Although the following terms may have other, more common uses, the definitions offered here represent the ways in which these terms are used in this book. Each definition could be prefaced with, “As used in The Art of Convening.”

accountability. State of taking responsibility for oneself to remain consistent and in alignment with a value, action, presence, or intention.

Arc of Recognition. The phenomenon of each participant in a gathering seeing and accepting all of the other participants for who they really are, while simultaneously being seen and accepted for who you really are.

Aspect. Any one of the nine parts of the Convening Wheel.

At the Heart of the Matter. Who I am in relationship with others, and why we engage.

authority. Not power over, but “authoring” one’s life.

calling. The overarching passion for a particular vocation, avocation, or activity.

challenge. The fundamental barrier that must be seen in order to continue to the next Aspect of the Convening Wheel.

Clarifying Intent. The alignment of our intention with the purpose of our engagement.

coherence. To become aligned in principles, relationships, or interests; to be logically and aesthetically consistent.

Commitment to Action. An individual and/or collective agreement to be responsible and accountable for the way forward.

container. An energetic and/or physical space where people gather.

convening. Gathering and holding people for the sake of authentic engagement.

Convening Wheel. Model of the Art of Convening method, consisting of a circle whose center Aspect (part) is surrounded by eight additional Aspects.

core elements. For each of the nine Aspects of the Convening Wheel, the Challenge, Principle, and Essential Questions.

Creating the Container. Creating the physical and energetic field within which we meet.

Creation. Something new that emerges from engagements of shared purpose and trust.

energetic field (also called energetic container). The “inner container,” consisting of protocols and rules of engagement, that defines and provides boundaries for a gathering.

essence. The core of who we are and how we are in relationship with others; an internally sound, strong characteristic of ourselves that permeates our meeting or gathering.

Essential Conversation. Meaningful exchange within an atmosphere of trust.

facilitation. The process of making something easy or easier.

field. Space within which we gather. (See energetic field.)

gathering. Group of two or more people called together for a purpose.

genesis. Source or beginning— genesis story refers to a history of the origin of something.

Hearing All the Voices. Each person speaks, is heard, and is present and accounted for.

hold. Commit to be with, in a genuine way, while evoking the highest presence from and providing safety for (as in “hold the people”).

intention. The result we desire our actions, words, or presence to bring.

Invitation, The. A sincere offering to engage that integrates purpose and intent.

journal keeping. Writing about personal thoughts or experiences; not just a diary or documentation but a practice of listening.

presence. The condition of being fully alert, aware, and attentive to one’s current place, company, and surroundings.

purpose. When used generally: the full reason for something; when used to refer to the Convener: who the Convener is and how the Convener will be in relationship with others.

resonance. A condition of understanding and feeling connected to a thing, thought, or idea.

Setting Context. Communicating the form, function, and purpose of our engagement and intent.

Stringing the Beads. Method for Hearing All the Voices that uses the metaphor of people as unique beads and the visualization of running a string through each as he or she speaks, thus creating a whole.

transformation. A fundamental and lasting shift in thinking, feeling, or understanding that has a tangible effect on one’s quality

of life.

transition. The space between activities. In a gathering, the time when people are asked to shift or move themselves, physically, mentally, or spiritually.

Transition Exercise. May be a poem, meditation, visualization, stretching of arms or legs, or brief breathing exercise that helps people to re-center, recalibrate, and be more fully present for what comes next.

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