MySQL Storage Engines and Datatypes

Taking time to properly design your project's table structures is key to its success. Neglecting to do so can have dire consequences not only on storage requirements, but also on application performance, maintainability, and data integrity. In this chapter, you'll become better acquainted with the many facets of MySQL table design. By its conclusion, you will be familiar with the following topics:

  • The purpose, advantages, disadvantages, and relevant configuration parameters of MySQL's key storage engines, namely ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, CSV, EXAMPLE, FEDERATED, InnoDB, MEMORY (formerly HEAP), MERGE, and MyISAM.
  • The purpose and range of MySQL's supported datatypes. To facilitate later reference, these datatypes are broken into three categories: date and time, numeric, and textual.
  • MySQL's table attributes, which serve to further modify the behavior of a data column.
  • The MySQL commands used to create, modify, navigate, review, and alter both databases and tables.

Storage Engines

A relational database table is a data structure used to store and organize information. You can picture a table as a grid consisting of both rows and columns, much like a spreadsheet. For example, you might design a table intended to store employee contact information, and that table might consist of five columns: employee ID, first name , last name, e-mail address, and phone number. For an organization that consists of four employees, this table would consist of four rows, or records. Although this example is simplistic, it clearly depicts the purpose of a table: to serve as an easily accessible vehicle for general data storage.

However, database tables are also used in a number of other ways, some of which are rather complex. For example, databases are also commonly used to store transactional information. Simply defined, a transaction is a group of tasks that is collectively considered to be a single unit of work. If all the unit tasks succeed, then the table changes will be executed, or committed. If any fails, then all the results of the preceding and proceeding tasks must be annulled, or rolled back. You might use transactions for procedures such as user registration, banking operations, or e-commerce, in which all steps must be correctly carried out to ensure data consistency. As you might imagine, such capabilities require some overhead due to the additional features that must be incorporated into the table.

Note MySQL's transactional features are introduced in Chapter 37.

Some tables aren't intended to store any long-term information at all, and are actually created and maintained entirely in a server's RAM or in a special temporary file to ensure a high degree of performance, at the risk of high volatility. Other tables exist solely to ease the maintenance of and access to a collection of identical tables, offering a single interface for simultaneously interacting with all of them. Still other special purposes exist, but the point has been made: MySQL supports many types of tables, each with its own specific purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. Accordingly, MySQL also offers many different storage engines that can store your data in a way that best fits the requirements of your application. This section introduces MySQL's ten available storage engines, outlining the purpose, advantages, and disadvantages of each. Rather than introduce the storage engines in alphabetical order, it seems most prudent to present them beginning with those most commonly used, MyISAM, and concluding with those intended for more specific purposes:

  • MyISAM
  • InnoDB
  • CSV

Following the presentation of the storage engines is an FAQ section to address other issues regarding storage engines.


MyISAM became MySQL's default storage engine as of version 3.23.1 It resolves a number of deficiencies suffered by its predecessor (ISAM). For starters, MyISAM tables are operating system independent, meaning that you can easily port them from a Windows server to a Linux server. In addition, MyISAM tables are typically capable of storing more data, but at a cost of less storage space than their older counterpart. MyISAM tables also have the convenience of a number of data integrity and compression tools at their disposal, all of which are bundled with MySQL.

Note The ISAM storage engine was MySQL's first, and was deprecated in version 3.23 in deference to its successor, MyISAM. As of version 4.1, the relevant source code was still included with MySQL but was not enabled, and as of version 5.0, it disappeared entirely. ISAM tables are slower and less reliable than MyISAM tables, and they are not operating system independent. Although this storage engine is still available, support likely will entirely disappear from the distribution in a future version. Thus, you should stay away from this storage engine. If you've inherited an older MySQL deployment, you should consider converting ISAM tables to a more capable type.

MyISAM tables cannot handle transactions, meaning that you should use this type for all of your nontransactional needs, so as not to incur the extra overhead required of transactional storage engines such as InnoDB. The MyISAM storage engine is particularly adept when applied to the following scenarios:

  • Select-intensive tables: The MyISAM storage engine is quite fast at sifting through large amounts of data, even in a high-traffic environment.
  • Insert-intensive tables: MyISAM's concurrent insert feature allows for data to be selected and inserted simultaneously. For example, the MyISAM storage engine would be a great candidate for managing mail or Web server log data.

The MyISAM storage engine is such an important component of MySQL that considerable effort has been invested in its optimization. One key way in which this has been done is through the creation of three MyISAM formats: static, dynamic, and compressed. MySQL will automatically apply the best type in accordance with the specifics of the table structure. These formats are introduced next.

MyISAM Static

MySQL automatically uses the static MyISAM variant if the size of all table columns is static (that is, the xBLOB, xTEXT, or VARCHAR datatypes are not used). Performance is particularly high with this type of table because of the low overhead required to both maintain and access data stored in a predefined format. However, this advantage comes at a tradeoff for space, because each column requires the maximum amount of space allocated for each column, regardless of whether that space is actually used. Take, for example, two otherwise identical tables used to store user information. One table, authentication_static, uses the static CHAR datatype to store the user's username and password:

CREATE TABLE authentication_static (
   username CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   pswd CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   ) engine=myisam;

The other table, dubbed authentication_dynamic, uses the dynamic VARCHAR datatype:

CREATE TABLE authentication_dynamic (
   username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   pswd VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   ) engine=myisam;

Because authentication_static uses solely static fields, it automatically assumes the MyISAM-static form, while the other table, authentication_dynamic, assumes the MyISAM-dynamic form (introduced in the next section). Now insert a single row into each:

insert into authentication_static set id=NULL, username="jason", pswd="secret";
insert into authentication_dynamic set id=NULL, username="jason", pswd="secret";

Inserting just this single row into each will result in authentication_static being a little over 60 percent larger than authentication_dynamic (33 bytes versus 20 bytes), because the static table always consumes the space specified within the table definition, whereas the dynamic table only consumes the space required of the inserted data. However, don't take this example as a ringing endorsement for adhering solely to the MyISAM-dynamic format. Instead, take a moment to read more about this storage engine's characteristics, including its disadvantages, introduced next.

MyISAM Dynamic

MySQL automatically uses the dynamic variant if even one table column has been defined as dynamic (use of xBLOB, xTEXT, or VARCHAR). Although a MyISAM-dynamic table consumes less space than its static counterpart, the savings in space comes at a disadvantage of performance. If a field's contents change, then the location will likely need to be moved, causing fragmentation. As the data set becomes increasingly fragmented, data access performance will suffer accordingly. Two remedies are available for this problem:

  • Use static datatypes whenever possible.
  • Use the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement on a regular basis, which defragments tables and recovers space lost over time due to table updates and deletions.

MyISAM Compressed

Sometimes you'll create tables that are intended as read-only throughout the lifetime of your application. If this is the case, you can significantly reduce their size by converting them into MyISAM-compressed tables using the myisampack utility. Given certain hardware configurations (a fast processor and slow hard drive, for example), performance savings could be significant.


InnoDB is a robust transactional storage engine that has been under active development for over a decade and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). InnoDB has been embraced by such Internet heavyweights as Yahoo!, Slashdot, and Google, and offers users a powerful solution for working with very large data stores. It has been available to MySQL users since version 3.23.34a and has proved such a popular and effective solution for transactional applications that support has been enabled by default since version 4.0. In fact, as of version 4.1, the MySQL Windows installer designates it as the default engine.

Note InnoDB is developed and maintained by Innobase Oy, based out of Helsinki, Finland. You can learn more about the company and the great InnoDB project at

Although InnoDB is commonly grouped with other storage engines, as is done here, it's actually a complete database back end unto itself. InnoDB table resources are managed using dedicated buffers, which can be controlled like any other MySQL configuration parameters. InnoDB also brings other great advances to MySQL by way of row-level locking and foreign key constraints.

InnoDB tables are ideal for the following scenarios, among others:

  • Update-intensive tables: The InnoDB storage engine is particularly adept at handling multiple simultaneous update requests.
  • Transactions: The InnoDB storage engine is the only standard MySQL storage engine that supports transactions, a requisite feature for managing sensitive data such as financial or user registration information.
  • Automated crash recovery: Unlike other storage engines, InnoDB tables are capable of automatically recovering from a crash. Although MyISAM tables can also be repaired after a crash, the process can take significantly longer.

As of version 3.23.44, InnoDB supports foreign keys, a feature not slated to be available to other storage engines until version 5.1.


MySQL's MEMORY storage engine was created with one goal in mind: speed. To attain the fastest response time possible, the logical storage media is system memory. Although storing table data in memory does indeed offer impressive performance, keep in mind that if the mysqld daemon crashes, all MEMORY data will be lost.

Note As of version 4.1, this storage engine was renamed from HEAP to MEMORY. However, because this storage engine has long been a part of MySQL, you'll still see it commonly referred to by its old name in documentation. Additionally, HEAP remains a synonym of MEMORY.

This gain in speed comes at a cost of several drawbacks. For example, MEMORY tables do not support the VARCHAR, BLOB, or TEXT datatypes, because this table type is stored in fixed-record-length format. In addition, if you're using a version of MySQL prior to 4.1.0, automatically incrementing columns (via the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute) are not supported. Of course, you should keep in mind that MEMORY tables are intended for a specific scope, and aren't intended for long-term storage of data. Among others, you might consider using a MEMORY table when your data is:

  • Negligible: The target data is relatively small in size and accessed very frequently. Remember that storing data in memory prevents that memory from being used for other purposes. Note that you can control the size of MEMORY tables with the parameter max_heap_table_size. This parameter acts as a resource safeguard, placing a maximum limit on the size of a MEMORY table.
  • Transient: The target data is only temporarily required, and during its lifetime must be made immediately available.
  • Relatively inconsequential: The sudden loss of data stored in MEMORY tables would not have any substantial negative effect on application services, and certainly should not have a long-term impact on data integrity.

If you're using MySQL 4.1 or earlier, key searches of MEMORY tables are less efficient than searches of MyISAM tables, because MEMORY tables support only hashed indexes, which require use of the entire key for searching. However, for versions newer than 4.1, both hashed and B-tree indexes are supported. The advantage of B-tree indexes over hashes is that partial and wildcard queries can be used, and operators such as <, >, and >= can be used to facilitate data mining.

You can specify the version to use with the USING clause at table creation time. The following example declares a hashed index on the username column:

   username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   pswd VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   INDEX USING HASH (username),
   ) engine=MEMORY;

By comparison, the following example declares a B-tree index on the same column:

   username VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   pswd VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   INDEX USING BTREE (username),
   ) engine=MEMORY;


MyISAM also offers an additional variant that isn't as prominently used as the others, but is nonetheless quite useful in certain situations. This variant, introduced in version 3.23.25 and known as a MERGE table, is actually an aggregation of identical MyISAM tables. Why is this useful? Consider that databases are often used for storing time-specific data: sales information, server logs, and flight timetables all immediately come to mind as prime candidates in this regard. As you might imagine, though, such data stores can easily become excessively large and quite unwieldy. As a result, a common storage strategy is to break the data up into numerous tables, with each name pertinent to a particular time block. For example, 12 identical tables might be used to store server log data, with each assigned a name corresponding to each month of the year. However, reports based on data spread across all 12 tables are necessary, meaning multitable queries will need to be written and updated to reflect the information found within these tables. Rather than write such potentially error-prone queries, the tables can be merged together and a single query can be used instead. The MERGE table can later be dropped without affecting the original data.


Many environments tend to run Apache, MySQL, and PHP on a single server. Indeed, this is fine for many purposes, but what if you need to aggregate data from a number of different MySQL servers, some of which might reside outside the network or even be owned by another organization altogether? Because it's long been possible to connect to a remote MySQL database server (see Chapter 27 for more details on this), this doesn't really present a problem; however, the process of managing connections to each separate server can quickly become tedious. To alleviate this problem, you can create a local pointer to remote tables by using the FEDERATED table hander, available as of MySQL 5.0.3. Doing so allows you to execute queries as if the tables reside locally, saving the hassle of separately connecting to each remote database.

Note The FEDERATED storage engine isn't installed by default, so you need to configure MySQL with the option −-with-federated-storage-engine to take advantage of its features.

Because the process for creating a FEDERATED table varies somewhat from that of other tables, some additional explanation is in order. If you're unfamiliar with general table-creation syntax, feel free to skip ahead to the section "Working with Databases and Tables" before continuing. The process is best illustrated by example. Suppose a table titled products resides in the corporate database on a remote server (call it Server A). The table looks like this:

CREATE TABLE products (
   sku CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
   name VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL,
   price DECIMAL(6,2)

Suppose that you'd like to access this table from some other server (call it Server B). To do so, create an identical table structure on Server B, with the only difference being that the table engine type should be FEDERATED rather than MyISAM. Additionally, connection parameters must be provided, which allows Server B to communicate with the table on Server A:

CREATE TABLE products (
   sku CHAR(8) NOT NULL,
   name VARCHAR(35) NOT NULL,
   price DECIMAL(6,2)
  CONNECTION='mysql://remoteuser:[email protected]/corporate/products';

The connection string should be fairly easy to understand, but a few observations are worth making. First, the user identified by username remoteuser and password secret must reside within the mysql database found on Server A. Second, because this information will be transmitted over a possibly unsecured network to Server A, it's possible for a third party to capture not only the authentication variables but also the table data. See Chapter 27 for instructions regarding how to mitigate the possibility that a third party could acquire this data and, on the off chance that it happens, how to limit the potential repercussions.

Note If you need to create multiple FEDERATED tables, a more streamlined approach than that explained above exists. Consult the MySQL documentation for more information.

Once created, you can access the Server A products table by accessing the products table on Server B. Furthermore, provided the user assigned in the connection string possesses the necessary privileges, it's also possible to add, modify, and delete data residing in this remote table.

Alleviating the tedium of connection management isn't the only purpose for FEDERATED tables. Although at present MySQL's implementation only supports connecting to tables residing on MySQL tables, in the future it should be possible to connect to other database servers, PostgreSQL or Oracle for example.


Even given the present availability of low-cost, high-volume storage, organizations such as banks, hospitals, and retailers must take special care to store often enormous amounts of data in the most efficient way possible. Because this data typically must be maintained for long periods of time, even though it's perhaps rarely accessed, it makes sense to compress it, uncompressing it only when necessary. Catering to such purposes, the ARCHIVE storage engine was added in version 4.1.3.

The ARCHIVE storage engine greatly compresses any data found in a table of this type, by using the zlib compression library (, and uncompresses it on the fly as records are requested. In addition to selecting records, it's also possible to insert records, as might be necessary when it becomes practical to migrate aging data over to an ARCHIVE table. However, it's not possible to delete or update any data stored within these tables.

Tip The ARCHIVE engine isn't enabled by default, meaning you need to include the option --with-archive-storage-engine at configuration time to use it.

Note that any data stored in an ARCHIVE table will not be indexed, meaning SELECT operations can be rather inefficient. If for some reason you need to perform extended analysis on an ARCHIVE table, it might make sense to convert the table to MyISAM and re-create the necessary indexes. See the section "Storage Engine FAQ" later in this chapter for information about how to convert between engines.

Caution At the time of writing, it apparently isn't possible to repair a corrupted ARCHIVE table using MySQL's utilities. While this will surely be resolved in the future, it stands to reason you should be very careful about using this engine in conjunction with particularly important information.


Introduced in MySQL version 4.1.4, the CSV storage engine stores table data in a comma-separated format similar to that supported by many applications, such as OpenOffice and Microsoft Office.

Tip The CSV storage engine isn't enabled by default, meaning you need to include the option −-with-csv-storage-engine at configuration time to use it.

Although you access and manipulate CSV tables like any another table type, MyISAM for example, CSV tables are actually text files. This has an interesting implication in that you can actually copy an existing CSV file over the corresponding data file (labeled with a .csv extension) found in MySQL's designated data folder. Also, given CSV files' particular format, it's not possible to take advantage of typical database features such as indexes.


Because MySQL's source code is freely available, you're free to modify it, provided that you abide by the terms of its respective licenses. Realizing that developers might wish to create new storage engines, MySQL offers the EXAMPLE storage engine as a basic template for understanding how these engines are created. This topic is out of the scope of this book, so if you want to learn more about it, see the following tutorial on the MySQL Web site for more information:

Tip The EXAMPLE storage engine isn't enabled by default, meaning you need to include the option --with-example-storage-engine at configuration time to use it.


Available as of MySQL 4.1.11, the BLACKHOLE storage engine operates just like the MyISAM engine except that it won't store any data. You might use this engine to gauge the overhead incurred by logging, because it's still possible to log the queries even though data will not be stored.

Tip The BLACKHOLE storage engine isn't enabled by default, meaning you need to include the option −-with-blackhole-storage-engine at configuration time to use it.

Storage Engine FAQ

There is often a bit of confusion surrounding various issues pertinent to storage engines. That said, this section is devoted to addressing frequently asked questions about storage engines.

Which Storage Engines Are Available on My Server?

To determine which engines are available to your MySQL server, execute the following command:


If you're running a version of MySQL older than 4.1.2, use the following command, because SHOW ENGINES isn't supported:

mysql>SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_%';

How Do I Take Advantage of the Storage Engines on Windows?

By default, the ARCHIVE, BLACKHOLE, CSV, EXAMPLE, FEDERATED, InnoDB, MEMORY, MERGE, and MyISAM storage engines are available on Windows when running MySQL 5.0 or newer, with InnoDB being the default when MySQL has been installed using the MySQL Configuration Wizard (see Chapter 26). To use the other supported types, you need to either install the Max version or build MySQL from source.

How Do I Convert ISAM Tables to MyISAM Tables?

If you've been using MySQL since before version 3.23, chances are that any preexisting tables are of the ISAM storage engine type. If this is the case, you should convert all such tables to the MyISAM type. Surprisingly, doing so is quite trivial, accomplished with a single ALTER command for each table:


Alternatively, you can use the mysql_convert_table_format utility, which is bundled with the MySQL server. This client works much like mysql or mysqladmin, requiring authorization before any commands are executed. As an example, suppose you want to convert all ISAM tables located in a legacy database named clients to MyISAM:

%>mysql_convert_table_format -u root -p --type='MYISAM' clients

You can also specifically enumerate the tables that you'd like to convert. For example, suppose that there only two tables that require conversion (namely, companies and staff) in the clients database:

%>mysql_convert_table_format -u root -p --type='MYISAM' clients companies staff

Note that this script is capable of converting between BDB, ISAM, and MyISAM tables.

Is It Wrong to Use Multiple Storage Engines Within the Same Database?

Not at all. In fact, unless you're working with a particularly simple database, it's quite likely that your application would benefit from using multiple storage engines. It's always a good idea to carefully consider the purpose and behavior of each table in your database and choose an appropriate storage engine accordingly. Don't take the lazy way out and just go with the default storage engine; it could detrimentally affect your application's performance in the long term.

How Can I Specify a Storage Engine at Creation Time, or Change It Later?

You can selectively assign storage engines at creation time by passing along the attribute TYPE=TABLE_TYPE, and you can convert a table later with the ALTER command or by using the mysql_convert_table_format script, which comes with your MySQL distribution.

I Need Speed! What's the Fastest Storage Engine?

Because MEMORY tables are stored in memory, they offer an extremely fast response time. However, keep in mind that anything stored in memory is highly volatile and is going to disappear if MySQL crashes or is shut down. Although MEMORY tables certainly serve an important purpose, you might want to consider other optimization routes if speed is your goal. You can start by taking time to properly design your tables, always choosing the best possible datatype and storage engine. Also, be diligent in optimizing your queries and MySQL server configuration, and of course never skimp on the server hardware. In addition, you can take advantage of other MySQL features, such as query caching.

Datatypes and Attributes

Wielding a strict level of control over the data placed into each column of your MySQL tables is crucial to the success of your data-driven applications. For example, you might want to make sure that the value doesn't surpass a maximum limit, fall out of the bounds of a specific format, or even constrain the allowable values to a predefined set. To help in this task, MySQL offers an array of datatypes that can be assigned to each column in a table. Each forces the data to conform to a predetermined set of rules inherent to that datatype, such as size, type (string, integer, or decimal, for instance), and format (ensuring that it conforms to a valid date or time representation, for example).

The behavior of these datatypes can be further tuned through the inclusion of attributes. This section introduces both MySQL's supported datatypes and many of the commonly used attributes. Because many datatypes support the same attributes, the attribute definitions won't be repeated in each datatype section; instead, the attribute definitions are grouped under the heading "Datatype Attributes", following the "Datatypes" section.


This section introduces MySQL's supported datatypes, offering information about the name, purpose, format, and range of each. To facilitate later reference, they're broken down into three categories: date and time, numeric, and string.

Date and Time Datatypes

Numerous types are available for representing time- and date-based data. These types are introduced in this section.


The DATE datatype is responsible for storing date information. Although MySQL displays DATE values in a standard YYYY-MM-DD format, the values can be inserted using either numbers or strings. For example, both 20080810 and 2008-08-10 would be accepted as valid input. The range is 1000-01-01 to 9999-12-31.

Note For all date and time datatypes, MySQL will accept any type of nonalphanumeric delimiter to separate the various date and time values. For example, 20080810, 2008*08*10, 2008, 08, 10, and 2008!08!10 are all the same as far as MySQL is concerned.


The DATETIME datatype is responsible for storing a combination of date and time information. Like DATE, DATETIME values are stored in a standard format, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; the values can be inserted using either numbers or strings. For example, both 20080810153510 and 2008-08-10 15:35:10 would be accepted as valid input. The range of DATETIME is 1000-01-01 00:00:00 to 9999-12-31 23:59:59.


The TIME datatype is responsible for storing time information and supports a range large enough not only to represent both standard and military-style time formats, but also to represent extended time intervals. This range is −838:59:59 to 838:59:59.


The TIMESTAMP datatype differs from DATETIME in that MySQL automatically updates it to the current date and time whenever an INSERT or UPDATE operation affecting it is executed. TIMESTAMP values are displayed in HH:MM:SS format, and, like the DATE and DATETIME datatypes, you can assign values using either numbers or strings. TIMESTAMP values can be displayed in the following formats: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS (14 digits long), YYMMDDHHMMSS (12 digits long), YYYYMMDD (8 digits long), and YYMMDD (6 digits long). The range of TIMESTAMP is 1970-01-01 00:00:01 to 2037-12-31 23:59:59. Its storage requirement is four bytes.

Note that for MySQL version 4.1 and newer, you cannot specify the size. Starting with version 4.1, you are constrained to a TIMESTAMP column format that corresponds exactly to that of DATETIME. In other words, TIMESTAMP values will always be stored as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Caution When an invalid value is inserted into a DATE, DATETIME, TIME, or TIMESTAMP column, it appears as a string of zeroes formatted according to the specifications of the datatype.

The TIMESTAMP column has long been a source of confusion for developers because, if not properly defined, it can behave unexpectedly. In an effort to dispel some of the confusion, a laundry list of different definitions and corresponding explanations is provided here. Because the behavior has changed with the release of 4.1.2, this list is presented in two parts, beginning with the TIMESTAMP definitions that would apply to pre-4.1.2 tables:

  • TIMESTAMP: For the first TIMESTAMP defined in a table, the current timestamp will be assigned both at row insertion and every time the row is updated.
  • TIMESTAMP NULL: For the first TIMESTAMP defined in a table, the current timestamp will be assigned both at row insertion and every time the row is updated.
  • TIMESTAMP 20080831120000: For the first TIMESTAMP defined in a table, when the TIMESTAMP definition is set to anything but NULL or is empty, it will not change when the row is updated.
  • TIMESTAMP DEFAULT 20080831120000: When the first TIMESTAMP definition in a table is assigned a default value, it will be ignored.
  • Any other TIMESTAMP column found in a pre-4.1.2 table will be assigned the current timestamp at row insertion by assigning it NULL, but will not change otherwise when the row is updated.

For versions 4.1.2 and newer, some new features have been added:

  • For the first TIMESTAMP defined in a table, default values can now be assigned. You can assign it the value CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or some constant value. Setting it to a constant means that any time the row is updated, the TIMESTAMP will not change.
  • TIMESTAMP DEFAULT 20080831120000: Starting with version 4.1.2, the first TIMESTAMP defined in a table will accept a default value.
  • TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: The first TIMESTAMP column defined in a table assumes the value of the current timestamp, and is again updated to the current timestamp each time the row is updated.
  • TIMESTAMP: When the first TIMESTAMP column is defined in a table as such, it's the same as defining it with both DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP.
  • TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: The first TIMESTAMP column defined in a table assumes the value of the current timestamp, but will not update to the current timestamp each time the row is updated.
  • TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: The first TIMESTAMP column defined in a table is assigned 0 when the row is inserted, and is updated to the current timestamp when the row is updated.


The YEAR datatype is responsible for storing year-specific information, supporting numerous ranges according to context:

  • Two-digit number: 1 to 99. Values ranging between 1 and 69 are converted to values in the range 2001 to 2069, while values ranging between 70 and 99 are converted to values in the range 1970 to 1999.
  • Four-digit number: 1901 to 2155.
  • Two-digit string: "00" to "99". Values ranging between "00" and "69" are converted to values in the range "2000" to "2069", while values ranging between "70" and "99" are converted to values in the range "1970" to "1999".
  • Four-digit string: "1901" to "2155".

Numeric Datatypes

Numerous types are available for representing numerical data. These types are introduced in this section.

Note Many of the numeric datatypes allow you to constrain the maximum display size, denoted by the M parameter following the type name in the following definitions. Many of the floating-point types allow you to specify the number of digits that should follow the decimal point, denoted by the D parameter. These parameters, along with related attributes, are optional and are indicated as such by their enclosure in square brackets.


BOOL and BOOLEAN are just aliases for TINYINT(1), intended for assignments of either 0 or 1. This datatype was added in version 4.1.0.


The BIGINT datatype offers MySQL's largest integer range, supporting a signed range of −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807, and an unsigned range of 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.


The INT datatype offers MySQL's second-largest integer range, supporting a signed range of −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647, and an unsigned range of 0 to 4,294,967,295.


The MEDIUMINT datatype offers MySQL's third-largest integer range, supporting a signed range of −8,388,608 to 8,388,607, and an unsigned range of 0 to 16,777,215.


The SMALLINT datatype offers MySQL's fourth-largest integer range, supporting a signed range of −32,768 to 32,767, and an unsigned range of 0 to 65,535.


The TINYINT datatype is MySQL's smallest integer range, supporting a signed range of −128 to 127, and an unsigned range of 0 to 255.


The DECIMAL datatype is a floating-point number stored as a string, supporting a signed range of −1.7976931348623157E+308 to −2.2250738585072014E-308, and an unsigned range of 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308. The decimal point and minus sign are ignored when determining the number's total size.


The DOUBLE datatype is a double-precision floating-point number, supporting a signed range of −1.7976931348623157E+308 to −2.2250738585072014E-308, and an unsigned range of 2.2250738585072014E-308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308.


This FLOAT datatype variation is MySQL's single-precision floating-point number representation, supporting a signed range of −3.402823466E+38 to −1.175494351E-38, and an unsigned range of 1.175494351E-38 to 3.402823466E+38.


This FLOAT datatype variant is provided for ODBC compatibility. The degree of precision can range between 1 to 24 for single precision, and 25 to 53 for double precision. The range is the same as that defined in the preceding FLOAT definition.

String Datatypes

Numerous types are available for representing string data. They're introduced in this section.


The CHAR datatype offers MySQL's fixed-length string representation, supporting a maximum length of 255 characters. If an inserted string does not occupy Length spaces, the remaining space will be padded by blank spaces. When retrieved, these blank spaces are omitted. If Length is one character, the user can omit the length reference, simply using CHAR. You can also specify a zero-length CHAR in conjunction with the NOT NULL attribute, which will allow only NULL or "". The NATIONAL attribute is available for compatibility reasons, because that is how SQL-99 specifies that the default character set should be used for the column, which MySQL already does by default. Supplying the BINARY attribute causes the values in this column to be sorted in case-sensitive fashion; omitting it causes them to be sorted in case-insensitive fashion.

Starting with version 4.1.0, if Length is greater than 255, the column will automatically be converted to the smallest TEXT type capable of storing values designated by the provided length. Also starting with version 4.1.0, including the ASCII attribute will result in the application of the Latin1 character set to the column. Finally, beginning with version 4.1.1, including the UNICODE attribute will result in the application of the ucs2 character set to the column.


The VARCHAR datatype is MySQL's variable-length string representation, supporting a length of 0 to 65,535 characters as of version 5.0.3, 0 to 255 characters as of version 4.0.2, and 1 to 255 characters prior to version 4.0.2. The NATIONAL attribute is available for compatibility reasons, because that is how SQL-99 specifies that the default character set should be used for the column, which MySQL already does by default. Supplying the BINARY attribute causes the values in this column to be sorted in case-sensitive fashion; omitting it causes them to be sorted in case-insensitive fashion.

Historically, any trailing spaces were not stored by VARCHAR; however, as of version 5.0.3, they are stored for reasons of standards compliance.


The LONGBLOB datatype is MySQL's largest binary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 characters.


The LONGTEXT datatype is MySQL's largest nonbinary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 4,294,967,295 characters.


The MEDIUMBLOB datatype is MySQL's second-largest binary string representation, supporting a maximum of 16,777,215 characters.


The MEDIUMTEXT datatype is MySQL's second-largest nonbinary text string, capable of storing a maximum length of 16,777,215 characters.


The BLOB datatype is MySQL's third-largest binary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 65,535 characters.


The TEXT datatype is MySQL's third-largest nonbinary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 65,535 characters.


The TINYBLOB datatype is MySQL's smallest binary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 255 characters.


The TINYTEXT datatype is MySQL's smallest nonbinary string representation, supporting a maximum length of 255 characters.

ENUM("member1","member2",... "member65,535")

The ENUM datatype provides a means for storing a maximum of one member chosen from a predefined group consisting of a maximum of 65,535 distinct members. The choice of members is restricted to those declared in the column definition. If the column declaration includes the NULL attribute, then NULL will be considered a valid value and will be the default. If NOT NULL is declared, the first member of the list will be the default.

SET("member1", "member2",... "member64")

The SET datatype provides a means for specifying zero or more values chosen from a predefined group consisting of a maximum of 64 members. The choice of values is restricted to those declared in the column definition. The storage requirement is 1, 2, 3, 4, or 8 values, depending on the number of members. You can determine the exact requirement with this formula: (N+7)/8, where N is the set size.

Datatype Attributes

Although this list is not exhaustive, this section introduces the attributes you'll most commonly use, as well as those that will be used throughout the remainder of this book.


The AUTO_INCREMENT attribute takes away a level of logic that would otherwise be necessary in many database-driven applications: the ability to assign unique integer identifiers to newly inserted rows. Assigning this attribute to a column will result in the assignment of the last insertion ID +1 to each newly inserted row.

MySQL requires that the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute be used in conjunction with a column designated as the primary key. Furthermore, only one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table is allowed. An example of an AUTO_INCREMENT column assignment follows:



The BINARY attribute is only used in conjunction with CHAR and VARCHAR values. When columns are assigned this attribute, they will be sorted in case-sensitive fashion (in accordance with their ASCII machine values). This is in contrast to the case-insensitive sorting when the BINARY attribute is omitted. An example of a BINARY column assignment follows:



The DEFAULT attribute ensures that some constant value will be assigned when no other value is available. This value must be a constant, because MySQL does not allow functional or expressional values to be inserted. Furthermore, this attribute cannot be used in conjunction with BLOB or TEXT fields. If the NULL attribute has been assigned to this field, the default value will be null if no default is specified. Otherwise (specifically, if NOT NULL is an accompanying attribute), the default value will depend on the field datatype.

An example of a DEFAULT attribute assignment follows:

subscribed ENUM('0','1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'


If all other factors are equal, the use of indexing is often the single most important step you can take toward speeding your database queries. Indexing a column creates a sorted array of keys for that column, each of which points to its corresponding table row. Subsequently searching this ordered key array for the input criteria results in vast increases in performance over searching the entire unindexed table, because MySQL will already have the sorted array at its disposal. The following example demonstrates how a column used to store employees' last names can be indexed:

CREATE TABLE employees (
   firstname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   email VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
   phone VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
   INDEX lastname (lastname),
   PRIMARY KEY(id));

Alternatively, an index could be added after a table has been created by making use of MySQL's CREATE INDEX command:

CREATE INDEX lastname ON employees (lastname(7));

This section offers a slight variation on the previous one, this time indexing only the first seven characters of the first name, because more letters probably won't be necessary to differentiate among first names. Because performance is better when smaller indexes are used, you should strive to use them whenever practical.


The NATIONAL attribute is used only in conjunction with the CHAR and VARCHAR datatypes. When specified, it ensures that the column uses the default character set, which MySQL already does by default. In short, this attribute is offered as an aid in database compatibility.


Defining a column as NOT NULL will disallow any attempt to insert a NULL value into the column. Using the NOT NULL attribute where relevant is always suggested, because it results in at least baseline verification that all necessary values have been passed to the query. An example of a NOT NULL column assignment follows:

zipcode VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL


Simply stated, the NULL attribute means that no value can exist for the given field. Keep in mind that NULL is a mathematical term specifying "nothingness," rather than an empty string or zero. When a column is assigned the NULL attribute, it is possible for the field to remain empty regardless of whether the other row fields have been populated.

The NULL attribute is assigned to a field by default. Typically, you will want to avoid this default, ensuring that empty values will not be accepted into the table. This is accomplished through NULL's antithesis, NOT NULL, introduced above.


The PRIMARY KEY attribute is used to guarantee uniqueness for a given row. No values residing in a column designated as a primary key are repeatable or nullable within that column. It's quite common to assign the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute to a column designated as a primary key, because this column doesn't necessarily have to bear any relation to the row data, other than acting as its unique identifier. However, there are two other ways to ensure a record's uniqueness:

  • Single-field primary keys: Single-field primary keys are typically used when there is a preexisting, nonmodifiable unique identifier for each row entered into the database, such as a part number or Social Security number. Note that this key should never change once set.
  • Multiple-field primary keys: Multiple-field primary keys can be useful when it is not possible to guarantee uniqueness from any single field within a record. Thus, multiple fields are conjoined to ensure uniqueness. When such a situation arises, it is often a good idea to simply designate an AUTO_INCREMENT integer as the primary key, to alleviate the need to somehow generate unique identifiers with every insertion.

The following three examples demonstrate creation of the auto-increment, single-field, and multiple-field primary key fields, respectively.

Creating an automatically incrementing primary key:

CREATE TABLE employees (
   firstname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   email VARCHAR(55) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(id));

Creating a single-field primary key:

CREATE TABLE citizens (
   firstname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   zipcode VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(id));

Creating a multiple-field primary key:

CREATE TABLE friends (
   firstname VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   nickname varchar(15) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(lastname, nickname));


A column assigned the UNIQUE attribute will ensure that all values possess distinct values, except that NULL values are repeatable. You typically designate a column as UNIQUE to ensure that all fields within that column are distinct—for example, to prevent the same e-mail address from being inserted into a newsletter subscriber table multiple times, while at the same time acknowledging that the field could potentially be empty (NULL). An example of a column designated as UNIQUE follows:



The ZEROFILL attribute is available to any of the numeric types and will result in the replacement of all remaining field space with zeroes. For example, the default width of an unsigned INT is 10; therefore, a zero-filled INT value of 4 would be represented as 0000000004. An example of a ZEROFILL attribute assignment follows:


Given this definition, the value 35,678 would be returned as 0035678.

Working with Databases and Tables

Learning how to manage and navigate MySQL databases and tables will be one of the first tasks you'll want to master. This section highlights several key tasks.

Working with Databases

This section demonstrates how to view, create, select, and delete MySQL databases.

Viewing Databases

It's often useful to retrieve a list of databases located on the server. To do so, execute the SHOW DATABASES command:

| Database                       |
| information_schema             |
| book                           |
| corporate                      |
| mysql                          |
| test                           |
| wikidb                         |
6 rows in set (0.57 sec)

Keep in mind that your ability to view all the available databases on a given server is affected by user privileges. See Chapter 29 for more information about this matter.

Note that using the SHOW DATABASES command is the standard methodology prior to MySQL version 5.0.0. Although the command is still available for versions 5.0.0 and greater, consider using the commands provided to you by way of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See the later section titled "The INFORMATION_SCHEMA" for more information about this new feature.

Creating a Database

There are two common ways to create a database. Perhaps the easiest is to create it using the CREATE DATABASE command from within the mysql client:

mysql>CREATE DATABASE company;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

You can also create a database via the mysqladmin client:

%>mysqladmin -u root -p create company
Enter password:

Common problems for failed database creation include insufficient or incorrect permissions, or an attempt to create a database that already exists.

Using a Database

Once the database has been created, you can designate it as the default working database by "using" it, done with the USE command:

mysql>USE company;
Database changed

Alternatively, you can switch directly into that database when logging in via the mysql client by passing its name on the command line, like so:

%>mysql -u root -p company

In both cases, you'll immediately have the database tables and data at your disposal upon executing each command.

Deleting a Database

You delete a database in much the same fashion as you create one. You can delete it from within the mysql client with the DROP command, like so:

mysql>DROP DATABASE company;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Alternatively, you can delete it from the mysqladmin client. The advantage of doing it in this fashion is that you're prompted prior to deletion:

%>mysqladmin -u root -p drop company
Enter password:
Dropping the database is potentially a very bad thing to do.
Any data stored in the database will be destroyed.

Do you really want to drop the 'company' database [y/N] y
Database "company" dropped

Working with Tables

In this section you'll learn how to create, list, review, delete, and alter MySQL database tables.

Creating a Table

A table is created using the CREATE TABLE statement. Although there are a vast number of options and clauses specific to this statement, it seems a bit impractical to introduce them all in what is an otherwise informal introduction; therefore, this section instead introduces various features of this statement as they become relevant in future sections. Nonetheless, general usage will be demonstrated here. As an example, the following creates the employees table first discussed at the start of this chapter:

CREATE TABLE employees (
   firstname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   email VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
   phone VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(id));

Keep in mind that a table must consist of at least one column. Also, you can always go back and alter a table structure after it has been created. Later in this section, you'll learn how this is accomplished via the ALTER TABLE statement.

You can also create a table regardless of whether you're currently using the target database. Simply prepend the table name with the target database name like so:


Conditionally Creating a Table

By default, MySQL generates an error if you attempt to create a table that already exists. To avoid this error, the CREATE TABLE statement offers a clause that can be included if you want to simply abort the table-creation attempt if the target table already exists. For example, suppose you want to distribute an application that relies on a MySQL database for storing data. Because some users would download the latest version as a matter of course for upgrading, while others would download it for the first time, your installation script requires an easy means for creating the new users' tables while not causing undue display of errors during the upgrade process. This is done via the IF NOT EXISTS clause. For example, suppose you want to create the employees table only if it doesn't already exist:

   firstname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   lastname VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,
   email VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
   phone VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY(id));

Note that one oddity of this action is that the output does not specify whether the table was created. Both variations display the "Query OK" message before returning to the mysql command prompt.

Copying a Table

It's a trivial task to create a new table based on an existing one. The following query produces an exact copy of the employees table, naming it employees2:

CREATE TABLE employees2 SELECT * FROM employees;

An identical table, employees2, will be added to the database.

Sometimes you might be interested in creating a table based on just a few columns found in a preexisting table. You can do so by simply specifying the columns within the CREATE SELECT statement:

CREATE TABLE employees3 SELECT firstname,lastname FROM employees;

Creating a Temporary Table

Sometimes it's useful to create tables that will have a lifetime that is only as long as the current session. For example, you might need to perform several queries on a subset of a particularly large table. Rather than repeatedly run those queries against the entire table, you can create a temporary table for that subset and then run the queries against it instead. This is accomplished by using the TEMPORARY keyword in conjunction with the CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE emp_temp SELECT firstname,lastname FROM employees;

Temporary tables are created just as any other table would be, except that they're stored in the operating system's designated temporary directory, typically /tmp or /usr/tmp on Linux. You can override this default by setting MySQL's TMPDIR environment variable.

Note As of MySQL 4.0.2, ownership of the CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE privilege is required in order to create temporary tables. See Chapter 29 for more details about MySQL's privilege system.

Viewing a Database's Available Tables

You can view a list of the tables made available to a database with the SHOW TABLES statement:

| Tables_in_company             |
| employees                     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Note that this is the standard methodology prior to MySQL version 5.0.0. Although the command is still available for versions 5.0.0 and greater, consider using the commands provided to you by way of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA. See the later section titled "The INFORMATION_SCHEMA" for more information about this new feature.

Viewing a Table Structure

You can view a table structure using the DESCRIBE statement:

mysql>DESCRIBE employees;
| Field     | Type                | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id        | tinyint(3) unsigned |      | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| firstname | varchar(25)         |      |     |         |                |
| lastname  | varchar(25)         |      |     |         |                |
| email     | varchar(45)         |      |     |         |                |
| phone     | varchar(10)         |      |     |         |                |

Alternatively, you can use the SHOW command like so to produce the same result:

mysql>SHOW columns IN employees;

Note that this is the standard methodology prior to MySQL version 5.0.0. Although the command is still available for versions 5.0.0 and greater, consider using the commands provided to you by way of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, described in the upcoming section "The INFORMATION_SCHEMA."

Deleting a Table

Deleting a table, or dropping it, is accomplished via the DROP TABLE statement. Its syntax follows:

DROP [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF EXISTS] tbl_name [, tbl_name,...]

For example, you could delete your employees table as follows:

DROP TABLE employees;

You could also simultaneously drop the employees2 and employees3 tables created in previous examples like so:

DROP TABLE employees2 employees3;

Altering a Table Structure

You'll find yourself often revising and improving your table structures, particularly in the early stages of development. However, you don't have to go through the hassle of deleting and re-creating the table every time you'd like to make a change. Rather, you can alter the table's structure with the ALTER statement. With this statement, you can delete, modify, and add columns as you deem necessary. Like CREATE TABLE, the ALTER TABLE statement offers a vast number of clauses, keywords, and options. It's left to you to look up the gory details in the MySQL manual. This section offers several examples intended to get you started quickly, beginning with adding a column. Suppose you want to track each employee's birth date with the employees table:

ALTER TABLE employees ADD COLUMN birthdate DATE;

The new column is placed at the last position of the table. However, you can also control the positioning of a new column by using an appropriate keyword, including FIRST, AFTER, and LAST. For example, you could place the birthdate column directly after the lastname column, like so:

ALTER TABLE employees ADD COLUMN birthdate DATE AFTER lastname;

Whoops, you forgot the NOT NULL clause! You can modify the new column:

ALTER TABLE employees CHANGE birthdate birthdate DATE NOT NULL;

Finally, after all that, you decide that it isn't necessary to track the employees' birth dates. Go ahead and delete the column:

ALTER TABLE employees DROP birthdate;


Earlier in this chapter you learned that the SHOW command is used to learn more about the databases found in the server, tables found in a database, and columns comprising a table. In fact, SHOW is used for learning quite a bit about the server's configuration, including user privileges, supported table engines, executing processes, and more. The problem is, SHOW isn't a standard database feature; it's something entirely native to MySQL. Furthermore, it isn't particularly powerful. For instance, it's not possible to use the command to learn about a table's engine type. Nor could one, say, easily find out which columns in a set of given tables are of type VARCHAR. The introduction of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA in version 5.0.2 solves such problems.

Supported by the SQL standard, INFORMATION_SCHEMA offers a solution for using typical SELECT queries to learn more about databases and various server settings. Consisting of 27 tables, it's possible to learn about practically every aspect of your installation. The table names and brief descriptions are listed here:

  • CHARACTER_SETS: Stores information about the available character sets.
  • COLLATIONS: Stores information about character set collations.
  • COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY: A subset of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLLATIONS table, matches character sets to each respective collation.
  • COLUMNS: Stores information about table columns, such as a column's name, datatype, and whether it's nullable.
  • COLUMN_PRIVILEGES: Stores information about column privileges. Keep in mind that this information is actually retrieved from the mysql.columns_priv table; however, retrieving it from this table offers the opportunity for additional uniformity when querying database properties. See Chapter 29 for more information about this topic.
  • ENGINES: Stores information about available storage engines.
  • EVENTS: Stores information about scheduled events. Scheduled events are out of the scope of this book; consult the MySQL documentation for more information.
  • FILES: Stores information about NDB disk data tables. NDB is a storage engine that is out of the scope of this book; consult the MySQL documentation for more information.
  • GLOBAL_STATUS: Stores information about server status variables.
  • GLOBAL_VARIABLES: Stores information about server settings.
  • KEY_COLUMN_USAGE: Stores information about key column constraints.
  • PARTITIONS: Stores information about table partitions.
  • PLUGINS: Stores information about plug-ins, a feature new to MySQL 5.1 and out of the scope of this book. Consult the MySQL documentation for more information.
  • PROCESSLIST: Stores information about currently running threads.
  • REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS: Stores information about foreign keys.
  • ROUTINES: Stores information about stored procedures and functions. See Chapter 32 for more about this topic.
  • SCHEMATA: Stores information about the databases located on the server, such as the database name and default character set.
  • SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES: Stores information about database privileges. Keep in mind that this information is actually retrieved from the mysql.db table; however, retrieving it from this table offers the opportunity for additional uniformity when querying database properties. See Chapter 29 for more information about this topic.
  • SESSION_STATUS: Stores information about the current session.
  • SESSION_VARIABLES: Stores information about the current session's configuration.
  • STATISTICS: Stores information about each table index, such as the column name, whether it's nullable, and whether each row must be unique.
  • TABLES: Stores information about each table, such as the name, engine, creation time, and average row length.
  • TABLE_CONSTRAINTS: Stores information about table constraints, such as whether it includes UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY columns.
  • TABLE_PRIVILEGES: Stores information about table privileges. Keep in mind that this information is actually retrieved from the mysql.tables_priv table; however, retrieving it from this table offers the opportunity for additional uniformity when querying database properties. See Chapter 29 for more information about this topic.
  • TRIGGERS: Stores information about each trigger, such as whether it fires according to an insertion, deletion, or modification. See Chapter 33 for more information about this topic. Note that this table wasn't added to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA until version 5.0.10.
  • USER_PRIVILEGES: Stores information about global privileges. Keep in mind that this information is actually retrieved from the mysql.user table; however, retrieving it from this table offers the opportunity for additional uniformity when querying database properties. See Chapter 29 for more information about this topic.
  • VIEWS: Stores information about each view, such as its definition and whether it's updatable. See Chapter 34 for more information about this topic.

To retrieve a list of all table names and corresponding engine types found in the databases residing on the server except for those found in the mysql database, execute the following:

mysql>SELECT table_name FROM tables WHERE table_schema != 'mysql';

| table_name             | engine |
| authentication_dynamic | MyISAM |
| authentication_static  | MyISAM |
| products               | InnoDB |
| selectallproducts      | NULL   |
| users                  | MEMORY |
5 rows in set (0.09 sec)

To select the table names and column names found in the corporate database having a datatype of VARCHAR, execute the following command:

mysql>select table_name, column_name from columns WHERE
    -> data_type='varchar' and table_schema='corporate';

| table_name             | column_name |
| authentication_dynamic | username    |
| authentication_dynamic | pswd        |
| products               | name        |
| selectallproducts      | name        |
| users                  | username    |
| users                  | pswd        |
6 rows in set (0.02 sec)

As you can see even from these brief examples, using SELECT queries to retrieve this information is infinitely more flexible than using SHOW. Remember, however, that INFORMATION_SCHEMA is only available as of version 5.0. Also, it's unlikely the SHOW command will disappear anytime soon. Therefore, if you're just looking for a quick summary of, say, databases found on the server, you'll certainly save a few keystrokes by continuing to use SHOW.


In this chapter, you learned about the many ingredients that go into MySQL table design. The chapter kicked off the discussion with a survey of MySQL's storage engines, discussing the purpose and advantages of each. This discussion was followed by an introduction to MySQL's supported datatypes, offering information about the name, purpose, and range of each. It then examined many of the most commonly used attributes, which serve to further tweak column behavior. The chapter then moved on to a short tutorial on basic MySQL administration commands, demonstrating how databases and tables are listed, created, deleted, perused, and altered. Finally, you were introduced to the new INFORMATION_SCHEMA feature found in MySQL 5.0.2 and newer.

The next chapter dives into another key MySQL feature: security. You'll learn all about MySQL's powerful privilege tables, as well as learn more about how to secure the MySQL server daemon and create secure MySQL connections using SSL.

1. However, on Windows platforms the Windows Essentials installer designates InnoDB as the default table type.

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