Part III. Some Frameworks

Cocoa supplies numerous specialized optional frameworks. This part of the book gets you started on the basics of some of these frameworks.

  • Chapter 14 introduces the various iOS means for playing sound files, including audio sessions and playing sounds in the background.

  • Chapter 15 describes some basic ways of playing video (movies), along with an introduction to the powerful AV Foundation framework.

  • Chapter 16 is about how an app can access the user’s music library.

  • Chapter 17 is about how an app can access the user’s photo library, along with the ability to take photos and capture movies.

  • Chapter 18 discusses how an app can access the user’s contacts.

  • Chapter 19 talks about how an app can access the user’s calendar data.

  • Chapter 20 explains how an app can display a map, along with custom annotations and overlays. It also talks about how a map can display the user’s current location and how to convert between a location and an address.

  • Chapter 21 is about how an app can learn where the device is located, how it is moving, and how it is oriented.

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