Baxter's arms and forward kinematics

Considering Baxter's arms up to the wrist cuff, each arm has seven values that define the rotation angle of each joint. Since the link lengths and joint angles are known, it is possible to calculate the position and orientation of the gripper attached to the wrist. This approach to calculating the pose of the gripper given the configuration of the arm is called forward kinematic analysis.

Fortunately, ROS has programs that allow calculation and publishing of the joint angles given a particular position and orientation of the gripper. The particular topic for Baxter is /robot/joint_states.

Joints and joint state publisher

Baxter has seven joints in each of its two arms and two more joints in its head. The topic /robot/joint_states publishes the current joint states of the head pan (side-to-side) joint and the 14 arm joints. These joint states show position, velocity, and effort values for each of these joints. Joint position values are in radians, velocity values are in radians per second, and torque values are in Newton meters. The robot state publisher internally has a kinematic model of the robot. So, given the joint positions of the robot, the robot state publisher can compute and broadcast the 3D pose of each link in the robot.

For the examples in this section, it is assumed that Baxter Simulator is running, baxter_world is launched from baxter_gazebo, and the simulated robot is enabled:

$ cd baxter_ws
$ ./ sim
$ roslaunch baxter_gazebo baxter_world.launch

In a second terminal, type:

$ cd ros_ws
$ ./ sim
$ rosrun baxter_tools -e

Baxter's arms will be placed in the home position using the Python script presented before using the command:

$ python

The joint states will be displayed with the screen output edited to show the arm positions as angles of rotation in radians. To view the joint states, type:

$ rostopic echo /robot/joint_states

Here's the output on the screen:

  seq: 42448
    secs: 850
    nsecs: 553000000
  frame_id: ''
name: ['head_pan', 'l_gripper_l_finger_joint', 'l_gripper_r_finger_joint', 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2', 'r_gripper_l_finger_joint', 'r_gripper_r_finger_joint', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2']

position: [9.642012118504795e-06 (Head),

Left: -9.409649977892339e-08, -0.02083311343765363, -1.171334885477055, 1.9312641121225074, -0.07941855421008803, -0.9965989736590268, 0.6650922280384437, 1.0314330310192892, -0.49634000104265397,

Right: 0.020833000098799456, 2.9266103072174966e-10, 1.1714460516466971, 1.9313701087550257, 0.07941788278369621, -0.9966421178258322, -0.6651529936706897, 1.0314155121179436, 0.49638770883940264]

velocity: [8.463358573117045e-09, 2.2845555643152853e-05, 2.766005018018799e-05, 6.96516608889685e-08, -1.4347584964474649e-07, 5.379243329637427e-08, -3.07783563763457e-08, -5.9625446169838476e-06, -2.765075210928186e-06, 4.37915209815064e-06, -1.9330586583769175e-08, -3.396963606705046e-08, -4.1024914575147146e-07, -6.470964538079114e-07, 1.2464164369422782e-07, -3.489373517131325e-08, 1.3838850846575283e-06, 1.1659521943505596e-06, -3.293066091641411e-06]

effort: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -0.12553439407980704, -0.16093410986695034, 1.538268268319598e-06, -0.1584186302672208, 0.0026223415490989055, -0.007023475006633362, -0.0002595722218323715, 0.0, 0.0, 0.12551329635801522, -0.16096013901023554, -1.4389475655463002e-05, -0.1583874287014453, -0.0026439994199378702, -0.0070054474078151685, 0.00024931690616014635]

Compare the radian values from and the result of rostopic echo of joint states, but watch the order of listing of the joints:

# store the home position of the arms
home_right = {'right_s0': 0.08, 'right_s1': -1.00, 'right_w0': -0.67, 'right_w1': 1.03, 'right_w2': 0.50, 'right_e0': 1.18, 'right_e1': 1.94}
home_left = {'left_s0': -0.08, 'left_s1': -1.00, 'left_w0': 0.67, 'left_w1': 1.03, 'left_w2': -0.50, 'left_e0': -1.18, 'left_e1': 1.94}

The velocity and effort (torque) terms are essentially zero since Baxter's arms are not moving. Rounding off the arm joint position values to two places shows that the angular positions of the arm joints are as set in the Python script.

We find the type of messages for joint states are from sensor_msgs using the command:

$ rostopic type /robot/joint_states

The output is as follows:


To show the home_arms pose for Baxter in Gazebo, follow these steps:

  1. Go to World | Models | baxter | left_s0.
  2. Pull the Property window into view by clicking and dragging the three small ticks above this panel.

    The figure should look like this:

    Joints and joint state publisher

    Baxter home position

Choose pose and look at angle_0 -0.0799983484275408. Rounded off, this is the left_s0: -0.08 selected in You can view other information by selecting another joint or link of Baxter from the World panel.

Another command shows the position and orientation of the end of the left arm:

$ rostopic echo /robot/limb/left/endpoint_state

The output should be similar to the following:

  seq: 62403
    secs: 1249
    nsecs: 653000000
  frame_id: ''
    x: 0.582326339279
    y: 0.191017651504
    z: 0.111128161508
    x: 0.131168552915
    y: 0.991040351028
    z: 0.0117205349262
    w: 0.0222814367168
(Other output deleted.)

Yet another way to see the values is to start rqt and select Topics as Plugins and Topic Monitor, as shown in the screenshot:

Joints and joint state publisher

Topic Monitor in rqt for endpoint states

The left arm's endpoint x, y, and z position agrees with the output from the rostopic echo command for the left endpoint_state. The right arm endpoint has the same x and z positions, but a negative value for y. This indicates that it is to the right of Baxter's vertical center line.

Understanding tf

Tf is a transform system used to keep track of the relation between different coordinate frames in ROS. The relationship between the coordinate frames is maintained in a tree structure which can be viewed. In Baxter's example, the robot has many coordinate frames that can be referenced to Baxter's base frame.

Tutorials about tf are given on the ROS wiki at

To demonstrate the use of tf, the following Baxter examples will be provided:

  • Show tf in rviz after Baxter's arms are moved to a position such that the angles of the joints are zero
  • Show various coordinate frames for Baxter's elements, such as cameras or grippers

A program to move Baxter's arms to a zero angle position

With Baxter Simulator running (Gazebo), executing the Python script will move Baxter's arms to a position with all the joint angles zero. The following code simply sets the joint angles to zero:

#!/usr/bin/env python   # 10/29/2015
Script to return Baxter's arms to a "home zero" position

# rospy - ROS Python API
import rospy

# baxter_interface - Baxter Python API
import baxter_interface

# initialize our ROS node, registering it with the Master

# create instances of baxter_interface's Limb class
limb_right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')
limb_left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')

# store the home position of the arms
home_zero_right = {'right_s0': 0.0, 'right_s1': 0.00, 'right_w0': 0.00, 'right_w1': 0.00, 'right_w2': 0.00, 'right_e0': 0.00, 'right_e1': 0.00}
home_zero_left = {'left_s0': 0.0, 'left_s1': 0.00, 'left_w0': 0.00, 'left_w1': 0.00, 'left_w2': 0.00, 'left_e0': 0.00, 'left_e1': 0.00}

# move both arms to home position


Make the Python script executable:

$ chmod +x

Then, run the script:

$ python

The position of the arms can be visualized in Gazebo and the values position, velocity, and effort can be displayed. In the following Gazebo window, Baxter has arms outstretched at an angle from the torso:

A program to move Baxter's arms to a zero angle position

Baxter's joints at zero degrees

The results of the joint states without the velocity and effort are as follows:

  seq: 120710
    secs: 2415
    nsecs: 793000000
  frame_id: ''

name: ['head_pan', 'l_gripper_l_finger_joint', 'l_gripper_r_finger_joint', 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2', 'r_gripper_l_finger_joint', 'r_gripper_r_finger_joint', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2']

position: [2.1480795875383762e-05,

0.02083300010459807, 7.094235804419552e-09,

 -0.0052020885142498585, 0.008648349108503872, -0.0003526224733487737, -0.004363080957646481, 0.0029469234535000055, 0.004783709772852696, -0.0022098995590349446,

-4.685055459408831e-10, -0.02083300002921974, 0.005137618938708677, 0.008541712202397633, 0.0003482148331919177, -0.004308001456631239, -0.0029103069740452625, 0.004726431947482013, 0.002182588672263286]

Within numerical error tolerance, the values are zero for the arm joint angles.

Rviz tf frames

With Gazebo running and Baxter's arms in zero angles pose, start rviz:

$ rosrun rviz rviz

Now select the parameters for rviz:

  1. Select the field next to Fixed Frame (under Global Options) and select base.
  2. Select the Add button under the Displays panel and add Robot Model and you will see Baxter appear.
  3. Select the Add button under the Displays panel and add TF and see all the frames, which are too complicated to use.
  4. Arrange the windows to see the left panel and the figure. Close the Views on the right panel.
    • Expand TF in the Displays panel by clicking on the triangle symbol at the left
    • Under TF, expand Frames by clicking on the left triangle
    • Uncheck the checkbox next to All enabled
  5. Now, check left_gripper to display the axes.

The rviz display looks like similar to the following screenshot:

Rviz tf frames

tf transform base and left gripper

You will see the left gripper axes in color on your screen: x is down (red), y is to the right (green), and z is forward (blue) in the preceding screenshot.

Now you can choose various elements of Baxter to see the tf coordinate axes.

Viewing a tf tree of robot elements

The program view_frames can generate a PDF file with a graphical representation of the complete tf tree. To try the program, Baxter Simulator or the real Baxter should be communicating to the terminal window. To run view_frames, use the following command:

$ rosrun tf view_frames

In the current working folder, you should now have a file called frames.pdf. Open the file with the following command:

$ evince frames.pdf

More information about the tf frames can be found at

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