
In this chapter, we described a real and popular robot called Baxter, manufactured by Rethink Robotics Corporation. Many of the details of the robot can be discovered using Baxter Simulator that displays the simulated Baxter using the Gazebo program. Since Baxter has two movable arms, much of the chapter text describes the arms and control of the arms.

The chapter started with a description of Baxter in both the research and the manufacturing versions. Baxter's arms and sensors and the control modes for the arms were described.

After downloading the Baxter Simulator software, the simulator was used to demonstrate various examples of control of Baxter with Python scripts supplied by Rethink Robotics. Baxter can be controlled by ROS commands, by the keyboard, or with a joystick. We have also included several Python scripts that will make the control of Baxter easier if joint angles are specified for movement of the arms.

The ROS frame transform package tf was used to show the relationship between the coordinate frames of Baxter's base and other elements of the arms. The view in rviz displays these frames.

MoveIt is another package that works with simulated Baxter as well as with the real robot. MoveIt was explained and the method of planning and executing arm trajectories even with obstacles in the path was explained.

Finally, we were introduced to the real Baxter by explaining the setup procedure for communication between a workstation and Baxter. Various examples showing control of the real Baxter were also discussed.

In the next chapter, a ROS view of quadrotors will be described using both simulated and real air vehicles. The simulated air vehicle is a generalized representation of a quadrotor and is great for learning to control the craft before you decide to try flying a real one.

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