
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Abramson, Mark, Experience with customer development and industry
abstracting up one level, in interview questioning, What’s the Customer Already Doing?
action items, turning insights into, Rallying the Team Around New Information
active listening, Keeping the Conversation Flowing
actual vs. aspirational responses, in interview questioning, Focus on the present, not the future
defining MVP at, More Viable than Minimum
Healthagen Strategy Group, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
alternate domains, testing prototypes using alternate, Use a sketch
Alvarez, Cindy, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
Amazon, success rate of tested features, Why You Need Customer Development
Ariely, Dan, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones
asking for introductions, finding customers by, Come with me on a trip to the DMV
aspirational vs. actual responses, in interview questioning, Focus on the present, not the future
aspirational vs. real wants, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
assumptions, identifying
about, Where Should I Start?
making wrong assumptions when, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
using business model canvas for, Ready? Set? Go!
using list of triggers for, Exercise 1: Identify Your Assumptions
Audience Building MVP, Pre-Order MVP
case study, Audience Building MVP
use case, Audience Building MVP
author email, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development


Balsamiq, creating sketches for prototypes or demos, Use a sketch
behavior, best predictor of future, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
introducing, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person, The Storytelling Demo
recognizing, Question of the Week
Bing Offers, as Other People’s Product MVP case study, Other People’s Product MVP
Blank, Steve
definition of earlyvangelists, The Importance of Earlyvangelists
The Four Steps to the Epiphany, Preface, What Is Customer Development?, What Is Lean Customer Development?
Lean LaunchPad course, Finding people in the offline world
on startups on Day Ono, More Viable than Minimum
on survival of business plans, Ready? Set? Go!
on testing products, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
using business model canvas, Ready? Set? Go!
blog posts, finding customers using, Finding people in the offline world
broken or missing links, on websites, Nothing Broken
bugs (errors), fixing, Functionality or Design Issues
Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, Why You Need Customer Development
Burnkrant, Robert E., Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
business incubation approach, rapid, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
Business Model Canvas, identifying assumptions using, Ready? Set? Go!
Business Model Generation (Osterwalder and Pigneur), Ready? Set? Go!


categorizing, customer comments, Rallying the Team Around New Information
Christensen, Clayton, The Innovator’s Dilemma, Customers Don’t Know What They Want!
closing the loop
about, Ongoing Customer Development, Question of the Week
collecting information, Closing the Loop
sharing impact of customer development, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
summarizing collected information, Keeping Your Notes in One File
cognitive biases, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
collecting information, Closing the Loop
comfort with uncertainty, quality of, Who Is This Book For?
commitment to accepting and escalating, quality of, Who Is This Book For?
complaints, customer
feeling empowerment in resolving, We Like to Sound Smart
fixing errors or bugs, Functionality or Design Issues
functionality or design issues, Functionality or Design Issues
Concierge MVP, Use Cases
case study, Use Cases
use case, Ongoing customer development
conferences, finding customers at, Finding people in the offline world
confirmation bias, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
constraints holding customers back, in interviews, Focus on the present, not the future
contact list, finding customers using, Come with me on a trip to the DMV
context of learning, supplying to team, Rallying the Team Around New Information
course correction, benefits of risk reduction and, Why You Need Customer Development
finding customers not using, Using Twitter
finding survey participants on, Taking on a New Identity
cultural expectations limiting behaviors, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible
“curse of knowledge”, Digging a Little Deeper
customer comments, categorizing, Rallying the Team Around New Information
customer complaints
feeling empowerment in resolving, We Like to Sound Smart
fixing errors or bugs, Functionality or Design Issues
functionality or design issues, Functionality or Design Issues
value of, You know someone cares
customer development
about, Why You Need Customer Development
aim of, Challenging the patterns
as part of lean, How Does This Book Fit into O’Reilly’s Lean Series?
for existing customers, Ongoing Customer Development
(see also ongoing customer development)
about, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
adapting MVP to existing customers, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
customers lowering market risk, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk
finding right customers, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
frequency vs. replaceability of products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
getting customer input late in process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
incognito customer development, The Storytelling Demo
interviews on how to use product, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
over communicating to customers, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
seeing customers using product, Talking to People Who Aren’t Customers
storytelling demos, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
using customer descriptions, Customers Say the Magic Words
hypothesis testing in, Why You Need Customer Development
improving odds of success using, Why You Need Customer Development
vs. lean customer development, What Is Customer Development?
misunderstandings about, What Is Lean Customer Development?
need for, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
about, Ongoing Customer Development
clarifying feature requests, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
closing the loop, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Question of the Week
fixing errors or bugs, Functionality or Design Issues
for functionality or design issues, Functionality or Design Issues
getting help from people already talking to customers, Ongoing Customer Development
picking standard question of week, Functionality or Design Issues
recognizing bias, Question of the Week
underutilization of customer support professionals, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
paralleling product development, Why You Need Customer Development, Why You Need Customer Development
people needed for, Who Is This Book For?
vs. product development, Customer Development Is Not Product Development
product management relationship to, Customer Development Is Not Product Development
qualities for practicing, Who Is This Book For?
responding to objections to, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
sharing impact of, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
underutilization of, How Does This Book Fit into O’Reilly’s Lean Series?
user research relationship to, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
customer development process
diagram of, What You’ll Learn
in startups, Preface
customer profile, mapping target, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
conducting interviews
following up, Instant Messaging
interpreting what is said, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
neutral location in-person conversations, Visiting the Customer’s Home or Office
over phone, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
scheduling interviews, Scheduling Phone Interviews, Going Long
using instant messaging, Instant Messaging
using video chat, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
visiting home or office, Using a landing page
constraints holding back, Focus on the present, not the future
customer development for existing, Ongoing Customer Development
(see also ongoing customer development)
about, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
adapting MVP to existing customers, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
customers lowering market risk, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk
finding right customers, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
frequency vs. replaceability of products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
getting customer input late in process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
incognito customer development, The Storytelling Demo
interviews on how to use product, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
over communicating to customers, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
seeing customers using product, Talking to People Who Aren’t Customers
storytelling demos, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
using customer descriptions, Customers Say the Magic Words
eliciting subjective and personal answers from, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
about, Who Should I Be Talking To?
asking for introductions, Come with me on a trip to the DMV
at conferences, Finding people in the offline world
importance of earlyvangelists, How Can I Find Customers Before I’ve Even Built a Product?, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
in offline world, Finding people on Quora
not using Craigslist, Using Twitter
on forums, Finding people on Quora
on LinkedIn, Casting a Wider Net
on private online communities, Finding people on Quora
on Quora, Finding people on LinkedIn
on Twitter, Using blog posts
paying prospective customers for interviews, Using Twitter
using blog posts, Finding people in the offline world
using landing page, Not using Craigslist
frustrations or motivations of, Cultural or social expectations that limit behaviors
identifying assumptions about, Where Should I Start?
motivating, The Importance of Earlyvangelists
observing, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
prompting feedback from, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions
seeing problems from perspective of, Customers Don’t Know What They Want!
selling to customers, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk


decisions, turning insights into, Rallying the Team Around New Information
DeFrias, Kara, Get Out of the Building
demographic information, marketing, Exercise 3: Map Your Target Customer Profile
demos (prototypes)
building, Nothing Broken
customers view of, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
developing late in customer development process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
ineffective demos, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
storytelling, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
demoware (vaporware), MVP Types
design issues, Functionality or Design Issues
Dewalt, Kevin, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
diffusion of responsibility, Three Things That Motivate People
disruption, customers hating, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
distinguishing between minimum and comprehensive features, practice of MVPs at, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
domains, testing prototypes using alternate, Use a sketch
Duncker, Karl, Problem is not perceived as a problem
Dunlap, Darius, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
Dupree, Janet Rae, Digging a Little Deeper


early adopters, How Can I Find Customers Before I’ve Even Built a Product?
earlyvangelists, importance of
about, How Can I Find Customers Before I’ve Even Built a Product?
in established companies, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
motivating people, The Importance of Earlyvangelists
Ehrlichman, Matt, Wizard of Oz MVP
Ellis, Sean, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones
adding question of week to, Functionality or Design Issues
adding scheduling in, Instant Messaging
asking for introductions using, Ask Your Connections for Introductions
attitudes towards providers, The Storytelling Demo
creating mobile-friendly messages, Following Up
including links to Yelp for interviewee, Scheduling Phone Interviews
sell what is being learned in, Rallying the Team Around New Information
emotion, interviewee, Taking Great Notes
errors (bugs), fixing, Functionality or Design Issues
ethnographic interviews, Using a landing page
Evernote, using for customer development, Keeping Your Notes in One File
Expedia, Revising the MVP to solve pain points


Facebook, Promoted Posts feature, What You Should Be Listening For
clarifying requests for changes to, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?, Question of the Week
customer want of, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
requests vs. problems in changing, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
success rate of tested, Why You Need Customer Development
using how customers mention, Customers Say the Magic Words
Finale Fireworks, as Pre-Order MVP case study, Pre-Order MVP
first interview, What’s the Customer Already Doing?
(see also interviews)
about, Get Out of the Building
leading questions, Keeping the Conversation Flowing
product specifics, The Magic Wand Question
wish lists, Avoiding the Wish List
closing minutes of, Going Long
interview template, Taking Great Notes
summaries of, Keeping Your Notes in One File
embracing tangents, Digging a Little Deeper
evaluation after, The Last Few Minutes
first minutes of, Immediately Before the Interview
“5 Whys” technique, Digging a Little Deeper
getting interviewee talking, The First Minute
immediately before, Invite a Note-taker
inviting note taker, Taking Great Notes
keeping conversation flowing, The Next Minute
length of, Going Long
keeping in one file, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
keeping organized, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
recording vs. manual, The Practice Interview
taking great, To Record or Not to Record?
pair interviewing, Invite a Note-taker, Keeping Your Notes in One File
practicing, Get Out of the Building
referring to interviewee as customer, The Last Few Minutes
summarizing what interviewee said, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Rallying the Team Around New Information, Closing the Loop
troubleshooting tips for, After the Interview
video at, To Record or Not to Record?
“5 Whys” technique (Toyota), Digging a Little Deeper
fixing things, as motivation, We Like to Sound Smart
follow-up questions
in closing minutes of interview, The Last Few Minutes
keeping conversation flowing with, Keeping the Conversation Flowing
listening for, What You Should Be Listening For, Focus on the present, not the future
foot-in-the-door technique, Going Long
Ford, Henry, Away from Features—Back to the Problem
forums, finding customers using, Finding people on Quora
4 As (apologize, admit, ask, appreciate), Functionality or Design Issues
The Four Steps to the Epiphany (Blank), Preface, What Is Customer Development?, What Is Lean Customer Development?
Fraser, Janice, Lean UX, Why You Need Customer Development
frequency vs. replaceability of products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
functional fixedness, Focus on the present, not the future
functionality issues, Functionality or Design Issues


generic parts technique, Problem is not perceived as a problem
Geus, Arie de, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
Gmail, using Rapportive plug-in, Scheduling Phone Interviews
Google AdWords, finding customers using, Not using Craigslist
Google Docs, using for customer development, Keeping Your Notes in One File
Google Search
finding blogs using, Using blog posts
researching interview information on, Questions That Work
Gosling, Marcus, Pre-Order MVP
Gourville, John, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
Graham, Paul, What Should I Be Learning?, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
Gur-esh, Ethan, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum


Hagel, John, III, Why You Need Customer Development
halo effect, bias as, The Storytelling Demo
Healthagen Strategy Group, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
helping others makes us happy, as motivation, Three Things That Motivate People
hierarchy of needs (Maslow), We Like to Sound Smart
Horoszowski, Mark, Casting a Wider Net, The Storytelling Demo
Hotwire, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
Hotwire, as Single Use Case MVP case study, Single Use Case MVP
Howard, Daniel J., Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
“how disappointed” questions, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones
changing initial, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
interpreting interview responses to prove, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
invalidated, indications of, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
over communicating to customers impact on, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
real vs. aspirational wants, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
turning products into, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
about, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
components of, After Two Interviews: Are You Learning What You Need to Learn?
for impossible to reach markets, Experience with customer development and industry
recognizing, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
writing problem, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
hypothesis-driven development, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
hypothesis testing, in customer development, Why You Need Customer Development


identifying assumptions
about, Where Should I Start?
making wrong assumptions when, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
using business model canvas for, Ready? Set? Go!
using list of triggers for, Exercise 1: Identify Your Assumptions
IM (Instant Messaging), conducting customer interviews using, Instant Messaging
impact of customer development, sharing, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
impossible to reach markets, validating, Experience with customer development and industry
incognito customer development, The Storytelling Demo
incubation approach, rapid business, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
inMails, on LinkedIn, Finding people on LinkedIn
innovation adoption lifecycle, Exercise 3: Map Your Target Customer Profile
The Innovator’s Dilemma (Christensen), Customers Don’t Know What They Want!
in-person conversations
in neutral location, Visiting the Customer’s Home or Office
visiting home or office of customers, Using a landing page
Instant Messaging (IM), conducting customer interviews using, Instant Messaging
interface complaints, Functionality or Design Issues
abstracting up one level in, What’s the Customer Already Doing?
conducting customer
neutral location in-person conversations, Visiting the Customer’s Home or Office
over phone, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
using instant messaging, Instant Messaging
using video chat, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
visiting home or office, Using a landing page
constraints holding customers back in, Focus on the present, not the future
crafting during conversation questions in, Questions That Work
creating interview template, Taking Great Notes
creating summaries of, Keeping Your Notes in One File
discovering what customer in already doing, What You Should Be Listening For
eliciting subjective and personal answers, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
emotion at, Taking Great Notes
emphasizing the personal in, The First Minute
about, Get Out of the Building
avoiding leading questions, Keeping the Conversation Flowing
avoiding product specifics, The Magic Wand Question
avoiding wish lists, Avoiding the Wish List
closing minutes of, Going Long
embracing tangents, Digging a Little Deeper
evaluation after, The Last Few Minutes
first minutes of, Immediately Before the Interview
getting interviewee talking, The First Minute
immediately before, Invite a Note-taker
inviting note taker, Taking Great Notes
keeping conversation flowing, The Next Minute
keeping notes in one file, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
keeping organized notes, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
length of, Going Long
practicing interview, Get Out of the Building
recording vs. manual notes, The Practice Interview
summarizing what interviewee said, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Rallying the Team Around New Information, Closing the Loop
taking great notes, To Record or Not to Record?
troubleshooting tips for, After the Interview
video at, To Record or Not to Record?
“5 Whys” technique, Digging a Little Deeper
focusing on present, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
following up on customer, Instant Messaging
interpreting what customer is saying, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
keeping tone conversational during, The First Minute
leading questions in, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Questions That Work
length of, Going Long
listening for frustrations or motivations of customers, Cultural or social expectations that limit behaviors
necessity of, What You Should Be Listening For
needed number of
about, How Many Interviews Do You Need?
complexity of business model and number of dependencies in determining, Experience with customer development and industry
emerging patterns after 10 interviews, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
experience in determining, Challenging the patterns
first excited person after 5 interviews, What each interview should tell you
Investment required to create MVP in determining, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
learning after 2 interviews, After Two Interviews: Are You Learning What You Need to Learn?
until there are no more surprises, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
no-shows to scheduled, What If No One Responds?
notes from
keeping in one file, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
keeping organized, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
recording vs. manual, The Practice Interview
taking great, To Record or Not to Record?
on how to use products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
opening script of, Immediately Before the Interview
pair interviewing, Invite a Note-taker, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Rallying the Team Around New Information
paying prospective customers for, Using Twitter
questions for
about preparing, What Should I Be Learning?
asking procedural, Abstract up one level
aspirational vs. actual responses, Focus on the present, not the future
basic script of, What Should I Be Learning?
consistency across multiple interviews, What each interview should tell you
customer development, Questions for Any Customer Development Interview
for existing products, How asking this question helps with future product development
getting sense of effective, If It Works, Keep Asking It
in closing minutes of interview follow-up, The Last Few Minutes
listening for follow-up, What You Should Be Listening For, Focus on the present, not the future, The First Minute
magic wand question, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible, Away from Features—Back to the Problem
prompting customer feedback, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions
stating objective, Customers Don’t Know What They Want!, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
questions vs statements in, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
redirecting conversations, Avoiding the Wish List
referring to interviewee as customer, The Last Few Minutes
responding to customer with open-ended questions, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions, Focus on procedure, not outcomes, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
face-to-face, Scheduling Phone Interviews
length of interviews, Going Long
no response in, Spacing Your Interviews
phone, Scheduling Phone Interviews
spacing in, Scheduling Face-to-Face Interviews
using “I” vs. “we”, The First Minute
using storytelling demo in, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
introductions, asking for, Come with me on a trip to the DMV
Follow Me Home program, Using a landing page
success rate of tested features, Why You Need Customer Development
invisible stakeholders, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
iPad, keeping notes on, Keeping Your Notes in One File
“I” vs. “we” in interviewing, The First Minute


Kalyanaraman, Shobana, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
Kaplan, Abraham, The Magic Wand Question
Kickstarter, as Pre-Order MVP, MVP Types
Kinect (Microsoft Xbox), getting customer input late in process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
collecting information at, Closing the Loop
evaluating frequency vs. replaceability of product, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
4 As, Functionality or Design Issues
MVP, How Do We Improve Our Odds?, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
bankruptcy of, What Is Lean Customer Development?, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
reaction to early Eastman cameras, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
Kohavi, Ronny, Why You Need Customer Development
Kowitz, Braden, Where Should I Start?
KRAVE jerky
finding customers at, Who Should I Be Talking To?, Finding people in the offline world
risk reduction at, Why You Need Customer Development


landing page, finding customers using, Not using Craigslist
LaunchBit, tackling two-sided market, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies, Use Cases
LaunchRock, Not using Craigslist
leading questions, in interviews, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Questions That Work
lean customer development
formula for, Preface
steps done in, What Is Lean Customer Development?
uniqueness of, How Does This Book Fit into O’Reilly’s Lean Series?
vs. customer development, What Is Customer Development?
Lean LaunchPad course, Finding people in the offline world
lean startup principles, validating assumptions using, Here’s How to Use Our Product
The Lean Startup (Ries)
about, Who Is This Book For?, What Is Lean Customer Development?
Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, Why You Need Customer Development
lean, use of term, How Does This Book Fit into O’Reilly’s Lean Series?
Lean UX (Fraser), Why You Need Customer Development
learning, tips for sharing, Rallying the Team Around New Information
length of interviews, Going Long
Levine, Dan, Who Should I Be Talking To?, Use Cases
Levy, Dan, What You Should Be Listening For
likeability and self-disclosure, The First Minute
character limit on, Finding people on LinkedIn
finding customers using, Casting a Wider Net
viewing information using Outlook Social Connector, Scheduling Phone Interviews
after asking first question, The First Minute
for follow-up questions, What You Should Be Listening For, Focus on the present, not the future, Keeping the Conversation Flowing
getting interviewee talking by, The First Minute
Loewenstein, George, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
loss aversion, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones


magic wand question, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible, Away from Features—Back to the Problem
Ma, Hugh, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
Malutko, Bartosz, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
manual notes, at interviews
keeping notes in one file, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
keeping organized notes, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
taking great, To Record or Not to Record?
vs. recording, The Practice Interview
marketing demographic information, Exercise 3: Map Your Target Customer Profile
market risk, customers lowering, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk
Martell, Dan, Ongoing Customer Development
Maslow, Abraham
hierarchy of needs, Three Things That Motivate People
The Psychology of Science, The Magic Wand Question
Maurya, Ash, Running Lean, Ready? Set? Go!
McCaffrey, Tony, Problem is not perceived as a problem
McCloskey, Melody, The initial hypothesis
Medicine of Cycling, validating impossible to reach markets, Experience with customer development and industry
Messing, Barbara, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
going incognito in customer development, The Storytelling Demo
on rate of ideas improving intended metrics, Why You Need Customer Development
Microsoft Xbox (Kinect), getting customer input late in process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
Mindbody, finding out about customers, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
minimum sellable product, More Viable than Minimum
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) (see MVP (Minimum Viable Product))
Mirenda, Kristen, Single Use Case MVP
missing or broken links, on websites, Nothing Broken
money, giving, vs. volunteering time, Three Things That Motivate People
motivating people, The Importance of Earlyvangelists
MVP (Minimum Viable Product)
about, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
adapting to existing customers, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?
case studies
Audience Building, Audience Building MVP
Concierge, Use Cases
distinguishing between minimum and comprehensive features, You know someone cares
Other People’s Product, Other People’s Product MVP
Pre-Order, Pre-Order MVP
Single Use Case, Single Use Case MVP
Wizard of Oz, Ongoing customer development
goal of, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
interview process and developing, After Enough Interviews You Stop Hearing Things That Surprise You
KISSmetrics, How Do We Improve Our Odds?, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
meaning of viable in, Use Cases
timeline for starting, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
types of
about, What Should My MVP Do for Me?
Audience Building, Pre-Order MVP
Concierge, Use Cases
Other People’s Product, Revising the MVP to solve pain points
Pre-Order, MVP Types
Single Use Case, Use Cases
Wizard of Oz, Ongoing customer development
use cases for types of
Audience Building, Audience Building MVP
Concierge, Ongoing customer development
Other People’s Product, An opportunity to make deals easy for customers
Pre-Order, Pre-Order MVP
Single Use Case, Revising the MVP to solve pain points
Wizard of Oz, Use Cases
use cases, stopping at minimum, You know someone cares


NDAs (nondisclosure agreements), You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something
Netflix, success rate of tested features, Why You Need Customer Development
Net Promoter Score, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
neutral location in-person conversations, Visiting the Customer’s Home or Office
nondisclosure agreements (NDAs), You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something
no-shows, to scheduled interviews, What If No One Responds?
notes, interview
creating interview template, Taking Great Notes
inviting note taker, Taking Great Notes
keeping in one file, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
keeping organized, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
taking great, To Record or Not to Record?
vs. recording, The Practice Interview


objections to customer development, responding to, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
O’Malley, Grace, Problem is not perceived as a problem
ongoing customer development
about, Ongoing Customer Development
clarifying feature requests, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
closing the loop, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Question of the Week
fixing errors or bugs, Functionality or Design Issues
for functionality or design issues, Functionality or Design Issues
getting help from people already talking to customers, Ongoing Customer Development
picking standard question of week, Functionality or Design Issues
recognizing bias, Question of the Week
underutilization of customer support professionals, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
on-site interviews, Visiting the Customer’s Home or Office
open-ended questions, responding to customer with, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions, Focus on procedure, not outcomes, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
Osterwalder, Alexander (Business Model Generation), Ready? Set? Go!
“other people do this” statement, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
Other People’s Product MVP, Revising the MVP to solve pain points
case study, Other People’s Product MVP
use case, An opportunity to make deals easy for customers
outcomes, focusing on procedures not, Abstract up one level
Outlook email client, changing look and feel of, The Storytelling Demo
Outlook Social Connector, Scheduling Phone Interviews


pair interviewing, Invite a Note-taker, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Rallying the Team Around New Information
Palantir, interaction with customers, Who’s Already Out of the Building?
patterns, challenging emerging, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
Pennig, Rachel, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
personas, in user research, The Storytelling Demo
Petito, John, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
Pfafflin, Vanessa, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
conducting customer interviews on, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
keeping notes on, Keeping Your Notes in One File
Pigneur, Yves, Business Model Generation, Ready? Set? Go!
Pink, Daniel, Problem is not perceived as a problem
Pisoni, Adam, Preface, as Wizard of Oz MVP case study, Ongoing customer development
practicing interviews, Get Out of the Building
Pre-Order MVP, MVP Types
case study, Pre-Order MVP
use case, Pre-Order MVP
private online communities, finding customers using, Finding people on Quora
problem hypothesis, writing, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
problems vs. requests, in changing features, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
procedural questions, asking, Abstract up one level
product development
customer development paralleling, Why You Need Customer Development, Why You Need Customer Development
vs. customer development, Customer Development Is Not Product Development
product failures, confirmation bias and, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
Product Hunt website, as Audience Building MVP case study, Audience Building MVP
product management, customer development relationship to, Customer Development Is Not Product Development
customers paying for, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
failure to gain market adoption of new, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
turning into hypotheses, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
using customer descriptions of, Customers Say the Magic Words
Promoted Posts feature, Facebook, What You Should Be Listening For
prototypes (demos)
building, Nothing Broken
customers view of, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
developing late in customer development process, Here’s How to Use Our Product
ineffective demos, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
storytelling, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
The Psychology of Science (Maslow), The Magic Wand Question


question of week, Functionality or Design Issues
encouraging team, Rallying the Team Around New Information
“how disappointed” survey, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones
questions, interview
about preparing, What Should I Be Learning?
abstracting up one level in, What’s the Customer Already Doing?
asking procedural, Abstract up one level
aspirational vs. actual responses, Focus on the present, not the future
basic script for, What Should I Be Learning?
consistency across multiple interviews, What each interview should tell you
constraints holding customers back answering, Focus on the present, not the future
crafting during conversation, Questions That Work
customer development, Questions for Any Customer Development Interview
discovering what customer in already doing, What You Should Be Listening For
eliciting subjective and personal answers, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
focusing on present, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
in closing minutes of interview, The Last Few Minutes
listening for, What You Should Be Listening For, Focus on the present, not the future, The First Minute
for existing products, How asking this question helps with future product development
getting sense of effective, If It Works, Keep Asking It
leading questions in, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Questions That Work
listening for frustrations or motivations of customers, Cultural or social expectations that limit behaviors
magic wand question, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible, Away from Features—Back to the Problem
on how to use products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
prompting customer feedback, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions
responding to customer with open-ended questions, Get Started with These Customer Development Questions, Focus on procedure, not outcomes, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
vs statements, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
stating objective, Customers Don’t Know What They Want!, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
using storytelling demo instead of, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
finding customers using, Finding people on LinkedIn
using sidebar on, Finding people on LinkedIn


Rabe, Cynthia Barton, Digging a Little Deeper
rapid business incubation approach, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
rapid software development framework, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
Rapportive plug-in, using Gmail, Scheduling Phone Interviews
Read, Daniel, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
ready-to-forward snippets, Casting a Wider Net
real vs. aspirational wants, Are They Telling You What You Want to Hear?
recording interviews, The Practice Interview
recording vs. manual notes, at interviews, The Practice Interview
recruiters, competing on LinkedIn with, Finding people on LinkedIn
redirecting conversations, in interviews, Avoiding the Wish List
replaceability vs. frequency of products, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
requests vs. problems, in changing features, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
resources, customer constrained by limited, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible
responsibility, diffusion of, Three Things That Motivate People
Ries, Eric
at KISSmetrics, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
Build-Measure-Learn feedback loop, Why You Need Customer Development
demonstration of “5 Whys” technique, Digging a Little Deeper
The Lean Startup, Who Is This Book For?, What Is Lean Customer Development?
risk reduction
benefits of course correction and, Why You Need Customer Development
market, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk
opportunities for, What Kind of Minimum Viable Product Should I Build?
Romotive, risk reduction at, Why You Need Customer Development
Running Lean (Maurya), Ready? Set? Go!
Running Warehouse, Problem is not perceived as a problem
ruthless pursuit of learning, quality of, Who Is This Book For?


Sasson, Steve, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
scheduling interviews, Scheduling Phone Interviews, Going Long
Schultz, Karl, Single Use Case MVP
Sebastiani, Jon, Who Should I Be Talking To?, Finding people in the offline world
Segway, failure of, Once You’ve Found Your Customers, Explain, Explain, Explain
self-disclosure and likeability, The First Minute
sense of purpose, fixing things giving, We Like to Sound Smart
Shah, Hiten, How Do We Improve Our Odds?
Shahine, Guy, Other People’s Product MVP
Shah, Jason, Abstract up one level
sharing impact of customer development, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
Sierra, Kathy, How Customers Lower Your Market Risk
Single Use Case MVP, Use Cases
case study, Single Use Case MVP
use case, Revising the MVP to solve pain points
sketches, using for prototypes or demos, Use a sketch
slides, using for summaries, Rallying the Team Around New Information, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
SlingShot, rapid software development framework, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
small-batch learning and validation, What Is Lean Customer Development?
Smith, Ben, Here’s How to Use Our Product, Here’s How to Use Our Product
social expectations limiting behaviors, Lack of awareness of what’s technologically possible
social loafing, Three Things That Motivate People
software development framework, rapid, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
Soman, Nick, Get Out of the Building
sounding smart, as motivation, Three Things That Motivate People
S&P 500 companies, average life expectancy of, Why You Need Customer Development
spacing interviews, Scheduling Face-to-Face Interviews
speech patterns, real vs. aspirational, Is the Customer Saying Something Real or Aspirational?
Spool, Jared, Who Can It Be, Knocking at Your Door?
Spoon, Ryan, Ongoing Customer Development
doing customer development with multiple, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
influence in solving problems from, After Two Interviews: Are You Learning What You Need to Learn?
stakeholders, invisible, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
as neutral location for in-person conversations, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
scheduling face-to-face interviews at, Scheduling Phone Interviews
customer development process in, Preface
failure rate of venture-backed, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
MVP for, More Viable than Minimum
“stay quiet for 60 seconds” trick, The Next Minute
storytelling demo, using in interview, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something, Other customers have told me that they experience [problem]...
StyleSeat, as Concierge MVP case study, Use Cases
creating interview, Keeping the Conversation Flowing, Keeping Your Notes in One File, Closing the Loop
printing out, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
using slides for, Rallying the Team Around New Information, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
SurveyMonkey, Using a landing page
anonymizing results of, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something
customers feeling polite in responding to, You’re Asking Questions—Not Building Something
getting useful background research from, Functionality or Design Issues
identifying passionate customers using, How I Learned to Find the Right Customers by Finding the Wrong Ones
standalone, Using a landing page
using on LinkedIn, Finding people on LinkedIn
using with landing page, Not using Craigslist
Swart, Gary, What Should I Be Learning?


tangents, embracing interview, Digging a Little Deeper
target customers, Instant Messaging
(see also customers)
mapping profile of, Exercise 2: Write Your Problem Hypothesis
Tay, Jim, Single Use Case MVP
teams, rallying around new information, Rallying the Team Around New Information
tech debt, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
technological solutions, lack of awareness of, Problem is not perceived as a problem
template, creating interview, Taking Great Notes
testing hypotheses, in customer development, Why You Need Customer Development
Thinking-Make-Check cycle, Why You Need Customer Development
thinking outside box, Problem is not perceived as a problem
“5 Whys” technique, Digging a Little Deeper
use of term lean, How Does This Book Fit into O’Reilly’s Lean Series?
traits spectrum (continuum), Exercise 3: Map Your Target Customer Profile, How Your Customers Make Decisions, Spend Money, and Determine Value
TripAdvisor, accessing customer demand, How Does Customer Development Work When You Already Have Customers?, More Viable than Minimum
Tuthill, Royal, Show Me How You’re Using Our Product
character limit on, Using blog posts
finding customers using, Using blog posts
two-sided market, tackling, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
Tyson, Mike, Ready? Set? Go!


uncertainty, as customer demotivator, What Frustrates (or Motivates) Your Customer?
University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), on preferences for choosing movies, Focus on procedure, not outcomes
use cases
MVP types
Audience Building, Audience Building MVP
Concierge, Ongoing customer development
Other People’s Product, An opportunity to make deals easy for customers
Pre-Order, Pre-Order MVP
Single Use Case, Revising the MVP to solve pain points
Wizard of Oz, Use Cases
stopping at minimum, You know someone cares
user research
customer development relationship to, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
personas in, The Storytelling Demo
visiting home or office of customers, Using a landing page


validated hypothesis
about, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
components of, After Two Interviews: Are You Learning What You Need to Learn?
for impossible to reach markets, Experience with customer development and industry
indications of not being, Within Five Interviews: The First Really Excited Person
recognizing, What Does a Validated Hypothesis Look Like?
validation, focusing on small-batch learning and, What Is Lean Customer Development?
vaporware (demoware), MVP Types
venture-backed startups, failure rate of, Customer Development Does Not Replace Product Management
video chat, conducting customer interviews using, In-Person Conversations in a Neutral Location
videos, at interviews, To Record or Not to Record?
Virani, Sal, Customers Say the Magic Words
Virgin America, prototype button on in-flight entertainment console, More Viable than Minimum
volunteering time vs. giving money, Three Things That Motivate People


Xbox (Kinect), getting customer input late in process, Here’s How to Use Our Product


defining MVP at, More Viable than Minimum
definition of MVP at, You know someone cares
distinguishing between minimum and comprehensive features case study, You know someone cares
enhancements to topic tags, Focus on the present, not the future
identifying passionate customers at, Find the People Who Can’t Live Without Your Product
sharing impact of customer development at, Sharing the Impact of Customer Development
success rate of tested features, Why You Need Customer Development
Yelp, including links for interviewee in email to, Scheduling Phone Interviews
Yin, Elizabeth, Complexity of business model and number of dependencies
BillPay Account Accelerator, Talking to People Who Aren’t Customers
building ineffective demos, Watch out for those who can’t stop at minimum
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