Chapter 11

Applying Menus

Like applications for the desktop and some mobile operating systems, such as Windows Mobile, Android supports activities with application menus. In Android, this is called an options menu. Some Android phones will have a dedicated key for popping up the options menu; others will offer alternate means for triggering the menu to appear, such as the on-screen button used by the Archos 5 Android tablet.

Also, as with many GUI toolkits, you can create context menus for your Android applications. On mobile devices, context menus typically appear when the user taps and holds over a particular widget. For example, if a TextView had a context menu, and the device was designed for finger-based touch input, you could push the TextView with your finger, hold it for a second or two, and a pop-up menu would appear.

This chapter describes how to work with Android options and context menus.

Menus of Options

The options menu is triggered by pressing the hardware Menu button on the device.

This menu operates in one of two modes: icon and expanded. When the user first presses the Menu button, the icon mode will appear, showing up to the first six menu choices as large, finger-friendly buttons in a grid at the bottom of the screen. If the menu has more than six choices, the sixth button will be labeled More. Choosing the More option will bring up the expanded mode, showing the remaining choices not visible in the regular menu. The menu is scrollable, so the user can get to any of the menu choices.

Creating an Options Menu

Rather than building your activity's options menu during onCreate(), the way you wire up the rest of your UI, you instead need to implement onCreateOptionsMenu(). This callback receives an instance of Menu.

The first thing you should do is chain upward to the superclass (super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu)), so the Android framework can add in any menu choices it feels are necessary. Then you can go about adding your own options, as described in the next section.

If you will need to adjust the menu during your activity's use (e.g., disable a now-invalid menu choice), just hold onto the Menu instance you receive in onCreateOptionsMenu(). Alternatively, you can implement onPrepareOptionsMenu(), which is called just before displaying the menu each time it is requested.

Adding Menu Choices and Submenus

Given that you have received a Menu object via onCreateOptionsMenu(), you add menu choices by calling add(). There are many flavors of this method, which require some combination of the following parameters:

  • A group identifier (int), which should be NONE unless you are creating a specific grouped set of menu choices for use with setGroupCheckable() (described shortly)
  • A choice identifier (also an int), for use in identifying this choice in the onOptionsItemSelected() callback when a menu choice is chosen
  • An order identifier (yet another int), for indicating where this menu choice should be slotted if the menu has Android-supplied choices alongside your own; for now, just use NONE
  • The text of the menu choice, as a String or a resource ID

The add() family of methods all return an instance of MenuItem, where you can adjust any of the menu item settings you have already set (e.g., the text of the menu choice).

You can also set the shortcuts for the menu choice, which are single-character mnemonics that choose that menu item when the menu is visible. Android supports both an alphabetic (or QWERTY) set of shortcuts and a numeric set of shortcuts. These are set individually by calling setAlphabeticShortcut() and setNumericShortcut(), respectively. The menu is placed into alphabetic shortcut mode by calling setQwertyMode() on the menu with a true parameter.

The choice and group identifiers are keys used to unlock additional menu features, such as the following:

  • Calling MenuItem#setCheckable() with a choice identifier, to control if the menu choice has a two-state check box alongside the title, where the check box value is toggled when the user chooses that item
  • Calling Menu#setGroupCheckable() with a group identifier, to turn a set of menu choices into ones with a mutual-exclusion radio button between them, so only one choice in the group can be in the checked state at any time

Finally, you can create fly-out submenus by calling addSubMenu(), supplying the same parameters as addMenu(). Android will eventually call onCreatePanelMenu(), passing it the choice identifier of your submenu, along with another Menu instance representing the submenu itself. As with onCreateOptionsMenu(), you should chain upward to the superclass, and then add menu choices to the submenu. One limitation is that you cannot indefinitely nest submenus. A menu can have a submenu, but a submenu cannot have a sub-submenu.

If the user makes a menu choice, your activity will be notified that a menu choice was selected via the onOptionsItemSelected() callback. You are given the MenuItem object corresponding to the selected menu choice. A typical pattern is to switch() on the menu ID (item.getItemId()) and take appropriate behavior. Note that onOptionsItemSelected() is used regardless of whether the chosen menu item was in the base menu or a submenu.

Menus in Context

The context menu is raised by a tap-and-hold action on the widget sporting the menu.

By and large, context menus use the same guts as option menus. The two main differences are how you populate the menu and how you are informed of menu choices.

First, you need to indicate which widget(s) on your activity have context menus. To do this, call registerForContextMenu() from your activity, supplying the View that is the widget needing a context menu.

Next, you need to implement onCreateContextMenu(), which, among other things, is passed the View you supplied in registerForContextMenu(). You can use that to determine which menu to build, assuming your activity has more than one.

The onCreateContextMenu() method gets the ContextMenu itself, the View the context menu is associated with, and a ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo, which tells you which item in the list the user did the tap-and-hold over, in case you want to customize the context menu based on that information. For example, you could toggle a checkable menu choice based on the current state of the item.

It is also important to note that onCreateContextMenu() is called for each time the context menu is requested. Unlike the options menu (which is built only once per activity), context menus are discarded after they are used or dismissed. Hence, you do not want to hold onto the supplied ContextMenu object; just rely on getting the chance to rebuild the menu to suit your activity's needs on an on-demand basis based on user actions.

To find out when a context menu choice was chosen, implement onContextItemSelected() on the activity. Note that you get only the MenuItem instance that was chosen in this callback. As a result, if your activity has two or more context menus, you may want to ensure they have unique menu item identifiers for all their choices, so you can distinguish between them in this callback. Also, you can call getMenuInfo() on the MenuItem to get the ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo you received in onCreateContextMenu(). Otherwise, this callback behaves the same as onOptionsItemSelected(), as described in the previous section.

Taking a Peek

In the sample project Menus/Menus, you will find an amended version of the ListView sample (List) from Chapter 7 with an associated menu. Since the menus are defined in Java code, the XML layout does not need to change from the one shown in that chapter. However, the Java code has a few new behaviors:

public class MenuDemo extends ListActivity {
  TextView selection;
  String[] items={"lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet",
          "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "morbi", "vel",
          "ligula", "vitae", "arcu", "aliquet", "mollis",
          "etiam", "vel", "erat", "placerat", "ante",
          "porttitor", "sodales", "pellentesque", "augue", "purus"};
  public static final int EIGHT_ID = Menu.FIRST+1;
  public static final int SIXTEEN_ID = Menu.FIRST+2;
  public static final int TWENTY_FOUR_ID = Menu.FIRST+3;
  public static final int TWO_ID = Menu.FIRST+4;
  public static final int THIRTY_TWO_ID = Menu.FIRST+5;
  public static final int FORTY_ID = Menu.FIRST+6;
  public static final int ONE_ID = Menu.FIRST+7;

  public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {
    setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,
                 android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, items));


  public void onListItemClick(ListView parent, View v,
                                int position, long id) {

  public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v,
                                  ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {

  public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {


  public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    return(applyMenuChoice(item) ||

  public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
    return(applyMenuChoice(item) ||

  private void populateMenu(Menu menu) {
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, ONE_ID, Menu.NONE, "1 Pixel");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, TWO_ID, Menu.NONE, "2 Pixels");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, EIGHT_ID, Menu.NONE, "8 Pixels");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, SIXTEEN_ID, Menu.NONE, "16 Pixels");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, TWENTY_FOUR_ID, Menu.NONE, "24 Pixels");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, THIRTY_TWO_ID, Menu.NONE, "32 Pixels");
    menu.add(Menu.NONE, FORTY_ID, Menu.NONE, "40 Pixels");

  private boolean applyMenuChoice(MenuItem item) {
    switch (item.getItemId()) {
      case ONE_ID:

      case EIGHT_ID:

      case SIXTEEN_ID:

      case TWENTY_FOUR_ID:

      case TWO_ID:

      case THIRTY_TWO_ID:

      case FORTY_ID:


In onCreate(), we register our list widget as having a context menu, which we fill in via our populateMenu() private method, by way of onCreateContextMenu().

We also implement the onCreateOptionsMenu() callback, indicating that our activity also has an options menu. Once again, we delegate to populateMenu() to fill in the menu.

Our implementations of onOptionsItemSelected() (for options menu selections) and onContextItemSelected() (for context menu selections) both delegate to a private applyMenuChoice() method, plus chaining upward to the superclass if none of our menu choices was the one selected by the user.

In populateMenu(), we add seven menu choices, each with a unique identifier. Being lazy, we eschew the icons.

In applyMenuChoice(), we see if any of our menu choices were chosen. If so, we set the list's divider size to be the user-selected width.

Initially, the activity looks the same in the emulator as it did for ListDemo, as shown in Figure 11–1.


Figure 11–1. The MenuDemo sample application, as initially launched

When you press the Menu button, you will get our options menu, as shown in Figure 11–2.


Figure 11–2. The same application, showing the options menu

Choosing the More button shows the remaining two menu choices, as shown in Figure 11–3.


Figure 11–3. The same application, showing the remaining menu choices

Choosing a height (say, 16 pixels) from the menu changes the divider height of the list to something garish, as shown in Figure 11–4.


Figure 11–4. The same application, made ugly

You can trigger the context menu, shown in Figure 11–5, by tapping and holding on any item in the list. Once again, choosing an option sets the divider height.


Figure 11–5. The same application, showing a context menu

Yet More Inflation

Chapter 8 explained how you can describe Views via XML files and “inflate” them into actual View objects at runtime. Android also allows you to describe menus via XML files and inflate them when a menu is needed. This helps you keep your menu structure separate from the implementation of menu-handling logic, and it provides easier ways to develop menu-authoring tools.

Menu XML Structure

Menu XML goes in res/menu/ in your project tree, alongside the other types of resources that your project might employ. As with layouts, you can have several menu XML files in your project, each with its own filename and the .xml extension.

For example, from the Menus/Inflation sample project, here is a menu called sample.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="">
  <item android:id="@+id/close"
    android:icon="@drawable/eject" />
  <item android:id="@+id/no_icon"
    android:title="Sans Icon" />
  <item android:id="@+id/disabled"
    android:title="Disabled" />
  <group android:id="@+id/other_stuff"
    <item android:id="@+id/later"
      android:title="2nd-To-Last" />
    <item android:id="@+id/last"
      android:title="Last" />
  <item android:id="@+id/submenu"
    android:title="A Submenu">
      <item android:id="@+id/non_ghost"
        android:alphabeticShortcut="n" />
      <item android:id="@+id/ghost"
        android:title="A Ghost"
        android:alphabeticShortcut="g" />

Note the following about the XML for menus:

  • You must start with a menu root element.
  • Inside a menu element are item elements and group elements. The latter represents a collection of menu items that can be operated upon as a group.
  • Submenus are specified by adding a menu element as a child of an item element, using this new menu element to describe the contents of the submenu.
  • If you want to detect when an item is chosen, or to reference an item or group from your Java code, be sure to apply an android:id, just as you do with View layout XML.

Menu Options and XML

Inside the item and group elements, you can specify various options, matching up with corresponding methods on Menu or MenuItem, as follows:

  • Title: The title of a menu item is provided via the android:title attribute on an item element. This can be either a literal string or a reference to a string resource (e.g., @string/foo).
  • Icon: Menu items optionally have icons. To provide an icon, in the form of a reference to a drawable resource (e.g., @drawable/eject), use the android:icon attribute on the item element.
  • Order: By default, the order of the items in the menu is determined by the order in which they appear in the menu XML. You can change that by specifying the android:orderInCategory attribute on the item element. This is a 0-based index of the order for the items associated with the current category. There is an implicit default category. Groups can provide an android:menuCategory attribute to specify a different category to use for items in that group. Generally, it is simplest just to put the items in the XML in the order you want them to appear.
  • Enabled: Items and groups can be enabled or disabled, controlled in the XML via the android:enabled attribute on the item or group element. By default, items and groups are enabled. Disabled items and groups appear in the menu but cannot be selected. You can change an item's status at runtime via the setEnabled() method on MenuItem, or change a group's status via setGroupEnabled() on Menu.
  • Visible: Items and groups can be visible or invisible, controlled in the XML via the android:visible attribute on the item or group element. By default, items and groups are visible. Invisible items and groups do not appear in the menu. You can change an item's status at runtime via the setVisible() method on MenuItem, or change a group's status via setGroupVisible() on Menu. In the layout XML shown in the previous section, the other_stuff group is initially invisible. If we make it visible in our Java code, the two menu items in the group will “magically” appear.
  • Shortcut: Items can have shortcuts—single letters (android:alphabeticShortcut) or numbers (android:numericShortcut) that can be pressed to choose the item without needing to use the touchscreen, D-pad, or trackball to navigate the full menu.

Inflating the Menu

Actually using the menu, once it's defined in XML, is easy. Just create a MenuInflater and tell it to inflate your menu:

public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

  new MenuInflater(getApplication())
                               .inflate(, menu);

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