
About the editors

François Maon

François Maon received his PhD in 2010 from Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain School of Management). After a visiting scholarship at the University of California, Berkeley, he is now an associate professor at IESEG School of Management, where he teaches strategy, business ethics, and corporate social responsibility. In his research, Dr. Maon focuses mainly on topics linked to corporate social responsibility, learning, implementation, and change-related processes; cross-sector social partnerships; and stakeholder influence strategies. He has published articles in various international journals, such as California Management Review, European Journal of Marketing, European Management Review, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Business Ethics, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. He has co-edited several special issues of academic journals and books, including A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (with Lindgreen, Kotler, and Vanhamme) and Sustainable Value Chain Management (with Lindgreen, Vanhamme, and Sen). He serves on the editorial board of M@n@gement and is the founder and coordinator of the IESEG Center for Organizational Responsibility (ICOR).

Adam Lindgreen

After his studies in chemistry (Copenhagen University), engineering (the Engineering Academy of Denmark), and physics (Copenhagen University), Adam Lindgreen completed an MSc in food science and technology at the Technical University of Denmark. He also finished an MBA at the University of Leicester. Professor Lindgreen received his PhD in marketing from Cranfield University. He has served as Professor of Marketing at Hull University’s Business School (2007–2010); the University of Birmingham’s Business School (2010), where he also was the research director in the Department of Marketing; and the University of Cardiff’s Business School (2011–2016). Under his leadership, the Department of Marketing and Strategy at Cardiff Business School ranked first among all marketing departments in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States, based upon the hg indices of senior faculty. Since 2016, he has been Professor of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School, where he also heads the Department of Marketing. He is also a research associate with University of Pretoria’s Gordon Institute of Business Science.

Professor Lindgreen has been a visiting professor with various institutions, including Georgia State University, Groupe HEC in France, and Melbourne University. His recent publications have appeared in Business Horizons, California Management Review, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Management Reviews, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Ethics, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Journal of World Business, Psychology & Marketing, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.

Professor Lindgreen’s books include A Stakeholder Approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (with Kotler, Vanhamme, and Maon), Managing Market Relationships, Memorable Customer Experiences (with Vanhamme and Beverland), and Sustainable Value Chain Management (with Maon, Vanhamme, and Sen).

The recipient of the Outstanding Article 2005 award from Industrial Marketing Management and the runner-up for the same award in 2016, Professor Lindgreen serves on the board of several scientific journals; he is co-editor-in-chief of Industrial Marketing Management and previously was the joint editor of the Journal of Business Ethics’ section on corporate responsibility. His research interests include business and industrial marketing management, experiential marketing, and corporate social responsibility. Professor Lindgreen has been awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Executive Teaching. Furthermore, he has served as an examiner (for dissertations, modules, and programs) at a wide variety of institutions, including the Australian National University, Unitec, University of Amsterdam, University of Bath’s Management School, University of Lethbridge, and University of Mauritius.


Professor Lindgreen is a member of the International Scientific Advisory Panel of the New Zealand Food Safety Science and Research Centre, as well as of the Chartered Association of Business Schools’ Academic Journal Guide (AJG) Scientific Committee in the field of marketing.

Beyond these academic contributions to marketing, Professor Lindgreen has discovered and excavated settlements from the Stone Age in Denmark, including the only major kitchen midden—Sparregård—in the south-east of Denmark; because of its importance, the kitchen midden was later excavated by the National Museum and then protected as a historical monument for future generations. He is also an avid genealogist, having traced his family back to 1390 and published widely in scientific journals (Personalhistorisk Tidsskrift, The Genealogist, and Slægt & Data) related to methodological issues in genealogy, accounts of population development, and particular family lineages.

Joëlle Vanhamme

Dr. Joëlle Vanhamme is a professor at the Edhec Business School. Dr. Vanhamme received her PhD from the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain School of Management). She has been assistant professor at Rotterdam School of Management, associate professor at IESEG School of Management, and a visiting scholar with Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Hull University’s Business School, Lincoln University, and the University of Auckland’s Business School. Dr. Vanhamme’s research has appeared in journals including Business Horizons, California Management Review, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Journal of Customer Behaviour, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Retailing, Marketing Letters, Psychology & Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing, and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.


Robert J. Angell

Robert Angell is a Lecturer and Associate Professor in Marketing Research at Cardiff University. After working as a research executive for the Ordnance Survey, he went on to participate in research projects in Beijing and New York. Prior to joining Cardiff University, he worked as a lecturer at Plymouth University, where he also earned his PhD in marketing and statistics. An accomplished consultant and educator, Dr. Angell has worked with brands such as Sage and Brittany Ferries; he was also awarded the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching on more than one occasion. His work has been published in internationally recognized journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising Research, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Marketing Management, and Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. When Dr. Angell is not involved in academic or consultancy activities, he is an avid golfer (with a single-figure handicap) and committed follower of domestic football (Southampton FC, season ticket holder).

Juliet Memery

Juliet Memery is Professor in Marketing at Bournemouth University. She was Associate Professor and Marketing & Entrepreneurship Group Leader at the University of Plymouth prior to joining Bournemouth. Professor Memery received her PhD in consumer behavior/marketing from the University of Plymouth, with a thesis that examined the role of ethical and social responsibility issues in food and grocery shopping decisions in the United Kingdom. Expanding on this early work, she continued to research consumer behavior and decision making in relation to consumer choice, focusing in particular on the ethical considerations associated with food shopping behavior in both Europe and Australia. Themes emerging from this research resulted in further explorations of local, regional, and seasonal food; her current work addresses food security, sustainable fish, food waste, and consumer decision-making models. Professor Memery has received external funding for several studies related to food and drink consumption and has disseminated her research findings through publication in journals such as European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, and Journal of Marketing Management. Prior to entering academia, she worked in design departments for companies based in both Europe and Africa. She has continued to maintain close links with industry through her consultancy, research collaboration, and knowledge transfer partnerships.

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