Adapting Data Fusion to Chemical and Biological Sensors


David C. Swanson


29.1   Introduction

29.2   Characterizing the Complexity of Detecting Chemical Agents and Biological Pathogens

29.3   Chemical Sensors

29.3.1   Ion Mobility Spectrometer

29.3.2   Surface Acoustic Wave and Electrochemical Cells

29.3.3   Flame Photometric Detection

29.3.4   Photoionization Detection

29.3.5   Spectrographic Methods

29.3.6   Colorimetric Sensing

29.4   Biological Sensors

29.5   Developing Quantitative and Qualitative Information

29.6   Inferencing Networks for Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion

29.6.1   The Blend Function

29.6.2   Qualitative Information Transformation

29.6.3   Qualitative Information Transform

29.6.4   Concentration Consistency

29.7   The Path Forward




29.1   Introduction

This chapter provides background information on the challenges and issues related to detection and identification of biological pathogens and chemical agents in the environment. Although laboratory-based methods can be used for effective identification, these techniques are generally unusable for first responders in a field environment, because they require significant time and expertise of a laboratory technician. The chapter introduces the issues and challenges in detection and identification, and also the concept of using strategies based on biological entities. In particular, an approach using multiple sensors and a fuzzy logic inference procedure is used to mimic how insects detect and characterize biochemical agents. The resulting data fusion technique provides effective detection and identification of complex chemical and biological agents in real-world environments.



29.2   Characterizing the Complexity of Detecting Chemical Agents and Biological Pathogens

Detection of harmful chemical vapors or biological pathogens has obvious value to society but also presents a number of problems. First, automated sensors are needed to provide a detect-to-warn capability. There exists a broad range of laboratory techniques that can separate and uniquely identify harmful agents, but these techniques take too much time and require rare human skills for analysis to be useful in an emergency. To be of use to first responders or those on the battlefield, chemical and biological sensors need to be both real time and completely automated. Second, although it is desirable to have stand-off sensors that can detect an agent without physical contact from a distant position (say hundreds of meters or even a kilometer), these often-active sensors are expensive, may require the use of non-eye-safe lasers, and also require rare human analytical skills to interpret the measured data. Third, we live in an environment with literally millions of chemical vapor mixtures making the false alarm problem, not the detection problem, which is the major concern. Fourth, for biological sensors, the false alarm problem is extremely difficult to detect since all bacteria and viruses are composed of the same amino acids and nucleic acids, but are arranged in different order. However, for both chemical and biological agents, we are most interested in a relatively short list of chemicals and pathogens (in the hundreds) compared to the millions of interferants naturally found in our environment.

To understand a useful strategy for data fusion to improve the performance of automatic detection with a low false alarm rate, one should take advantage of a diverse array of sensor technologies such that each sensor uniquely responds to the presence of, and concentration of, the agents of interest. This does not suggest orthogonal sensors, that is, sensors that only respond to one thing. Even if orthogonality could be guaranteed, it would lead to the need for too many sensors for a practical system. Therefore, our data fusion approach is based on having a diverse array of sensors where for the agents of interest we have a subset of sensors responding with unique sensitivities. Sensor responses will be categorized as qualitative for true-false types of detection and quantitative where the amount of response is functionally related to chemical concentration or the number of colony-forming units (NCU) for biological spores. We can use both kinds of sensor information, although the quantitative ones are more useful because they can be used for corroboration of vapor concentration (or NCU) and rejection of false alarms. This is because the diverse sensors each respond uniquely to a given chemical or biological agent.

Consider how nature has solved the chemical detection and identification problem with olfaction, and the biological detection and identification problem with the immune response system. Olfaction in humans and mammals is quite complex to study, and there are ethical barriers to neurological response experiments on live animals. However, insects have the most sensitive chemical detection capability of all animals and can demonstrate robustness to experimentation. The brain and antenna neurons will function for hours after the head has been removed from the body, and there has been more than 50 years of detailed scientific study to support the development of safer and more effective pesticides.

An excellent reference detailing the biology of insect olfaction can be found in Kaissling.1 In short, insects have around 60 classes of sensilla, or olfactory sensors, totaling approximately 100,000 sensilla per antenna. Two antennae are used to better associate the chemical plume detected with wind direction to navigate to the source. Each sensilla is visually different but all have one or more pores with chemical coatings to control the types of chemical vapors that can pass on to the neural receptor beneath the pore. The biochemistry involved is truly remarkable, but for our purposes, it is sufficient to note that each sensilla responds a little bit to any large molecule that can pass through the coating. Air comprises mostly small, diatomic (N2, O2), and triatomic (H2O, CO2, O3, and so on) molecules due to solar radiation; larger molecules precipitate out from reactions with water and sunlight. The large molecules make their way into the sensilla pore, contact the nerve dendrite, and are then broken down by enzymes and removed. To protect against too much stimulation, there are structures on the antenna and in the pore itself to reduce uptake in much the same way a human iris closes in response to bright light. The sensilla self-cleaning process takes a few seconds whereas the detection process takes only a few milliseconds. In this way, all olfaction sensing has a similar process: fast change detection, slow adaptation to changing backgrounds, and self-cleaning capability. Furthermore, the chemical functionality of each sensilla is not orthogonal, but has an overlapped response based on parameters like solubility, ion mobility, diffusivity, and even mechanical filtering by lipids and proteins. Each sensilla class is neurologically wired to a specific area of the insect’s brain, called the mushroom body, which receives all of the corresponding sensilla neuron pulses in an avalanche when a vapor passes by the antenna. The mushroom body structures on the brain for all the sensilla classes look like a bunch of grapes. Several individual mushroom bodies respond to an odor stimulus with electrical activity and, when the insect recognizes the odor, a projected neural response is seen throughout the rest of the brain. This is often further observed as an associated behavioral response by the insect. This general response is seen for pure chemicals as well as chemical mixtures.

The biological process of detecting chemicals is quite different from the way we approach chemical identification. Generally, one first separates chemical mixtures into the constitutive molecules, and then one systematically identifies each molecule based on properties such as molecular weight, number of carbon atoms, mass spectroscopy, and so on. This is very reasonable for skilled analysts in a laboratory setting, but not easily automated in a real-time detect-to-warn sensor. So what is nature teaching us by the way olfaction sensing happens in insects? It is basically the same process in all life. To mimic the biological system for chemical detection and identification, we can summarize a few requirements:

  • Use a diverse set of sensors with overlapping, but unique responses

  • Treat pure (neat) chemicals and chemical mixtures similarly in terms of sensor response patterns

  • Allow the responding classes of sensors to vary with concentration

  • Ensure the sensors are self-cleaning

  • Associate the presence and concentration of each specific chemical or chemical mixture with the pattern of responses from the diverse sensor array

Consider the task of pathogen detection.2 There are literally millions of bacteria and viruses all around us. Most are harmless to humans and animals, and we have acquired immunity to many so long as the pathogen is of low concentration (low NCU). Our immune response system can give us guidance in terms of developing a sensor and data fusion strategy analogous to the biomimicry of the olfaction system for chemical detection.

When a harmful virus, bacteria, or foreign protein pass through the cell walls of our skin into the bloodstream, it is called a pathogen. All vertebrates have a defense system called the immune response system that produces substances called antigens that support the killing and removal of pathogens. To simplify, there are generally two types of cells involved: B-cells that originate in the bone marrow and T-cells that originate in the thymus gland. The B-cells mark the pathogen, whereas the T-cells destroy it. The B-cells have materials called immunoglobulin molecules (antibodies) that bind to a specific pathogen. When this binding occurs, helper T-cells stimulate the particular B-cell variant to reproduce. Some of these cloned B-cells produce soluble antibodies that freely move about marking the corresponding pathogens they encounter. Other cloned B-cells provide memory for the immune response to facilitate a rapid counterattack should the same pathogen appear in the future. The key fact here is that the natural antigens in our bodies can form almost infinite combinations of amino acids that bind to unique sites on invading pathogens. Much of this natural immunity is part of our DNA but still these antigens can mutate to acquire immunity to a new pathogen. The memory B-cells retain the biological code to fight off frequent reinfections of the same pathogen at a later time.


Colicin Ia is a transmembrane protein from Escherichia coli that creates a pore in a neighboring cell in which to secrete toxins and to extract food until the cell dies.

If one approaches biological agent detection the same way as chemical detection, there will be great difficultly identifying a specific pathogen by means of molecular mobility, solubility, Raman spectrum, or even fluorescence spectrum.3,* This is because the characteristic protein materials associated with a given pathogen are very large (often thousands of amino acids long), the molecule has many folds and a generally complex structure, and there are large numbers of similar proteins associated with harmless bacteria, viruses, and foreign proteins. These complexities lead to a far more difficult challenge of specificity in biological detection. Given a sample of a suspected pathogen, one can visually identify it either from microscope images or by separating and identifying pieces of the DNA or unique proteins.

For example, the well-known flesh-eating bacteria, Escherichia coli, has a unique protein that protrudes out into the surrounding area of the cell and attacks other cells. Figure 29.1 shows a rendering of the Colicin Ia transmembrane protein that does this dastardly work.

The various ribbon-like sections (peptides) of the protein are drawn with colors and shapes to specifically call attention to biochemical properties, such as binding (or sticking) to other well-known reagents. The protein in Figure 29.1 is a long chain of amino acids, of which there are 20 types. Each type is given a letter symbol (A–V) and the entire sequence for a known protein can be found in many Web sites referred within protein data banks. Table 29.1 provides the sequence for Colicin Ia.

TABLE 29.1
Amino Acid Sequence for Colicin Ia in Escherichia coli


To gain specificity, biologists generally use an array of antibodies where each antibody is attached to a quenched fluorescing molecule, which shows fluorescence only when the antibody binds to the specific pathogen. Dyes are also used where the stain sticks if the pathogen is present and washes away if not. This sticking is actually a weak atomic force where a section of the protein is compatible with the sticking section of the antibody. An array of wells containing the antibody markers is called an immunoassay sensor but is really more like a microscope slide than an electronic chemical detector. One separates the proteins of the pathogen and applies a series of markers to identify the protein. Usually, a bioassay will have a large number of markers such that specific combinations would indicate one pathogen or another. This works well in the laboratory. But in the field, there is a broad spectrum of pathogens along with harmless bacteria in the air. So the real-world test is: can one identify a particular pathogen in a mixture of other biological material? This is why data fusion techniques are of high importance to biological detection.

Another biological identification approach is to isolate the pathogen’s DNA and identify the DNA sequence. This is very often used in criminology or forensic science and is a useful technique to identify a captured pathogen. Unlike proteins, DNA is composed of sequences of only four different nucleic acids and serves the purpose of information storage only. A triplet of any three nucleic acids makes an amino acid. There are two basic steps to identifying a pathogen by DNA. First, one needs to replicate (amplify) the DNA once separated from the cell proteins, using polymerase chain reactions (PCR), to clone a unique section of the DNA for the pathogen of interest. The next step is to identify the sections of interest by measuring the mobility (using electrophoresis) of the DNA sections relative to known DNA. Only a few sections need to match to have high confidence and specificity. However, one drawback is that the PCR process can also amplify DNA from contaminants, leading to false positives.

In short, we have a fairly broad selection of chemical detectors which, if used in combination with data fusion, can provide both low false negatives (false rest, or no response to the actual agent) and low false positives (different sensing modalities will not corroborate false alarms among them). This is consistent with biological olfaction systems. For biological pathogen sensing, there are many more complex challenges even beyond the mechanics of wet biochemistry and pathogen isolation. This is because all biological materials are made of the same chemicals in long chains. The difference between a killer pathogen and bread yeast is only in the order of the amino and nucleic acids. Data fusion will be a very important tool in the automated analysis of biological sensing in real-world environments.



29.3   Chemical Sensors

Our purpose here is to explain briefly the typical types of real-time chemical detectors available to illustrate the challenges for false alarm reduction and automation. It should be clear that a skilled technician could use a host of laboratory equipment to quickly isolate and identify chemicals and mixtures. However, that is not the point here. We need to automate the detection and identification decision using specific concepts in data fusion based on science. Barring any new fantastic sensor technologies such as Mr. Spock’s tri-corder,* we will briefly discuss a collection of typical chemical sensors based on first principles of physics, each of which provides an aspect of the full atomic signature of the chemical. Each sensor alone has vulnerabilities to false alarms, but since they respond differently to the same molecule, each offers important information for fusion into a robust automated detection and classification system. Most of these technologies have been around for more than 50 years and are not likely to ever be replaced. We make no distinction between point sensors, which must physically capture the chemical, or stand-off sensors, which optically interrogate a parcel of air from a distance. The important strategy of our discussion here is to fuse information from a variety of physically different sensors, expecting that a good data fusion algorithm will preserve the best detection performance while suppressing false alarms from each sensor individually.

29.3.1   Ion Mobility Spectrometer

The ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) sensor is most commonly seen in home smoke detectors. It uses either a radioactive isotope, or a strong electrical corona discharge to generate ions of the molecules in the air. Ions are molecules energized to have either additional or fewer electrons. Molecular ions therefore have a net electric charge and can be accelerated by an external electric field. The ionized molecule also has a physical size that will cause drag forces from collisions with the other molecules in the air. The IMS sensor generally has a drift tube where the ions are forced by electric field against a clean air flow toward a collection plate called the Faraday plate, which functions as a capacitor that provides a current signal proportional to the ions making the trip down the drift tube. The IMS cycles through hundreds of mobility races triggered by an electric grid starting gate at the ion-generation end with drift times measured at Faraday plate end.4 The detected current (typically in pico-amperes) as a function of time is called a plasmagram where a peak in the curve at a particular time corresponds to a particular molecule. Highly charged small ions move fast whereas less-charged large ions move more slowly through the drift tube. Drift times are typically 10–20 ms or less in drift tubes around 10 cm in size; so, hundreds of plasmagrams can be averaged per second to enhance chemical signals and suppress background noise. There can be a positive field and a negative plasmagram if the IMS employs two drift tubes. There also can be calibration vapors added to confirm drift times as well as doping vapors added to amplify some molecular ions of interest. IMS technology is only about 25 years old and clearly offers a broad array of uses for this fast-responding sensor. Detection of a target chemical is essentially the appearance of a peak at the right drift time in the plasmagram. Although IMS is extremely sensitive, it does suffer from false alarms from other chemicals that share the same drift time.

29.3.2   Surface Acoustic Wave and Electrochemical Cells

These devices are typically based on polymer materials doped with chemicals designed to repel all but one specific chemical of interest. The dopant is generally highly soluble. This chemical functionalization of the polymer substrate would ideally allow absorbing of exclusively the chemical of interest. However, these functionalized polymers generally allow similar chemicals to absorb, but at differing rates depending on solubility and diffusivity. Behind the polymer is a detector,5 which in the case of electrochemical (EC), is usually a field-effect transistor (FET) that amplifies the voltages generated by oxidation–reduction reactions. The gate of the FET acts as a switch to open or close a much larger signal current through the source and drain leads of the FET. So, a very small voltage from the chemical ions in the polymer, or a small change in conductivity of the polymer due to absorbed chemical, can switch the EC from open (no chemical detected) to closed (target chemical detected) states. For the surface acoustic wave (SAW) case, there is an acoustic feedback path from a piezoelectric actuator, across the polymer surface, to a piezoelectric sensor, and back through an amplifier to complete the circuit. This circuit naturally oscillates at a frequency proportional to the wave speed in the polymer. As the polymer absorbs more chemical, the wave speed decreases causing the oscillation frequency to decrease. Since this frequency can be measured accurately, the SAW detector is also useful for quantitative measurements. Heating is used to clean out the polymer for reuse and a typical SAW or EC might absorb for say 10 s, report the result, then desorb for 10 or more seconds with heating to drive off the absorbed chemicals. The SAW is effective for absorption (chemical infusion into the polymer), adsorption (surface-only chemical collection), and sorption (both adsorption and absorption). Although the SAW and EC are relatively selective and low cost, the polymers have a limited lifetime and the calibration of the device is dependent on temperature and humidity.

29.3.3   Flame Photometric Detection

Flame photometric detection (FPD) is one of the most reliable sensors for atomic elements. Generally, FPD uses hydrogen as a flame source due to its well-defined optical spectrum in the red and its clean by-product (water). The temperature of the flame causes all of the atoms in the molecule to emit their characteristic photon frequencies. For chemical warfare agents, one looks for sulfur (for mustard gas) or phosphorus (for nerve agent) by looking for a unique spectral frequency associated with their respective target atom. The FPD is very quantitative, repeatable, self-cleaning, and simply does not false rest, which implies that if the target atoms are present, they are detected. The only problem, besides the logistics of handling compressed hydrogen, is that there are many chemicals and mixtures that have atoms of the same type; therefore, there is an inherent false alarm problem with FPD.

29.3.4   Photoionization Detection

Photoionization detection (PID) is widely used as a natural gas detector because there is no open flame. A high-intensity light source is used to ionize the molecules in the air and the resulting current to ground is measured. One chooses an ionization bulb energy (measured in electron volts, eV) strong enough to ionize the target molecules of interest. This is about the extent of selectivity of the PID. In general, the PID is very good at detecting hydrocarbons. Combine it with an EC cell for oxygen, and one has a very effective sensor array for detecting explosive atmospheres, such as those found in empty fuel tanks. One of the drawbacks of a PID is keeping the bulb light source in a constant state of cleanliness. Dirt and carbon deposits that buildup on the bulb surface will decrease the ionization current and can lead to a loss of more than 30% sensitivity per day in constant use. One method to help alleviate this problem is to cycle the PID through a frequent clean-out mode. Air is trapped around the bulb allowing ozone to be generated, which assists in keeping the carbon and dirt buildup on the bulb to a minimum. The PID simply measures an ionization current; therefore, one needs to know the specific chemical (methane, propane, and so on) required to convert the current into a vapor concentration.

29.3.5   Spectrographic Methods

Spectrographic detection techniques identify the unique signature of the molecular bonds of a chemical by either the emission spectra, absorption spectra, or scattered spectrum. Emission spectra are the photons emitted by the molecule as electrons in the atom’s transition from an excited state to a ground state. This can be the result of high temperature (such as in FPD) or fluorescence. Because the energy necessary to cause the atoms to emit characteristic photons can be quite high, the molecular bonds are often broken. Therefore, high-energy stimulated emission generally produces spectral lines associated with the atoms in the molecule, not the unique bond within the molecule. This makes emission spectra difficult for specific molecule identification, especially if mixtures of molecules are involved. Fluorescence is somewhat different in that a high-energy photon absorbed into the molecule causes lower-energy photons to be emitted. Proteins excited by ultraviolet (UV) light and emitting visible greens and yellows are good examples of fluorescing molecules. Fluorescence is quite complicated, to the extent that it is very difficult to distinguish one fluorescing material apart from another.

Absorption spectroscopy is often used in the infrared (IR) band because it is much easier to measure molecular resonances from IR photon absorption. What makes a given molecule unique are the specific bonds and atoms that create a molecular structure with unique normal modes of vibration and rotation.6 Using a broadband IR source, one can compare the incident and transmitted spectrum to identify frequency bands of absorption unique to the molecule. The amount of absorption will increase for high concentrations of the target chemical. Spectral absorptions of several compounds are mixed independently, but in proportion to allow simultaneous mixture identification. One could use principal component analysis to estimate which combinations of molecules are present and in what concentrations. However, mixtures are best separated into components to simplify spectral identification.

One form of IR absorption spectroscopy that is quite popular is Fourier transform IR (FTIR). An FTIR splits the incoming light into two paths where the path length of one is modulated with a moving mirror. This modulation effectively increases the resolution of the spectrometer by physically widening the aperture. By mixing the light from the moving mirror path with the original, modulations of intensity are produced. By Fourier transforming these modulations and knowing the modulation frequency and amplitude of the movable mirror, one can coherently combine a broader range of light wavelengths into the absorption spectrum, thereby increasing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). An FTIR produces a higher resolution and higher SNR than a straightforward IR spectrometer, but it does require a fast computer to process the optical data.

Light scattered from a molecule can undergo frequency shifts due to interactions of the incident photons with the electron energies throughout the molecule. Some photons will pick up energy and scatter at a higher energy (shorter wavelength) whereas most other photons will lose some energy to the molecule and scatter at a lower energy (longer wavelength). To see this clearly, one uses a laser as a constant wavelength photon source. The scattered spectrum is called the Raman spectrum.7 The Raman spectrum is quite weak in amplitude where the lower-frequency Stokes scattering is stronger than the higher-frequency anti-Stokes scattered light. Roughened surfaces on metal substrates can be used to significantly enhance the Raman spectrum amplitude. The Raman spectrum for a molecule is a unique fingerprint for identification. One can use principal component analysis to estimate components of mixtures, but as with the IR absorption, it is much easier to identify pure chemicals (sometimes called neat chemicals) rather than mixtures.

The kinds of features that come from spectrographic methods of chemical identification are optical energy (or lack thereof) at specific wavenumbers of the optical spectrum. For a given neat chemical, one could create a statistical feature vector where each element represents a spectral range of wavelengths and the amplitude corresponds to the measured spectrum for the chemical. The number of elements in this spectral feature vector could be as high as the resolution of the spectrometer, or a smaller set of large optical bandwidths in key areas of the spectrum. Spectrographic sensors clearly offer a precise feature set for high specificity on pure chemicals. But on mixtures of unknown chemicals, this complexity becomes a combinatorial problem. Spectrographic sensing is most effective on neat chemicals in clean air.

29.3.6   Colorimetric Sensing

This kind of detection is very low cost and requires physical contact of a chemically activated dye or fluorescing agent that binds or reacts with the target chemical of interest, giving a visible color change to indicate concentration. Many biological-based sensors use this technique, and there is a wide range of detecting methodologies to choose from. Most require some degree of manual manipulation of the target chemicals, such as swiping a collection pad across a surface suspected of having the chemical and then rinsing the residue onto a paper card with the color-activated stripes. Popular examples of this are blood sugar tests, pregnancy tests, pH strips, and so on. New technologies are emerging for dyes in clothing, windows, wall paints, and other materials that would change visible color in the presence of hazardous vapor.



29.4   Biological Sensors

Since this book is addressed to those not focused on the biological sciences, we need to discuss several important terms from biology to understand better biological sensors and the real information they produce. We will then proceed to discuss the major categories of biological sensors. This is essential to the systems engineering behind a sensor data fusion algorithm for automatically interpreting biological sensor patterns. Biological organisms can divide every 20 min in a fermentation reactor so that a single colony-forming unit (CFU) can become more than 1 billion cells in about 10 h! Sizes of biological materials8 are also important to keep in mind. A good approximation to the size of an atom is around 0.1 nm. The air is mostly small diatomic (O2, N2) and triatomic (H2O, CO2) molecules, whereas chemical agents with 10–30 atoms are about 1–3 nm in size. Proteins are large collections (dozens to thousands) of amino acids and can be more than 1 µm in length, but weak atomic forces will tend to fold and bunch them up like a loose pile of string of approximately 10 nm in size. Viruses are collections of protein, which can pass into a cell and replicate. Most viruses are harmless whereas some interfere with cellular functions, leading to disease and are between 40 and 100 nm in size. Single-cell bacteria tend to be between 1 and 10 µm in size and exist in the air as aerosols of dry spores that can be in clumps of several CFU per particle. Aerosol particles in the 1–2 µm size range are called respirable because the particles are small enough to make it deep into a human lung but large enough to get trapped in the alveoli sacks of the lung, leading to infection.9

The goal of biological detection systems is to detect viruses, bacteria, and toxins before they infect or poison humans. This is generally done by detecting the shape of proteins on the surfaces of the virus or bacteria spore, although other methods can also be used. However, biological detection becomes difficult as earth is full of harmless biological materials made of the same amino acids and very similar proteins.

Biological materials of interest are pathogens, which can be viral or bacterial, and biotoxins, which are chemicals produced by pathogens that are toxic. Biotoxins are a crossover threat. They are a toxic chemical that can poison the environment the same way a toxic industrial chemical or chemical warfare agent can, but the difference is that a life form produces the chemical rather than a reaction plant. Examples of biotoxins are Ricin and Botulinum Toxin (Botox).10 Ricin is produced as a by-product of processing castor beans for oil, whereas Botox is produced by the rod-like bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which itself is harmless. Ricin is one of the most toxic chemicals known and simply kills any cell it comes in contact with. Botox causes paralysis in muscles and small quantities injected under the skin are used medically to remove facial wrinkles (essentially by paralyzing facial muscles). C. botulinum occurs naturally in uncooked foods (such as shellfish) and if ingested it can live in the intestine and is extremely difficult to get rid of, thus leading to severe paralysis and death. Rapid detection of biotoxins is also extremely difficult, but there are laboratory procedures to isolate and identify these agents. These procedures could be automated using data fusion as a decision aid in the future.

Aerosol collection and concentration is used to capture and concentrate particles in a specific size range that exhibit general properties of interest, such as electrostatic charge, fluorescence, or mobility.11 The standard performance measure for these devices is the concentration of agent-containing particles per liter of air (ACPLA). Although for some pathogens, only a single CFU is needed to eventually infect and kill a human, for most pathogens, a sizable number of CFU are needed to be lethal. For anthrax, approximately 10,000 spores are needed to infect a person’s lungs. Anthrax is quite common on livestock farms but farmers are only exposed to small concentrations and their immune response prevents a serious infection. In general, if someone manufactured a biological agent, they would work very hard to have a particle size in the 1–2 µm range by mixing the spores with materials that would neutralize electrostatic charges that naturally would cause the particles to agglomerate into bigger clumps of particles. This would help the spores easily disperse and eventually be trapped in the lungs and quickly infect a person. Biological aerosols can be distinguished from fine dust or metal aerosols (found in subway systems) in that the biological aerosol will almost certainly fluoresce into the visible light wavelength range when illuminated with UV light. The nature of the fluorescence spectrum will vary somewhat by pathogen species,3 but there are always a large number of things that in various combinations can produce a similar fluorescence spectrum. The challenge is to collect and concentrate biological aerosols with properties consistent with a man-made biological weapon and then package the material for further identification processing.

The bioassay is any device used to measure a defining aspect of a biological material. The term has its roots in minting coins, where an assayer certifies the purity of the metal from a series of chemical processes.12 There are many types of bioassays, the discussion of which is well beyond the scope of this discussion. In general, the bioassay deposits the biological material in whole spores, vegetative bacteria, hosted viruses, enzyme-stripped proteins, or nucleic acids in small wells, each with a binding antigen, stain, or fluorophore* marker that biochemically binds to the pathogen or its components. The concentrated biomaterial must, in general, be preprocessed and distributed onto the assay, which requires subsequent washing to remove unbound markers, and then the assay is evaluated to see which combination of markers were bound to the suspected pathogen. In the laboratory, a homogeneous sample of pathogen distributed in the assay produces a repeatable color pattern from the various markers so that a broad set of markers in a single assay can be used to identify a number of pathogens. But this does not mean that a mix of pathogens can be assayed simultaneously. The assay pattern is based on a single pathogen being present, typically from a cultured sample. However, literally thousands of wells can be placed on a glass slide, each with a specific antigen or marker, and automatically scanned to produce an image for pattern analysis. The intensity of each marker can then be used as qualitative (yes or no) data fusion information or quantitative (gray scale) data fusion information if appropriate.

Techniques such as PCR are used to amplify small amounts of DNA for subsequent analysis. PCR is commonly used to identify individual people through trace amounts of their DNA. Electrophoresis is a DNA detection technique where the mobility of various molecules forced by an electric field allows repeatable separation based on the molecular weight, electric charge of the molecule, and the size of the molecule. This sieving effect allows DNA from one sample to be compared to another, thus allowing a positive identification. Therefore, it is very essential to have a library of DNA patterns for each pathogen of interest and simply compare the unknown sample to see whether there is a match to a pathogen of concern. In a controlled laboratory, this technique for DNA identification works very reliably. However, the challenge is to start with a pure DNA source, because the PDR will amplify everything in the sample. An air sample could contain hundreds or even thousands of DNA sources. One must sort the samples as much as possible to be sure of the results.

The bio-sensor output for data fusion is really the color response from binding markers in a large number of assay wells. These are typically analyzed using neural networks, or simple pattern match scores for the wells that correspond to a particular pathogen class. From a data fusion perspective, these sensor channels can be interpreted qualitatively (true or false) or quantitatively (on a scale). Since there is a broad range of potentially available information from various sensors, the use of fuzzy logic can be employed to combine data such as aerosol properties (particle size, shape, and charge) as well as protein marker tag data. This logically leads one to inferenced-based logic of the form “if this is pathogen X, the set Y of sensor channels should have a matching qualitative response, and the set Z of sensor channels should have corroborating quantitative responses for the given concentration of pathogen X.”



29.5   Developing Quantitative and Qualitative Information

We have discussed very briefly a range of chemical and biological sensor technologies that are necessary to understand to create a scientific basis for sensor fusion. Why do we assume some sort of fusion processing is required? First, we know that no single sensor can respond to everything we are interested in detecting. Not even our own olfactory and immune systems have such a sensor. But rather, biomimicry suggests that a combination of diverse sensors is necessary where a subset of the sensors is all that is needed for any particular chemical or biological agent detection. Figure 29.2 shows a completely general sensor response as a function of concentration.


General sensor responses show detection limit, linear range, nonlinear range, and saturation.

To understand the difference between quantitative and qualitative information, Figure 29.2 shows four general response ranges. If a sensor has a very narrow concentration range of linear response, we call it a qualitative sensor because its information is really just a true-false indicator. If a sensor has a fairly broad range of linear response, we call it a quantitative sensor because its output over the linear range can be used to accurately estimate concentration or the quantity of the chemical or biological agent present. When fusing multiple sensors, both types of information are very useful, but for different reasons that are explained in the next section.

The lower trace detection limit in Figure 29.2 is the region where the sensor started to respond to the agent. In this region, one generally sets a detection threshold and corresponding false alarm rate for deciding whether the sensor output is signal (agent present) or noise. For a given signal level, one can evaluate a number of detection thresholds (and the corresponding false alarm rates) and detection probabilities to trace out a curve called the receiver operating characteristic, or ROC curve. An ROC curve can be generated for a wide range of signal levels, allowing one to better evaluate the detection threshold for overall system performance. The ROC curve comes from automated detection systems in radar and sonar, which are traditionally low clutter environments (meaning that there is no need for specificity, just detection). There is a lot of interest in ROC curves for chemical and biological sensors because of false alarms, but the real cause for false alarms in chemical and biological sensors is not noise, but a lack of specificity in the detection output of the sensors. However, the lower trace detection limit is an important boundary for the data fusion algorithm to consider using the sensor output, or lack of output, as information.

The upper nonlinear and saturation ranges are less useful for quantitative information because the conversion into concentration is more complicated and much more prone to error. This is particularly true for the saturation region because the flatter slope means a small difference in sensor output that corresponds to a large difference in estimated concentration. Furthermore, in the saturation region, the sensor could become coated with agent and require cleaning before readings would return to normal after the agent has gone. Generally, we use known limits for detection and the linear range to define where the sensor information is reliable. This can be done generally, or for each agent of interest, to give the user an idea of the data quality range. For some chemicals, a given sensor would not respond whereas others may cause saturation and even contamination (permanent saturation). The latter can be used to turn off sensors that might be damaged by high concentrations of certain agents. A good example is smoke detectors that are ruined by volatile chemicals in paint. A data fusion algorithm could only expose such sensors for short periods, if at all, to dangerous chemicals to prevent contamination. Since diverse (heterogeneous) sensors will be affected by contamination differently, data fusion algorithms could be used to identify and mitigate potential contamination and are very important to maintaining sensor health.



29.6   Inferencing Networks for Heterogeneous Sensor Fusion

We have presented a very brief discussion of biomimetics, olfaction, chemical and biological sensing, and qualitative and quantitative sensor information for data fusion. In this section, we focus on the data fusion algorithms directly, based on the science of the sensing. Sensor data fusion can use any operationally appropriate algorithm that combines different information from various sources to enhance confidence in the estimated pattern. For example, a pattern recognition algorithm such as a neural network could use inputs from multiple sensors, and one could train the network to associate various sensor patterns to corresponding situation outputs. This can work quite well when the sensor inputs are very well defined. The problem with chemical and biological sensor fusion is that we are looking for very specific sensor patterns among an approximately infinite number of chemical or biological backgrounds. So in our case, the inputs are not well defined in general, but the inputs for the situations of interest are so. One might consider a statistical classifier, or Bayesian algorithm, where the sensor outputs are part of a feature vector and one attempts to detect the situation pattern by a statistical measure of the feature vector relative to the mean and covariance of a corresponding training set. This, too, is problematic because the sensor amplitude responses can be nonlinear with concentration, as well as vary by agent or agent mixture. The third approach to pattern recognition is called a syntactic algorithm,13 or rule-based approach. Although neural networks and Bayesian classifiers are rich in mathematics and very satisfying to derive and evaluate, the rule-based approach is often overlooked, primarily because one generally does not know the rules or syntax needed. In our case, for chemical and biological data fusion, we are seeking a consistent sensor response for physically diverse sensors on a given agent. Since the sensors are each measuring an aspect of the agent that is unique, we fully expect each sensor output to be uniquely representative of the agent observed. We will give ourselves a little wiggle room in the rules for the syntax by using fuzzy, rather than hard, logic for the situation pattern recognition. This will allow variations in sensor quantitative calibration and low levels of interference from other chemical or biological materials that get into the sensor signals.

The Inference or question for our syntax rules to answer is simply:

If we are observing agent X at concentration Y, are the diverse sensor signals consistent and at what concentration?

This straightforward question makes it relatively easy to design fuzzy logic to fuse information from a variety of sensor sources to reject false alarms of agents that are not the chemicals or pathogens of interest. This rule applies for situations where at least some of the sensors respond to the agent in question. It is not an algorithm that enhances SNR by integrating responses across sensors. We will use both quantitative and qualitative sensor information, and combine it in a way that will only permit false alarms to slip through at very low concentrations, where only the qualitative information is present. As the concentration is increased, more sensor channels report, and the quantitative information then dominates the false alarm rejection because the sensors must report a consistent concentration to pass the syntax. This is an effective means to reject false alarms without trading off detection sensitivity because the criterion narrows as the concentration increases. A reported false alarm at a very low concentration is much less of a nuisance than a false alarm at a higher concentration, which requires immediate action.

The inference approach to fuzzy logic is not an obvious biomimicry of our own thought process. We are taught by the scientific method to collect information, apply known reduction methods, and evaluate results for a conclusion. This is actually a very complicated task to make software perform. However, if we turn the process around and say “if conclusion X is true, what must the sensor inputs be?” the algorithm amazingly forms a well-defined logic network that is generally quite simple to implement in software.14 We are focused on this approach because both chemical and biological sensors suffer from very high false alarm rates and are exposed to an approximately infinite range of background clutter, but can detect a limited number of agents of interest at concentrations low enough to be useful as a warning system. We will discuss chemical and biological sensors in the same general terms of either qualitative or quantitative information and present a general fuzzy continuous inference network logic algorithm (CINet), that actually can extend generally to a broader range of sensors.

To describe our CINet in the most general terms, we will use hypothetical data from three different sensors for a range of calibrated exposures to two different chemicals. Figure 29.3 shows the measured responses versus concentration, normalized to a common scale of 0–1.

Figure 29.3 shows good qualitative information from sensor 1 and good quantitative information from sensors 2 and 3. The fact that each chemical will produce a unique response for physically different sensing methods (IMS, PID, SAW, spectroscopy, etc.) is what we are exploiting to recognize a target chemical and reject false alarms from clutter chemicals that may fool some or all of the sensors.

Figure 29.4 arranges the sensor data by chemical. Now a number of simple possibilities can be easily defined. For example, if only sensor 1 is responding, it could be a low concentration of chemical A, but not B. If only sensors 1 and 2 are responding, it could be a medium concentration of chemical A, but not B at any concentration. If only sensor 3 is responding, it could be chemical B at a low concentration, but not A, and so on. At higher concentrations where all three sensors are responding, the estimated concentration from the two quantitative sensors (sensors 2 and 3) should be used to compare consistency. Since their concentration slopes are quite different, they will only agree over a range of concentrations when the target chemical is present. It should be noted that for a small set of sensors and chemicals, one might find a few specific concentrations where an ambiguity exists. However, these ambiguities would be known in advance from analysis and the actual concentration for a real measurement would naturally fluctuate significantly over time, making this false alarm a rare and quantified event.


Sensors 1, 2, and 3 responses to chemicals A and B show diversity, nonlinearity, and indicate good prospects for false alarm rejection by data fusion with inference networks.


Sensor responses versus concentration from Figure 29.3 arranged by chemical.

29.6.1   The Blend Function

The usefulness of fuzzy logic in capturing the desired behavior of the classification algorithm for diverse and nonlinear sensor responses is that we can blend information according to our human expert knowledge. We know that sensors can drift from perfect calibration. We also know that a defined state or situation could involve combinations of information with varying confidence, randomness, and accuracy. The inputs to our fuzzy logic could be outputs from other algorithms, such as neural networks, Bayesian classifiers, or other inference logic networks. So we need to blend this information together using either objective metrics of confidence or our own performance-based metrics of confidence. Algorithmically, we will use a blend function of the form given in the following equation:


Figure 29.5 shows the blend response function. This particular blend function would be for asserting true if x is lower than ∙3 and false if higher than ∙3. The blend range is from 1.5 to 4.5 and the maximum confidence for true is 0.9 and minimum confidence for false is 0.1. Basically, we are just spline fitting a sinusoid to make the blend. There are of course many options, such as arctangents, polynomials, and so on. For cases where true corresponds to a narrow range of the input “x,” one can simply put two blends of the mentioned type together, or use functions such as Gaussians or polynomials to make the blend. In the literature for fuzzy logic, the blend function is usually called the fuzzy set membership function. At the output of the fuzzy logic, one makes a decision based on the confidence being greater or lower than some threshold, such as 0.5. This is called the crisp in the fuzzy logic literature. The general idea behind fuzzy logic is to tolerate a gray scale in logical operations until the final decision to achieve a desired behavior of the software algorithm is reached. We need this degree of nonlinearity and complexity because there are different scientific metrics that apply for different agents at different concentrations.


A blend function where 〈a, b〉 = 〈1.5, 0.9〉 and 〈c, d〉 = 〈4.5, 0.1〉.

29.6.2   Qualitative Information Transformation

We can use the blend function to take a sensor output that may be either a raw voltage output or the logical output of a built-in classification algorithm, and turn it into a fuzzy true or false determination. Consider a sensor (designated as sensor 1) with a raw 8 bit digital output giving numbers from 0 to 255. Let us say the inherent background noise has an RMS value of 10 counts. If we choose a detection threshold of 10, we might have a false alarm rate of nearly 50%. Using techniques such as ROC curves we might pick a detection threshold of, say, 30 and have an acceptable false alarm rate of, say, 3%. This false alarm rate is the likelihood that noise has exceeded the detection threshold and not our target chemical. We can use this hard or crisp threshold to switch between a state of not responding, when the sensor output is less than 30 to responding for the sensor output more than 30, but there are advantages to using a blended transition.

For example, a completely objective statistical metric would be to integrate the probability density function for the sensor signal from the detection threshold to infinity. The mean of this density function is the signal level and the standard deviation is the RMS noise level if no signal were present. The result of this integral is called the probability of detection, Pd, and it approaches unity as the signal level is increased above the detection threshold. One could build a simple blend function that approximates Pd or one could add a little more flexibility by transitioning the blend over a wider range of sensor output values. For example, one could set the blend from 〈a, b〉 = 〈10, 0.1〉 to 〈c, d〉 = 〈50, 0.95〉 so that the maximum confidence stays at 95% above signal levels of 50, and the minimum confidence is limited to 10% for sensor outputs below 10. The confidence corresponds to the inference Is the sensor responding? The blend output is typically scaled to lie within a 〈0, 1〉 range where the minimum and maximum are not necessarily 0.0 and 1.0, respectively.

29.6.3   Qualitative Information Transform

As we depicted in Figure 29.2, quantitative sensor information is more restrictive than qualitative because we like to see an approximately linear sensor response to the agent concentration. It does not have to be perfectly linear. The best way to quantify this response is to build a simple calibration table. We will call this the sensor response model (SRM). The SRM is expected to be unique for each target agent. A simple table of concentrations and corresponding responses can then be used to estimate the concentration from the sensor’s response in real time. For more than one quantitative sensor response, the concentrations can then be compared for consistency. If the sensors are diverse (based on physically different molecular measurements), their responses should be unique for each target agent of interest. The Is the sensor quantitative? blend should ramp up at around the same threshold as the Is the sensor responding? threshold, but ramp back down where the response becomes nonlinear and flattens out. For example, for sensor 1 and chemical A the quantitative response might extend from approximately 0.1 to 0.6 (concentrations of 100–150), but for sensor 2 and chemical A, the range might be from 0.01 to 1.0 (concentrations of 150–950), as seen in Figure 29.4. This simply requires a double blend or two blend functions of the type seen in Figure 29.5 to provide a true range for quantitative use of the sensor information.

29.6.4   Concentration Consistency

The sensor output has an inherent noise uncertainty, described typically as a Gaussian density function, where the mean is the sensor output and the standard deviation is the RMS noise level. When we use this sensor output to estimate concentration, it is reasonable to map the signal uncertainty to concentration uncertainty. Given the local slope of the concentration response in the SRM, the concentration error ∆conc due to noise scales can be represented by


where Nrms is the noise standard deviation and slope is the local slope of the SRM curve. This is why we prefer not to use the SRM when the slope flattens out due to nonlinearity or saturation. Besides risking contamination of the sensor and erroneous data, the estimated concentration error can become too large outside of the Is quantitative range.

We can make a floating double blend centered at the SRM-estimate concentration with the blend width scaled according to the SRM slope and sensor noise. Since we can make the blend objectively scale with the sensor noise, or by some other metric, we have a way to compare two or more sensor concentrations for consistency. Consider the likelihood that two or more physically different sensors would provide an exact match in concentration to be exceedingly small. By having the floating double blend enveloping each concentration estimate, we have a method to measure the amount of overlap taking into account each sensor’s noise and concentration uncertainty. The output of the floating concentration blend represents the confidence we have as a function of concentration for the current sensor output. This is a clear example of the power of fuzzy logic when the syntax has a scientific basis. Figure 29.6 depicts these floating blends for concentrations where the sensor array is consistent, and for the inconsistent case, the resulting net confidence is found from simply multiplying (AND-ing) the sensor confidences together.

Fuzzy AND’s, OR’s, and NOT’s conversion of logical AND and OR into fuzzy operators generally involves following the operator with a blend function. There are many variants, including applying individual weights to operator inputs,15 which has mathematically the same effect as applying a blend to each of the inputs to the operator. We will keep our discussion here limited to unity weights on the inputs. AND operators (symbolized by “∧”) are essentially multipliers, OR operators (symbolized by “∨”) essentially sum the inputs, and NOT operators (symbolized by an over-bar) subtract the input from unity. For chemical A, one can define the following rules:

  • If sensor 1 responds TRUE and sensor 2 responds FALSE and sensor 3 responds FALSE, then chemical A could be present, but at a low unknown concentration.

  • If sensor 1 responds TRUE and sensor 2 quantitative TRUE and sensor 3 responds FALSE, then use sensor 2 SRM to report concentration of chemical A.

  • If sensor 1 responds TRUE and sensors 2 and 3 are quantitative TRUE, and sensors 2 and 3 are consistent in concentration, report chemical A with high confidence.

Note that the qualitative Is responding blend outputs have a powerful veto in the detection logic. For the chemical A inference, sensor 1 must be responding, as the confidence collapses to 0 regardless of what the other sensors are reporting.


Applying a fuzzy AND function for three sensor concentration estimates showing inconsistency (left) and consistency (right).

Consider chemical B. There is hidden power in the logic for the quantitative responses as well. For chemical B, the following rules apply:

  • If sensor 3 is quantitative and the concentration is less than 500, chemical B could be present.

  • If sensor 3 concentration is more than 500, and sensor 1 responding TRUE and sensor 2 quantitative TRUE, and sensors 2 and 3 are consistent in concentration, report chemical B with high confidence.

Implied for chemical B is that sensor 3 must be responding for detection.

Once these rules are mapped out for each target agent of interest, it is significant to implement the fuzzy logic using any of a wide variety of available techniques or toolsets. The difficulty with syntactic fuzzy logic is that one needs to do some basic science, like careful calibration of the sensors for each target agent of interest, including determining the fuzzy blends for Is responding and Is quantitative and if quantitative, the floating concentration blends width from the sensor noise and the slope of the SRM. One should remember the fact that for diverse sensor physics, each target chemical will have a unique calibration response, or SRM, for each sensor. This creates the opportunity for sensor fusion to uniquely detect the target agent with extremely high selectivity, especially as the concentration increases and more sensors respond.



29.7   The Path Forward

This brief look at a methodology to perform heterogeneous sensor fusion for chemical and biological agents is based on using a diversity of sensors that are well calibrated for the target agents of interest. It can be seen that a sensor manifest or agent library is then needed containing the calibration SRM tables and response thresholds for each agent in the library. This would allow a remote process to fuse the information from an array of sensors exposed to the agent in question. The inference-based logic can then employ only those sensors and sensor channels with useful responses for a given agent inference, and each sensor’s contribution to the overall fusion confidence would be independent of the other sensors. If the sensor has a response to the agent, it contributes to the inference logic by providing context for the sensor signal output. As signals from multiple sensors are fused, this context looks for consistency using fuzzy logic metrics. For small concentrations of a given agent, there is a higher possibility of a false alarm, but since the concentration is small, this is much less of a concern compared to higher concentrations that carry greater danger to people exposed. Higher concentrations would naturally bring in more sensors and sensor channels with higher SNR signals. The CINet logic captures this by making it more and more difficult for a false alarm to persist because of the ability to look for consistency across the sensor information.

This approach to false alarm rejection may be most interesting in the medical applications area, where qualitative signals from bioassay wells can be combined with more quantitative metrics such as volatile chemicals in the blood and breath. The CINet logic can automate many metabolic states based on highly objective metrics and calibrated sensor response libraries. The final diagnosis/prognosis would still require a medical doctor or pathologist, but the degree of sensor automation will likely produce very good decision aids. For example, current technology in 2007 can measure more than 1000 blood chemicals. Bioassays can have more than thousands of wells with binding proteins that fluoresce to varying degrees. It would not be difficult to also execute thousands of well-thought-out CINets to quickly produce a short list of likely situations. This methodology is only an automation of information processing that parallels human knowledge from the scientific method. But, as with human knowledge, we need diversity of information, repeatable calibration, and a reasoned syntax to fuse the information into a situation recognition.




1. K.E. Kaissling, Physiology of pheromone reception in insects, ANIR-AVNP, 6(2), 2004, pp. 73–91.

2. C.K. Mathews, K.E. van Holde, and K.G. Ahern, Biochemistry (San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999) 3rd ed., pp. 241–244.

3. P.J. Hargis et al., UV detection of biological species, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, ECBC Report Number CR-028, August 2000.

4. G.A. Eiceman and Z. Karpas, Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis, 2005).

5. Y. Sun and K.Y Ong, Detection Technologies for Chemical Warfare Agents and Toxic Vapors (New York: CRC Press, 2005), pp. 184–194.

6. Q. Cui and I. Bahar, ed., Normal Mode Analysis: Theory and Applications to Biological and Chemical Systems (Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2006).

7. E.B. Hanlon et al., Prospects for in vivo Raman spectroscopy, Phys. Med. Biol., 45, 2000, R1–R59.

8. C.K. Mathews, K.E. van Holde, and K.G. Ahern, Biochemistry (San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, 1999) 3rd ed., p. 14.

9. W.C. Hinds, Aerosol Technology (New York: Wiley, 1999).

10. J. Ali, L. Rodrigues, and M. Moodie, Jane’s US Chemical-Biological Guidebook (Coulsdon, Surrey, UK: Jane’s Information Group, 1998), Chapter 3.

11. C.S. Cox and C.M. Wathes, Bioaerosols Handbook (Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1995).

12. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assay “Assay” definition.

13. R. Schalkoff, Pattern Recognition: Statistical, Structural, and Neural Approaches (New York: Wiley, 1992).

14. J.A. Stover and R.E. Gibson, Modeling confusion in automated systems, SPIE, vol. 1710, Science of Artificial Neural Networks, 1992, pp. 547–555.

15. D. Swanson, Signal Processing for Intelligent Sensor Systems (New York: Marcel-Dekker, 2000), pp. 478–489.

* These are discussed in detail in Section 29.3.

* The science officer from Star Trek could detect anything with this device under any false alarms. With great prejudice we interpret the tri in tri-corder to imply automated data fusion with at least three sensor channels.

* A fluorophore is a material that fluoresces only when it is successfully bound to a target protein.

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