• Acknowledgment, 161
  • Actionable intelligence, 79–80, 91
  • Active message elements
    • assignment/deadline combination, 162–163
    • bulleted lists in, 160–161
    • importance of, 160
    • listening techniques, 161–162
    • memory props, 163–164
  • Activity, 119
  • Adaptive reinforcement, 139–140
  • Apply phase, 23, 46
    • DO-DID-GO approach, 56, 89
    • focus on, 46
    • goals in, 30
    • knowledge and skills in, 46, 79
    • learners in, 136, 138
    • mastering, 53–54
    • principles for, 45
    • for skills gap, 32
  • Assessments
    • awareness phase, 62–63
    • challenges, 127–128
    • design, 196–199
    • friction and creation, 115–116, 200
    • measurable behavior change, 86–87
    • overview of, 202
    • performance, 194–195
    • performance gaps, 73–74
    • push and pull, 105–106
    • reinforcement flow, 127–128, 201–202
    • S.A.F.E model, 171–173, 205–206
  • Assignments, 162–163
  • Assumptions, 160
  • Attention
    • levels of, 169
    • points, 177–179
    • spans, average, 168–169
    • types of, 170
  • Awareness training
    • assessment of, 62–63
    • attention points in, 177–178
    • brains in, 22–23
    • characterization of, 22
    • role of, 45
    • why questions in, 54–55
  • Ballast materials, 18–19
  • Behavior change. See also Measurable behavior change
    • areas influencing, 67–71
    • environmental factors, 37–38
    • formula for, 50–51
    • foundation for, 14–15
    • goals and, 25–26
    • measurable, creation of, 46–47
    • message impact on, 180–181
    • multiple, 60
    • objectives and, 25–26
    • overcoming forgetting and, 21–22
    • preconditions for, 78
  • Behavior change phases
    • apply, 23
    • awareness, 22–23
    • skipping, 89
  • Blanchard, Ken, 18
  • Brains, 85
    • active, 23
    • assumptions by, 160
    • challenges, 15, 152, 160
    • deadlines and, 162–163
    • direction and, 114–115
    • energy use by, 97–98
    • friction and, 109, 112
    • lazy, 47
    • phase-related activity, 22–23
    • push pull and, 129
    • retrieval by, 15
    • story creation by, 113
  • Brown, Peter C., 25
  • CCAF (context, challenge, activity, and feedback) model, 119–120
  • Certifications, 176
  • Challenges
    • assessment of, 127–128
    • brain need for, 15, 152, 160
    • CCAF model, 119–120
    • complex, 117
    • frustration with, 48
    • scenarios, 182
    • skills balanced with, 120–123
  • Clarification, 161
  • Closed questions, 81–82
  • Coaching, 178–179
  • Comfort zones, 125–126
  • Communication. See also Messages
    • gaps, 46, 71, 91–92
    • push and pull, 98
    • refining, 71
  • Compliance training, 176, 179
  • Context, 119
  • “Correct-incorrect” discussion, 39–40
  • Covey, Stephen R., 18
  • Creation, See Friction and creation
  • Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 47, 119
  • Cultural programs, 176–177
  • Data tracking, 38
  • DDI (leadership assessment and development), 18
  • Deadlines, 162–163
  • Direction principle, 47
  • DO-DID-GO approach, 56–57
  • Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 15–19, 24
  • Educational training, 176, 179
  • Emotions, 14–15
  • Empathy, 55, 161
  • Engagement drivers, 38–39
    • active brain, 108
    • foundation building with, 96–97
    • friction and direction, 107–116
    • principles of, 91
    • push and pull, 95–106
    • recap of, 129–131
    • reinforcement flow, 117–128
  • Environment
    • considering, 70
    • effects of, 37–38
    • gaps in, 46, 72, 90
  • External attention, 170
  • Feedback
    • CCAF model, 119–120
    • levels of, 118, 131
    • self-regulation, 118
    • value of, 117
  • Focus of messages
    • overview of, 165
    • questions in, 166–168
    • titles in, 166–167
  • Follow-up reinforcement program, 12–13
  • Forgetting curve
    • creation of, 15
    • limits of, 24
    • messages based on, 26
    • overcoming, 21–22
    • repetition effect on, 16–17
  • Foundation
    • building, 49–50
    • design, 196–199
    • engagement connection to, 133–134
    • environment and, 70
    • performance, 194–195
    • quality of, 51
    • weak, 65
  • Four-step approach, 60–62
  • Friction
    • creation of, 109, 112–113
    • definition of, 109
    • principle of, 47
    • social, 113
  • Friction and creation
    • assessment of, 115–116, 200
    • complex push and pull, 102
    • learners and, 137
    • measurable behavior change, 91–92
    • recap of, 129–130
  • Friction and direction
    • balancing, 110–112
    • basics of, 108–109
    • overview of, 107–108
  • Gamification, 180–181
  • Goals
    • identification of, 29
    • influence of, 180
    • measurement of, 30
    • setting of, 25–26
  • Graphics, 183
  • Growth
    • mind-set and, 13, 65
    • path to, 97
    • reinforcement flow for, 124–126
  • Henneveld, Koos, 4–5
  • Imagination, 112–113
  • Information
    • attention to, 170–171
    • balance, 39
    • friction, 112
    • meaningful, 19, 23, 48
    • necessary, 37
    • push and pull, 98
    • retaining, 16–17, 182
  • Intelligence. See Actionable intelligence
  • Internal attention, 170
  • Intrinsic motivation, 69–70
  • Judo training
    • application of, 9
    • behavior change and, 191–192
    • groundwork for, 3–4
    • knowledge for, 68
    • messaging in, 36–37
    • mind-set for, 13–14
    • prospect theory in, 13–14
    • push and pull in, 38–41, 95–96
    • traditions in, 95–96
  • Kano, Jigoro, 95
  • Knowledge and skills, 23, 45, 59
    • application of, 89
    • assessing, 55–56
    • challenges and, 120–121
    • environment and, 37
    • gaining, 68–69
    • gathering, 68
    • knowing vs., 182
    • level, checking, 78–80
    • management, 28, 59
    • memory and, 97
    • motivation and, 65
    • new, 11, 21, 66
    • push and pull, 129
    • reinforcement flow and, 117
    • soft, 176–177
  • Knowledge and skills gaps
    • closing, 32, 46
    • evaluating, 72
    • identification of, 90
  • Learners
    • adaptive approach to, 139–140
    • attention span of, 168–171
    • focus on, 48, 135–137
    • intention, 137–139
    • ranking of, 181
    • scenario creation for, 181–182
  • Learning
    • attention spans and, 169
    • brain function and, 97–98
    • comfort zones, 126
    • materials, 165
    • mind-set on, 11–14
    • models, 18
    • moments, 114
    • motivation and, 108
    • repetition in, 35, 98
    • retention of, 14–15
    • transfer of, 66, 70
  • Listening, 161–162
  • Make It Stick: The Science of Successful
    (Brown, McDaniel,
    Roediger III), 25
  • Management skills, 28, 59
  • McDaniel, Mark A., 25
  • Meaningful information, 23
  • Meaningful materials, 18–19
  • Measurable behavior change
    • actionable intelligence in, 79–80
    • assessment of, 86–87
    • creation, recap, 91–92
    • fine tuning, 78–79
    • learner and, 136
    • overview, 75–77
    • plan for, 77–78
    • questions for, 80–86
    • valuable answers for, 83–84
  • Measurement plans
    • crafting, 47
    • for data, 3
    • data tracking, 38
    • framework for, 78
    • implantation of, 79
    • need for, 46
    • outlining, 31–32
    • response to, 75–76
    • timing of, 76, 91
  • Media, use of, 163–164
  • Memory. See also Retention
    • aid for, 17–18
    • emotions and, 14–15
    • energy use by, 97–98
    • function of, 163–164
    • retrieval, 15
    • strengthening, 18–19
    • study on, 15
  • Messages. See also S.A.F.E method of messages
    • balance/timing of, 36–37
    • DO-DID-GO, 56–57
    • focus of, 165–168
    • in judo training, 36–37
    • “off-the-cuff,” 159–160
    • push and pull, 99–102
    • scoring, examples of, 181
    • short, 168–169
    • verb use in, 26–27, 30–31
  • Mind-sets, 11–14
  • Mnemonics, 17–18
  • Motivation
    • gaps, 46, 72, 90
    • loss of, 198
    • time for, 32–33
    • types of, 69–70
  • Objectives
    • checklist, 33
    • creation of, 29–33
    • four-step approach to, 60–62
    • function of, 26
    • intensity of, 60
    • motivation for, 32–33
    • multiple, 102–104
    • narrowing of, 27–28
    • outlining, 30
    • review of, 31
  • “Off-the-cuff” message, 159–160
  • Olympics
    • competition at, 6–7
    • preparation for, 3–6
  • On-boarding, 176, 178
  • Open-ended questions, 57
    • close questions vs., 81–82
    • at sales meetings, 114
    • use of, 167
  • Opponent's power, 40–41
  • Panic zones, 126
  • Paraphrase, 161
  • Participants. See Learners
  • Participation
    • importance of, 45
    • indicators, 148–149
    • monitoring, 154
    • percentages, 93, 135
    • supporting, 49–50
  • Patterns, 68, 112
  • Principles. See also The 7 Principles of Reinforcement
    • defined, 41
    • impact of, 47–48
  • Project Wurth, 133–134
  • Prospect theory, 11–12
  • Pull Thermometer, 104, 105
  • Push and pull, 47
    • assessment of, 105–106
    • balancing, 98
    • brain function and, 97–98
    • complex schedule, 102–104
    • example of, 98–102
    • in judo training, 38–41, 95–96
    • learners and, 137
    • perfect, 96–97
    • questions, 99–101, 104
    • recap of, 129
  • Questions
    • about forgetting, 16
    • common failures in, 85–86
    • data from, 38–39, 92
    • focus of, 23
    • foundation, 70–71, 89
    • gamification, 180
    • message scoring and, 181
    • in messages, 166–167
    • patterns of, 112, 167–168, 178
    • precondition, 78
    • push and pull, 99–101, 104
    • quantity, 168
    • quiz, 81, 181
    • reinforcement gap, 173–74
    • right, 80
    • scenarios and, 183
    • skill gap, 90
    • survey, 79, 83
    • types of, 81–82
    • verb use in, 27
    • why, 54–55
  • Readability component, 168–171
  • Recall. See Retrieval
  • Refresher training, 176, 179
  • Reinforcement flow
    • assessment of, 127–128, 201–202
    • comfort zone and, 125
    • DO-DID-GO approach, 56–57
    • examination of, 119–120
    • feedback in, 117–120
    • following, 47–48
    • going against, 122–124
    • for growth, 124–126
    • learners and, 137
    • overview of, 117
    • performance curve and, 126
    • recap of, 131
    • skill and challenge balance in,
  • Reinforcement gaps
    • assessment, 72–74
    • closing, 46, 65–66, 90–91
    • learners and, 136
  • Reinforcement levers
    • common, 146
    • ideal, 145
    • overview of, 143–144
    • plotting, 147–148
    • ranking, 148–149
    • score form, 203
    • shape 1, 149–150
    • shape 2, 150
    • shape 3, 150–151
    • shape 4, 151–152
    • shape 5, 152–153
    • shape 6, 153–154
    • shape 7, 154–155
    • understanding, 144–148
  • Repetition
    • effect of, 16–17
    • in learning, 98
    • necessity of, 58–59
    • spaced, 16–17
    • value of, 35–36
  • Results
    • foundation and, 50, 52
    • mind-set and, 191
    • participation and, 144, 148–149
    • principles for, 202
    • supporting, 49–50
  • Retention. See also Memory
    • improving, 16
    • maximizing, 47
    • neurological principal of, 25
    • spaced, 25
  • Retrieval, 15
  • Roediger, Henry L, III, 25
  • S.A.F.E. method of messages, 183
    • active component, 160–161
    • assessment of, 171–173, 205–206
    • focus element, 165–168
    • overview, 157–158
    • readability component, 168–171
    • style elements, 158–160
  • Scenarios, 181–182
  • Second person, 114, 158–159
  • Self-regulation, 118
  • Sentence length, 170–171
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey), 18
  • The 7 Principles of Reinforcement, 15
    • cohesion of, 49–50
    • mastering, 53–54
    • moving beyond, 180–183
    • overview of, 45–46
    • phase length, 57–58
    • power of, 41
  • Sharing direction, 114
  • Situational Leadership II, 18
  • Skill gaps
    • closing, 32
    • definition of, 46
    • evaluating, 72
    • questions, 90
  • Skills. See Knowledge and skills
  • SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely), 18
  • Soft skills, 176–177
  • Spaced repetition, 25
  • Structure, 57, 59, 114–115
  • Survey questions, 81
  • SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), 18
  • Tasks, 118
  • Technical/knowledge training,
  • Theory of planned behavior, 137
  • Timing
    • in direction creation, 114
    • in friction creation, 112
    • repetition, 17
    • retrieval, 15, 24
  • Trainers, 8, 185–186
  • Training. See also Awareness training; Judo training
    • content of, 55, 58
    • corporate vs. sports, 7–9
    • desired impact of, 29–30
    • failure of, 11, 16
    • focus of, 58
    • goals, 26, 29–30
    • images for, 15
    • learner centered, 48
    • materials, 160
    • mnemonics for, 18
    • structure, 59
    • types of, 175–179
  • Valuable answers, 83–84
  • Values
    • added, 167, 185
    • definition of, 41
    • feedback, 117
    • repetition, 25–36
    • variety, 36
  • Variety, value of, 36
  • Verbal mnemonics, 18
  • Verbs, 26–27, 30–31
  • Visual mnemonics, 18
  • Words
    • choosing, 159–160
    • verbs, 26–27, 30–31
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