About the Technical Reviewer

images images Phil de Joux was a child math whiz, dirtbag climber, and bicycle messenger. His medical studies went asymptotic, and his eventual degree was in mathematical modeling. Like many kiwis, he left his native New Zealand islands to see a bit more of the world, and worked as a contracting software developer in England and France, financing a few long road trips rock climbing in the United States and Australia.

On return to New Zealand in 2003, he formed his company, Block Scope, named in allusion to the scoping rule, how contractors are hired for defined blocks of work, and for bouldering, a form of rock climbing where finding new problems involves scoping new lines on the rocks. He has used F# on commercial projects, analyzing time series data in the REPL, pulling in web services with type providers, and distributing messages with mailbox processors.

In Australia since the earthquakes hit his home town of Christchurch, he is learning a slew of functional programming languages and enjoying meetups with the Brisbane Functional Programming Group.

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