
Tremendous thanks to all the many people who reviewed or revised any portion of this book, including Susan Mildrum of (First Steps, Extending Your Site, Module Development), Diliny Corlosquet (Commerce), Moshe Weitzman (Drush, Page Rendering), Angela Byron (Scaling Drupal), Brian Gilbert, Eric Johnston, Daniel Kudwein (Contributing to the Community), Fox (The Other 90%), Rich Johnson (Deploy), Shreya Sanghani and Andrew Grice (Preface, Contributing to the Community), Amanda Miller Johnson (Introduction), Evelyn Melançon and Stephen Cataldo (Module Development), Matt Corks, Heidi Strohl, Christopher Gervais, Guillaume Boudrias, Shane Bill, (Simpletest), Greg Knaddison, Ben Jeavons, and Nick Maloney (Security), Lin Clark, Oshani Seneviratne, Nick Maloney, Boris Mann for the analogy of RDFa and food for robots(Semantic), Benjamin Doherty (GIT), Reinhard Gloggengiesser (Site-specific Code, Distributions and Installation Profiles), and Boz Hogan (Building a Drupal 7 Site, Views). In addition, various authors put in significant work as reviewers also. In particular, Károly Négyesi acted as technical editor and a consistent push for quality on many chapters, especially in Part 4 on theming and Part 5 on module development. Stéphane Corlosquet and Albert Albala also put in review work on many chapters, joined by Dan Hakimzadeh, Amye Scavarda, Ed Carlevale, Dani Nordin, Peter Wolanin, and more.

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