Agile Software Development

Traditional software development management is still based largely on some variation of the waterfall method. During the 1990s, some organizations began to realize that the software industry was changing in different ways. Increasing demands to develop more complex software more efficiently led to new methods of managing software development. Instead of managing large projects with long delivery schedules, many organizations looked for ways to be more responsive. They wanted to be able to develop their software in smaller pieces. This move toward smaller development cycles eventually became known as the agile development method.

Agile loosely describes a method of developing software that is based on small project iterations, or sprints, instead of long project schedules. Organizations that use the agile method produce smaller deliverables more frequently and can evaluate a large project in terms of its individual pieces as they are completed. Sprints are generally 1–4 weeks in duration. That means there is some deliverable once or more each month. This focus on frequent delivery makes it possible to see and use pieces of a large software product as it matures over time.

The first organized meeting of agile enthusiasts was in 2001. Several organizations that were exploring this new type of software development sent representatives to a meeting in Snowbird, Utah, to collaborate and exchange ideas. The attendees created the foundational document of the Agile movement—the “Manifesto for Agile Software Development.” It is a concise document that reflects its writers’ affection for simple methods. Here is the Manifesto for Agile Software Development in its entirety:

We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

  • Working software over comprehensive documentation

  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

  • Responding to change over following a plan

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.

FIGURE 14-2 shows the basic idea behind the agile method. Unlike the waterfall method, agile is designed to be iterative throughout the development process. Each time around the cycle is a single sprint. It takes many sprints to create a complete software project. Each sprint ends at a specific point in time and should have some deliverable. A deliverable should be something, such as working software, that the team can demonstrate. The focus on working software helps to focus the team on results.

An illustration of the agile software development method.

The agile software development method.

© Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Agile is a growing technique of managing software development projects. It tends to perform well in organizations that encourage ongoing communication and value short development cycles. It is important to begin developing software with security in mind from the very beginning. Agile methods encourage developers to plan for security and then test for security at the end of each sprint. Developing secure software can become an integral part of the overall development effort, that is, if the organization values and encourages security. Regardless of the development method an organization uses, attention to security is more important than any method.

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