© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
A. MurrayAdvanced Excel Formulashttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7125-4_5

5. Manipulating Text

Alan Murray1  

I have always enjoyed using formulas to manipulate text in Excel. Solving the puzzle of extracting, joining, and shaping text to our requirements is very exciting. They are some of my most enjoyable formulas to use and teach.

Excel contains over 30 functions for manipulating text. We will cover many of the most useful text functions in this chapter. These include LEFT, TEXT, TRIM, FIND, SUBSTITUTE, TEXTJOIN, and many more. We will also cover the new text functions released in 2022 – TEXTAFTER, TEXTBEFORE, and TEXTSPLIT.

In this chapter, we will use formulas to extract, combine, replace, and convert text. There is a lot of content in this chapter, so let’s get started.



Extract Characters from a Text String

There are three functions in Excel that are used to extract a specified number of characters from a text string – LEFT, RIGHT, and MID. The one you use depends on the position of the characters you need to extract.

Let’s begin with some simple extraction tasks and then progress to more complex examples. The more complex examples will require some help from additional text functions.

Figure 5-1 shows the sample data we will use for the simple examples.

The text strings in column A are made up of three different sections. Each section identifies an element of a transaction, and we need to extract each one for analysis.

In a typical business scenario, the first three digits could be a client reference, middle two numbers the order ID, and the last letter could be the store code.
Figure 5-1

Sample data for simple text extractions


Availability: All versions

The LEFT and RIGHT functions are used to extract characters from the start and end of a text string.

The functions have the same arguments. Their syntaxes are
=LEFT(text, [num_chars])
=RIGHT(text, [num_chars])
  • Text: The text containing the characters you want to extract

  • [Num chars]: The number of characters you want to extract

In Figure 5-2, the following formula has been used in column B to extract the first three characters (client reference) from the text in column A:
Figure 5-2

LEFT function to extract the first three characters

The RIGHT function is then used to extract the last character (store code) from column A (Figure 5-3):
Figure 5-3

RIGHT function to extract the last character

Extract Characters from the Middle of a String

Availability: All versions

To extract characters from the middle of a text string, the MID function is used. The MID function looks like LEFT and RIGHT, but also requires the position of the first character to extract:
=MID(text, start_num, num_chars)
  • Text: The text containing the characters to extract

  • Start num: The position of the first character in the text string you want to extract

  • Num chars: The number of characters to extract

The following formula is used to extract the middle two numbers from the reference (Figure 5-4). It extracts two characters, starting from the fifth character in the string:
Figure 5-4

Extract characters from the middle of a text string

FIND and SEARCH for Irregular Strings

Availability: All versions

The first examples of the LEFT, MID, and RIGHT functions relied on a fixed number of characters to extract and a fixed position of the first character. Sometimes, you may need to extract from an irregular text string.

In these situations, the characters you want to extract are typically separated by a delimiter. For example, in the text THJ-34-D, the “-” is separating the different parts of the text and is known as the delimiter.

The FIND and SEARCH functions of Excel are great for working with irregular strings. They can be used to locate the position of a delimiter and therefore help to determine the first character and/or number of characters to extract.

The purpose of these functions is to return the position of a text string within another text string. The only difference between the FIND and SEARCH functions is that FIND is case-sensitive and SEARCH is not.

Their syntaxes are
=FIND(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
=SEARCH(find_text, within_text, [start_num])
  • Find text: The text you want to find and return the position of.

  • Within text: The text that you are searching within.

  • [Start num]: The position within the text to begin the search. This is an optional argument, and if omitted, it searches from the first character of the within_text string.

Example 1: Extract Characters Before a Delimiter

In this example, we want to extract characters from the beginning of a string, so we will use the LEFT function. However, the number of characters to extract is irregular. A delimiter signifies the end of the characters that we need.

In the following formula (Figure 5-5), the SEARCH function is used to return the position of the “-” delimiter. One is then subtracted from this value to get the position of the character before the delimiter (last character of the text to extract):
Figure 5-5

Extract characters before a delimiter

Example 2: Extract Characters After a Delimiter

In this example, we use the RIGHT function to extract the numbers from the end of the text in column A (Figure 5-6). The number of characters is irregular, and we need the delimiter to identify the number of characters to extract.

To calculate the number of characters to extract, we will subtract the position of the delimiter from the total number of characters in the cell.

The LEN function is used to return the total number of characters in a cell. We will see more examples of the LEN function shortly.
Figure 5-6

Extract characters after a delimiter

In this example, the FIND function was used to return the position of the “-” delimiter. It makes no difference if you use the FIND or SEARCH function as the case of the delimiter is not important in this example.

Example 3: Combining LEFT and RIGHT

It can sometimes be useful to combine the LEFT and RIGHT functions together. One function can work off the string provided by the other.

In this example, we want to return the characters between the brackets. These characters are the last characters in the cell, except for the closing bracket. They are also a regular length of three characters.

In the following formula (Figure 5-7), the RIGHT function is used to extract the last four characters. This is passed to the LEFT function to then return the first three characters from that string:
Figure 5-7

LEFT and RIGHT working together

Example 4: Extract Text Between Two Characters

Let’s look at two examples of extracting text between two characters. In the first example, the characters are different. And in the second example, we will extract text from between two identical characters.

The following formula has been used in Figure 5-8. The formula has been split over multiple lines to distinguish the three parts of the MID function easier:

The first SEARCH function finds the position of the first character to extract. This is one character after the opening bracket.

To calculate the number of characters to extract, the position of the opening bracket is subtracted from the position of the closing bracket, then another one is subtracted.

When the two characters to extract between are identical, the formula is a little more complex.
Figure 5-8

Extract text between two different characters

The following formula is shown in Figure 5-9:

This formula is actually very similar to the previous one. The exception is with the second SEARCH function on the last line.

This SEARCH function is nested within another to find the second occurrence of a hyphen “-”. It is nested within the start num argument of the other SEARCH to instruct it to look for the “-” after the first instance of a “-”.

So, the final line of the formula reads the position of the second “-”, minus position of the first “-”, and then minus one. This returns the number of characters to extract.
Figure 5-9

Extract text between two identical characters

To help understand complex formulas such as this, a great technique is to select an element of a formula and press the F9 key to calculate just that part. This helps you step through the formula in its parts, instead of its entirety.

In the following final formula line, this technique has been used to return the result of the nested SEARCH only. This result is shown in bold text:

Press Esc when finished so that the formula remains intact. Otherwise, the results are stored instead of the formula.

Example 5: Extract Number from a Text String

For our final examples of working with FIND and SEARCH, we will extract a number from text when there is no delimiter.

In Figure 5-10, the references contain a combination of text and numbers. In this example, the numbers follow the text, but we will also see an example where the numbers precede the text.
Figure 5-10

References that contain a combination of text and numbers

As with all the examples so far, a key task is to locate the beginning and/or end of the characters to extract. Once this is known, the LEFT, RIGHT, or MID functions can be used for extraction.

The following formula is used to return the position of the first number in cell A2. This is shown in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11

Return the position of the number in the string

This formula uses the FIND function to find all occurrences of numbers in cell A2. The numbers 0–9 are entered as an array constant by enclosing them in the curly braces.

The reason we search for all the numbers is because we do not know which numbers are in the cell.

If a number is not found, the FIND function returns the #VALUE! error. To prevent this, the string containing all numbers is appended to the value in cell A2. This part of the formula is shown in bold as follows:
The FIND function returns an array containing the position of all ten numbers 0–9. This result is shown as follows:

Because the formula returns the position of all the numbers, the MIN function is used to return the smallest value in the array (the first number). In this example, it is number 5, which coincidentally is in position 5 of cell A2.

To return the numbers from the references, the following formula is used. This is shown in Figure 5-12.
This formula uses the same technique used in example 2. To calculate the number of characters to return, the position of the first number is subtracted from the total number of characters in the cell. The +1 is added to extract the first number too. For example, there are six characters in cell A2, minus the position of the first number (position 5) equals one. Then add one to this result to include that first number. Cell A2 contains two numbers.
Figure 5-12

Extract the numbers from the end of a string

If you wanted to extract the letters at the start of the references, you can use the following formula (Figure 5-13):
The same formula is used to return the position of the first number. But this time we use the technique shown in example 1 to extract the characters before the found character.
Figure 5-13

Extract the letters from the start of a string

In an example when the numbers precede the text (Figure 5-14), we can reverse the formula that returns the position of the numbers to return the position of the letters.
Figure 5-14

References that contain numbers before text

The following formula looks a little crazy; however, it is the same as before but looking for letters instead. This formula will return the position of the first letter:

It is flexible, so if you were only looking for specific letters, you would only need to include them. They would be included in the array of letters you are looking for and the string that is appended to the value of cell E2.

This formula can be nested within the LEFT function to return the numbers at the start of the string (Figure 5-15):
Figure 5-15

Extract the numbers from the start of the string

It could also be used as before to extract the text at the end of the references, if required.


This formula used the SEARCH function, so the case of the letters did not matter. If the FIND function was used, the letter would need to have matched the case it was entered into the formula. This was lowercase in the example.

Change the Case of Text

Availability: All versions

There are three functions in Excel for changing the case of text – UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER. They are very simple to use and follow the same syntax.

Each of the functions asks only one argument – the text to convert. The following syntax is for the UPPER function but applies to all three functions, as you only need to change the function name:

In the following example, we have a list of country names and need to correct their case to proper case. In this case, the first letter is in uppercase, and the remaining letters are lowercase.

The following formula is used in column B to convert the names to proper case (Figure 5-16):
Figure 5-16

Convert text to proper case

As you can see, these functions are very simple to use. So, let’s use them with other functions we learned earlier.

In this example (Figure 5-17), the UPPER function is used to convert text to uppercase. The text being converted is extracted from between the brackets using the LEFT and RIGHT combination we saw earlier:
Figure 5-17

Convert extracted text to uppercase

Continuing with the same data, the PROPER function is then used to convert the store name to proper case (Figure 5-18).

This formula converts the text that is extracted before the opening bracket using a typical LEFT and FIND combination:
Figure 5-18

Convert extracted text to proper case

The LEN Function

Availability: All versions

We have used the LEN function in this book already to assist us in extracting an irregular number of characters from a string. Let’s give it a special focus and see another example.

The LEN function returns the number of characters in a string. It requires only one argument, which is the string or text:
In this example, we have some values in column A, and we need to extract the number from the middle of the text (Figure 5-19).
Figure 5-19

Values bookended by different text characters

The values have a character at each end of the string that is not required. The number has a fixed starting position of the second character, but an irregular length.

To calculate the number of characters in the value, we will use LEN to calculate the total number of characters in the string and minus two. This will work as we need all characters except two ($ and K).

The following formula is used in column B (Figure 5-20):
Figure 5-20

Values extracted with MID and LEN

Convert Text to a VALUE

Availability: All versions

If you have been a regular user of Excel for some time, I’m confident you have experienced numbers being stored as text in Excel. This is a common occurrence especially when copying and pasting or exporting data from other programs.

There are various techniques for recognizing if your numbers have been stored as text, including functions such as ISTEXT. Often, they can be identified easier than that.

Firstly, Excel stores text on the left of a cell and numbers on the right. This is only a clue, as anyone could easily format your numbers to align left and vice versa. But this is often adequate.

Another quick approach is to select the range and look to the quick calculations in the Status Bar (Figure 5-21). If Excel does not sum the values, they must be stored as text.
Figure 5-21

Numbers being stored as text

To convert text values to numeric values using a formula, the VALUE function can be used. This is a simple function that only requires the text to convert:
The following formula is used in column B to convert the text values to numeric values (Figure 5-22). The necessary formatting can then be applied to the range.

In this example, you can see that the VALUE function even converted the date in cell A8 to a serial number and handled the values containing decimal points.

The VALUE function recognized the decimal points as my locale is the UK, and the decimal separator used here is the point. The NUMBERVALUE function allows you to specify a decimal separator, so this is better for numbers outside of your locale.
Figure 5-22

VALUE used to convert the text to numbers

Using the VALUE function to convert text to numbers is useful, but in a scenario like this, there are many non-formula approaches that may have been quicker and more useful.


Other techniques to convert text values to numbers quickly include Text to Columns and Paste Special.

The VALUE function truly excels when converting formula results to numeric values.

There have been a few examples in this chapter when we have extracted numbers from cell values. Because text functions such as LEFT, RIGHT, and MID have been used, the result is stored as text.

Now, not all numbers need to be converted to numbers. Examples of this include street numbers, phone numbers, and IP numbers. However, if you require the result to be a number, the VALUE function can be used to convert them.

In Figure 5-23, the VALUE function is wrapped around the MID function to convert the monetary value to a number:
Figure 5-23

VALUE converting the results of a formula

This number represents US dollars and is also in the thousands. Custom number formatting can be used to present it correctly. Or the result could be multiplied by 1000 to get the true number:


Availability: Excel 2013, Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Excel 2021, Excel for Microsoft 365 and Excel for the Web, Excel for Mac 2011, Excel 2016 for Mac, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac

The NUMBERVALUE function converts text to a value just like the VALUE function. However, it has a special power. It can convert text to a number in a locale-dependent manner.

This means that the NUMBERVALUE function can be used to convert values that are using a different decimal separator to the one specified in the settings of Excel.

The decimal and thousand separators are determined by your computer’s regional settings but can be manually changed within the Excel options, if you often handle data outside of the regional standard.

Excel will not recognize a value as a numeric value if it contains a different decimal separator to the one set within the Excel options. But with NUMBERVALUE, we can convert the decimal and thousand separators to the correct ones.

The NUMBERVALUE function asks for three arguments, although only one is mandatory:
=NUMBERVALUE(text, [decimal_separator], [group_separator])
  • Text: The text that you want to convert.

  • [Decimal separator]: The character used in the text as the decimal separator. If omitted, the locale’s decimal separator is used.

  • [Group separator]: The character used in the text as the group separator. If omitted, the group separator of the locale is used.

In Figure 5-24, column A contains values that use the comma as a decimal separator and the point as the group separator (thousand separator). This is different to my locale settings, so the VALUE function fails to convert them correctly.
Figure 5-24

VALUE function fails to recognize the text as a number

The following formula correctly converts the text values (Figure 5-25). It specifies the decimal and group separators used by the values in column A:

The Text to Columns feature of Excel can also convert values from other locales. NUMBERVALUE is best deployed to convert the results of formulas or to automate the conversion task.

Figure 5-25

NUMBERVALUE with separators specified

Remove Unwanted Characters

Excel has two general functions to remove unwanted characters from a text string. These are TRIM and CLEAN.

The TRIM function is used to remove excess spaces at the beginning, end, or between the words of a text string.

The CLEAN function is used to remove non-printable characters such as line breaks and other characters that appear sometimes when importing data from other applications.


The SUBSTITUTE function is discussed soon. This function is great for removing specific characters. It is more versatile than TRIM and CLEAN.

The TRIM Function

Availability: All versions

Extra spaces in cell values are not an uncommon issue. And because a space is not a visible character, they can be awkward to identify.

The TRIM function performs the very useful and simple job of removing these extra spaces. It will remove spaces before and after the text. It will also remove any extra spaces between each word of the text value, ensuring that there are only single spaces between words.

The TRIM function accepts only one argument. This is the text value to remove extra spaces from:
In Figure 5-26, column A contains names with erroneous spaces. There is an extra space after the value “Patrick Benson” in cell A2. There are also more notable extra spaces before “Shelley Hopkins” in cell A3 and between the words of “David Carter” in cell A5.
Figure 5-26

Cell values with erroneous spaces

The following formula is used in column B to remove these erroneous spaces (Figure 5-27):
Figure 5-27

Spaces removed with TRIM

As with the VALUE function, TRIM is often used with other functions to aid the extraction of characters or some other task.

In Figure 5-28, extra trailing spaces on the end of the values in column D are causing the RIGHT function in the following formula to return incorrect results:
Figure 5-28

Spaces causing incorrect RIGHT function results

The TRIM function can be nested within RIGHT to provide a clean text value. The following formula is used in Figure 5-29:
Figure 5-29

TRIM providing RIGHT with clean text

The CLEAN Function

Availability: All versions

The CLEAN function cleans the cell of non-printable characters. It was designed to remove the first 32 non-printable characters from the 7-bit ASCII code.

The CLEAN function has limitations and cannot remove all non-printable characters that may find their way into your Excel data. Most notably, there are characters in the Unicode character set that it cannot remove.

The CLEAN function accepts only one argument, the text value to be cleaned:
In Figure 5-30, we have addresses in column A that contain line breaks. The following CLEAN function has been used in column B to remove the line breaks from the cell values:
Figure 5-30

CLEAN removing line breaks from cell values

Removing line breaks is a classic use of the CLEAN function . Let’s see a second example where data has been imported from another source and some undesirable characters have appeared with our data.

In Figure 5-31, a rectangle is shown as Excel cannot correctly display a non-printable character.

The following formula is used to remove these characters :
Figure 5-31

Remove undesired characters with CLEAN


In Excel, there are two functions that can be used to replace existing text within a text string, with different text. These functions are often used to replace, or remove, undesired characters.

These functions are REPLACE and SUBSTITUTE. We will look at both with examples. The SUBSTITUTE function is very useful indeed and has a special power that makes it useful when combined with other functions.

The REPLACE Function

Availability: All versions

The REPLACE function is used to replace text that occurs at a specific position within a text string.

The REPLACE function is similar in its structure to MID but will replace text instead of extracting it. Like MID, it requires the position of the text as an index number and the number of characters to replace.

The syntax of the REPLACE function is as follows. All arguments are mandatory:
=REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text)
  • Old text: The text for which you want to replace characters

  • Start num: The position of the first character in old_text that you want to replace

  • Num chars: The number of characters to replace

  • New text: The text that will replace the characters in old_text

The REPLACE function can be used to remove characters that you do not need. This offers an alternative to extracting the text that you do need.

In Figure 5-32, the following REPLACE function is used to remove the two middle numbers and one of the hyphen delimiters:
It removes the three characters from the fourth position in the string and replaces it with nothing.
Figure 5-32

Simple REPLACE example

This next example (Figure 5-33) shows an alternative approach to handling the example from the LEN chapter earlier. The earlier example is simpler, I think. However, this offers a more complex example to show where REPLACE could come in helpful to you.

The following formula has a REPLACE function nested within another:
The nested REPLACE removes the final character (K) in the string. This result is passed to the other REPLACE, which then removes the first character ($). VALUE then converts the result to a numeric value.
Figure 5-33

Nested REPLACE functions to clean text


Availability: All versions

The SUBSTITUTE function will replace, or substitute, specific text in a string with different text. So, the REPLACE function replaces text at a specific position within a string, while SUBSTITUTE will find and replace specific text.

The SUBSTITUTE function can work with a specific instance of the text it is asked to replace, for example, the second or third instance. This feature of SUBSTITUTE is very valuable.

Another important note about the SUBSTITUTE function is that it is case-sensitive. So, it is necessary for the case of the old text and new text to match exactly. The UPPER, LOWER, and PROPER functions discussed earlier can prove useful in ensuring that the text in these two arguments match case.

The syntax for the SUBSTITUTE function is
=SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, [instance_num])
  • Text: The text for which you want to substitute characters.

  • Old text: The text that you want to replace.

  • New text: The text that you want to replace old_text with.

  • [Instance num]: This is the instance of old_text that you want to replace. This is an optional argument. If not specified, all instances of old_text are replaced.

Example 1: Simple SUBSTITUTE Example

Let’s see a simple example of the SUBSTITUTE function in action before we move on to more advanced examples.

The following formula substitutes the text “London” in the references with the text “LDN” (Figure 5-34):
This formula replaces all instances of the text “London” with “LDN,” so the optional instance_num argument was not needed.
Figure 5-34

Simple SUBSTITUTE formula replacing all instances of text

This demonstrates the basic idea of SUBSTITUTE and how it differs from REPLACE. In this example, the text “London” was at different positions in the references. However, functions such as FIND or SEARCH were not required because we could look for the specific text “London.”

Let’s take it a step further and replace two text strings in one formula. The following formula has one SUBSTITUTE nested within another (Figure 5-35):
The nested SUBSTITUTE replaces the “London” text with “LDN.” Then this is passed to the outer SUBSTITUTE to replace the “Manchester” text with “MCR.”
Figure 5-35

Nested SUBSTITUTE to replace two different text strings

The SUBSTITUTE function is case-sensitive, and if you wanted to ensure that the old text and new text values were of matching case, the following formula could be used (Figure 5-36):

This formula uses the PROPER function around the reference to D2 and around the nested SUBSTITUTE function. This ensured that the values “London” and “Manchester” were of the correct case ready to be found and substituted.

The UPPER function was applied at the final step to convert the “Ldn” value back to uppercase, as the PROPER function had temporarily converted it when using the outer SUBSTITUTE to match “Manchester.”
Figure 5-36

Using UPPER and PROPER to work around case sensitivity

Example 2: Count the Number of Words in a Cell

In this next example, we want to count the number of words in a cell. This is useful for analysis of keywords and other metadata.

The SUBSTITUTE function greatly assists us in this task. Really, our goal is to count the number of spaces and then plus one to that result. The count of words will be one more than the count of spaces.

In Figure 5-37, the following formula is entered in column B:

The first LEN function returns the number of characters in a cell. The TRIM function is added to remove any erroneous spaces.

The second LEN function returns the number of characters once the spaces between each word have been removed. SUBSTITUTE removes the spaces from the text.

The difference between the result of the first LEN calculation and the second returns the number of spaces there are in the cell. One is added to this total to count the number of words.
Figure 5-37

Count the number of words in a cell

Example 3: Use the Instance Number to Extract Text

The instance num argument of the SUBSTITUTE function is a special weapon. It has been very useful for me over the years when manipulating data in Excel.

In Figure 5-38, there is a list of URLs, and we want to extract the text from the period “ .” to the third slash “/”. This is the domain without the www part.
Figure 5-38

List of URLs

The following formula achieves this objective (Figure 5-39). It has been split over multiple lines to make it easier to read:

The first SEARCH function is performing the simple task of finding the first character after the period “ . ”. This is the beginning of the text to extract.

The third argument of MID to return the number of characters to extract is more complex:
  1. 1.

    The SUBSTITUTE function replaces the third occurrence of a slash “/” with an “@”.

  2. 2.

    The SEARCH function searches for the “@” within the results of the SUBSTITUTE function and returns its position.

  3. 3.

    Then the position of the period “ . ” is subtracted from that. And another one is also subtracted.

Figure 5-39

Extract the domain from a list of URLs

Example 4: Return Text After the Last Delimiter

Following on from the previous example, you may not always know the instance number of the character. You may only know its position relative to the text, for example, the final instance or penultimate instance.

In this example, we will return the text after the final instance of the delimiter. I often refer to this as a reverse FIND or SEARCH function as we are searching for the character right to left instead of left to right.

In Figure 5-40, there is a list of web page addresses, and we want to extract the text after the last slash “/”.
Figure 5-40

List of web page addresses

The following formula (Figure 5-41) uses the RIGHT function to extract the final text in each of the values of column A:
Let’s break this formula down. The first task was to return the total instances of the slash “/” in the text. That is performed by the following part of the formula:

You may recognize this, as it is very similar to the technique we used in example 2 to count the number of words in a cell.

We then added to this formula to replace the final instance of the slash “/” with an asterisk “*”. This uniquely flags that character ready for the next task:
Figure 5-41

Formula to extract the text after the final delimiter

Now, we can extract the text after the final slash “/” with the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND function combination. The ??? in the following formula represents the formula from the previous step:

FIND returns the position of the “*” flag we set in the previous step, and this is subtracted from the total number of characters returned by LEN.

RIGHT then performs the simple task of returning this number of characters from the end of the text strings in column A.


The FIND function has been used to find the asterisk “*” in this example. If the SEARCH function was used, it would return the wrong results as it treats the “*” as a wildcard character.

To avoid this, precede it with a tilde, for example, “~*”, to treat the asterisk as a character, or substitute the slash with a different character such as the “@” like the previous example.


Availability: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for the Web, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac

In 2022, two new functions were introduced in Excel to simplify the extraction of text before or after specified delimiters.

With these two functions, many of the formula gymnastics that we have been performing with functions such as LEFT, MID, SEARCH, SUBSTITUTE, etc., are no longer required (although it was fun).

Due to their recent release, they are only available in the Microsoft 365 and web versions of Excel. So, the previous examples are still relevant for compatibility with older versions of Excel.

As their names suggest, TEXTBEFORE will extract the text before a specified delimiter, and TEXTAFTER will extract the text after a specified delimiter.

The syntaxes for the two functions are as follows:
=TEXTBEFORE(text, delimiter, [instance_num], [match_mode], [match_end], [if_not_found])
=TEXTAFTER(text, delimiter, [instance_num], [match_mode], [match_end], [if_not_found])
  • Text: The text from which you want to extract specific text. This can be entered as a string or be a reference to a range.

  • Delimiter: The character or text that marks the point before (TEXTAFTER) or after (TEXTBEFORE) which you want to extract.

  • [Instance num]: The instance number of the delimiter text that marks the point of extraction. For example, enter 2 for the second occurrence of the delimiter. Enter a negative number to search for the delimiter from the end.

  • [Match mode]: Specify if you want the delimiter match to be case-sensitive. Enter 0 for case-sensitive or 1 for case-insensitive. By default, a case-sensitive match is done.

  • [Match end]: Specify if you want to treat the end of the text string as a wildcard match. By default, there must be an exact match for the delimiter text or the #N/A error is returned. Enter 0 to specify an exact match of the delimiter or 1 to specify the match to end feature.

  • [If not found]: The value to return if no match is found. Otherwise, the #N/A error is returned.

Example 1: Text Before or After the First Delimiter

Let’s begin with some simple examples of the TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER functions extracting text when there is a single unique instance of a delimiter.

In Figure 5-42, the following formula extracts the text before the “-” delimiter. This is a very simple formula that requires the two mandatory arguments of text and delimiter only. Much easier than the LEFT and FIND combination used in a previous example to achieve this task.
Figure 5-42

TEXTBEFORE to extract text before the first delimiter

In Figure 5-43, the following formula uses TEXTAFTER to extract all characters after the “-” delimiter:
This is a neat alternative to the combination of the RIGHT, LEN, and FIND functions used earlier in this chapter to extract characters after a delimiter.
Figure 5-43

TEXTAFTER to extract text after the first delimiter

Example 2: Specify an Instance Number

The instance number argument of the two functions is very useful when a delimiter occurs multiple times within a string. And both functions allow searching for the delimiter from the end of the string, in addition to a typical approach of searching from the start.

In Figure 5-44, the following formula uses the TEXTAFTER function to return the text after the second instance of the “-” delimiter:

As shown earlier in this chapter, the SUBSTITUTE function can be used to help extract text before or after a specific instance of a delimiter. This is important for Excel versions without the TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER functions.

Figure 5-44

TEXTAFTER the second instance of the delimiter

In the following formula, shown in Figure 5-45, –1 has been entered for the instance number argument of TEXTAFTER to extract the text after the last instance of the “/” delimiter (first instance of the delimiter when searching from the end of the string):
Figure 5-45

TEXTAFTER with instance number from the end of string

The ability to search from the end of the string made it simple to find the last occurrence of the delimiter and extract the web page from the URLs.

Example 3: Extract Text Between Two Characters

The TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER functions can be combined to extract the text between two characters.

In Figure 5-46, the following formula uses the TEXTAFTER function to extract the text after the “(” delimiter. This string is passed to the TEXTBEFORE function to then extract the text before the “)” delimiter:
Figure 5-46

Extracting the text between two characters

In this example, the delimiter characters were unique. If they were duplicated within the string, the instance number argument could have been used.

Example 4: Using Match End and If Not Found

There are two different methods available with the TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER functions to handle scenarios when the delimiter being searched is not found. They are the match end and if not found arguments.

Figure 5-47 shows a formula being used to extract a person’s name from a cell containing a person’s name and email address separated by a semicolon (;). The TEXTBEFORE function is used as the name occurs before the “;” delimiter.

In cell B4, the #N/A error is returned because the “;” delimiter could not be found.
Figure 5-47

Error returned when the delimiter is not found

Obviously, this is not ideal, and we would like the name to be returned despite the missing semicolon.

In Figure 5-48, the match end feature of TEXTBEFORE has been specified by entering a 1 for the fifth argument. The instance number and match mode arguments have been omitted.
Enabling match end specifies that the end of the text string is used as a delimiter if the delimiter is not found. In this example, the formula continues to successfully return the person’s name when the email address is omitted.
Figure 5-48

Using match end with TEXTBEFORE

In a second example of match end being used, Figure 5-49 shows the #N/A error being returned when searching for the second instance of the hyphen delimiter, and it is missing from the string.
Figure 5-49

Error returned when the second hyphen is missing

When the hyphen delimiter is missing, the end of the string can be used as an alternative delimiter. So, this is another example where the match end argument can be applied successfully.

Figure 5-50 shows the following formula extracting the text before the second hyphen delimiter, whether it is present or not:
Figure 5-50

Match end with TEXTBEFORE to ensure successful extraction

Keeping with this same data, we will use the TEXTAFTER function to extract the text after the second hyphen.

Figure 5-51 shows the TEXTAFTER function returning the #N/A error when the second hyphen delimiter does not exist in the string.
Figure 5-51

Error with TEXTAFTER due to missing delimiter

Figure 5-52

Match end applied with the TEXTAFTER function

The match end argument can also be used with TEXTAFTER (Figure 5-52). In this example, it has been used to suppress the error, because if the delimiter does not exist, then there is no text to extract:

Let’s imagine that the number after the second hyphen represents a version, and if the second hyphen does not exist, it means that it is the first version. So, instead of returning an empty string using the match end argument, we would prefer to return the value “1”.

In this scenario, using the if not found argument would be the better approach, as it allows us to return an alternative value.

In Figure 5-53, the following formula is used to return “1” if the second hyphen delimiter is not found. Otherwise, TEXTAFTER will extract the text as usual:
This formula looks very similar to the previous one. But note that the 1 is entered in the sixth argument (if not found) and not the fifth (match end).
Figure 5-53

If not found argument used to return an alternative value

The TEXTSPLIT Function

Availability: Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for the Web, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac

Another new function released in 2022, and therefore only available on Microsoft 365 and the web versions of Excel, is TEXTSPLIT. This function has been eagerly anticipated by Excel users.

The TEXTSPLIT function splits text into multiple columns and/or rows at each instance of specified delimiters.

At its core, it is a formula alternative to the Text to Columns feature of Excel. The two are not directly comparable as they both contain some functionality that the other does not. But conceptually, it is the case.


TEXTSPLIT is an array function. The topic of dynamic arrays is not covered in detail until Chapter 10. However, it was logical to cover TEXTSPLIT at this point in the book. If you are not familiar with dynamic arrays in Excel, jump to Chapter 10 for a quick read through the basics.

This is the syntax for the TEXTSPLIT function:
=TEXTSPLIT(text, col_delimiter, [row_delimiter], [ignore_empty], [match_mode], [pad_with])
  • Text: The text that you want to split.

  • Col delimiter: The character or text that determines where to split into columns. An array containing multiple delimiters can be used. This argument is optional. If omitted, a row delimiter must be provided.

  • [Row delimiter]: The character or text that determines where to split into rows. An array containing multiple delimiters can be used. If omitted, a column delimiter must be provided.

  • [Ignore empty]: Specify if you want to return a blank cell when two delimiters are consecutive. Enter FALSE to return the blank cell or TRUE to ignore the empty string and not return the blank cell. By default, the blank cell is returned.

  • [Match mode]: Specify if you want the delimiter match to be case-sensitive. Enter 0 for case-sensitive or 1 for case-insensitive. By default, a case-sensitive match is done.

  • [Pad with]: When data is missing, the #N/A error is returned to pad the cells that are missing data. Enter an alternative value to pad with to replace the #N/A error.

Example 1: Simple TEXTSPLIT

Let’s start with a simple example of TEXTSPLIT in action. In Figure 5-54, the following formula is entered in cell B2 and filled down the cells in range B3:B7:
It splits the references in range A2:A7 at each occurrence of the hyphen (-) delimiter. An array three columns wide is returned as there are two delimiters.
Figure 5-54

Simple TEXTSPLIT across columns with a single delimiter

Example 2: Using Multiple Column Delimiters

You can specify multiple column, or row, delimiters in the TEXTSPLIT function. The delimiters must be entered in an array.

In Figure 5-55, the following formula is entered in cell B2. It specifies three delimiters: the hyphen “-”, opening bracket “(”, and the closing bracket “)”.
Figure 5-55

Multiple column delimiters with TEXTSPLIT

In Figure 5-55, the TEXTSPLIT function returned an array of five columns. We only require four columns of values, but five were returned due to the consecutive delimiters of the closing bracket “)” followed by the hyphen “-” near the end of the string.

To prevent the blank cell from being returned, the ignore empty argument can be enabled within TEXTSPLIT.

In the following formula, TRUE has been entered in the fourth argument (ignore empty) to ignore the empty string caused by the consecutive delimiters (Figure 5-56). The row delimiter argument has been omitted.
Figure 5-56

Ignore empty option to prevent the creation of blank cells

Example 3: Splitting Across Rows (and Columns)

For the TEXTSPLIT function, you can enter either a column or row delimiter. You may even require both. Let’s see some examples of this.

In Figure 5-57, we have a cell that contains the details of four different people. For each person, we have a name and an email address.

The detail of each person is delimited by a semicolon and space “; ”. And the email address for each person is enclosed by a space and opening bracket “ (” to the left, and a closing bracket “)” to the right.
Figure 5-57

Data to be split across rows and columns

In Figure 5-58, the following formula is entered in cell A5 to return each person’s details on a separate row. The column delimiter was omitted, and the semicolon and space “; ” were entered for the row delimiter:
=TEXTSPLIT(A2,,"; ")
Figure 5-58

Using the row delimiter with TEXTSPLIT

This nicely demonstrates that you are not required to specify a column delimiter; however, in this example we do want to split the name and email address into separate columns.

In the following formula (Figure 5-59), the space and opening bracket “ (” and the closing bracket “)” delimiters were entered in an array for the column delimiter :
=TEXTSPLIT(A2,{" (",")"},"; ",TRUE)
TRUE was stated for the ignore empty argument to prevent a blank cell being created in a third column. This is caused by the consecutive closing bracket “)” and semicolon and space “; ” delimiters.
Figure 5-59

TEXTSPLIT with column and row delimiters specified

Example 4: Handling Missing Data

If data is missing, the #N/A error is returned. This is helpful when identifying problems with your data. Figure 5-60 shows the following formula returning the #N/A error in cell B6 due to the missing email address for “Eddie Parker”:
=TEXTSPLIT(A2,{" (",")"},"; ",TRUE)
Figure 5-60

Error returned due to missing data

Using the pad with argument of TEXTSPLIT, we can return an alternative value to the #N/A error.

The following formula (Figure 5-61) uses the pad with argument to return an empty string instead of the error. The match mode argument has been omitted.
=TEXTSPLIT(A2,{" (",")"},"; ",TRUE,,"")
Figure 5-61

Empty string added for the pad with argument to suppress errors

Combine Text into One Cell

There are multiple functions in Excel that can be used to combine text from multiple ranges, arrays, or strings into one.

This has always been a popular task for Excel users, and with recent advances in the Excel function library and in how Excel handles arrays (Chapter 10), this has become easier and possibly in even higher demand.

Let’s have a look at the different functions to combine values into one cell – CONCATENATE, CONCAT, and TEXTJOIN – and how they differ from each other.


Availability: All versions

The original function for combining cell values and strings into one is CONCATENATE. It is possibly the most well-known text function in Excel, and I still remember the day (many moons ago) when I first learned it.

The CONCATENATE function prompts you for each of the text strings or cell values that you want to join:
=CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], [text3], ...)

In Excel 2019, CONCATENATE was replaced by a function named CONCAT. CONCAT can do everything CONCATENATE does, plus it can handle ranges of values, which CONCATENATE cannot.

When you enter CONCATENATE into a cell in a version of Excel 2016 or later, you see the compatibility sign next to its name (Figure 5-62).

Now, do not let that mislead you. Many functions have been replaced over the years and left in Excel for compatibility purposes. CONCATENATE joins that list. It is still very important to understand as it remains an extremely popular function and can be found in millions of spreadsheets around the world.
Figure 5-62

CONCATENATE with compatibility sign

In the following formula (Figure 5-63), CONCATENATE is used to join the values from three cells into one:
No delimiter is used to separate the combined values.
Figure 5-63

Combine multiple strings into one with CONCATENATE

To add delimiters between each part of the text, we will enter them as text enclosed in the double quotations.

In the following formula (Figure 5-64), a hyphen “-” has been used as a delimiter:
You can enter any text you want within the double quotations to be included in the combined text string. CONCATENATE can handle up to 255 different strings or cell values, so there is more than enough for any scenario.
Figure 5-64

Concatenate cell values with delimiters

Let’s see another example; this time, CONCATENATE is being used to change how a name is displayed. This demonstrates its flexibility.

In the following formula (Figure 5-65), the name is displayed as last name followed by the first name and delimited by a comma and space:
Figure 5-65

Reverse names with CONCATENATE

For our final CONCATENATE example, we will see how to add line breaks into a text string. To do this, we will use the CHAR function with character code 10 – the line break character (character 13 on a Mac).

In Figure 5-66, we have a list of people and their top three preferred locations for something in columns L, M, and N.

The following formula lists these locations in order and concatenates the number and the line break to split each choice on separate lines:
=CONCATENATE("1. ",L2,CHAR(10),"2. ",M2,CHAR(10),"3. ",N2)
When using CHAR(10) in a CONCATENATE formula, you will need to apply wrap text to the cell(s) to split them onto separate lines.
Figure 5-66

Inserting line breaks with CHAR(10)

The Ampersand Character

Availability: All versions

An alternative to using the CONCATENATE function is to use the concatenate operator – the ampersand (&).

In the following formula (Figure 5-67), we repeat the example of reversing the names in columns F and G and delimiting them by a comma and space.
Figure 5-67

Reversing the names with the ampersand

You may have a preference as to whether you use the function or the operator. It is important to understand both, so that you can read and edit formulas that you inherit from other spreadsheet warriors.

The CONCAT Function

Availability: Excel 2016, Excel 2019, Excel 2021, Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for the Web, Excel 2016 for Mac, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac

The CONCAT function was introduced in Excel 2016 to replace the CONCATENATE function. It works in the same way and with the added power of being able to work with ranges.

The syntax for CONCAT is
=CONCAT(text1, [text2],...)
  • Text: The text or range of text values that you want to combine into a single text string

If we return to the first CONCATENATE example, when we combined values from multiple cells without delimiters, CONCAT performs this with just one text argument (Figure 5-68):
Figure 5-68

CONCAT function working with a range of values

This extra skill that CONCAT has over CONCATENATE can come in useful, but it cannot handle delimiters between the different text values of a range neatly. For that job, we will look at the TEXTJOIN function next.

If we did require the delimiters between each of the values, we would use CONCAT in the same way that we used CONCATENATE (Figure 5-69):
Figure 5-69

CONCAT with delimiters

The TEXTJOIN Function

Availability: Excel 2019, Excel 2021, Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel for the Web, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac

The TEXTJOIN function was introduced in Excel 2019 and is a fantastic addition to Excel.

It enables us to specify a delimiter, can handle ranges of values, and has an option to ignore empty cells in a range. So, it contains some features that can make it more useful than CONCAT, although not as flexible.

One of the great strengths of TEXTJOIN is when working with spilled ranges. We discuss dynamic arrays and spilled ranges in detail Chapter 10, but we will see an example of TEXTJOIN and arrays soon.

The following is the syntax of the TEXTJOIN function:
=TEXTJOIN(delimiter, ignore_empty, text1, [text2], ...)
  • Delimiter: The character to insert between the different text values.

  • Ignore empty: Would you like to ignore empty values. Enter TRUE to ignore the empty values and FALSE to include them in the resulting string. This is an optional argument, and if omitted, TRUE is applied to ignore the empty cells.

  • Text1, [text2]: The text or ranges of text values to be joined into a single text string.

TEXTJOIN and Delimiters

For the first TEXTJOIN example, we will use it to combine multiple values separated by the same delimiter.

The following formula is shown in Figure 5-70:

We saw examples of CONCATENATE and CONCAT combine these same values earlier. With TEXTJOIN, the hyphen “-” delimiter needs only to be stated once, and the range of cells is used instead of individual cell referencing – a cleaner alternative to CONCAT.

The second argument has been omitted. This means that blank cells would be excluded from the results, if we had any.
Figure 5-70

TEXTJOIN handling delimiters with ease

TEXTJOIN and Empty Values

Let’s now see an example of the TEXTJOIN function ignoring empty values in a range that it is asked to combine.

In Figure 5-71, the following formula is used to combine the different parts of these UK addresses. There are blank cells in the range to combine, as those values are not required in the address. TRUE is entered for the second argument to ignore the empty values:
Figure 5-71

TEXTJOIN function excluding empty values

We saw in the previous example that if the ignore empty argument is omitted, the empty values are ignored. So, the following formula also works:
=TEXTJOIN(", ",,F2:J2)

Although it is not our objective in this example, let’s see what the results would look like if the empty values were included.

The following formula specifies FALSE for the ignore empty argument, therefore including the empty values (Figure 5-72):
You can see that there are duplicated commas in the address ranges that contained blank cells.
Figure 5-72

TEXTJOIN with empty values included

TEXTJOIN and Arrays

TEXTJOIN can combine the values from arrays with ease, which makes it especially useful in modern Excel.

In Figure 5-73, we have a table named [Offices] that contains a list of office locations and the continent they are located in. Column D contains a distinct list of the continents, and we want to list all the offices for each continent in the cells of column E separated by a comma and a space.
Figure 5-73

Combine the offices for each continent into a single cell

The following formula uses an IF function to only return the offices for the continent specified in that row, otherwise return an empty value. These offices are returned in an array which TEXTJOIN combines into a single cell and ignores the empty values (Figure 5-74).
=TEXTJOIN(", ",,IF(Offices[Continent]=D2,Offices[Office],""))
Figure 5-74

Combining values from an array with TEXTJOIN


If you are using a version of Excel that is not Excel for Microsoft 365, Excel 2021, or Excel for the Web, you will need to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run the formula instead of just Enter.

This is an array formula, and handling arrays was only built into Excel after the 2019 version. Curly braces will be added around the formula if you press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

The TEXT Function

Availability: All versions

The TEXT function is used to convert a value to text but apply a specific number format, such as a date in dd/mm/yyyy format, or display a text value as Euros with no decimal places.

This function is great for creating summary statements and other labels for your Excel reports and dashboards.

This is the syntax for the TEXT function:
=TEXT(value, format_text)
  • Value: The number that you want to format.

  • Format text: The number format enclosed in double quotes that you want to apply. The format code is similar to that used for number formatting in the Format Cells window.

In the following example (Figure 5-75), the TEXT function has formatted the number in cell A2 to display a thousand separator with zero decimal places:
Figure 5-75

Text formatted as a number using the TEXT function

The format codes used to format values with the TEXT function are similar to those used to format values in the Format Cells window. If these are new to you, it may be worthwhile familiarizing yourself with the commonly used symbols.

You can view the format code for a formatted value in the Type field of the Custom category on the Number tab of Format Cells (Figure 5-76). You can copy the code from here and paste it into the TEXT function. So, a nice tip is to format the value in a cell how you want and then copy and paste the code into the function.
Figure 5-76

Format codes shown in the Format Cells window

Taking things up a notch from the previous example, the TEXT function is often given the result of a formula to format and is often combined with an ampersand or the CONCAT function to create a string of text.

Let’s see some examples of the TEXT function used in this manner and how it can be used to format different numeric values such as currencies and date formats.

Example 1: Currency Formats

In Figure 5-77, the following formula is used to format the sum of the payments in a currency format. It uses the ampersand to append the TEXT function to a text string:
="Payments total: "&TEXT(SUM(Payments[Payment]),"£#,##0")
Figure 5-77

Currency format applied to a text value

I live in the UK, so applying a format in pounds sterling is straightforward. If I need to apply a different currency format, I can utilize the tip I mentioned earlier and copy the format code from the Format Cells window.

In this example, we will apply the German Euros format without decimal places. In this format, the Euros sign follows the value:
  1. 1.

    Open the Format Cells window and click Accounting in the Category list.

  2. 2.

    Select German (Germany) from the Symbol list and specify 0 decimal places (Figure 5-78).

Figure 5-78

Formatting values in a German Euros format

  1. 3.

    Click Custom in the Category list and copy the format code from the Type field (Figure 5-79). In this example, I’m only copying the part of the code that is needed.

Figure 5-79

Copy the format code for the TEXT function

  1. 4.

    Paste the copied format code into the required part of the TEXT function.

In Figure 5-80, the following formula is used to apply the German Euros format to the total payments value:
="Payments total: "&TEXT(SUM(Payments[Payment]),"#,##0 [$€-de-DE]")
Figure 5-80

Using the format code in the TEXT function


There is a DOLLAR function in Excel that converts a number to text and applies the currency number format $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00). The currency applied depends on your local language settings. So, for me, pounds sterling is applied when it is used.

The TEXT function offers much more than DOLLAR, so we will resign DOLLAR to a mention in this note, and no more.

Example 2: Positive and Negative Value Formats

When creating custom number format codes in Excel, positive, negative, zero, and text values can be displayed differently.

Each format is separated by a semicolon “;” when creating the format codes. Positive values are first, then negative values, then zero values, and finally text values.

In Figure 5-81, the following formula displays negative values with a negative sign. The positive and negative value formats are separated by a semicolon. No format is specified for zero values:
=CONCAT("The monthly variance is ",TEXT(J2-I2,"#,#;-#,#"))
The CONCAT function has been used to combine the string in this example instead of the ampersand.
Figure 5-81

Different formats for positive and negative values

Example 3: Date Formats

Let’s see an example of the TEXT function formatting date values. The following formula uses the MAX function to return the most recent date. TEXT then formats this in a dd/mm/yyyy format (Figure 5-82):
="Last Transaction date: "&TEXT(MAX(Payments[Date]),"dd/mm/yyyy")
Figure 5-82

Formatting a date with the TEXT function

Date formats are easy to work with. You can change the number and order of the d’s, m’s, and y’s to get the format you want.

Here are some alternative ways you could format the date in the last example:
  • Text: “mm/dd/yyyy” Result: 03/27/2021

  • Text: “dd mmm yyyy” Result: 27 Mar 2021

  • Text: “ddd dd mmm yyyy” Result: Sat 27 Mar 2021

  • Text: “yyyy-mm-dd” Result: 2021-03-27

Repeating a Character – REPT Function

Availability: All versions

The REPT function repeats text a given number of times. It is often used to repeat a character in a cell.

Now this might not seem that useful, and you may be wondering why on earth someone would need to do this. That’s ok. I thought the same.

The REPT function is typically used to create in-cell charts that work nicely on your Excel reports. You can get creative with the different symbols and other characters in Excel to create some very nice visuals.

The syntax of the REPT function is
=REPT(text, number_times)
  • Text: The text to be repeated

  • Number times: The number of times to repeat the text

In Figure 5-83, the REPT function has been used to repeat the star symbol for the number of star ratings of each site.

The following formula was entered into the cell:
This was changed to the following formula as shown in the image. The symbol is changed dependent upon the font being used:
Figure 5-83

Star rating system created with REPT

To insert the star symbol, it was first inserted to a cell on the worksheet from the Symbol window (Figure 5-84). Click InsertSymbol to access the Symbol window. This was then cut and pasted into the REPT function as shown before.

The cells containing the formula were then formatted in the Wingdings font to display the star symbol correctly and formatted in a gold font color.
Figure 5-84

Insert the star symbol in Excel

Let’s see another example of using the REPT function to create in-cell charts. This time, we will create a simple bar chart to visualize the volume of upsells achieved by different sales representatives.

In Figure 5-85, the following formula has been used to repeat the pipe or vertical bar symbol “|” the number of times specified in the Upsells column:

The cells containing the formula have been formatted using the Playbill font. This font looks great for these in-cell charts. The gray font color was also applied.

Because these charts are created by repeating characters and using fonts, they are very open to get creative. For example, you can apply Conditional Formatting rules to change font colors if values pass specified thresholds. These give them more potential than Sparklines or the Data Bars of Conditional Formatting.
Figure 5-85

Creating in-cell charts using the REPT function


If the values to repeat are very large, for example, 1562, you do not want to repeat a character this many times in a cell. To work with this, divide each value by a consistent number. So, the 1562 and other values in that column could all be divided within the REPT function by 10.

Text Functions with Other Excel Features

Let’s see examples of how some of the text functions described in this chapter could be used with other Excel features.

Conditional Formatting Rules – Last Character Equals

In this example, we have some codes and want to format those that are external. These are identified by the “E” as the last character in the code (Figure 5-86).
Figure 5-86

Codes we want to apply the Conditional Formatting rule to

Conditional Formatting in Excel has a built-in “Text that Contains” rule. This can be useful for partial text matches.

However, it does not help us in this example as we may have codes with an “E” in another position in the code. We specifically want to test only the final character:
  1. 1.

    Select range A2:B7.

  2. 2.

    Click HomeConditional FormattingNew RuleUse a formula to determine which cells to format.

  3. 3.

    Enter the following formula into the Format values where this formula is true: box (Figure 5-87):

This formula uses the RIGHT function to extract the final character for evaluation. The column is made absolute as we have selected two columns in the range to format but need to focus only on the code column for testing.
Figure 5-87

RIGHT function in a Conditional Formatting rule

  1. 4.

    Click Format and specify the formatting you want to apply.

  2. 5.

    Click OK.

The Conditional Formatting rule is applied to the range (Figure 5-88). All codes with an “E” as the final character have been formatted.
Figure 5-88

Conditional Formatting applied to the range

Data Validation Rules – Forcing Correct Case

For an example of text functions being used in Data Validation rules, we will validate the entry of region codes to always be in uppercase.

To do this, we will need the UPPER function and the EXACT function – two awesome text functions. Let’s get to it:
  1. 1.

    Select the range that you want to apply the Data Validation rule to.

  2. 2.

    Click DataData Validation.

  3. 3.

    Click the Settings tab of the window.

  4. 4.

    Click the Allow drop-down and select Custom.

  5. 5.

    Enter the following formula into the box provided (Figure 5-89):

This formula compares the region code entry in column A to a version of that entry converted to uppercase. These entries must be the same to pass the validation criteria.
Figure 5-89

EXACT and UPPER in a Data Validation rule

  1. 6.

    Click the Error Alert tab and enter a meaningful Title and Error message to appear if a user enters a region code that is not in uppercase (Figure 5-90).

  2. 7.

    Click OK.

Figure 5-90

Setting an error alert for a rule

In Figure 5-91, the Data Validation rule was applied to the cells in range A2:A5. The error message is shown if an entry is not in uppercase.
Figure 5-91

Non-uppercase entries being prevented

Dynamic Labels for Charts

The TEXT function is fantastic for creating more meaningful labels on your Excel charts. You can go beyond the standard labeling used by many and provide more information to the readers.

The chart in Figure 5-92 makes full use of the chart title by providing the month’s total revenue and the monthly sales variance to the reader. This extra richness of information is one example of taking advantage of the built-in chart labels.
Figure 5-92

Column chart with a chart title providing more information

To create this title, the following formula was entered into cell D1 of the worksheet (Figure 5-93). It works with the data in the [Product_Sales] table. This formula may look intense, but it is not difficult. All the formulas used have been discussed in the book.
="Total Revenue is "&TEXT(SUM(Product_Sales[This Month]),"#,#")
"The months sales variance is "&TEXT(
      (SUM(Product_Sales[This Month])-SUM(Product_Sales[Last Month]))/SUM(Product_Sales[Last Month]),

There are two TEXT functions: one to display the revenue correctly and another for the percentage variance. The CHAR function is also used here to create the line break (character 10 for Windows and 13 for Mac).

Cell D1 has had text wrapping applied to look neater for the image. It is not required for chart titles.
Figure 5-93

Chart title created in a cell of the worksheet

The chart title is then linked to cell D1. To do this, click the chart title, type = in the Formula Bar, then click cell D1, and press Enter (Figure 5-94).
Figure 5-94

Chart title linked to a cell for creative labeling


Typically, this formula would be hidden by entering it on a different sheet to the chart or in a hidden column. It is displayed here only to show the mechanics of the technique easier.


In this chapter, we covered the text functions of Excel, and, wow, there are many of them. These functions make it easy to extract, clean, split, combine, and convert text in Excel.

In the next chapter, it is time (sorry 😊) for the date and time functions in Excel. It is another extensive chapter, jam-packed with formula goodness.

You will first learn the fundamentals of dates and time in Excel. It is very important that this is understood to ensure correct and effective formulas with dates and times in Excel. The chapter then progresses through many functions, supported by many practical examples of their use.

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