Chapter 7. What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?

You’re not going to discover the truth by talking—you’ll find it by doing. So stop worrying about the ideal set of product features and make your best guess with the information you have and get an MVP—however you define it—into the hands of customers. It’s the only way to keep the discovery process going.

Kevin Dewalt, CEO of and former Entrepreneur-in-Residence for the National Science Foundation

So I asked, “Would it be cheaper to rent a camera and plane or helicopter and fly over the farmer’s field, hand-process the data, and see if that’s the information farmers would pay for? Couldn’t you do that in a day or two, for a tenth of the money you’re looking for?”

They thought about it for a while and laughed and said, “We’re engineers and we wanted to test all the cool technology, but you want us to test whether we first have a product that customers care about and whether it’s a business. We can do that.”

Steve Blank

So far in this book, we’ve focused on validating your initial hypotheses and assumptions, rather than validating the solutions that come next, the minimum viable product (MVP) that you will build.

I’ve done this deliberately because many companies are so eager to start building their MVP that they miss multiple opportunities to reduce risk and identify mistakes. It’s far faster and cheaper to catch your errors while you’re still in the thinking stage. Once you’ve built a prototype or product, correcting errors in your thinking is far more expensive.

However, the only proof that customers will pay for your product comes when customers pay for your product.[54]

In this chapter, I’ll walk through how to think about your MVP. I’ll also cover:

  • Setting the right goal for your MVP

  • Types of MVPs

  • Use cases for different types of MVPs


If you have existing products and customers, read Chapter 8, which includes common objections to MVPs and addresses the dynamics you may face in dealing with internal teams as well as with partners and customers.

What Should My MVP Do for Me?

The goal of an MVP is to maximize learning while minimizing risk and investment.

Your aim should be to validate your hypotheses and assumptions, and no more. Your MVP does not need to be perfect looking, fully featured, scalable, or even involve code.

In fact, it doesn’t need to be a version of your product at all! A common mistake I’ve heard entrepreneurs make is to say, “OK, let’s start with our final product and figure out what features to cut so we can quickly ship an MVP.” That’s the wrong mind-set—assuming that you already know what the “final” product should look like before it makes first contact with customers.

More importantly, that approach assumes that your greatest risk relates to product functionality. For many prospective companies, the biggest risks are less likely to be around product functionality and more likely around distribution, aligning pricing with value, and ability to work with resources and partners. The most important question that your MVP can answer may be something like:

  • Can we get this product in front of the right customers?

  • Are customers willing to pay for the value that this product promises?

  • How does the customer measure the value she gets from the product?

  • What pricing model aligns with customer value and the customer’s ability to pay?

Understanding which questions you need to answer first will help you to craft the most relevant MVP.

MVP Types

There is no strict definition of what comprises an MVP—at least not in terms of how many features to include or what type of technology to use.

MVPs are a means of validating your biggest assumptions and minimizing your biggest risks, and those will be different for every company and product. Sometimes (as you’ll see later in this chapter) they aren’t even real products at all.

Minimum means that you are focusing on how to learn with the smallest investment of time and resources. If you find yourself planning an MVP that will take months to build, it’s probably not minimum. If you can’t explain your MVP in a couple of sentences, it’s probably not minimum.

What you build also needs to be viable. You should think of viability in two ways: providing enough of an experience to show value to your customers, and providing enough information to you to prove or disprove a hypothesis. For example, some people think of buying Google AdWords as an MVP. I don’t consider that a good MVP because all it tells you is that a person clicked on your link—it doesn’t tell you why, and you can’t assume that clicking indicates that he is willing to spend money.

As companies have written about their successful (and unsuccessful) experiments, some patterns in MVP types have emerged. Some common MVP types[55] include:

  • Pre-Order MVP

  • Audience Building MVP

  • Concierge MVP

  • Wizard of Oz MVP

  • Single Use Case MVP

  • Other People’s Product MVP

For each of these, we’ll walk through what it is, provide an example of how it might work, and explain what you can learn from this style of experiment. We’ll also describe situations where each type of MVP works well (hint: all of you can benefit from a Pre-Order MVP).

Pre-Order MVP

A Pre-Order MVP is where you describe the intended solution and solicit potential customers to sign up and order it before it is available. The Pre-Order MVP is not about gauging interest; it is about gauging commitment. Collecting email addresses or even survey data from prospective customers is not sufficient.

For any product or solution you wanted to build, you could create a website describing the problem you’re solving. A Pre-Order MVP will often collect a credit card number with the promise that it will not be charged until the product is available.[56] In some enterprise situations, a letter of intent or agreement to roll out a pilot program may suffice as well.

Based on your costs and the investment required to pursue this product, you might decide that you will only proceed if more than a certain number of customers pre-order.

Kickstarter is a Pre-Order MVP. While it’s primarily described as a crowd-funding platform, it is also effectively validating customer demand and willingness to commit financially to a solution. Even when the customer pledge amount is substantially less than the eventual product price, it is still a very strong signal. There is extremely high friction in getting customers to pay anything at all!

If thousands of people pledge money for a product that doesn’t yet exist, that’s a strong validation of demand. If the project can’t raise its funding goal, that suggests that the project is not solving a real problem for a sufficient number of customers.

Case Study: Finale Fireworks

As Marcus Gosling, now principal design architect at, explains, “The best validation of a business hypothesis comes when someone takes her credit card out. In the formative months of Finale Fireworks, I traveled to Iowa along with the other two cofounders to attend the Pyrotechnic Guild International’s annual fireworks convention.”

Gosling and his cofounders had created a fireworks game and wanted to sell it. “We rented a tiny booth and showed a very basic demo of our fireworks game,” said Gosling. “We quickly learned that fireworks people were not really interested in virtual fireworks. Instead, they wanted inexpensive software to design and trigger real shows. At that convention, we sold 60 prerelease copies of the software for 50% off. We hadn’t even written the software yet. Those sales were the best possible validation that we had a product idea that people would pay for.”

Use Cases

The Pre-Order MVP is the best way to validate that you’re building something that customers will buy, hands down. Most products and companies should be looking for a way to implement a Pre-Order MVP, even if they’ve already used some of the MVP methods described earlier to validate their strategy. (The main exception I’ll grant is for companies with high profiles that are dependent on first-mover advantage. It’s hard for those companies to avoid press coverage, which creates distraction and often an advantage to competitors.)

Pre-Order MVPs work well for:

  • Solutions that require a critical mass of customers in order to be sustainable or profitable

  • Solutions that require a substantial outlay of time and resources to build

But really, almost all of you should be trying a Pre-Order MVP—whether it comes in the form of a pledge, a pre-order, a letter of intent, or a pilot program.

Audience Building MVP

The Audience Building MVP is a literal application of customer development: it involves building up a customer base in advance of building your product. Once you’ve identified a prospective customer base, you create a gathering place for them to come and get information, connect with like-minded people, and exchange ideas. As you observe your audience, you can measure what content, features, or people they engage most eagerly with. This allows you to validate demand for the features or services you’ll eventually build. Once you’re ready to release a product, you don’t have to worry about publicity or distribution: you know exactly where to find your prospective customers.

Moz,[57] 37Signals, and are all examples of companies that used blogging to build up communities in advance of releasing their products. All three companies, by the time they launched a scalable product, had a captive audience of thousands of relevant customers. It’s unclear, however, whether these blogs were used as validation of the product concepts. (In other words, would have decided to scrap its personal finance product if it was unable to attract enough readers to the MintLife blog?)

A clearer example of an Audience Building MVP as validation is seen in the recently launched Product Hunt website, which provides a leaderboard of the best new products every day. Founder Ryan Hoover invested just 20 minutes on an MVP to assess his potential audience. Hoover used Linkydink, a way to share links via email, to create a simple mailing list and invited a few dozen people. If he didn’t see more mailing list signups, or if activity on the list petered out after a few days, Hoover was ready to conclude that the idea wasn’t worth pursuing. Only once he saw a rise in signups, activity, and enthusiasm did he start building a rudimentary site. Product Hunt is a side project for Hoover, but in its first two months of life has already attracted over 4,000 users.[58]

Use Cases

The Audience Building MVP doesn’t validate whether people are willing to spend money on your solution. However, you can measure customer retention and participation, which may be enough to justify an investment in developing a full solution. Audience building is also highly scalable: you are literally reaching out to your entire prospective customer base.

An Audience Building MVP works well for:

  • Online products and services

  • Free products or products that are inherently social

  • Teams with an abundance of content and community production skills

  • Consulting businesses looking to extend into more scalable products or services

  • Audiences who safeguard their time more than their money (e.g., doctors, venture capitalists, CEOs)

Concierge MVP

Named for the concierge who helps you out in a hotel, in a Concierge MVP, manual effort is used to solve the customer’s problem. The customer knows that you are manually providing the solution. In exchange for a large investment of your personalized attention, she agrees to provide extensive feedback. The Concierge MVP allows you to offer the experience of using the product to customers before you actually build it.

Imagine that you saw an opportunity in connecting parents with customized, low-cost, educational activities for their kids. A Concierge MVP might entail contacting a half-dozen parents and having conversations with them about their children and how they choose activities for them. Armed with that information, you could manually research local activities and write up a list of recommendations for each parent.

This solution is not scalable at all: it would take hours per customer per week to provide your solution without automation. But what you learned during this intensive manual phase would dramatically reduce your risk.

You’d validate demand by following up personally to see which parents actually attended the suggested activities. You’d prioritize features by asking which pieces of information were critical (or missing) from your list. You might discover that your concierge clients consider this a “nice-to-have” service that they’d be unlikely to pay for. You would probably also discover that the criteria that parents use to choose activities for their children are not what you expected. All of this learning could occur before you started designing your site, writing code, or filling a database with information.

Case Study: StyleSeat

The stylists, spa owners, massage therapists, and other beauty professionals who make up StyleSeat’s target market are busy people. Technology is not their expertise, their highest priority, or even their interest.

Dan Levine, CTO of StyleSeat explains, “For our customers, one of the most important factors in making a decision is ‘Do I trust these people?’ There is more than a little bit of fear around ‘How do I make this work for me?’”

The initial hypothesis

StyleSeat started with the hypothesis that there had to be a better way for consumers to book stylist appointments and for these small business owners to promote themselves. But founders Melody McCloskey and Dan Levine knew they needed to learn more about the industry. They started by reaching out to a friend who owned a spa and asked her to invite all of her friends in the industry to come drink champagne and learn about technology from McCloskey and Levine.

That first meeting turned into weekly meetings where the founders taught their audience how to use Facebook, Twitter, and email to promote their businesses. “We almost became the ‘Geek Squad’ for these stylists, because that was the fastest way to learn their pain points,” says Levine. “Going out there and immersing ourselves in the market is not only how we learned, but how we built trust among our customers.”

Starting on the MVP

After the first few weeks, McCloskey and Levine learned enough about customer pain points to start building an MVP. For the next six months, they worked on customer development and product development in parallel. As they began building the product, they gradually shifted the focus of their customer conversations from validating hypotheses to validating the product with a group of beta users. “Watching people use our product was critical. We had to see how their minds worked when they used new tools.”

Expanding the hypothesis

One of the biggest breakthroughs for StyleSeat was realizing that their opportunity was much larger than the original hypothesis. McCloskey and Levine had envisioned a tool that solved the scheduling pain point. But stylists “didn’t want an app. Our customers didn’t want Piece A here and Piece B there; they wanted everything in one place. It became abundantly clear; our customers needed a solution that helped their businesses grow. We changed our thinking from building ‘a scheduling tool’ to ‘being the technology partner for the beauty industry.’”

McCloskey and Levine’s deep understanding of customer needs helped drive the initial customer value experience. StyleSeat had identified that uploading photos and getting set up on Facebook was the perfect freemium hook. “From there, we asked a stylist if she want to reach her customers by email, and said that we offer these other’s easy to convince them to upgrade.”

Ongoing customer development

After the initial six months of intensive customer development, StyleSeat continues to constantly work with customers to develop features and marketing. One tactic they use is to segment customers—most active users and new users—and reach out with a phone call. “We have a script, technically, but it’s mostly just a conversation. What are people having trouble with? What do they like? If they’re no longer using us, what were their initial expectations for the product?” These conversations fuel changes, which StyleSeat then validates using A/B testing.

Four years later, Levine is surprised by how closely the product mirrors that original MVP. What they learned in the first six months of working closely with customers allowed them to avoid mistakes and wrong turns. “It may have slowed down our initial development,” says Levine, “but we’ve gained that time back and more.”

Use Cases

Concierge MVPs are not scalable, but they allow you to validate demand for a product as well as challenge your assumptions on logistics and needed features.

Concierge MVPs work well for:

  • Audiences that are offline or not technologically savvy

  • Solutions where logistics are difficult to predict

  • Solutions where it will be capital intensive to scale up operational investments

  • Products or services where personalized customer satisfaction is a competitive differentiator

Wizard of Oz MVP

In a Wizard of Oz MVP, you provide a product that appears to be fully functional, but is actually powered by manual human effort. Unlike the Concierge MVP, the customer is not aware that a person is carrying out the tasks normally handled by software or automated processes.

Imagine that you want to solve the problem of allowing agile companies to localize their software more frequently. A Wizard of Oz MVP might present a few customers with an online dashboard where they could submit new text to be translated. But instead of an automated translation, you might have one or two Spanish speakers sitting in front of their computers waiting for a submission and quickly typing in translations on the fly.

Like the Concierge MVP, this solution is not scalable. But you could watch how customers interact with your fake dashboard, ask about the translation and turnaround speed and quality, and assess how much they would be willing to pay for your service.

Case Study:

“We looked at the home improvement market and had certain ideas about what the right solution would be,” says Matt Ehrlichman, CEO of

The team identified key assumptions about what homeowners wanted, customer acquisition, and built up data around pricing, and then set about creating an MVP. The company, originally called, would help homeowners to find the best contractors and professionals for their home based on a scoring system.

The team built a Wizard of Oz MVP; its website appeared to be backed by a scoring algorithm. In reality, a team member was manually doing research and writing up a report. That information was presented in a web interface and the team watched how customers interacted with it and whether they converted.

Hypothesis invalidated

“We talked to homeowners, and our hypothesis was completely disproven. The score wasn’t important at all. What people asked us was, ‘Did my friends or neighbors use this contractor?’ Homeowners wanted a sense of this professional’s project history and the jobs they’d done in the past. They wanted word-of-mouth recommendations. It took us in a totally different direction.”

Minimum exceptional product

The team changed the name to Porch. They continued to build MVPs for a couple of months until they felt confident that the product direction was validated. From there, they moved on to validating the content and channels they’d need to master to acquire customers profitably. “Lean is about reducing waste. You can waste the most time and energy if you’re going down the wrong path. Now that we’ve validated our direction with data, we’re confident and can invest more deeply down the right path. We shifted into stealth mode, amassing a tremendous amount of data that we knew customers wanted in order to make good decisions for finding home service professionals. We want to come back with something that does what it does well. We want to release a minimum exceptional product.”

Porch launched in June 2013 and features data on more than 1.5 million home improvement professionals.

Use Cases

The Wizard of Oz MVP is an excellent method for validating customer behavior “in the wild.” Because you’re presenting what appears to be a complete solution, with no humans involved, you don’t need to worry about customer behaviors being tainted by politeness. If your solution is useful, customers will try it; if not, they won’t.

Wizard of Oz MVPs work well for:

  • Solutions that will eventually require sophisticated algorithms or automation

  • Potentially sensitive problem areas (finance, health, dating, legal)

  • Two-sided markets where you can emulate one side to validate interest from the other[59]

Single Use Case MVP

A Single Use Case MVP is a working product or piece of technology that focuses on a single problem or task. This allows you to validate a single hypothesis.

Don’t confuse “small” with “shoddy”—the Single Use Case MVP is not a license to build a bunch of features as quickly as possible by skipping over design and user experience. The point is to do one thing and do it well. (Remember, the “viable” part of MVP means you need to provide value to the customer!)

Imagine that you wanted to solve the problem of companies spending too much time on customer support. A Single Use Case MVP might entail selecting a single channel and type of problem to start with. For example, you might allow customers to create templated email responses to messages containing a set phrase like “cancel my account” or “update billing address.”

This solution is scalable, but it’s only a fraction of what you envision. It doesn’t help with email that doesn’t contain a set phrase, and it doesn’t help with phone or live chat support. But it allows you to validate that customers are willing to use and even pay for the partial solution. As these early customers demand more features, you can use their requests to help you prioritize which parts of the solution you build next.

With a Single Use Case MVP, your customers will complain, and that’s a good thing. It means that customers have gotten some value from your product and they’re ready for it to deliver more value.

If the customers using a Single Use Case MVP aren’t complaining, it doesn’t mean that they want more features. It means they aren’t even seeing the potential for value. Throwing more features at them won’t solve that problem. Instead, it’s time to figure out why your highly focused hypothesis was wrong and how you can shift direction to get closer to what customers want.

Case Study: Hotwire

Hotwire was facing a challenge: its hotel bookings site was showing its age after 10 years of new features and workflows.

Product manager Kristen Mirenda and interaction designer Karl Schultz were able to form a clear hypothesis after observing customers interacting with

“Customers trying to use Hotwire to book a hotel abandon the process because they cannot figure out where their prospective hotel will be located. Map-centric search results should help increase hotel booking conversions.”

But that would require a massive change to the interaction of the current site. No one was comfortable making a change of that magnitude overnight. “Hotwire’s hotel bookings bring in a large portion of the company’s revenue,” explains Mirenda.

Map-based search results on a shadow site

Instead, Mirenda, Schultz, and lead engineer Jim Tay led an effort to create a “shadow site” that would allow them to test their hypotheses on a very small percentage of Hotwire’s existing traffic.

They built an MVP version of the site centered around map-based search results. “The first version had no design, and you couldn’t sort or filter or even revise your search. None of those things mattered for our hypothesis around map usage.”

The site was designed so that a variable percentage of Hotwire’s normal traffic could be redirected to the new design. People who landed on the new site did not realize that they were part of an experimental group, though the new design did include a link to offer feedback (see Figure 7-1).

The first version of their MVP launched to just 1% of the customers coming to “It definitely put us outside our comfort zone to put something like that out into the world. We built in the ability to shut it off within hours, just in case,” says Mirenda.

Version 1 of Hotwire’s MVP lacked features, but validated the hypothesis that map-based search results provided a better customer experience and could ultimately be more profitable
Figure 7-1. Version 1 of Hotwire’s MVP lacked features, but validated the hypothesis that map-based search results provided a better customer experience and could ultimately be more profitable

Iterating on the MVP

Customer feedback on the experimental Hotwire site was mostly negative, focused on the missing sort and filter functionality, not on the big map in the center of the screen. And people were still booking hotels! Map engagement was up, and conversion for the experimental group only went down 17%—not bad for a completely unoptimized, feature-poor MVP.

Revising the MVP to solve pain points

As soon as the team had enough data to guide the next iteration, they turned off the 1% experiment and started building to solve for the next biggest pain points: lack of sorting and filtering. With each successive release, performance improved and the team was able to increase the size of the experimental group and get faster results.

Nonetheless, Mirenda and Schultz struggled a bit for acceptance within the company. Mirenda says, “As the first team to go lean, we hit all the potholes! For each mistake, we had measured validation for what not to do the next time—but that’s not what people were accustomed to. People weren’t used to hearing customer complaints—even if they didn’t affect overall usage.” Schultz agrees, “The benefits [of working lean] have to be shared widely so people can understand the value.”

The new site gains traction

Gradually the percentage of people who saw the new Hotwire site was at 50%, and performance caught up to the original site.

Hotwire has now adopted the new site with map-based search results for both the United States and international audiences. As the team continued to optimize, conversion rates continued to increase. Hotwire is a subsidiary of Expedia, which earned $4 billion in revenues in 2012.

Use Cases

The Single Use Case MVP forces you to focus on a single solution area. Not only is this faster to build, but it’s also simpler to explain to prospective customers. There is far lower perceived friction in trying a new product or solution that does just one thing.

Single Use Case MVPs work well for:

  • Existing products and companies that need to validate a change in direction or a spinoff product

  • Trying to enter a market dominated by a larger, more complicated, more expensive product

  • Validating how your product can create the most value for your customers

Other People’s Product MVP

The Other People’s Product MVP is where you use parts of an existing product or service to validate your ideas. In some cases, this is a variation of the Wizard of Oz MVP, where you may offer your customers a solution and then manually use a competitor’s tools or infrastructure to fulfill it. In other cases, it may involve using an existing API or framework to more quickly build a solution.

The defining feature of the Other People’s Product MVP is that you are piggybacking on competitors who are already solving the problem, as a way to more quickly learn and validate ideas.

For example, if you wanted to solve some of the problems with the taxi industry, you might sign up to be an UberX driver. In doing so, you’re not only spending your time but even making money for your competition! However, you would quickly learn which aspects of the service mattered and could talk to customers in order to identify opportunities for differentiation. By relying on an existing product’s marketing and infrastructure, you could hugely reduce the cost of learning.

Case Study: Bing Offers

“Imagine it’s 4 p.m. and business is slow; the merchant can pull out her phone, create a deal, and, as you’re walking past the business, you see it.”

That’s one of the opportunities that engineer Guy Shahine and others envisioned for Bing in the local advertising space.

The team had a vision for a platform offering real-time deals. But the Bing Offers team quickly ran into roadblocks when they started developing an offers app. “Merchants didn’t want to use it until users were there,” says Shahine, “but users wouldn’t install an app to get deals unless merchants were participating.”

Roadblocks lead to pivot

That realization led to the team’s first pivot. Rather than investing effort in soliciting merchants for deals, they piggybacked on deals from competitors like LivingSocial, Yelp, and Amazon Local. “The pitch was easy; we just told them, ‘We’ll put your deals in front of more eyes,’” explains Shahine. This allowed the Bing Offers team to start testing the service with real customers in a matter of weeks, not months.

An opportunity to make deals easy for customers

“People got confused when we sent them to other deal sites. They complained about problems they’d previously experienced with other services like Groupon—buying a deal and then forgetting about it and having it expire or being on a date and being embarrassed to have to tell the waiter you have a discount. They didn’t want to have to check the site every day to look for deals. We realized that we could provide a superior experience by just linking deals to a customer’s credit card; they swipe the card, and they get the deal automatically with no friction.”

For Shahine and others who’d worked at Microsoft for years, using a lean approach was refreshing. “We had a strong product vision, but not a detailed six-month plan. We did everything in two-week sprints, and we didn’t plan more than two sprints in advance.” This allowed the team to iterate based on feedback from the customers testing the app. For example, people hesitated when the app prompted them to enter their credit card number to enable the automatic discounts: “People thought we were going to charge them for something and stopped the setup process.” This led to a quick change to the home page to clarify that credit card numbers were only for processing discounts, not for charges.

Keep learning from customers

As the team builds out the app and service, they continue to learn from customers in a variety of ways—including analytics tools like Omniture and Crazy Egg, feedback tools like UserVoice, and hands-on observation.

“Today I can go on the weekend to a coffee shop and let people play around with Bing Offers and come into the office on Monday with feedback, and we can roll in tweaks within a few days,” says Shahine. “It’s a big change from Waterfall: a bunch of design architects spending a year on design reviews and then saying ‘go build this.’ It’s definitely a cultural shift, but so far, I’m seeing a lot more buy-in [for the lean methodology here at Microsoft]. You learn a lot as you apply it, and it makes your job more fun.”

Use Cases

The Other People’s Product MVP allows you to learn and validate quickly using competitor resources as building blocks. Not only does this reduce the time and resources you need to invest, but it also forces you to learn more about your competition and identify potential advantages that you can wield against them.

Other People’s Product MVPs work well for:

  • Entering a space with established competitors

  • Solutions where logistics are difficult to predict

  • Teams with limited engineering resources

We’ve Built an MVP, Now What?

In the beginning of this chapter, I talked about the importance of identifying your highest risk factors. Hopefully you built an MVP that helped you to answer some of your most pressing questions around distribution, value, business model, and functionality.

Most likely, at least some of your assumptions were shattered when your customers actually interacted with your MVP. Perhaps customers loved the functionality but balked at your price point; perhaps they were unconvinced by the prospective value proposition. The good news is that you almost certainly know more about your market and product than you did before.

Armed with your new knowledge, look at your hypotheses again. Which ones have you validated? Which ones were incorrect? For each incorrect hypothesis, what information have you gained about why it was incorrect? Based on this updated information, you can now formulate a more educated set of hypotheses.

In some cases, you may want to conduct customer interviews with a different audience. In others, it may be more appropriate to devise a different MVP that helps you learn about other aspects of your business.

There is unfortunately no magic dividing line between “yes, you’ve validated your MVP and your product will be successful” and “no, back to the drawing board.” It’s all one big gray area where you gradually gain more and more evidence that you’re on the right track.

For this reason, there is no point where you should stop doing customer development entirely. Even once you’ve made big “irreversible” decisions (we’re definitely building this service, we just hired an engineer, we quit our day jobs), you will benefit from continuously learning and validating.

In the next chapter, we’ll talk about ways to use customer development after you’ve already built a product, collected revenues, and developed relationships with your customers.

[54] Paying for the product doesn’t necessarily mean cash in hand; it may be giving you a credit card number, a purchase order, or an investment of time in learning your technology or process.

[55] Because these methods have emerged fairly organically, different people have come up with different names for them and different variations. I’ve seen Concierge MVPs called “manualization,” Wizard of Oz MVPs called “Flinstone-ing,” and Pre-Order MVPs called “smoke testing,” to name a few. You can see some more subtle variations of MVPs at

[56] Some describe this as “vaporware” or “demoware,” though I think of that term as having a slightly malicious intent. For example, a company might offer vague promises of future benefits that may never materialize in order to prevent customers from switching to a competitor.

[57] Moz recently rebranded; for the first 10 years it was known as SEOMoz.

[59] For example, I talked about LaunchBit in Chapter 6. LaunchBit is in a two-sided market because it needs to provide value to both the advertising networks and content publishers that it works with. Without the advertising networks, LaunchBit has no value to offer the content publishers; without publishers, it can’t provide value to the ad networks.

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