

Academic college, diversity management in, 219226

Accession partnership, 181

Active listening, 221

Against Corruption Program, 49

Allophilia, 209

Amnesty international, 9

Animal welfare, 10

Anticorruption practice, 63, 73

Apartheid-era informants, 47

Appreciative inquiry, 111

Asian Development Bank (ADB), 59

Asian financial crisis, 134

Autonomous whistleblowing, 44


Bad barrel approach, 31

Bad corporate governance, 196

Big four global banks, 9

Board of business behavioral translators, 202

Bottom line profit, 58, 63

Brand marketing, 20

Buav (antivivisection pressure group), 10

Business ethics, 204


Calling, 82, 90, 92

Ceteris paribus, 5

Character strengths, 92

Chinese culture, integrity in, 117

Chinese organizations, managing integrity in


changing environment, 128

contexts, 128

face issues, 127

Chinese culture, integrity in, 117

confucian integrity, 118–120

interpersonal relationships, 120

integrity, dimensions of, 116

managing integrity, approaches of, 120

case study, 122–127

integrity culture, 122

integrity leadership, 121

Chiu, 119, 124, 130

Clique-recruitments, 201

Competitive advantage, 108

Confucian integrity, 118–121

Confucianism, 118

Consistency, 90

Consulting engagements, 100

Consulting interviews with owners and directors, 106–111

Co-operative bank, 8–10

Co-operative insurance arm, 10

Co-operative wholesale society, 9

Core value sessions, 101–106

Core values, 78, 95, 111

Corporate controls, 47

Corporate culture, 47, 48

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 10, 12, 18, 150, 151, 174

Corruption and anticorruption, 59–62

Corruption perception index (CPI), 193

Corruption, 59, 62, 131, 147

Creating social wealth, 79, 87

Credit union, 7, 25

Crony capitalism, 135

Culture, 14

Cultural enablers, 37

Cultural inhibitors, 38

Customer consultation, 10


Dead policies, 33–35

Deep level diversity, 207, 231

Disciplinary and reward measures, 16

Disparity, 231

Diversity, 231

Diverse organizations, 96

Diversity management, 217

Divided society, 231


Ecological impact, 10

Education and training, 69

Enablers and inhibitors, 36

Enhancing organizational integrity, 226230

Eternal truths, 92

Ethical capital, 5, 25

co-operative bank, 8–10

credit union, 7

integrity vectors, 20

operational integrity, 4–6

recommendations, and future research, 23

research methods, 10–12

thematic areas, 12

CSR, 18

culture, 14

disciplinary and reward measures, 16

ethics communication, 17

ethics infrastructure, 13

ethics training or confidential support, 17

green issues, policies, and awareness, 17

leadership, 13

legal compliance, policies, and rules, 14

vision and goals, 12

whistleblowing, 16

three case study organizations, 6

Ethical climate, 42

Ethical culture, 42

Ethical education, 174

Ethical or unethical behaviour, 29

Ethical policy, 9, 14

Ethical responsibility, 167

Ethics and integrity themes, 21

Ethics communication, 17

Ethics infrastructure, 13

Ethics rationalizations and managerial positions, 68

Ethics training or confidential support, 17

European economic area (EEA), 195

Experience of an executive MBA (EMBA) course, 152, 154

External disclosure, 44


Fair trade foundation, 9

Faultline model, 207, 208, 231

Filipino integrity initiative, 147

Financial crisis and business ethics

fallen star, 194

bad corporate governance, 196

Iceland, endemic only in, 197

nepotism and business culture, 195

Icelandic business ethics, 198–203

First credit union (FCU), 7

Five luns, 120, 130

Forum for the future, 10

Friendly societies and credit unions act 1982, 7

Fudging, 5


Global business citizen, 69

Global crisis, 62

Global economic crime survey 2011, 47

Global workplace, 69–71

Globalization, 128

Globalization, 70

Gratton and Truss model, 20

Green issues, policies, and awareness, 17

Green lane, 140

Groupthink symptoms, 211

Guanxi, 120, 124, 128, 129


Health transformation program in Turkey, 180, 181, 182, 191

Healthcare organizations and academic institutions, minority–majority relations in. See humanistic diversity management

High integrity, healthcare unit with, 185–186

High integrity, physician with, 183–185

Human rights, 9

Humanistic diversity management

diversity management, 207

academic college, 219226

enhancing organizational integrity, 226230

Jewish–Arab relations, 210–212

nationally and ethnically mixed nurses’ teams, 212219

protracted Israeli–Palestinian conflict, 210–212

Humanistic management and executive MBA ethics course

Latin American management challenge, 150–153

MBA curriculum, 153–164

research methodology, 164

results, 166–172

Humanistic organizations, 95


Iceland banking system, 197

Iceland, endemic only in, 197

Icelandic economy, 193

Icelandic financial system, 203

Impimpis, 47

Individual ethical behavior and organizational culture

dead policies, 33–35

enablers and inhibitors, 36

cultural enablers, 37

cultural inhibitors, 38

one’s boss, 31–33

organizational integrity, 36

the walk, 35

Individual member morality, 71

Indonesia, integrity education network in, 140–143

In-group favouritism, 208

Integrity agents, 143

Integrity and anticorruption actions in an organization

anticorruption practice, 63

corruption and anticorruption, 59–62

education and training, 69

ethics rationalizations and managerial positions, 68

global workplace, 69–71

integrity and ethical standards, 67

integrity promulgation, 63

managers, role of, 65

personal values, morals, and workplace ethics, 67

Integrity and ethical standards, 67

Integrity and poverty alleviation

case studies, 83–89

entrepreneurial opportunity discovery, 82

eternal truth, 80

transformation through integrity, 90

Integrity, 4, 25, 41, 73, 92, 98, 99, 116, 147, 191

articulation, 145

culture, 122

development action plans (IDAP), 145

education, 141

leadership, 121

pledge, 139

promulgation, 63

vectors, 20

Integrity movement through social media (IMTSM), 143

Integrity systems, history of, 134–137

Internal conflicts, 107

Internal disclosure, 44

International development, 9

International financial springs, 197

International year of cooperatives, 3

Interpersonal relationships, 120


Jewish–Arab relations, 210–212

Jewish–Arab schism, 210

Job creation, 87

Jun-zu, 118


Kemitraan network, 144


Latin American management challenge, 150–153

Leadership, 13

Legal compliance, policies, and rules, 14

Legally backed whistleblowing, 44, 45

Li, 118, 124, 130


Management education, 73

Managerial challenges, 174

Managers, role of, 65

Managing integrity, approaches of, 120

Markers of integrity, 231

Metaethics, 67


awareness, 174

principle, 90


National annual coordination meeting (NASCAM), 143

National majority–minority relations, 212

National/ethnic membership, 216

Nationally and ethnically mixed nurses’ teams, 212219

care, 215

communication patterns and cooperation, 215

diversity management, 217

national/ethnic membership, 216

team climate, 214

work teams, diversity in, 217

Naturalistic case, 212

Nepotism, 198

Nepotism and business culture, 195

New Zealand association of credit unions (NZACU), 8

Nordic countries, 201


Objective integrity, 80

Objective social responsibility, 169

Operational integrity, 4–6

Opportunity discovery, 79

Organization challenges, 98

Organization integrity, reflections on. See Turkish healthcare sector, physicians in

Organizational climate, 41

Organizational culture, 41

Organizational integrity, 36

Organizational integrity, a consulting model for

consulting engagements, 100

consulting interviews with owners and directors, 106–111

core value sessions, 101–106

diverse organizations, 96

integrity, 98

integrity, expressions of, 99

Organizational morality, 71

Organizations in Southeast Asia, building integrity

future, 143–147

Indonesia, integrity education network in, 140–143

integrity systems, history of, 134–137

Philippines, integrity initiative, 137–140


Partnership for governance reform, 144

Perceived conflicts, 107

Performance arts organization (PAO), 97

Performance evaluations, 182

Performance-based system, 192

Personal integrity, 116

Personal values, morals, and workplace ethics, 67

Pets services industry business (PSI), 96

Philippines, integrity initiative, 137–140

Physicians’ suggestions, 186–191

Poland, whistleblowing in

types of whistleblowing

autonomous whistleblowing, 44

external disclosure, 44

internal disclosure, 44

legally backed whistleblowing, 44

public disclosure, 44

unethical behaviors, 46–51

Preferred supplier, 140

Presidential anti-graft commission (PAGC), 145

Problem analysis, 101

Program Przeciwko Korupcji, 49

Project SHINE, 138

Protracted conflict, 231

Protracted Israeli–Palestinian conflict, 210–212

Public disclosure, 44

Public Interest Disclosure Act, 45, 49, 50

Public whistleblowing, 45


Rabbit trails, 110

Rebuilding trust, 204

Recommendations, and future research, 23

Reformasi, 135

Ren, 118, 124, 128, 130

Research methods, 10–12

Retail cooperative founding principles, 9

Retail workers’ cooperative, 6


Sandiganbayan, 136

Sarbanes–Oxley Act, 49, 50

Self-reflection, 174

Sense-making process, 105, 111

Separation, 231

Shin, 119, 124, 130

Social categorization, 207

Social enterprise, 10

Social identity, 207

Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu, 180

Special investigation commission (SIC), 196

Stefan Batory Foundation, 49

Strategic values trajectory, 25

Subjective integrity, 80

Subjective social responsibility, 169

Surface level diversity, 207, 231


Telos, 99, 105

Thematic areas, 12–18

Three case study in organizations, 6

Three integrity vectors, 25

Transcendence, 92

Transformational impacts, 88

Turkish healthcare sector, physicians in

high integrity, healthcare unit with, 185–186

high integrity, physician with, 183–185

physicians’ suggestions, 186–191


Unethical behaviors, 46–51

Unique selling point (USP), 3, 5, 25

Variety, 231

Virtue, 152

Virtues, 174

Vision and goals, 12


Whistleblowing, 2, 16, 43

autonomous whistleblowing, 44

external disclosure, 44

internal disclosure, 44

legally backed whistleblowing, 44

public disclosure, 44

Wholeness, 91

Winemaking, 97

Work teams, diversity in, 217

World council of credit unions (WOCCU), 8


Yi, 118, 124, 130


Zero-sum game, 211

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