Advanced OOP Features

Chapter 6 introduced the fundamentals of object-oriented programming (OOP). This chapter builds on that foundation by introducing several of the more advanced OOP features that you should consider once you have mastered the basics. Specifically, this chapter introduces the following four features:

Object cloning:
One of the major improvements to PHP's object-oriented model in version 5 is the treatment of all objects as references rather than values. However, how do you go about creating a copy of an object if all objects are treated as references? By cloning the object.
As discussed in Chapter 6, the ability to build class hierarchies through inheritance is a key concept of OOP. This chapter introduces PHP's inheritance features and syntax, and it includes several examples that demonstrate this key OOP feature.
An interface is a collection of unimplemented method definitions and constants that serves as a class blueprint. Interfaces define exactly what can be done with the class, without getting bogged down in implementation-specific details. This chapter introduces PHP's interface support and offers several examples demonstrating this powerful OOP feature.
Abstract classes:
An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated. Abstract classes are intended to be inherited by a class that can be instantiated, better known as a concrete class. Abstract classes can be fully implemented, partially implemented, or not implemented at all. This chapter presents general concepts surrounding abstract classes, coupled with an introduction to PHP's class abstraction capabilities.
Namespaces help you to more effectively manage your code base by compartmentalizing various libraries and classes according to context. In this chapter I'll introduce you to PHP 6's new namespace feature.

Note All the features described in this chapter are available only for PHP 5 and above.

Advanced OOP Features Not Supported by PHP

If you have experience in other object-oriented languages, you might be scratching your head over why the previous list of features doesn't include one or more particular OOP features that you are familiar with from other languages. The reason might well be that PHP doesn't support those features. To save you from further head scratching, the following list enumerates the advanced OOP features that are not supported by PHP and thus are not covered in this chapter:

Method overloading:
The ability to implement polymorphism through functional overloading is not supported by PHP and probably never will be.
Operator overloading:
The ability to assign additional meanings to operators based upon the type of data you're attempting to modify did not make the cut this time around. Based on discussions found in the PHP developer's mailing list, it is unlikely that this feature will ever be implemented.
Multiple inheritance:
PHP does not support multiple inheritance. Implementation of multiple interfaces is supported, however.

Only time will tell whether any or all of these features will be supported in future versions of PHP.

Object Cloning

One of the biggest drawbacks to PHP 4's object-oriented capabilities is its treatment of objects as just another datatype, which impeded the use of many common OOP methodologies, such as design patterns. Such methodologies depend on the ability to pass objects to other class methods as references, rather than as values, which is no longer PHP's default practice. Thankfully, this matter has been resolved with PHP 5, and now all objects are treated by default as references. However, because all objects are treated as references rather than as values, it is now more difficult to copy an object. If you try to copy a referenced object, it will simply point back to the addressing location of the original object. To remedy the problems with copying, PHP offers an explicit means for cloning an object.

Cloning Example

You clone an object by prefacing it with the clone keyword, like so:

destinationObject = clone targetObject;

Listing 7-1 presents an object-cloning example. This example uses a sample class named Corporate_Drone, which contains two members (employeeid and tiecolor) and corresponding getters and setters for these members. The example code instantiates a Corporate_Drone object and uses it as the basis for demonstrating the effects of a clone operation.

Listing 7-1. Cloning an Object with the clone Keyword

    class Corporate_Drone {
        private $employeeid;
        private $tiecolor;
        // Define a setter and getter for $employeeid
        function setEmployeeID($employeeid) {
            $this->employeeid = $employeeid;
        function getEmployeeID() {
            return $this->employeeid;
        // Define a setter and getter for $tiecolor
        function setTieColor($tiecolor) {
            $this->tiecolor = $tiecolor;
        function getTieColor() {
            return $this->tiecolor;
    // Create new Corporate_Drone object
    $drone1 = new Corporate_Drone();
// Set the $drone1 employeeid member

    // Set the $drone1 tiecolor member

    // Clone the $drone1 object
    $drone2 = clone $drone1;

    // Set the $drone2 employeeid member

    // Output the $drone1 and $drone2 employeeid members

   printf("drone1 employeeID: %d <br />", $drone1->getEmployeeID());
   printf("drone1 tie color: %s <br />", $drone1->getTieColor());

   printf("drone2 employeeID: %d <br />", $drone2->getEmployeeID());
   printf("drone2 tie color: %s <br />", $drone2->getTieColor());


Executing this code returns the following output:

drone1 employeeID: 12345
drone1 tie color: red
drone2 employeeID: 67890
drone2 tie color: red

As you can see, $drone2 became an object of type Corporate_Drone and inherited the member values of $drone1. To further demonstrate that $drone2 is indeed of type Corporate_Drone, its employeeid member was also reassigned.

The _clone() Method

You can tweak an object's cloning behavior by defining a __clone() method within the object class. Any code in this method will execute during the cloning operation. This occurs in addition to the copying of all existing object members to the target object. Now the Corporate_Drone class is revised, adding the following method:

function __clone() {
   $this->tiecolor = "blue";

With this in place, let's create a new Corporate_Drone object, add the employeeid member value, clone it, and then output some data to show that the cloned object's tiecolor was indeed set through the __clone() method. Listing 7-2 offers the example.

Listing 7-2. Extending clone's Capabilities with the __clone() Method

// Create new Corporate_Drone object
$drone1 = new Corporate_Drone();

// Set the $drone1 employeeid member

// Clone the $drone1 object
$drone2 = clone $drone1;

// Set the $drone2 employeeid member

// Output the $drone1 and $drone2 employeeid members
printf("drone1 employeeID: %d <br />", $drone1->getEmployeeID());
printf("drone2 employeeID: %d <br />", $drone2->getEmployeeID());
printf("drone2 tie color: %s <br />", $drone2->getTieColor());

Executing this code returns the following output:

drone1 employeeID: 12345
drone2 employeeID: 67890
drone2 tie color: blue


People are quite adept at thinking in terms of organizational hierarchies; thus, it doesn't come as a surprise that we make widespread use of this conceptual view to manage many aspects of our everyday lives. Corporate management structures, the U.S. tax system, and our view of the plant and animal kingdoms are just a few examples of the systems that rely heavily on hierarchical concepts. Because OOP is based on the premise of allowing humans to closely model the properties and behaviors of the real-world environment we're trying to implement in code, it makes sense to also be able to represent these hierarchical relationships.

For example, suppose that your application calls for a class titled Employee, which is intended to represent the characteristics and behaviors that one might expect from an employee. Some class members that represent characteristics might include the following:

  • name: The employee's name
  • age: The employee's age
  • salary: The employee's salary
  • yearsEmployed: The number of years the employee has been with the company

Some Employee class methods might include the following:

  • doWork: Perform some work-related task
  • eatLunch: Take a lunch break
  • takeVacation: Make the most of those valuable two weeks

These characteristics and behaviors would be relevant to all types of employees, regardless of the employee's purpose or stature within the organization. Obviously, though, there are also differences among employees; for example, the executive might hold stock options and be able to pillage the company, while other employees are not afforded such luxuries. An assistant must be able to take a memo, and an office manager needs to take supply inventories. Despite these differences, it would be quite inefficient if you had to create and maintain redundant class structures for those attributes that all classes share. The OOP development paradigm takes this into account, allowing you to inherit from and build upon existing classes.

Class Inheritance

As applied to PHP, class inheritance is accomplished by using the extends keyword. Listing 7-3 demonstrates this ability, first creating an Employee class and then creating an Executive class that inherits from Employee.

Note A class that inherits from another class is known as a child class, or a subclass. The class from which the child class inherits is known as the parent, or base class.

Listing 7-3. Inheriting from a Base Class

   // Define a base Employee class
   class Employee {
      private $name;
      // Define a setter for the private $name member.
      function setName($name) {
         if ($name == "") echo "Name cannot be blank!";
         else $this->name = $name;
      // Define a getter for the private $name member
      function getName() {
         return "My name is ".$this->name."<br />";
   } // end Employee class
   // Define an Executive class that inherits from Employee
   class Executive extends Employee {
      // Define a method unique to Employee
      function pillageCompany() {
         echo "I'm selling company assets to finance my yacht!";
} // end Executive class

   // Create a new Executive object
   $exec = new Executive();

   // Call the setName() method, defined in the Employee class

   // Call the getName() method
   echo $exec->getName();

   // Call the pillageCompany() method

This returns the following:

My name is Richard.
I'm selling company assets to finance my yacht!

Because all employees have a name, the Executive class inherits from the Employee class, saving you the hassle of having to re-create the name member and the corresponding getter and setter. You can then focus solely on those characteristics that are specific to an executive, in this case a method named pillageCompany(). This method is available solely to objects of type Executive, and not to the Employee class or any other class, unless of course you create a class that inherits from Executive. The following example demonstrates that concept, producing a class titled CEO, which inherits from Executive:


   class Employee {

   class Executive extends Employee {
class CEO extends Executive {
      function getFacelift() {
         echo "nip nip tuck tuck";

   $ceo = new CEO();


Because Executive has inherited from Employee, objects of type CEO also have all the members and methods that are available to Executive, in addition to the getFacelift() method, which is reserved solely for objects of type CEO.

Inheritance and Constructors

A common question pertinent to class inheritance has to do with the use of constructors. Does a parent class constructor execute when a child is instantiated? If so, what happens if the child class also has its own constructor? Does it execute in addition to the parent constructor, or does it override the parent? Such questions are answered in this section.

If a parent class offers a constructor, it does execute when the child class is instantiated, provided that the child class does not also have a constructor. For example, suppose that the Employee class offers this constructor:

function __construct($name) {

Then you instantiate the CEO class and retrieve the name member:

$ceo = new CEO("Dennis");
echo $ceo->getName();

It will yield the following:

My name is Dennis

However, if the child class also has a constructor, that constructor will execute when the child class is instantiated, regardless of whether the parent class also has a constructor. For example, suppose that in addition to the Employee class containing the previously described constructor, the CEO class contains this constructor:

function __construct() {
    echo "<p>CEO object created!</p>";

Then you instantiate the CEO class:

$ceo = new CEO("Dennis");
echo $ceo->getName();

This time it will yield the following output because the CEO constructor overrides the Employee constructor:

CEO object created!
My name is

When it comes time to retrieve the name member, you find that it's blank because the setName() method, which executes in the Employee constructor, never fires. Of course, you're quite likely going to want those parent constructors to also fire. Not to fear because there is a simple solution. Modify the CEO constructor like so:

function __construct($name) {
    echo "<p>CEO object created!</p>";

Again instantiating the CEO class and executing getName() in the same fashion as before, this time you'll see a different outcome:

CEO object created!
My name is Dennis

You should understand that when parent::__construct() was encountered, PHP began a search upward through the parent classes for an appropriate constructor. Because it did not find one in Executive, it continued the search up to the Employee class, at which point it located an appropriate constructor. If PHP had located a constructor in the Employee class, then it would have fired. If you want both the Employee and Executive constructors to fire, you need to place a call to parent::__construct() in the Executive constructor.

You also have the option to reference parent constructors in another fashion. For example, suppose that both the Employee and Executive constructors should execute when a new CEO object is created. As mentioned in the last chapter, these constructors can be referenced explicitly within the CEO constructor like so:

function __construct($name) {
    echo "<p>CEO object created!</p>";


An interface defines a general specification for implementing a particular service, declaring the required functions and constants without specifying exactly how it must be implemented. Implementation details aren't provided because different entities might need to implement the published method definitions in different ways. The point is to establish a general set of guidelines that must be implemented in order for the interface to be considered implemented.

Caution Class members are not defined within interfaces. This is a matter left entirely to the implementing class.

Take for example the concept of pillaging a company. This task might be accomplished in a variety of ways, depending on who is doing the dirty work. For example, a typical employee might do his part by using the office credit card to purchase shoes and movie tickets, writing the purchases off as "office expenses," while an executive might force his assistant to reallocate funds to his Swiss bank account through the online accounting system. Both employees are intent on accomplishing the task, but each goes about it in a different way. In this case, the goal of the interface is to define a set of guidelines for pillaging the company and then ask the respective classes to implement that interface accordingly. For example, the interface might consist of just two methods:


You can then ask the Employee and Executive classes to implement these features. In this section, you'll learn how this is accomplished. First, however, take a moment to understand how PHP 5 implements interfaces. In PHP, an interface is created like so:

interface IinterfaceName
    CONST 1;
    CONST N;

    function methodName1();
    function methodNameN();

Tip It's common practice to preface the names of interfaces with the letter I to make them easier to recognize.

The contract is completed when a class implements the interface via the implements keyword. All methods must be implemented, or the implementing class must be declared abstract (a concept introduced in the next section); otherwise, an error similar to the following will occur:

Fatal error: Class Executive contains 1 abstract methods and must
therefore be declared abstract (pillageCompany::emptyBankAccount) in /www/htdocs/pmnp/7/executive.php on line 30

The following is the general syntax for implementing the preceding interface:

class Class_Name implements interfaceName
    function methodName1()
        // methodName1() implementation

    function methodNameN()
        // methodName1() implementation

Implementing a Single Interface

This section presents a working example of PHP's interface implementation by creating and implementing an interface, named IPillage, that is used to pillage the company:

interface IPillage
    function emptyBankAccount();
    function burnDocuments();


This interface is then implemented for use by the Executive class:

class Executive extends Employee implements IPillage
    private $totalStockOptions;

    function emptyBankAccount()
        echo "Call CFO and ask to transfer funds to Swiss bank account.";

    function burnDocuments()
        echo "Torch the office suite.";


Because pillaging should be carried out at all levels of the company, you can implement the same interface by the Assistant class:

class Assistant extends Employee implements IPillage
    function takeMemo() {
        echo "Taking memo...";

    function emptyBankAccount()
        echo "Go on shopping spree with office credit card.";

    function burnDocuments()
        echo "Start small fire in the trash can.";

As you can see, interfaces are particularly useful because, although they define the number and name of the methods required for some behavior to occur, they acknowledge the fact that different classes might require different ways of carrying out those methods. In this example, the Assistant class burns documents by setting them on fire in a trash can, while the Executive class does so through somewhat more aggressive means (setting the executive's office on fire).

Implementing Multiple Interfaces

Of course, it wouldn't be fair to allow outside contractors to pillage the company; after all, it was upon the backs of the full-time employees that the organization was built. That said, how can you provide employees with the ability to both do their jobs and pillage the company, while limiting contractors solely to the tasks required of them? The solution is to break these tasks down into several tasks and then implement multiple interfaces as necessary. Such a feature is available as of PHP 5. Consider this example:

    interface IEmployee {...}
    interface IDeveloper {...}
    interface IPillage {...}
class Employee implements IEmployee, IDeveloper, iPillage {

    class Contractor implements IEmployee, IDeveloper {

As you can see, all three interfaces (IEmployee, IDeveloper, and IPillage) have been made available to the employee, while only IEmployee and IDeveloper have been made available to the contractor.

Abstract Classes

An abstract class is a class that really isn't supposed to ever be instantiated but instead serves as a base class to be inherited by other classes. For example, consider a class titled Media, intended to embody the common characteristics of various types of published materials, such as newspapers, books, and CDs. Because the Media class doesn't represent a real-life entity but is instead a generalized representation of a range of similar entities, you'd never want to instantiate it directly. To ensure that this doesn't happen, the class is deemed abstract. The various derived Media classes then inherit this abstract class, ensuring conformity among the child classes because all methods defined in that abstract class must be implemented within the subclass.

A class is declared abstract by prefacing the definition with the word abstract, like so:

abstract class Class_Name
    // insert attribute definitions here
    // insert method definitions here

Attempting to instantiate an abstract class results in the following error message:

Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Employee in

Abstract classes ensure conformity because any classes derived from them must implement all abstract methods derived within the class. Attempting to forgo implementation of any abstract method defined in the class results in a fatal error.

Introducing Namespaces

As your class libraries continue to grow, you'll likely eventually encounter a situation where two libraries use identical class names. However, historically, it hasn't been possible to use two identically named classes in the same PHP script due to the requirement that each class have a unique name.

Caution At the time of writing, the namespaces feature had only very recently been integrated into the PHP 6 development build, and could likely change, perhaps even substantially, between this time and the PHP 6 release.

To illustrate the challenge, suppose you've created a Web site that enables you to organize your book collection, and allows visitors to comment on any books found in your personal library. To manage comments, you've created a library called, which includes a class named Clean. This class implements a variety of general data filters that you could apply to not only book-related data but also user comments. For example, the following shows the class with a filter that capitalizes the first word of the title comment. This class looks like this:

class Clean {

    function FilterTitle($text) {
        // Trim white space and capitalize first word
        return ucfirst(trim($text));


However, as this is a G-rated Web site, you want to pass all user-supplied data through a profanity filter. An online search turned up a PHP class library called, which unbeknownst to you includes a class named Clean. This class includes a function named RemoveProfanity(), which is responsible for substituting bad words with acceptable alternatives. The class looks like this:

class Clean {

    function RemoveProfanity($text) {

        $badwords = array("idiotic" => "shortsighted",
                          "moronic" => "unreasonable",
                          "insane" => "illogical");

        // Remove bad words
        return strtr($text, $badwords);


Eager to begin using the profanity filter, you include the file at the top of the relevant script, following the include statement used for


You then make some modifications to take advantage of the profanity filter, but upon loading the application into the browser, you're greeted with the following fatal error message:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Clean

you're receiving this error because it's not possible to use two classes of the same name within the same script. Starting with PHP 6, there's a simple way to resolve this issue by using namespaces. All you need to do is assign a namespace to each class. To do so, you need to make one modification to each file. Open and place this line at the top:

namespace Library;

Likewise, open and place the following line at the top:

namespace DataCleaner;

You can then begin using the respective Clean classes without fear of name clashes. To do so, instantiate each class by prefixing it with the namespace, as demonstrated in the following example:

    include "Library.php";
    include "Data.php";

    // Instantiate the Library's Clean class
    $filter = new Library::Clean();

    // Instantiate the DataFilter's Clean class
    $profanity = new DataFilter::Clean();

    // Create a book title
    $title = "the idiotic sun also rises";

    // Output the title before filtering occurs
    printf("Title before filters: %s <br />", $title);

    // Remove profanity from the title
    $title = $profanity->RemoveProfanity($title);

    printf("Title after Data::Clean: %s <br />", $title);
// Remove white space and capitalize title
    $title = $filter->FilterTitle($title)

    printf("Title after Library::Clean: %s <br />", $title);


Executing this script produces the following output:

Title before filters: the idiotic sun also rises
Title after Data::Clean: the shortsighted sun also rises
Title after Library::Clean: The Shortsighted Sun Also Rises

Be sure to consult the PHP manual before implementing PHP 6's namespace feature into your own applications, as the capabilities and constraints are likely to change significantly following this book's publication.


This and the previous chapter introduced you to the entire gamut of PHP's OOP features, both old and new. Although the PHP development team was careful to ensure that users aren't constrained to these features, the improvements and additions made regarding PHP's ability to operate in conjunction with this important development paradigm represent a quantum leap forward for the language. If you're an old hand at OOP, we hope these last two chapters have left you smiling ear to ear over the long-awaited capabilities introduced within these pages. If you're new to OOP, the material should help you to better understand many of the key OOP concepts and inspire you to perform additional experimentation and research.

The next chapter introduces yet another new, and certainly long-awaited, feature of PHP 5: exception handling.

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