book, which by default minimize functions. Unfortunately, one quirk of this package is that it does not respect the quietly=TRUE directive of the require() function, so I had to be a bit more aggressive in suppressing the messages that did not fit the formatting of this page. Note that the objective function not only is specified as the log likelihood (rather than its negative) but that the parameters are supplied to this function as a vector. Personally, I prefer to supply parameters as a vector, but other users may find the individual parameters aid in linking the computations to their particular problems.

llh <- function(xaug, y) {
    Asym <- xaug[1]
    b2 <- xaug[2]
    b3 <- xaug[3]
    lsig <- xaug[4]
    val <- (-1) * lhobbs2.lik(Asym, b2, b3, lsig, y)
aml <- maxLik(llh, start = c(1, 1, 1, 1), y = y0)
## Maximum Likelihood estimation
## Newton-Raphson maximisation, 15 iterations
## Return code 2: successive function values within tolerance limit
## Log-Likelihood: -7.8215 (4 free parameter(s))
## Estimate(s): 5.2791 3.8937 -1.1597 -0.76715

likelihood (Murphy, 2012) uses simulated annealing to maximize the likelihood function and is more at home in Chapter 15 where it has been mentioned. Moreover, this package uses a very different structure for maximum likelihood estimation than the other packages discussed in this section, so I will not pursue its use further here.

21.2 Generalized nonlinear models

There are always generalizations of any style of model or computation, and R developers have not been slow to pursue such possibilities.

Package nlme is a very large software collection for linear and nonlinear mixed effect models. We have already seen how various packages are available for nonlinear least squares in Chapter 6, but those tools assume we should minimize the sum of squared residuals. The residuals can be explicitly adjusted by weights, or these can be passed to the computation by the weights argument to the nls() function. However, it is assumed that the residuals are uncorrelated. When they have a variance/covariance structure, we need to modify the objective function. In the nlme function gnls(), this is precoded for us.

Package gnm (Turner and Firth, 2012) aims to allow the fitting of models that are rather different, and specified in a different way, from those we have presented in the rest of the book. In particular, gnm considers overparameterized representations, where we have more parameters and modeling terms than we actually need. Our goal is to determine which are useful and generate an effective model with a subset of the model features. (This description is my own; the package authors would probably express things otherwise.) There is both a manual and a quite extensive vignette for the package. We can run the Bates version 16.7 of the logistic model with gnm and put the nlxb() solution after for comparison.

require(gnm, quietly = TRUE)
y0 <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443)
y0 <- c(y0, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
t0 <- 1:12
Hdta <- data.frame(y = y0, x = t0)
formula <- y  -1 + Mult(1, Inv(Const(1) + Exp(Mult(1 + offset(-x), Inv(1)))))
st <- c(Asym = 200, xmid = 10, scal = 3)
ans <- gnm(formula, start = st, data = Hdta)
## Running main iterations.....
## Done
## Call:
## gnm(formula = formula, data = Hdta, start = st)
## Coefficients:
## Mult(., Inv(Exp(Mult(1 + offset(-x), Inv(1))) + Const(1))).
##                                                      196.19
## Mult(1, Inv(Exp(Mult(. + offset(-x), Inv(1))) + Const(1))).
##                                                       12.42
## Mult(1, Inv(Exp(Mult(1 + offset(-x), Inv(.))) + Const(1))).
##                                                        3.19
## Deviance:            2.5873
## Pearson chi-squared: 2.5873
## Residual df:         9
require(nlmrt, quietly = TRUE)
anls <- nlxb(y  Asym/(1 + exp((xmid - x)/scal)), start = st, data = Hdta)
## nlmrt class object: x
## residual sumsquares =  2.5873  on  12 observations
##     after  5    Jacobian and  6 function evaluations
##   name        coeff      SE     tstat      pval      gradient    JSingval
## Asym         196.186     11.31    17.35  3.167e-08  -3.726e-09       44.93
## xmid         12.4173    0.3346    37.11  3.715e-11  -1.492e-08        15.6
## scal         3.18908    0.0698    45.69  5.767e-12  -2.818e-08      0.0474

In this section, I have deliberately left out some packages that are distributed privately and do not satisfy the checks of CRAN. Unfortunately, while such software may contain useful resources, I do not want to suggest the use of tools that may introduce conflicts with the mainstream R packages.

21.3 Systems of equations

R has two packages that I consider well developed for estimating models that are specified by several equations: sem (Fox et al. 2013) and systemfit (Henningsen and Hamann, 2007).

systemfit (Henningsen and Hamann, 2007) is, to my view, more suited to multiequation models from econometrics. These are mostly specified as sets of linear models with exogenous and endogenous variables. While there is a form of nonlinearity introduced by the multiple equation nature of the models, the nonlinear optimization tools of this book are generally not used by practitioners in this field. Indeed, while the package includes a function called nlsystemfit(), the authors caution that it is still under development.

Most of the applications of sem are also likely to be collections of linear models. There is a useful vignette (Fox, 2006).

systemfit and sem use slightly different ways of specifying the model equations to their estimating functions. While both allow equations to be provided as R expressions, sem also allows, via a specifyModel() function, for a form of shorthand for the model. Different optimizers can be specified to fit the model, and I have found that I was able to create a modified sem and reinstall it with a modified optimizer. In a problem sent to me by John Fox to investigate a convergence issue, I changed one of the optimization tools from the optim() method CG (a code based on my own work but which I do not feel should now be used) to method BFGS.

21.4 Additional nonlinear least squares tools

While the central engines for solving nonlinear least squares tasks have been dealt with in Chapter 6, R has several tools to extend that functionality. We conclude with a brief mention of some of these.

nlstools (Baty and Delignette-Muller, 2013) contains a mixed bag of tools and data that reflect the agricultural research background of its authors. There are several functions for working with growth curves, as well as some aids for computing confidence intervals of parameters.

fitdistr() from package MASS (distributed with R) is designed to allow for fitting of common univariate distributions by maximum likelihood. Here the package developers have done the work for us of writing the objective function and in some cases of providing the starting values for optimization. Bounds can be specified on the parameters. fitdistrplus (Delignette-Muller et al. 2013) is a package that extends this by allowing for censored data and by permitting other criteria such as moment matching to be used for estimating the distribution parameters. (This, of course, is moving away from optimization.)

In a similar manner, the authors of package grofit (Kahm et al. 2010) have provided some precanned routines for fitting a variety of growth curves that are common in biological models. Like other packages of this type, the features provided are intended for a particular audience and not necessarily the easiest for others to employ. For example, we need to find the sum of squares buried in the object nls within the returned solution. Here is an example using the familiar Hobbs data. The summary() output for the returned object (called ah here) is, to my eyes, not very helpful. Therefore, I examined what the object contains and found the nls() component, which is displayed in two ways. Also given is the model component that tells us a logistic model was found to be “best” by the function gcFitModel(), which actually tries several forms and compares them using the Akaike information criterion (AIC). This is defined as

21.1 equation

where c21-math-0002 is the number of parameters in the statistical model and c21-math-0003 is the minimized value of the negative log-likelihood function for the estimated model. Smaller is better.

## tgrofit.R - - Use Hobbs problem to test grofit
y <- c(5.308, 7.24, 9.638, 12.866, 17.069, 23.192, 31.443)
y <- c(y, 38.558, 50.156, 62.948, 75.995, 91.972)
tt <- 1:12
require(grofit, quietly = TRUE)
ah <- gcFitModel(time = tt, data = y)
## - -> Try to fit model logistic
## ....... OK
## - -> Try to fit model richards
## ....... ERROR in nls(). For further information see help(gcFitModel)
## - -> Try to fit model gompertz
## ....... OK
## - -> Try to fit model gompertz.exp
## ... OK
##   mu.model lambda.model A.model integral.model stdmu.model stdlambda.model
## 1    15.38       6.0391  196.19          376.9      0.5832         0.20539
##   stdA.model ci90.lambda.model.lo
## 1     11.307            14.42           16.339               5.7013
##   ci90.lambda.model.up ci90.A.model.lo ci90.A.model.up
## 1                6.377          177.59          214.79           14.236
## ci95.lambda.model.lo ci95.lambda.model.up ci95.A.model.lo
## 1           16.523               5.6366               6.4417          174.02
##   ci95.A.model.up
## 1          218.35
## [1] "logistic"
## Formula: data  logistic(time, A, mu, lambda, addpar)
## Parameters:
##        Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## A       196.186     11.307    17.4  3.2e-08 ***
## mu       15.380      0.583    26.4  7.8e-10 ***
## lambda    6.039      0.205    29.4  3.0e-10 ***
## - - -
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 0.536 on 9 degrees of freedom
## Number of iterations to convergence: 6
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.07e-07
## Nonlinear regression model
##   model: data  logistic(time, A, mu, lambda, addpar)
##    data: parent.frame()
##      A     mu lambda
## 196.19  15.38   6.04
##  residual sum-of-squares: 2.59
## Number of iterations to convergence: 6
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 3.07e-07

21.5 Nonnegative least squares

A rather different tool is provided in nnls (Mullen and van Stokkum, 2012). Here we wish to solve a least squares problem that looks to be like a usual linear least squares calculation. However, we require that the resulting parameters to be positive and possibly that there sum be scaled. Such problems arise in decoding spectra, in various imaging calculations (where the pixel cannot have a negative intensity), and some other domains.

To keep the presentation simple, we will fabricate a small example. Suppose we have three substances that have known spectra signals given as Sig1, Sig2, and Sig3 below. These form our dictionary matrix. We have a mixture of these, with proportions or concentrations 0.23, 0.4, and 0.1. We will not impose a sum constraint but simply assume the combined signal is given by the linear combination of the columns of the dictionary matrix. We can measure the signal (spectrum) of the combination, but there is some measurement error or “noise” which we add to simulate a real problem.

Sig1 <- c(0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 8, 5, 1, 0)
Sig2 <- c(2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0)
Sig3 <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, 14, 18, 16, 18, 15, 1, 10)
C <- cbind(Sig1, Sig2, Sig3)
bb <- C %*% as.matrix(c(0.23, 0.4, 0.1))
scale <- 0.15
## Loading required package: setRNG
setRNG(kind = "Wichmann-Hill", seed = c(979, 1479, 1542), normal.kind = "Box-Muller")
d <- bb + scale * rnorm(19)

Now that we have our problem, let us solve it with nnls.

require(nnls, quietly = TRUE)
aCd <- nnls(C, d)
## Nonnegative least squares model
## x estimates: 0.23301 0.40724 0.10194
## residual sum-of-squares: 0.55
## reason terminated: The solution has been computed sucessfully.

However, we can use other methods, including nonlinear least squares and minimization methods that include bounds constraints. First, let us define our residual, Jacobian, sum-of-squares, and gradient functions. And then, as a reminder that it is always a good idea to do so, we check them, but here I have commented out the printout of results.

############# another example ############
resfn <- function(x, matvec, A) {
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    res <- (A %*% x) - matvec
jacfn <- function(x, matvec = NULL, A) {
ssfun <- function(x, matvec, A) {
    rr <- resfn(x, matvec, A)
    val <- sum(rr^2)
ggfun <- function(x, matvec, A) {
    rr <- resfn(x, matvec, A)
    JJ <- jacfn(x, matvec, A)
    gg <- 2 * as.numeric(t(JJ) %*% rr)

We could check the functions by running the following code.

# Check functions:
xx <- rep(1, 3)
print(resfn(xx, d, C))
print(jacfn(xx, d, C))
print(ssfun(xx, d, C))
ggfun:print(ggfun(xx, d, C))

Using nlfb() from package nlmrt is straightforward.

require(nlmrt, quietly = TRUE)
strt <- c(p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0)
aCdnlfb <- nlfb(strt, resfn, jacfn, lower = 0, matvec = d, A = C)
## nlmrt class object: x
## residual sumsquares =  0.55031  on  19 observations
##     after  3    Jacobian and  4 function evaluations
##   name      coeff        SE       tstat      pval      gradient  JSingval
## p1        0.233008     0.01645      14.16  1.803e-10   -3.98e-11     43.11
## p2        0.407237     0.01602      25.41  2.309e-14  -2.976e-12     11.57
## p3        0.101936    0.009332      10.92  7.932e-09   6.769e-11     10.07

Finally, let us try some optimization tools. We note that starting on the bounds does not yield a solution for bobyqa() and nmkb(). The latter code specifically says NOT to start on the bound, but this is not mentioned for bobyqa(), although this outcome is not totally surprising to me given that this code does use some heuristics that might not always work. We get solutions when we alter the start. Also note how we would call the optimizers without a gradient function.

require(optimx, quietly = TRUE)
strt <- c(p1 = 0, p2 = 0, p3 = 0)
strt2 <- c(p1 = 0.1, p2 = 0.1, p3 = 0.1)
lo <- c(0, 0, 0)
aop <- optimx(strt, ssfun, ggfun, method = "all", lower = lo, matvec = d, A = C)
## Loading required package: numDeriv
## Attaching package: 'numDeriv'
## The following object is masked from 'package:maxLik':
##     hessian
## Warning: no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning: no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning: nmkb() cannot be started if any parameter on a bound
summary(aop, order = value)
##               p1      p2      p3       value fevals gevals niter convcode  kkt1
## Rcgmin   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194  5.5031e-01     12      4    NA        0  TRUE
## Rvmmin   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194  5.5031e-01    170     21    NA        0  TRUE
## L-BFGS-B 0.23301 0.40724 0.10194  5.5031e-01      9      9    NA        0  TRUE
## nlminb   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194  5.5031e-01     25     20    19        0  TRUE
## spg      0.23301 0.40724 0.10194  5.5031e-01     15     NA    13        0  TRUE
## hjkb     0.23302 0.40724 0.10193  5.5031e-01    338     NA    19        0 FALSE
## bobyqa        NA      NA      NA 8.9885e+307     NA     NA    NA     9999    NA
## nmkb          NA      NA      NA 8.9885e+307     NA     NA    NA     9999    NA
##          kkt2 xtimes
## Rcgmin   TRUE  0.004
## Rvmmin   TRUE  0.016
## L-BFGS-B TRUE  0.000
## nlminb   TRUE  0.000
## spg      TRUE  0.160
## hjkb     TRUE  0.016
## bobyqa     NA  0.000
## nmkb       NA  0.000
aop2 <- optimx(strt2, ssfun, ggfun, method = "all", lower = lo, matvec = d, A = C)
summary(aop2, order = value)
##               p1      p2      p3   value fevals gevals niter convcode  kkt1
## Rcgmin   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031     12      4    NA        0  TRUE
## Rvmmin   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031     18      8    NA        0  TRUE
## nlminb   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031     26     20    19        0  TRUE
## L-BFGS-B 0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031      9      9    NA        0  TRUE
## spg      0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031     18     NA    14        0  TRUE
## bobyqa   0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031     89     NA    NA        0  TRUE
## hjkb     0.23301 0.40724 0.10194 0.55031    373     NA    19        0 FALSE
## nmkb     0.23304 0.40729 0.10191 0.55031    109     NA    NA        0 FALSE
##          kkt2 xtimes
## Rcgmin   TRUE  0.004
## Rvmmin   TRUE  0.000
## nlminb   TRUE  0.000
## L-BFGS-B TRUE  0.000
## spg      TRUE  0.164
## bobyqa   TRUE  0.004
## hjkb     TRUE  0.012
## nmkb     TRUE  0.016
## No gradient function is needed - - example not run aopn<-optimx(strt, ssfun,
## method='all', control=list(trace=0), lower=c(0,0,0), matvec=d, A=C)
## summary(aopn, order=value) aop2n<-optimx(strt1, ssfun, method='all', lower=lo,
## matvec=d, A=C) summary(aop2n, order=value)

21.6 Noisy objective functions

In Section 1.4.4, we mentioned that some optimization problems have objective functions that can only be imprecisely computed. The obvious example is some process where the value of this “function” is actually measured, such as the time taken for vehicles to complete journeys under some settings of parameters believed to control that measurement. A more statistical example arises when we must integrate over a distribution function to compute a log likelihood or similar objective function. By using Monte-Carlo methods, we can do the integration quickly but imprecisely. Parameter values apart from the estimates are of limited interest, so the question then arises as to whether it is better to compute the integral precisely and optimize the resulting function, or to use an optimization method that is tolerant of imprecise objective function values. This was explored by Joe and Nash (2003), and we produced a Fortran code as well as a description of it.

The Joe–Nash program is of the “model and descend” type. We sample the function (we referred to it as a response surface) at a number of points, estimate a quadratic model or paraboloid, and move to the minimum of the model. Then we repeat this process. Of course, the details are very messy:

  • The parameters are bounded to avoid wild excursions out of the region of interest, as the imprecision may suggest unfortunate trial sets of parameters.
  • The sampling strategy, that is, location and number of points, can be very important, yet difficult to formulate.
  • It is important to drop some points from the set used to build a model, and once again the rules for dropping points are important but are not simple to specify.

While this procedure should be relatively straightforward in R compared to Fortran, we have yet to build a package to do this. Note Deng and Ferris (2006) for an approach based on Powell's UOBYQA optimizer. As bothminqa and nloptr packages have versions of Powell's codes, it might be possible to adopt this strategy for use in R, but I have not yet seen attempts to do this.

21.7 Moving forward

This concludes my treatment of nonlinear parameter optimization with R. The story is not, of course, ended. As I have been writing, there have been discussions with others about many developments in this field. Unfortunately, some are not sufficiently stable to be sensibly discussed yet.

In the next few years, I anticipate that there will be a serious debate about the optimization tools in R and how they are structured. This is, of course, a common issue for open source software projects, and R is one of the largest and most successful of these. For R, the debate will need to deal with the difficulty of shifting away from legacy tools that are no longer being developed and that have limitations that are awkward to work around easily. An example is the nls(), part of the base distribution. Its writers have largely dropped out of R activities, it has, as we have seen, a tendency to fail more than it needs to. Similarly, optim() is showing its age. As we have also seen, there are replacements that address some of the weaknesses, but readers should expect these to have their own cycle of adoption and then replacement with yet other packages.

The more positive message of such ongoing change is that needs do generate new packages. The process is a little messy, in that the new offerings may work wonderfully for some problems and be weak with others. Over time, however, the collective experience advances the system.


  1. Baty F and Delignette-Muller ML 2013 nlstools: tools for nonlinear regression diagnostics. R package version 0.0-15.
  2. Bolker B and Team RDC 2013 bbmle: Tools for general maximum likelihood estimation. R package version 1.0.13.
  3. Delignette-Muller ML, Pouillot R, Denis JB, and Dutang C 2013 fitdistrplus: Help to fit of a parametric distribution to non-censored or censored data. R package version 1.0-1.
  4. Deng G and Ferris MC 2006 Adaptation of the UOBYQA Algorithm for Noisy Functions. WSC '06: Proceedings of the 38th Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 312–319. Winter Simulation Conference, Monterey, CA.
  5. Fox J 2006 TEACHER'S CORNER structural equation modeling with the sem package in R.
  6. Fox J, Nie Z, and Byrnes J 2013 sem: Structural Equation Models. R package version 3.1-301.
  7. Henningsen A and Hamann JD 2007 systemfit: a package for estimating systems of simultaneous equations in r. Journal of Statistical Software 23(4), 1–40.
  8. Joe H and Nash JC 2003 Numerical optimization and surface estimation with imprecise function evaluations. Statistics and Computing 13(3), 277–286.
  9. Kahm M, Hasenbrink G, Lichtenberg-Fraté H, Ludwig J, and Kschischo M 2010 grofit: fitting biological growth curves with R. Journal of Statistical Software 33(7), 1–21.
  10. Mullen KM and van Stokkum IHM 2012 nnls: The Lawson-Hanson algorithm for non-negative least squares (NNLS). R package version 1.4.
  11. Murphy L 2012 Likelihood: methods for maximum likelihood estimation. R package version 1.5.
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  13. Turner H and Firth D 2012 Generalized nonlinear models in R: an overview of the GNM package. R package version 1.0-6.
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