027 Consistency

Usability and learnability improve when similar things have similar meanings and functions.

• Consistency enables people to efficiently transfer knowledge to new contexts, learn new things quickly, and focus attention on the relevant aspects of a task.

• Make things aesthetically consistent to enhance recognition and communicate membership.

• Make things functionally consistent to leverage existing knowledge about functionality and use.

• Make things internally consistent to improve usability, and to signal that a thing has been well designed and not cobbled together.

• Make things externally consistent to extend the benefits of internal consistency to other things.

• Use consistency in all aspects of design. When design standards exist, generally follow them—but remember: “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.”

See Also Back-of-the-Dresser • Feature Creep • Mimicry Recognition Over Recall • Similarity


Consistency enables international travelers to understand traffic signs even when they don’t speak the local language.

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