The Principle of Least Privilege

Here is the goal of access control (and security in general):

To ensure all authorized users have access to required information on demand, while denying access to unauthorized users.

In the context of access control, security controls must provide object access for all authorized subjects. The easiest way to do that is to grant full access to all objects, for all subjects. In other words, give everybody access to everything. Global access would satisfy the first part of the security goal, but not the second part of the goal. If object access is granted to everyone, it is impossible to prevent access by unauthorized users.

The Orange Book

The solution is to find the best balance between providing necessary access for authorized subjects (users and applications), and deny any unnecessary access. This principle of providing just the necessary access required to carry out a task is called the principle of least privilege.

The United States Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria, DOD-5200.28-STD, also known as the Orange Book because of its orange colored cover, was one of the first generally accepted standards for computer security. The Orange Book has since been replaced by the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation—an international standard. The Common Criteria extend the concepts stated in the Orange Book. The Orange Book defines least privilege to be a principle that “requires that each subject in a system be granted the most restrictive set of privileges (or lowest clearance) needed for the performance of authorized tasks. The application of this principle limits the damage that can result from accident, error, or unauthorized use.”

Least Privilege and LUAs

In a Windows environment, the principle of least privilege is implemented at the user account level. In fact, Microsoft refers to user accounts defined using this principle as least privilege user accounts (LUAs). All Windows users are associated with one or more groups. The majority of permissions in a Windows environment are controlled at the user group level. A common and manageable way to implement least privilege is to create user groups that represent roles in your organization. Every organization is different and there are many options for creating roles. Groups are effective administration tools because a group can contain a large number of users that can then be managed as a unit. By using groups, you can assign access to a resource, such as a shared folder, to a group instead of each user individually, saving substantial time and effort. You can configure your own groups as you see fit on your network and systems, but most operating systems include a number of predefined groups that you can use as well or modify as needed. Although there are some local default groups, you will most likely encounter Active Directory groups when working with networked Windows computers. TABLE 3-1 shows a partial list of default Active Directory security groups ( These groups represent common roles within an organization and provide a starting point for implementing least privilege.

TABLE 3-1 Sample Default Active Directory Security Groups in Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019

Account operators Allows members to create and modify most types of accounts and can log in locally to domain controllers.
Administrators Members have unrestricted access to the computer, or if the computer is a domain controller, to the entire domain.
IIS_IUSRS Built-in group used by all versions of Internet Information Services since version 7.0. The IUSR account is a member of this group and provides consistency for web users.
Group Description
Users General group for normal users that allows users to run applications, access local resources, shut down or lock a computer, and install per-user applications.
Guests Allows one-time users to log in to a computer in a domain with basic privileges of a regular user. When a member of the Guests groups logs out, the entire profile is deleted.
Backup operators Members can back up and restore all files on a specific computer, regardless of what permissions are in place for those files.
Remote desktop users Allows users to establish remote connections to a Remote Desktop Session Host server.

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Rights and Permissions

Each group in Windows has the ability to apply rights and permissions to sets of users.

Associating users with one or more groups allows the implementation of least privilege in a group setting, as opposed to configuring each individual user account. Securing groups instead of individual users makes the goal of least privilege far more feasible, especially in environments with many users.

User rights are defined and maintained through group security policy objects. Permissions apply to specific objects and are maintained through each object’s security settings. By defining a list of access control rules for each object, access permissions are defined for specific users or groups. The list of access permissions is called the access control list (ACL) for the object. Since the ACLs that Windows uses are implemented as discretionary access control, the more accurate, but less common, term used for the list of access control rules is a discretionary access control list (DACL). Each entry in the DACL is called an access control entry (ACE). The process of securing resources in Windows starts with creating object DACLs that satisfy your security goals. FIGURE 3-1 shows a Windows object DACL.

The dialog box of Windows object discretionary access control list (DACL) is shown.

Windows object DACL.

Courtesy of Microsoft Corporation.

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