Chapter 3. Deploying a Kubernetes Cluster

Now that you have successfully built an application container, the next step is to learn how to transform it into a complete, reliable, scalable distributed system. To do that, you need a working Kubernetes cluster. At this point, there are cloud-based Kubernetes services in most public clouds that make it easy to create a cluster with a few command-line instructions. We highly recommend this approach if you are just getting started with Kubernetes. Even if you are ultimately planning on running Kubernetes on bare metal, it’s a good way to quickly get started with Kubernetes, learn about Kubernetes itself, and then learn how to install it on physical machines. Furthermore, managing a Kubernetes cluster is a complicated task in itself, and for most people it makes sense to defer this management to the cloud—especially when in most clouds the management service is free.

Of course, using a cloud-based solution requires paying for those cloud-based resources as well as having an active network connection to the cloud. For these reasons, local development can be more attractive, and in that case the minikube tool provides an easy-to-use way to get a local Kubernetes cluster up running in a VM on your local laptop or desktop. Though this is a nice option, minikube only creates a single-node cluster, which doesn’t quite demonstrate all of the aspects of a complete Kubernetes cluster. For that reason, we recommend people start with a cloud-based solution, unless it really doesn’t work for their situation. A more recent alternative is to run a Docker-in-Docker cluster, which can spin up a multi-node cluster on a single machine. This project is still in beta, though, so keep in mind that you may encounter unexpected issues.

If you truly insist on starting on bare metal, Appendix A at the end of this book gives instructions for building a cluster from a collection of Raspberry Pi single-board computers. These instructions use the kubeadm tool and can be adapted to other machines beyond Raspberry Pis.

Installing Kubernetes on a Public Cloud Provider

This chapter covers installing Kubernetes on the three major cloud providers: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and the Google Cloud Platform.

If you choose to use a cloud provider to manage Kubernetes, you only need to install one of these options; once you have a cluster configured and ready to go you can skip to “The Kubernetes Client”, unless you would prefer to install Kubernetes elsewhere.

Google Kubernetes Engine

The Google Cloud Platform offers a hosted Kubernetes-as-a-Service called Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). To get started with GKE, you need a Google Cloud Platform account with billing enabled and the gcloud tool installed.

Once you have gcloud installed, first set a default zone:

$ gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-a

Then you can create a cluster:

$ gcloud container clusters create kuar-cluster

This will take a few minutes. When the cluster is ready you can get credentials for the cluster using:

$ gcloud auth application-default login

If you run into trouble, you can find the complete instructions for creating a GKE cluster in the Google Cloud Platform documentation.

Installing Kubernetes with Azure Kubernetes Service

Microsoft Azure offers a hosted Kubernetes-as-a-Service as part of the Azure Container Service. The easiest way to get started with Azure Container Service is to use the built-in Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure portal. You can activate the shell by clicking the shell icon in the upper-right toolbar:


The shell has the az tool automatically installed and configured to work with your Azure environment.

Alternatively, you can install the az command-line interface (CLI) on your local machine.

When you have the shell up and working, you can run:

$ az group create --name=kuar --location=westus

Once the resource group is created, you can create a cluster using:

$ az aks create --resource-group=kuar --name=kuar-cluster

This will take a few minutes. Once the cluster is created, you can get credentials for the cluster with:

$ az aks get-credentials --resource-group=kuar --name=kuar-cluster

If you don’t already have the kubectl tool installed, you can install it using:

$ az aks install-cli

You can find complete instructions for installing Kubernetes on Azure in the Azure documentation.

Installing Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services

Amazon offers a managed Kubernetes service called Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The easiest way to create an EKS cluster is via the open source eksctl command-line tool..

Once you have eksctl installed and in your path, you can run the following command to create a cluster:

$ eksctl create cluster --name kuar-cluster ...

For more details on installation options (such as node size and more), view the help using this command:

$ eksctl create cluster --help

The cluster installation includes the right configuration for the kubectl command-line tool. If you don’t already have kubectl installed, you can follow the instructions in the documentation.

Installing Kubernetes Locally Using minikube

If you need a local development experience, or you don’t want to pay for cloud resources, you can install a simple single-node cluster using minikube.

Alternatively, if you have already installed Docker Desktop, it comes bundled with a single-machine installation of Kubernetes.

While minikube (or Docker Desktop) is a good simulation of a Kubernetes cluster, it’s really intended for local development, learning, and experimentation. Because it only runs in a VM on a single node, it doesn’t provide the reliability of a distributed Kubernetes cluster.

In addition, certain features described in this book require integration with a cloud provider. These features are either not available or work in a limited way with minikube.


You need to have a hypervisor installed on your machine to use minikube. For Linux and macOS, this is generally virtualbox. On Windows, the Hyper-V hypervisor is the default option. Make sure you install the hypervisor before using minikube.

You can find the minikube tool on GitHub. There are binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows that you can download. Once you have the minikube tool installed, you can create a local cluster using:

$ minikube start

This will create a local VM, provision Kubernetes, and create a local kubectl configuration that points to that cluster.

When you are done with your cluster, you can stop the VM with:

$ minikube stop

If you want to remove the cluster, you can run:

$ minikube delete

Running Kubernetes in Docker

A different approach to running a Kubernetes cluster has been developed more recently, which uses Docker containers to simulate multiple Kubernetes nodes instead of running everything in a virtual machine. The kind project provides a great experience for launching and managing test clusters in Docker. (kind stands for Kubernetes IN Docker.) kind is still a work in progress (pre 1.0), but is widely used by those building Kubernetes for fast and easy testing.

Installation instructions for your platform can be found at the kind site. Once you get it installed, creating a cluster is as easy as:

$ kind create cluster --wait 5m 
$ export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path)"
$ kubectl cluster-info
$ kind delete cluster

Running Kubernetes on Raspberry Pi

If you want to experiment with a realistic Kubernetes cluster but don’t want to pay a lot, a very nice Kubernetes cluster can be built on top of Raspberry Pi computers for a relatively small cost. The details of building such a cluster are out of scope for this chapter, but they are given in Appendix A at the end of this book.

The Kubernetes Client

The official Kubernetes client is kubectl: a command-line tool for interacting with the Kubernetes API. kubectl can be used to manage most Kubernetes objects, such as Pods, ReplicaSets, and Services. kubectl can also be used to explore and verify the overall health of the cluster.

We’ll use the kubectl tool to explore the cluster you just created.

Checking Cluster Status

The first thing you can do is check the version of the cluster that you are running:

$ kubectl version

This will display two different versions: the version of the local kubectl tool, as well as the version of the Kubernetes API server.


Don’t worry if these versions are different. The Kubernetes tools are backward- and forward-compatible with different versions of the Kubernetes API, so long as you stay within two minor versions for both the tools and the cluster and don’t try to use newer features on an older cluster. Kubernetes follows the semantic versioning specification, where the minor version is the middle number (e.g., the 5 in 1.5.2).

Now that we’ve established that you can communicate with your Kubernetes cluster, we’ll explore the cluster in more depth.

First, you can get a simple diagnostic for the cluster. This is a good way to verify that your cluster is generally healthy:

$ kubectl get componentstatuses

The output should look like this:

NAME                 STATUS    MESSAGE              ERROR
scheduler            Healthy   ok
controller-manager   Healthy   ok
etcd-0               Healthy   {"health": "true"}

As Kubernetes changes and improves over time, the output of the kubectl command sometimes changes. Don’t worry if the output doesn’t look exactly identical to what is shown in the examples in this book.

You can see here the components that make up the Kubernetes cluster. The controller-manager is responsible for running various controllers that regulate behavior in the cluster; for example, ensuring that all of the replicas of a service are available and healthy. The scheduler is responsible for placing different Pods onto different nodes in the cluster. Finally, the etcd server is the storage for the cluster where all of the API objects are stored.

Listing Kubernetes Worker Nodes

Next, you can list out all of the nodes in your cluster:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME         STATUS         AGE       VERSION
kubernetes   Ready,master   45d       v1.12.1
node-1       Ready          45d       v1.12.1
node-2       Ready          45d       v1.12.1
node-3       Ready          45d       v1.12.1

You can see this is a four-node cluster that’s been up for 45 days. In Kubernetes, nodes are separated into master nodes that contain containers like the API server, scheduler, etc., which manage the cluster, and worker nodes where your containers will run. Kubernetes won’t generally schedule work onto master nodes to ensure that user workloads don’t harm the overall operation of the cluster.

You can use the kubectl describe command to get more information about a specific node, such as node-1:

$ kubectl describe nodes node-1

First, you see basic information about the node:

Name:                   node-1

You can see that this node is running the Linux OS and is running on an ARM processor.

Next, you see information about the operation of node-1 itself:

  Type           Status LastHeartbeatTime  Reason                     Message
  ----           ------ -----------------  ------                     -------
  OutOfDisk      False  Sun, 05 Feb 2017…  KubeletHasSufficientDisk   kubelet…
  MemoryPressure False  Sun, 05 Feb 2017…  KubeletHasSufficientMemory kubelet…
  DiskPressure   False  Sun, 05 Feb 2017…  KubeletHasNoDiskPressure   kubelet…
  Ready          True   Sun, 05 Feb 2017…  KubeletReady               kubelet…

These statuses show that the node has sufficient disk and memory space and is reporting that it is healthy to the Kubernetes master. Next, there is information about the capacity of the machine:

Capacity:        0
 cpu:                                   4
 memory:                                882636Ki
 pods:                                  110
Allocatable:        0
 cpu:                                   4
 memory:                                882636Ki
 pods:                                  110

Then there is information about the software on the node, including the version of Docker that is running, the versions of Kubernetes and the Linux kernel, and more:

System Info:
 Machine ID:                 9122895d0d494e3f97dda1e8f969c85c
 System UUID:                A7DBF2CE-DB1E-E34A-969A-3355C36A2149
 Boot ID:                    ba53d5ee-27d2-4b6a-8f19-e5f702993ec6
 Kernel Version:             4.15.0-1037-azure
 OS Image:                   Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
 Operating System:           linux
 Architecture:               amd64
 Container Runtime Version:  docker://3.0.4
 Kubelet Version:            v1.12.6
 Kube-Proxy Version:         v1.12.6

Finally, there is information about the Pods that are currently running on this node:

Non-terminated Pods:            (3 in total)
  Namespace   Name        CPU Requests CPU Limits Memory Requests Memory Limits
  ---------   ----        ------------ ---------- --------------- -------------
  kube-system kube-dns...  260m (6%)    0 (0%)     140Mi (16%)     220Mi (25%)
  kube-system kube-fla...  0 (0%)       0 (0%)     0 (0%)          0 (0%)
  kube-system kube-pro...  0 (0%)       0 (0%)     0 (0%)          0 (0%)
Allocated resources:
  (Total limits may be over 100 percent, i.e., overcommitted.
  CPU Requests  CPU Limits      Memory Requests Memory Limits
  ------------  ----------      --------------- -------------
  260m (6%)     0 (0%)          140Mi (16%)     220Mi (25%)
No events.

From this output you can see the Pods on the node (e.g., the kube-dns Pod that supplies DNS services for the cluster), the CPU and memory that each Pod is requesting from the node, as well as the total resources requested. It’s worth noting here that Kubernetes tracks both the requests and upper limits for resources for each Pod that runs on a machine. The difference between requests and limits is described in detail in Chapter 5, but in a nutshell, resources requested by a Pod are guaranteed to be present on the node, while a Pod’s limit is the maximum amount of a given resource that a Pod can consume. A Pod’s limit can be higher than its request, in which case the extra resources are supplied on a best-effort basis. They are not guaranteed to be present on the node.

Cluster Components

One of the interesting aspects of Kubernetes is that many of the components that make up the Kubernetes cluster are actually deployed using Kubernetes itself. We’ll take a look at a few of these. These components use a number of the concepts that we’ll introduce in later chapters. All of these components run in the kube-system namespace.1

Kubernetes Proxy

The Kubernetes proxy is responsible for routing network traffic to load-balanced services in the Kubernetes cluster. To do its job, the proxy must be present on every node in the cluster. Kubernetes has an API object named DaemonSet, which you will learn about later in the book, that is used in many clusters to accomplish this. If your cluster runs the Kubernetes proxy with a DaemonSet, you can see the proxies by running:

$ kubectl get daemonSets --namespace=kube-system kube-proxy
kube-proxy   4         4         4         <none>          45d

Depending on how your cluster is set up, the DaemonSet for the kube-proxy may be named something else, or its possible that it won’t use a DaemonSet at all. Regardless, the kube-proxy container should be running on all nodes in a cluster.

Kubernetes DNS

Kubernetes also runs a DNS server, which provides naming and discovery for the services that are defined in the cluster. This DNS server also runs as a replicated service on the cluster. Depending on the size of your cluster, you may see one or more DNS servers running in your cluster. The DNS service is run as a Kubernetes deployment, which manages these replicas:

$ kubectl get deployments --namespace=kube-system core-dns
core-dns   1         1         1            1           45d

There is also a Kubernetes service that performs load balancing for the DNS server:

$ kubectl get services --namespace=kube-system core-dns
core-dns   <none>  53/UDP,53/TCP   45d

This shows that the DNS service for the cluster has the address If you log in to a container in the cluster, you’ll see that this has been populated into the /etc/resolv.conf file for the container.


With Kubernetes 1.12, Kubernetes transitioned from the kube-dns DNS server to the core-dns DNS server. Because of this, if you are running an older Kubernetes cluster, you may see kube-dns instead.

Kubernetes UI

The final Kubernetes component is a GUI. The UI is run as a single replica, but it is still managed by a Kubernetes deployment for reliability and upgrades. You can see this UI server using:

$ kubectl get deployments --namespace=kube-system kubernetes-dashboard
kubernetes-dashboard   1         1         1            1           45d

The dashboard also has a service that performs load balancing for the dashboard:

$ kubectl get services --namespace=kube-system kubernetes-dashboard
NAME                   CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes-dashboard   <nodes>       80:32551/TCP   45d

You can use kubectl proxy to access this UI. Launch the Kubernetes proxy using:

$ kubectl proxy

This starts up a server running on localhost:8001. If you visit http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/ in your web browser, you should see the Kubernetes web UI. You can use this interface to explore your cluster, as well as create new containers. The full details of this interface are outside of the scope of this book, and it is changing rapidly as the dashboard is improved.

Some providers don’t install the Kubernetes dashboard by default, so don’t worry if you don’t see it in your cluster. Documentation on how to install the dashboard for these clusters is available at


Hopefully at this point you have a Kubernetes cluster (or three) up and running and you’ve used a few commands to explore the cluster you have created. Next, we’ll spend some more time exploring the command-line interface to that Kubernetes cluster and teach you how to master the kubectl tool. Throughout the rest of the book, you’ll be using kubectl and your test cluster to explore the various objects in the Kubernetes API.

1 As you’ll learn in the next chapter, a namespace in Kubernetes is an entity for organizing Kubernetes resources. You can think of it like a folder in a filesystem.

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