Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


absence of alignment challenge, 144 46, 154, 166

Agreements and Protocols Checklist, 85

Ammons, A. R., 56

Arc of Recognition, 118-20, 171

Arrows for Your Quiver

Stringing the Beads, 160-61

the Wheel summary, 164-66

Wisdom Circles, 162-63

Art of Convening (AoC)

meetings models and, xiv

outcomes of, 10-11

technology of relationships, 6

See also Covening Wheel (the Wheel)

Art of Convening (AoC) Trainings, 3

asking for agreement, 80-81

Aspects, 7, 8, 10, 171.

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises. See under specific Aspects

assumption challenge, 56-57, 63, 165

At the Heart of the Matter

about, 8, 13-14, 164, 171

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 23-24

Challenge, 14-15, 23, 164

Checklist for the Gathering at Hand, 23

conscious reflection and, 19, 24

contemplation and, 19, 24-25

Elephants and Authenticity story (Craig Neal), 20-22

Essential Questions, 17, 23, 164

Journaling Questions, 27

journal keeping and, 18, 19, 172

Making It Real, 17-22

mindfulness and, 18-19, 23-24

Personal Creation Story Exercise, 26

prayer and, 19, 24

Principle, 15-16, 23, 164

spending time in nature and, 19

staying connected challenge and, 14-15, 23, 164

What Do I Stand For? Exercise, 25-26

the Wheel and, 13, 23

authentic engagement

about, xiii, 13, 157-59

connections with other human beings and, 15

Creation and, 128

Neal, Patricia on, 1-2

power of, xiv


Babinet, Eric, Shedding Light by Intent story, 36-37

Becker, Elizabeth, “Out there in the air...”, 130-31

Block, Peter, 3, 32, 44, 74

Boren, Minx, 15, 32, 82, 145

Bush, Michael, 18

business meetings, xii-xiii


calling/call to convene, xii, 4, 171

Campbell, Joseph, xi

capturing the creative impulse, 135-36

Chadima, Pele Rouge, 80, 160-61


Clarifying Intent, 30-31, 38, 164

Commitment to Action, 144-46, 154, 166

as core element of the Wheel, 10

Creating the Container, 68-69, 86, 165

Creation, 128-29, 137, 166

definition of, 10, 171

Essential Conversation, 111-12, 124, 166

Hearing All the Voices, 90-92, 103, 165

At the Heart of the Matter, 14 15, 23, 164

The Invitation, 43-44, 51, 164

Setting Context, 56-57, 63, 165

Chapman, Terry

on contemplation, 24-25

“Forging the Inner Heart,” 16, 17

on prayer, 24

Checklist for Gathering at Hand

Clarifying Intent, 38

Creating the Container, 86

Creation, 138

Essential Conversation, 124

Hearing All the Voices, 104

At the Heart of the Matter, 23

The Invitation, 52

Setting Context, 63

Commitment to Action, 154

Childre, Doc, 71

circles, 77

Clarifying Intent

about, 8, 29-30, 164, 171

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 38-39

Challenge, 30-31, 38, 164

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 38

deepest intention and, 30, 36

doubt challenge and, 30-31, 38, 164

Essential Questions, 33-35, 38, 164

On Intent Exercise, 38-39

intention defined, 29, 172

Journaling Questions, 39

Making It Real, 35-37

Principle, 31-32, 38, 164

Shedding Light by Intent story (Babinet), 36-37

the Wheel and, 28, 38

Wilderness Bonding story (Craig Neal), 33-35

coherence, 7, 171

Commitment to Action

about, 8, 143-44, 166, 171

absence of alignment challenge and, 144-46, 154, 166

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 154-56

Challenge, 144-46, 154, 166

Commitment Cards and, 151, 152

Commitment Statements and, 156

Commitment to Courage story (Kettner), 152-53

Essential Questions, 147, 154, 166

Good Will Finding story, 148-50

Journaling Questions, 156

Making It Real, 148-53

Practice Reframing Commitment Exercise, 154-55

Principle, 146, 154, 166

Reflective Questions Exercise, 154

reframing commitment and, 150-53

resonance and, 148, 172

10X Commitment Exercise, 155-56

30-Day Commitment Exercise, 156

the Wheel and, 142, 153-54

Commitment to Courage story (Kettner), 152-53

Community Circle, 122

connectivity, 74

conscious reflection, 19, 24

conservation, principles of, 163

container, 67-68, 171. See also Creating the Container

contemplation, 19, 24-25

convene, call to, xii, 4, 171


about, x

coherence and, 7, 171

hold/holding role of, xiv, 172

inner journey of, 6-7

presence of, 7, 172

role of, 1

technology of relationships and, 6

convening, ix-x, xii, 3-4, 4-6, 171, 172

Convening Wheel (the Wheel)

about, 7-10, 164-66, 171

Aspects, 7, 8, 10, 171

authentic relationship progression and, 7

Clarifying Intent and, 38

Commitment to Action and, 153-54

course corrections and, 9-10

Creating the Container and, 85-86

Creation and, 137

Essential Conversation and, 123

Hearing All the Voices and, 103

At the Heart of the Matter and, 23

The Invitation and, 51

role of, xiv, 7-8

Setting Context and, 63

structure of, 9, 9

technology of relationships, 6

See also Challenges; Essential Questions; Principles; specific Aspects

Creating Meaning at Work story (Griswold), 115-16

Creating the Container

about, 8, 67-68, 164, 165, 172

Agreements and Protocols Checklist, 85

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 86-87

Challenge, 68-69, 86, 165

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 86

container and, 67-68, 171

energetic field and, 8, 172

Essential Questions, 70, 86, 165

Journaling Questions, 87

Picturing Exercise, 87

Principle, 69, 86, 165

Reflecting on Beauty Exercise, 86-87

reluctance to impose will on others challenge and, 68-69, 86, 165

the Wheel and, 66, 85-86

See also inner container; Making It Real, and Creating the Container; outer container


about, 8, 127-28, 166, 172

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 138-40

authentic engagement and, 128

capturing the creative impulse

and, 135-36

Challenge, 128-29, 137, 166

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 138

Child’s Play or Beginner’s Mind Exercise, 138

disengagement challenge and, 128-29, 137, 166

Essential Questions, 130-32, 166

holding on/letting go and, 136

Ideation Exercise, 138-40

Journaling Questions, 140

Making It Real, 132-40

Principle, 129-30, 166

the Wheel and, 126, 137

When the Bottom Drops Out story (Craig Neal), 132-34

Creation Story Exercise, Personal, 26

creative impulse, capturing the, 135-36


deepest intention, 30, 36

Deep Listening and Response Exercise, 105-6

Dilthey, Wilhelm, 55

disengagement challenge, 128-29, 137, 166

doubt challenge, 30-31, 38, 164


Edmondson, Sheila Hines, The Open Welcome story, 50

Elephants and Authenticity story (Craig Neal), 20-22

Eliot, T. S., ix-x

emotional presence, 95

energetic field (energetic container), 8, 79, 172. See also Creating the Container

essence of ourselves, xii, 172

Essential Conversation

about, 8, 109-11, 166, 172

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 124-25

Challenge, 111-12, 124, 166

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 124

Conversation Redirect and Reflection Exercise, 124-25

Essential Questions, 113, 124, 166

Extrovert/Introvert Dilemma story, 111-12

Journaling Questions, 125

Practicing Meaningful Exchange Exercise, 125

Principle, 112-13, 124, 166

self-consciousness challenge and, 111-12, 124, 166

the Wheel and, 108 , 123

See also Making It Real, and Essential Conversation

Essential Questions

Clarifying Intent, 33-35, 38, 164

Commitment to Action, 147, 154, 166

as core element of the Wheel, 10

Creating the Container, 70, 86, 165

Creation, 130-32, 166

definition of, 10

Essential Conversation, 113, 124, 166

Hearing All the Voices, 94-95, 103-4, 165

At the Heart of the Matter, 17, 23, 164

The Invitation, 45-47, 51, 164

Setting Context, 58, 63, 165

Extrovert/Introvert Dilemma story, 111-12


facilitation, 3, 172

Family birthday party story (Wold), 4-6

fully present

Creating the Container and, 82, 84

The Invitation and, 41, 44

Transition Exercise and, 62, 173


gathering/gatherings, xiv, 55-56, 172

genesis/genesis story, 60, 172

genuine conviction, 42, 43, 50

genuine generosity, 42, 43, 44, 50

genuine hospitality, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50

Good Will Finding story, 148-50

Griswold, Anne, Creating Meaning at Work story, 115-16


Hearing All the Voices

about, 8, 89-90, 165, 172

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 104-6

Challenge, 90-92, 103, 165

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 104

Deep Listening and Response Exercise, 105-6

Essential Questions, 94-95, 103 4, 165

impatience/judgment challenge and, 90-92, 103, 165

Journaling Questions, 106

Principle, 93-94, 103, 165

Stringing the Beads Exercise Short Form, 104-5

Stringing the Beads—Long Form, 160-61

the Wheel and, 88, 103

See also Making It Real, and Hearing All the Voices

Heartland Inc., 3

Heartland Network, 3

historical context setting, 60

hold/holding, xiv, 172

holding on/letting go, 136

Hopi Elders’ Prophecy, 158, 159

Hurley, Tom, 29


impatience/judgment challenge, 90-92, 103, 165

inner container

about, 79-82

asking for agreement and, 80-81

energetic field and, 8, 79, 172

Unlocking the Container story (Boren), 81-82

intention defined, 29, 172. See also Clarifying Intent

Invitation, The

about, 8, 41-43, 44, 164, 172

accountability and, 44, 171

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 52

Challenge, 43-44, 51, 164

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 52

Creating the Welcome Exercise, 52

Essential Questions, 45-47, 51, 164

genuine conviction and, 42, 43, 50

genuine generosity and, 42, 43, 44, 50

genuine hospitality and, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50

Journaling Questions, 52

Making It Real, 47-51

Naming Exercise, 52

Principle, 44-45, 51, 164

rejection challenge and, 43-44, 51, 164

“Shall We Salon?” story (Utne), 47-49

sincerity reinforcement and, 49-51

the Wheel and, 40, 51

Inviting Full Presence story, 45-47


Journaling Questions

Clarifying Intent, 39

Commitment to Action, 156

Creating the Container, 87

Creation, 140

Essential Conversation, 125

Hearing All the Voices, 106

At the Heart of the Matter, 27

The Invitation, 52

role of, 10

Setting Context, 65

journal keeping, 18, 19, 172

Joyful Hearing story, A, 98-100

judgment/impatience challenge, 90-92, 103, 165


Kettner, Lauren, 152-53


leadership, xiii, 3, 18, 115-16

Lowe, Myron, 146


Making It Real, 10. See also Making It Real, and Creating the Container; Making It Real, and Essential Conversation; Making It Real, and Hearing All the Voices; specific Aspects

Making It Real, and Creating the Container

fully present and, 82, 84

Virtual Campfire story, 82-84

virtual container and, 82-84

See also Creating the Container; inner container; outer container

Making It Real, and Essential Conversation

about, 114

Arc of Recognition and, 118-20, 171

Community Circle and, 122

Creating Meaning at Work story (Griswold), 115-16

leadership skills and, 115-16

Still the Voice Inside story (Patterson), 119-20

trust and, 117-18

Wisdom Circles and, 114, 162-63

See also Essential Conversation

Making It Real, and Hearing All the Voices

about, 95

deep listening and, 95, 96-97

emotional presence and, 95

good questions and, 100-101

Joyful Hearing story, 98-100

mental presence and, 95

physical presence and, 95

preparations to hear all the voices and, 97-100

spiritual presence and, 95

Stringing the Beads and, 101-3

On Stringing the Beads story (Ward), 102-3

Talking About the Weather story (Craig Neal), 97

TLGs and, 120-23

See also Hearing All the Voices

Martin, Howard, 71

meeting places, 71-73

meetings, xii-xiii

mindfulness, 18-19, 23-24


nature, spending time in, 19

Neal, Craig, 3, 20-22, 33-35, 49, 97, 132-34

Neal, Patricia, 1-2, 3


O’Murchu, Diarmuid, 42

online social media, 3, 82-84

On Stringing the Beads story (Ward), 102-3

Open Welcome story, The (Edmondson), 50

outer container

about, 70-71

action and, 74

The Best “Best in the West” story (Scott), 78-79

circles and, 77

connectivity and, 74

meeting places and, 71-73

practical matters in creating, 73-74

presence and, 73-74

rows and, 76-77

the space and, 75-76

squares and, 76

understanding and, 74


Palmer, Parker, 100

Patterson, Lauren, Still the Voice Inside story, 119-20

physical presence, 95

prayer, 19, 24

presence, 7, 73-74, 172


Clarifying Intent, 31-32, 38, 164

Commitment to Action, 146, 154, 166

as core element of the Wheel, 10

Creating the Container, 69, 86, 165

Creation, 129-30, 166

definition of, 10

Essential Conversation, 112-13, 124, 166

Hearing All the Voices, 93-94, 103, 165

At the Heart of the Matter, 15 16, 23, 164

The Invitation, 44-45, 51, 164

Setting Context, 57-58, 63, 165


questions, good, 100-101


rejection, 43-44, 51, 164

reluctance to impose will on others, 68-69, 86, 165

resonance, 148, 172

resources. See Arrows for Your Quiver

Retreat story, The , 91-92

rows, 76-77

Rumi, Jalal al-Din, The Guest House, 157


self-consciousness, 111-12, 124, 166

Setting Context

about, 8, 55-56, 165, 173

Aspect-Strengthening Exercises, 63-65

assumption challenge and, 56-57, 63, 165

Challenge, 56-57, 63, 165

Checklist for Gathering at Hand, 63

Developing the Context “Muscle” Exercise, 64

Essential Questions, 58, 63, 165

gathering/gatherings and, 55-56

historical context setting, 60

Journaling Questions, 65

Making It Real, 59-62

Principle, 57-58, 63, 165

risk of not, 61-62

transitions and, 62

Transitions Exercise, 62, 64-65, 173

transitions/Transition Exercise, 64-65, 173

the Wheel and, 54

“Shall We Salon?” story (Utne), 47-49

Shedding Light by Intent story (Babinet), 36-37

sincerity reinforcement, 49-51

space, the, 75-76

spiritual essence, x-xi

spiritual presence, 95

squares, 76

Still the Voice Inside story (Patterson), 119-20

staying connected challenge, 14-15, 23, 164


Talking About the Weather story (Craig Neal), 97

The Best “Best in the West” story (Scott), 78-79

The Guest House (Rumi), 157

transformation, xiv, 173

transitions, 62, 64-65, 173

trust, 117-18


Ueland, Brenda, 127

understanding, and outer container, 74

Unlocking the Container story (Boren), 81-82

Utne, Eric, “Shall We Salon?” story, 47-49

Utne Reader, 48, 49


Virtual Campfire story, The, 82-84

virtual container, 82-84


Ward, Paul G., On Stringing the Beads story, 102-3

websites, and online social media, 3, 82-84

Wheel, the. See Convening Wheel (the Wheel)

When the Bottom Drops Out story (Craig Neal), 132-34

Wilderness Bonding story (Craig Neal), 33-35

Wisdom Circles, 114, 162-63

Wold, Cynthia, Family birthday party story, 4-6

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