Contents at a Glance



About the Authors

About the Technical Reviewer


Preface: Why Drupal?

What's New in Drupal 7

How to Use This Book

How Drupal Works

Part 1: Getting Started

images Chapter 1: Building a Drupal 7 Site

images Chapter 2: Essential Tools: Drush and Git

Part II: Site Building Foundations

images Chapter 3: Building Dynamic Pages Using Views

images Chapter 4: There's a Module for That

images Chapter 5: Creating Community Web Sites with Organic Groups

images Chapter 6: Security in Drupal

images Chapter 7: Updating Drupal

images Chapter 8: Extending Your Site

Part III: Making Your Life Easier

images Chapter 9: Drupal Community: Getting Help and Getting Involved

images Chapter 10: Planning and Managing a Drupal Project

images Chapter 11: Documenting for End Users and the Production Team

images Chapter 12: Development Environment

images Chapter 13: Putting a Site Online and Deploying New Features

images Chapter 14: Developing from a Human Mindset

Part IV: Front-End Development

images Chapter 15: Theming

images Chapter 16: Advanced Theming

images Chapter 17: jQuery

Part V: Back-End Development

images Chapter 18: Introduction to Module Development

images Chapter 19: Using Drupal's APIs in a Module

images Chapter 20: Refining Your Module

images Chapter 21: Porting Modules to Drupal 7

images Chapter 22: WritingProject-Specific Code

images Chapter 23: Introduction to Functional Testing with Simpletest

images Chapter 24: Writing a Major Module

Part VI: Advanced Site-Building Topics

images Chapter 25: Drupal Commerce

images Chapter 26: Drush

images Chapter 27: Scaling Drupal

images Chapter 28: Spice Your Content Up With Tasty Semantics

images Chapter 29: The Menu System and the Path Into Drupal

images Chapter 30: Under the Hood: Inside Drupal When It Displays a Page

images Chapter 31: Search and Apache Solr Integration

images Chapter 32: User Experience

images Chapter 33: Completing a Site: The Other 90%

images Chapter 34: Drupal Distributions and Installation Profiles

Part VII: Drupal Community

images Chapter 35: Drupal’s Story: A Chain of Many Unexpected Events

images Chapter 36: Now You’re in Business: Making a Living with Drupal

images Chapter 37: Maintaining a Project

images Chapter 38: Contributing to the Community

Part VIII: Appendix

images Appendix A: Upgrading a Drupal Site from 6 to 7

images Appendix B: Profiling Drupal and Optimizing Performance

images Appendix C: Page Rendering and Altering

images Appendix D: Visual Design for Drupal

images Appendix E: Accessibility

images Appendix F: Windows Development Environment

images Appendix G: Installing Drupal on Ubuntu

images Appendix H: Mac OSX Installation

images Appendix I: Setting Up a Drupal Environment with the Acquia Dev Desktop


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