Mindmarker is a global leader in training reinforcement. As pioneers in training reinforcement, Anthonie Wurth started the company in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2006. In 2013 they moved their headquarters to Atlanta, Georgia, and maintained offices in Amsterdam hosting IT and sales teams. In 2017 the company supported learners in more than 100 countries, and today continues to be recognized as an authority on training reinforcement.

Mindmarker helps learners transfer learning into application. Together with clients, they create and deliver adaptive reinforcement programs to increase the impact of learning. The outcome is a personalized adaptive learning journey that inspires and guides learners in the transformation of learning into application in their jobs.


After training for and participating in the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992, Anthonie Wurth spent 10 years as a corporate trainer. During that time, he identified a gap between training and actual results or behavior change from training. Wanting to solve this gap, Anthonie combined various scientific studies about behavior change with his experiences as an athlete to create an innovative and unique methodology to create lasting behavior change.


Everybody recognizes the need for reinforcing training. Without reinforcement there is no impact. The biggest question is “How do I build an effective reinforcement program?” Over the last 12 years, Mindmarker has developed an effective method to build reinforcement programs that create long-term behavior change. Combined with award-winning web and mobile technology, the company is able to send the adaptive reinforcement program to individual learners to support them in creating desired behavior change. Learners receive short and carefully planned learning nuggets, based on their specific need, on an app or web browser.


Mindmarker shares its methodology with learning professionals to help them create impact from training. The Mindmarker portal allows learning professionals to build programs and send bite-sized pieces of content and questions to learners globally. Mindmarker has a dedicated team of specialists providing assistance and support to clients when building reinforcement programs. Mindmarker also assists in analyzing the results of the programs to create better training programs and improve business results.


We help clients around the world and create impact in every industry and for every type of training. Sales, leadership, product, on-boarding, and compliance training all benefit from using a Mindmarker reinforcement program. Whether in the financial, retail, pharmaceutical, or any other industry, every learner and every business can benefit from the behavior change Mindmarker brings. With focus on the individual learner, we gain their trust and support to help them become better at their jobs.


We do this because we are passionate about helping people get better at their jobs. For many years, learners did not receive the support and tools to actually change and improve. We now have a methodology and the technology to help learners get better, advance their careers, and help their companies perform better.

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