Subject Index

Academy of Management Review, 23

Advances in Developing Human Resources, 23

Anti-intellectual positions, 5

Apple, Inc., 22, 118

Applied disciplines

balance of theory and practice in, 2

challenges of theory building in, 10

current status of theory building in, 6–10

definition of, 1, 6, 14

general method of theory building in. See General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines

Apply phase of theory building, 8, 40, 41, 48–49, 111–120

approaches to, 115–117

definition and description of, 112–114

diagram on relationship to other phases, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

inputs to, 114–115, 116f

for learning organization culture theory, 149–152, 170f

outputs of, 116f, 118–119

quality indicators on, 120

for scenario-planning theory, 162–163, 164, 173f

as starting point for theory building, 115

status assessment tool on, 168f, 169, 170f, 173f

steps in, 115–116, 116f, 131f

Argyris, C., 31–32

Assessment criteria, 26–28

in Conceptualize phase, 70–71

in Confirm phase, 107–108

in Operationalize phase, 90–91

on status of theory, 135, 165–174, 179


conceptual, 57

contextual, 57

in selection criteria, 59

Auditing of existing theories, 179

Bacon, Francis, 34

Bench-top theories, 7

Bentley, A. F., 74, 79

Bias affecting theory building, 9, 59

The Black Swan (Taleb), 118

Blanchard, Ken, 53

Boundaries of theories

assessment of, 71

contextual assumptions on, 57

defined in Conceptualize phase, 68

Dubin on, 56

establishing context and location for operation of theory, 20

in learning organization culture theory, 141, 170f

in scenario-planning theory, 156–157, 172f

status assessment tool on, 170f, 172f

in theory framework, 23, 24, 24f, 25–26

and types of theories, 21–22, 68

Brache, A. P., 11–12

Bridgman, P. W., 74, 79

Bucket metaphor on theory building, 166–169, 177

Case study approach, 60, 77, 80

Conceptualize phase in, 40, 54, 62f, 85, 139–140

Confirm phase in, 102

existing literature on, 23

interpretative orientation in, 18

mixed methods in, 102

Operationalize phase in, 83, 84–85, 86

Categorical statements, falsifiability of, 82

Causality, conceptual development on

Dubin on, 55–56

Whetten on, 56–57

Champy, J., 10–11


confirmation of, 108

theory of, 53

Chermack, T. J., 158

scenario-planning theory of, 135, 153–164

Choi, M., 158

Clarity of theory, assessment of, 27

Cohen, B., 9

Cohesion of elements in theory building, 20

Complexity of theory, 177

Comprehensiveness of theory, 8–9

assessment of, 27, 107

Conceptual assumptions, 57

Conceptualize phase of theory building, 8, 39–40, 48, 51–72

approaches to, 62, 62f

definition and description of, 51–52

diagram on relationship to other phases, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

Dubin on, 54, 55–56, 62f, 66

initiation of, 53

inputs to, 53–54

for learning organization culture theory, 139–141, 170f

output of, 39, 69, 75

problems with theories limited to, 176–177

processes in, 54–61, 62f

purpose of, 39

quality indicators on, 70–71

for scenario-planning theory, 155–157, 163, 164, 172f

status assessment tool on, 167, 168f, 170f, 172f

steps in, 64–68, 69f, 131f

Storberg-Walker on, 54, 59–61, 62f

tools used in, 61–62, 63f–64f

Weick on, 54, 57–59, 62f

Whetten on, 54, 56–57, 62f

Confirm phase of theory building, 8, 41, 48, 93–109

approaches to, 96–102

description of, 94–95

diagram on relationship to other phases, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

inputs to, 95–96, 103f

for learning organization culture theory, 144–149, 146f–148f, 149f, 170f

outputs of, 103f, 106–107

quality indicators on, 107–108

recommended resources on, 95–96

for scenario-planning theory, 160–162, 161f, 173f

status assessment tool on, 168–169, 168f, 170f, 173f

steps in, 103–105, 103f, 131f

Constant comparative analysis method, 87, 105

Contextual assumptions, 57

Contributing theories, 24, 24f

Conversation Quality and Engagement Checklist, 158

Core theories, 24, 24f, 26

Crawford, M. B., 54, 118

Critical science, 17f, 18

Cycle of theory-research-practice, 36, 37f

Data collection and analysis, 103f, 105

on learning organization culture theory, 145, 146f–148f, 170f

in mixed methods approach, 102–103, 102f

on scenario-planning theory, 160, 173f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 170f, 173f

Deduction, in General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines, 8f, 30f, 44, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

Deductive hypothesis method, 39, 40

Developing Sociological Knowledge: Theory and Method (Cohen), 9

Dimensions of Learning Organization Questionnaire, 145–149, 146f–148f

application of, 150–151

as empirical indicator for scenario-planning theory, 158

Disciplined imagination approach to theory building, 54, 57–59

Disconfirmation, 93. See also Confirm phase of theory building

Domains of theory, empirical and theoretical, 71

Donnelly, J. P., 96

Dubin, R., 9, 14

on laws of interaction, 55–56, 66

on operationalization of theory, 78, 79, 157

on quality indicators for Conceptualize phase, 70–71

quantitative approach to theory building of, 54, 55–56, 62f

Economic theory of performance improvement, 125

Edison, Thomas, 96

Einstein, Albert, 82–83

Empirical indicators, 79–80

in scenario-planning theory, 158–159

Empirical testing, 27

in Conceptualize phase, 71

in Confirm phase, 107

indicators in, 79–80, 158–159

in Operationalize phase, 78, 79–80, 158–159

Enterprise Model, 66–68, 67f

Ethical issues in performance improvement theories, 76, 76f

Exactness and rigor in Conceptualize phase, 70

Existing theories, auditing and testing of, 179

Experimental designs, 97, 99f, 101

and preexperimental design, 97, 98f

types of, 99f

Expertise, practical and theoretical, 38f

Facilitating Learning Organizations (Marsick & Watkins), 150, 151, 152

Falsifiability, 81–83

The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 137, 138

Freire, Paulo, 18

Fruitfulness of theory, 118

assessment of, 27–28, 120

General Decision Making Style Survey, 158

Generalizability, 9

in assessment of theory boundaries, 71

of grand theories, 21, 22

of local theories, 22

of midrange theories, 21, 83

in research-to-theory strategy, 35

and transferability, 80

General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines, 8, 29–49

Apply phase in, 41, 111–120. See also Apply phase of theory building

bucket metaphor on, 166–169, 177

Conceptualize phase in, 39–40, 51–72. See also Conceptualize phase of theory building

Confirm phase in, 41, 93–109. See also Confirm phase of theory building

diagram of, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

learning organization culture theory case example, 135, 137–153

limitations of, 42

next steps in use of, 175–180

Operationalize phase in, 40, 73–92. See also Operationalize phase of theory building

Refine phase in, 41–42, 121–130. See also Refine phase of theory building

scenario-planning theory case example, 135, 153–164

summary of, 129–130, 131f

theory status assessment tool in, 135, 165–174, 168f, 179

unique contribution of, 2

Gioia, D. A., 15

Google Scholar, 88

Grand theories, 20, 21, 22

boundaries of, 68

operationalization of, 77

on performance improvement, 68

Grounded theory approach, 60, 77, 80

Conceptualize phase in, 40, 54, 62f

Confirm phase in, 101

existing literature on, 23

interpretative orientation in, 18

mixed methods in, 101

Operationalize phase in, 83, 84, 86

Hammer, M., 10–11

Holton, E. F., 96

How Organizations Work: Taking a Holistic Approach to Enterprise Health (Brache), 11–12

“How” question

in case study approach, 84

in conceptual development, 56–57

Human capital theory, 16, 21, 57

Hypnosis, self-report measures on, 75


compared to theory, 14

deductive, 39, 40

definition of, 80

falsifiability of, 81–83

quality indicators on, 91

in quantitative approach to operationalization, 78, 80

Ideological bias in theory building, 9

Imagination, disciplined, theory building as, 54, 57–59

Importance of theory, assessment of, 26

Improving Performance: How to Manage the White Space on the Organization Chart (Rummler and Brache), 11

Induction, in General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines, 8f, 30f, 44, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

Information, false, spread of, 5, 10


local theories on, 22

midrange theories on, 21–22

Inquiry studies

connection of results to theory, 103f, 105, 148–149, 162

data collection and analysis in, 103f, 105, 145, 160

design of, 103f, 104–105, 144–145, 160

on learning organization culture theory, 144–149, 146f–148f, 170f

on scenario-planning theory, 160–162, 161f, 173f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 173f

In Search of Excellence (Peters & Waterman), 65

Insights, new, in Refine phase, 126–127, 128f

for learning organization culture theory, 171f

for scenario-planning theory, 173f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 171f, 173f

Internet, spread of misinformation on, 5

Interpretivism, 16–18, 17f, 19

Interviews, pattern analysis of responses in, 87

Irrelevant theories, 24f, 25–26

Jobs, Steve, 2, 118

Johnson, Spencer, 53

Jordan, Louis, 94–95

Kleiner, A., 11


and experience, 37, 38f

midrange theories on management of, 21–22

outcome, 33

process, 33

Korte, R. F., 158

Lawler, E. E., 96


of interaction, Dubin on, 55–56, 66

universal, and grand theories, 21

Learning organization culture theory, 135, 137–153

Apply phase of, 149–152, 170f

Conceptualize phase of, 139–141, 170f

Confirm phase of, 144–149, 146f–148f, 149f, 170f

key dimensions of, 140, 140f

Operationalize phase of, 141–144, 170f

Refine phase of, 151–152, 171f

status assessment, 169–173, 170f–171f

Learning organizations, 135, 137–153

compared to organizational learning, 139

definition and description of, 138–139

Learning theory, 124

Local theories, 20, 22

boundaries of, 68

falsifiability of, 83

operationalization of, 77

Logical consequences, 79, 86

Logical consistency of concepts, assessment of, 70

Logic-in-use, 33

Lynham, S. A., 15

Marsick, V. J., 44

learning organization culture theory of, 135, 137–153, 169–173

McGregor’s X-Y theory, 21

Measurement methods determined in Operationalize phase, 74–75, 78, 87–88

empirical indicators in, 79–80, 158–159

instrument development in, 88

for learning organization culture theory, 143, 170f

quality indicators on, 91

for scenario-planning theory, 158–159, 172f

Mental Measurements Yearbook, 87

Mental Model Style Survey, 158

Meta-analysis, 23, 40, 97

Midrange theories, 20, 21–22

boundaries of, 68

operationalization of, 77, 83

Misinformation, spread of, 5, 10

Mixed methods approach, 18, 19

Apply phase in, 117

Confirm phase in, 96, 100 –103, 102f

Operationalize phase in, 77, 83–85

Modeling as theorizing process, Whetten on, 54, 56–57, 61

Models, compared to theories, 15, 89

Mohrman, S. A., 96

Multiparadigm theory building, 60, 100–103

Multiple-regression research, 19

Nimon, K., 158

Novel theories, 24f, 25, 26

Observational statements, falsifiability of, 82

Open minds in Refine phase, 123

Operationalize phase of theory building, 8, 40, 48, 73–92

approaches to, 77–85

assessment of, 27

definition and description of, 73–75

diagram on relationship to other phases, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

inputs to, 75–76, 90f

for learning organization culture theory, 141–144, 170f

outputs of, 89, 90f

purpose of, 40

quality indicators on, 90–91

for scenario-planning theory, 157–159, 164, 172f

status assessment tool on, 167–168, 168f, 170f, 172f

steps in, 86–89, 90f, 131f

Operationism, 79

Organizational learning, compared to learning organizations, 139

Outcome knowledge, 33

Outliers, local theories on, 22

Paradigm issues, 18–20

in Conceptualize phase, 60

in Confirm phase, 100–103

Parsimony of theory, assessment of, 27

in Conceptualize phase, 70, 71

in Operationalize phase, 91

Pattern theories, 100

Patterson, C. H., 107, 120

Performance improvement theories, 119

boundaries of, 68

ethical issues in, 76, 76f

refinement of, 124–126

Personal theories-in-practice, 31, 32–33

Peters, Tom, 65

Phenomenology, 18, 19

Confirm phase in, 96–97

Operationalize phase in, 75, 80

Phenomenology of Consciousness Inventory, 75

Philosophical orientations in theory building, 16–18

comparison of, 17f

Pink, Dan, 114

Pitre, E., 15

Popper, K. R., 35, 82

Positivism, 16, 17f, 19

Practicality of theory, assessment of, 28, 107–108

Practice, and theory building, 38, 38f

in Apply phase, 41

in Confirm phase, 41

in Operationalize phase, 40

in Refine phase, 41–42

in theory-research-practice cycle, 36, 37f

Preciseness of theory, assessment of, 27

Prediction statements, propositions as, 79

Preexperimental designs, 97, 98f

Pretest-posttest study design, 98f, 99f, 105

on scenario-planning theory, 160

Problem statements in theory building, 58, 66

Process knowledge, 33

Propositions, 78, 79

definition of, 79

description of, 86–87, 90f

empirical tests for, 79

hypotheses derived from, 80

in learning organization culture theory, 141–142, 170f

as prediction statements, 79

quality indicators on, 90–91

results indicators on, 87

in scenario-planning theory, 157, 172f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 170f, 172f

Psychometric evaluation, 75, 88

Putnam, Robert, 108

Qualitative approach, 18, 19

Apply phase in, 117

Conceptualize phase in, 57–61

Confirm phase in, 96, 97–100, 162

Operationalize phase in, 75, 77, 78, 80–83, 87

with quantitative approach. See Mixed methods approach

to scenario-planning theory, 162

Quality indicators

on Apply phase, 120

on Conceptualize phase, 70–71

on Confirm phase, 107–108

on Operationalize phase, 90–91

on Refine phase, 129

Quantitative approach, 18, 19

Apply phase in, 117

Conceptualize phase in, 54, 55–57, 62f

Confirm phase in, 96, 97, 162

existing literature on, 23

grand theories in, 21

Operationalize phase in, 75, 77, 78–80, 87

with qualitative approach. See Mixed methods approach

to scenario-planning theory, 162

Reconstructed logic, 33

Reductionism, 177

Reengineering movement, 10–11

Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (Hammer & Champy), 11

Refine phase of theory building, 8, 41–42, 49, 121–130

case example of, 124–126

definition and description of, 122

diagram on relationship to other phases, 8f, 30f, 52f, 74f, 94f, 112f, 122f, 176f

generation of new insights in, 126–127, 128f

inputs to, 123, 128f

investigation of new insights in, 127, 128f

for learning organization culture theory, 151–152, 171f

open and thoughtful minds in, 123

outcome of, 42

outputs of, 128, 128f

purpose of, 41–42

quality indicators on, 129

for scenario-planning theory, 164, 173f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 169, 171f, 173f

steps in, 126–128, 128f, 131f

updates to theory in, 127, 128f

Relationships identified and described in Conceptualize phase, 66

“how” question on, 56–57

laws of interaction on, 55–56, 66

Relevance of theory

and irrelevant theories, 24f, 25–26

misconceptions about, 30, 43–44

and rigor, 33, 41–42, 43, 44

and utility, 43

Reliability of measurement instruments, 91


mixed methods approach to. See Mixed methods approach

qualitative approach to. See Qualitative approach

quantitative approach to. See Quantitative approach

in research-to-theory strategy, 34–35

in theory-research-practice cycle, 36, 37f

in theory-to-research strategy, 35–36

Research in Organizations: Foundations and Methods of Inquiry (Swanson & Holton), 96

The Research Methods Knowledge Base (Trochim & Donnelly), 96

Research questions developed in Operationalize phase, 88–89, 90f

for learning organization culture theory, 143–144, 170f

quality indicators on, 90–91

for scenario-planning theory, 159, 172f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 170f, 172f

Results indicators determined in Operationalize phase, 74–75, 78, 87–88, 90f

empirical, 79–80, 158–159

for learning organization culture theory, 143, 170f

quality indicators on, 90–91

for scenario-planning theory, 158–159, 172f

status assessment tool on, 168f, 170f, 172f

Reynolds, P. D., 34

Rigor of theory

and exactness, 70

and relevance, 33, 41–42, 43, 44

Royal Dutch/Shell, scenario planning in, 154

Rummler, G. A., 11–12

Scenario planning, 153–164

definition and description of, 154–155

key concepts in, 155–156

Scenario Planning in Organizations (Chermack), 162

Scenario-planning theory, 135, 145, 153–164

Apply phase of, 162–163, 164, 173f

Conceptualize phase of, 155–157, 163, 164, 172f

Confirm phase of, 160–162, 161f, 173f

Operationalize phase of, 157–159, 164, 172f

Refine phase of, 164, 173f

status assessment tool on, 172, 172f–173f

Schon, D. A., 31–32

Sculpting the Learning Organization (Watkins & Marsick), 137

Selection criteria in theory building, 59, 66

Senge, P. M., 137, 138

Sequential explanatory design, 102

Sequential exploratory design, 102–103

Shop Class as Soulcraft (Crawford), 54, 118

Signal theory, 113

Simplicity of theory, 177

assessment of, 27

Social construction approach, 22

Conceptualize phase in, 40, 54, 62f

existing literature on, 23

Operationalize phase in, 80, 83, 86, 87

Song, J. H., 158

Status assessment tool on theory building, 135, 165–174, 179

Stimulus-response theory, 21

Storberg-Walker, J., on conceptual development, 54, 59–61, 62f

Swanson, R. A., 23, 44, 96

Symptom management theory, 81

System states, Dubin on, 56

Taleb, N. N., 117

Team building theory, falsifiability of, 82


boundaries of. See Boundaries of theories

compared to models, 15, 89

comprehensiveness of, 8–9, 27, 107

contributing, 24, 24f

core, 24, 24f, 26

criteria in assessment of, 26–28

definition of, 1, 6, 14–15, 32

empirical validity or verifiability of, 27

existing, auditing and testing of, 179

fruitfulness of, 27–28, 118, 120

importance of, 26

novel, 24f, 25, 26

operationality of, 27

parsimony of, 27, 70, 71, 91

personal theories-in-practice, 31, 32–33

preciseness and clarity of, 27

relevance of. See Relevance of theory

in research-to-theory strategy, 34–35

rigor of, 33, 41–42, 43, 44, 70

in theory-research-practice cycle, 36, 37f

in theory-to-research strategy, 35–36

trustworthy, 32, 33, 41, 42, 44

types of, 20–22

units of, 55

use of term, 166

utility of, 24f, 25, 28, 30–32, 33, 43

Theory building

bias affecting, 9, 59

bucket metaphor on, 166–169, 177

challenges in, 9–12, 29, 42–43

characteristics of successful scholars in, 178

cohesion among choices in, 20

common strategies in, 34–36

current status of, 6–10

definition of, 32, 33

existing literature on, 23

general considerations in, 33–36

general method in applied disciplines. See General Method of Theory Building in Applied Disciplines

importance of, 6, 10, 42–43

as incomplete, inappropriate, or overwhelming, 8–9

learning organization culture theory case example, 135, 137–153

misconceptions about, 30, 43–44

need for, 2

next steps in, 135, 175–180

philosophical orientation in, 16–18, 17f

purpose of, 20

scenario-planning theory case example, 135, 153–164

status assessment tool on, 135, 165–174, 168f

use of term, 134

Theory Building: A Practical Guide to the Construction and Testing of Theoretical Models (Dubin), 9

Theory-research-practice cycle, 36, 37f

Theory status assessment tool, 135, 165–174, 179

Theory-to-research strategy (theory-then-research strategy), 35–36

Thought trials in theory building, 58–59, 66

Thoughtful minds in Refine phase, 123

Torraco, R. J., 23

Training systems theory, 124

Transferability, 21, 80

Trochim, W., 96

Trustworthiness of theories, 41, 42, 44

in personal theories-in-practice, 32, 33

Truth statements, 79, 86

Tuckman, B. W., 82

Units of theory, Dubin on, 55

Useful Research: Advancing Theory and Practice (Mohrman & Lawler), 96

Utility of theory, 24f, 25, 28, 30–32, 33, 43

Validity, 27, 33, 91

confirmation of, 107

Verifiability of theory, assessment of, 27

Wack, P., 156

Waterman, Bob, 65

Watkins, K. E., learning organization culture theory of, 135, 137–153, 169–171

Weick, K. E., theory building approach of, 54, 57–59, 62f

Welch, Jack, 2

“What” question in conceptual development, 56

Whetten, D. A., 66

on conceptual development, 54, 56–57, 61, 62f

A Whole New Mind (Pink), 114

Who Moved My Cheese? (Johnson & Blanchard), 53

“Why” question in conceptual development, 57

Wilson, E. O., 177

Work analysis theory, 124–125

Xerox, innovation and knowledge management studies in, 21–22

Yang, B., 138, 145

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