“The problem with training is that when the learners get back to work, people are waiting for them! Soon they're too busy to apply what they just learned, and the training investment is wasted. By implementing the expert strategies in this highly readable book, you can assure that the knowledge and skills people have learned are put into practice—and make the most of your training dollars.”

—Ken Blanchard, co-author of The New One Minute Manager
and Servant Leadership in Action

“DDI's Global Leadership Forecast reveals that over 50 percent of the highest quality leadership development occurs on the job—after the classroom concludes. However, executing this type of follow-up to formal learning can be incredibly challenging. The 7 Principles presented by the authors will help you powerfully reinforce learning and drive your talent and organizational strategies forward.”

—Tacy M. Byham, Ph.D., CEO, DDI, and co-author of Your First Leadership Job

“As former CLO at Hilton, I know that reinforcement is needed to transfer learning into applying. The methodology of The 7 Principles of Reinforcement presented by the authors will help you to design an effective reinforcement program that creates lasting behavior change and an impact on your organization.

Thanks to the engaging stories, sports examples, and useful tools, this is one of the most readable books on reinforcement I've read.”

—Kimo Kippen, VP, Global Workforce Initiatives,
former Chief Learning Officer, Hilton

“I'm a believer. For the past few years I have transformed from being a client, to a practitioner, and ultimately to an evangelist of the reinforcement principles in this book. I've personally researched most of the alternative players in this industry, and while they are good at reminding and regurgitating, they don't get reinforcement like the authors do. If you want lasting change, employee and customer satisfaction, and revenue growth, then read and apply the principles in this book.”

—Treion Muller, Chief Product Officer, TwentyEighty

“We all know the problem with corporate training. After the training the learner gets back to their work, they forget what they've been taught, and/or they're too busy to apply what they just learned. Nothing changes. The training investment is wasted.

A reinforcement program based on the methodology presented by the authors in The 7 Principles of Reinforcement solves this industry problem. I am
convinced that this book helps you to create lasting behavior change and create impact in every organization.

It is your guarantee to increase productivity, improve communication, and boost the bottom line.”

—Anne Stawiski, Global Business Owner, Learning Solutions, Amway

“I've been in many industries as a learning professional, from health care, to truck rental, food processing, and now the payments industry. Adult learning comes in a variety of delivery vehicles: e-learning, webinars, classroom, how-to videos, etc. The key is retention and how to get the intended audience to retain the knowledge gained from their learning experience. I believe The 7 Principles discussed in this book are a home run in terms of applying key reinforcement principles to help learners retain critical knowledge they have learned! By incorporating The 7 Principles of Reinforcement, I know that my intended audience will put what they have learned into practice, and to me, that is success!”

—Brian Condie, Director, Instructional Design, Visa Inc.

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