
The aim of this book is to help you learn the principles of communication; to communicate effectively and positively in a range of situations.

Throughout, I’ve also emphasised the benefits of developing and improving your communication skills.

I hope you will have recognised that the ability to communicate clearly can help you connect with people, build friendships and develop relationships at work and at home and in a range of social situations.

Having read this book, you will have discovered the principles of brilliant communication. I’ve included tips and techniques, practical pointers and examples to help you communicate easily and effectively in a wide range of situations.

A word of warning though – you won’t achieve brilliant communication skills just by reading about them. If you want to improve your communication skills, you’ll need to practise! Nothing will happen overnight – like all skills, communication skills require time and effort to develop.

Finding out your communication style and those of other people is a good place to start when you want to improve your communication skills. Take on small manageable challenges to develop your skills, such as talking to the checkout operator at the supermarket, or making a point of talking to someone you don’t usually chat to at work. What’s the worst that can happen?

You’ll make mistakes; learn from them. Make sure you do learn from them though: don’t over analyse a situation, but simply reflect on what went wrong and how you could do better next time.

Come back to the book every now and again to remind yourself of some of its ideas, tips and techniques. The more you practise, the more confidence and empathy you’ll have and the better your communication skills will be.

Good luck!

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