Appendix B
Questions for Establishing Business Objectives

  • Ideally, how would conditions improve as a result of this project?
  • Ideally, what would you like to accomplish?
  • What would be the difference in the organization if you were successful?
  • How would the customer be better served?
  • How would your boss recognize the improvement?
  • How would employees notice the difference?
  • What precise aspects are most troubling to you? (What keeps you up at night?)
  • If you had to set priorities now, what three things must be accomplished?
  • What is the impact you seek on return on investment/equity/sales/assets?
  • What is the impact you seek on shareholder value?
  • What is the market share/profitability/productivity improvement expected?
  • How will you be evaluated in terms of the results of this project?
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