120 Scaling Fallacy

Designs that work at one scale often do not work at smaller or larger scales.

• Designs often perform differently at different scales because the forces involved scale in different ways. Two types of scaling assumptions result in scaling errors: load and interaction.

• Load assumptions are assumptions that working stresses will be the same when a design changes scale.

• Interaction assumptions are assumptions that the way people and other systems interact with a design will be the same when a design changes scale.

• Minimize scaling assumptions in design by raising awareness, testing assumptions, and researching analogous designs. When you are unable to verify scaling effects, build in factors of safety.

See Also Factor of Safety • Feedback Loop • Modularity Prototyping • Redundancy • Satisficing


Flapping to fly works at mid-range scales, but it does not work at very small scales where wings can’t displace air molecules, or at large scales where the effects of gravity are too great.

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