About the Authors

Sachin Handiekar is a senior software developer with over 5 years of experience in Java EE development. He graduated in computer science from the University of Greenwich, London, and currently works for a global consulting company, developing enterprise applications using various open source technologies, such as Apache Camel, ServiceMix, ActiveMQ, and ZooKeeper.

He has a lot of interest in open source projects and has contributed code to Apache Camel and developed plugins for the Spring Social, which can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/sachin-handiekar.

He also actively writes about enterprise application development on his blog (http://www.sachinhandiekar.com/).

Anshul Johri has more than 10 years of technical experience in software engineering. He did his masters in computer science from the computer science department in the University of Pune. Anshul has always been a start-up mindset guy, working on fast-paced development using cutting-edge technologies and doing multiple things at a time. His core strength has always been search technology, whereby Solr plays an important role in his career. Anshul started using Solr around 9 years ago, and since then, he has never looked back. He did better and better with Solr, whether using it or contributing to the open source search community. He has used Solr extensively in all his organizations across various projects.

As mentioned earlier, Anshul has always been a start-up mindset guy. Because of that, he has worked with many start-ups in his career so far, which includes early-age and mid-size start-ups as well. To name a few, they are Ibibo.com, Asklaila.com, Bookadda.com, and so on. His last company was Amazon, where he spent around 2 years building scalable systems for Amazon Prime (a global product). Anshul recently started his own company in India with another friend from Amazon and founded http://www.rentomo.com/, a unique concept of a peer-to-peer sharing platform in a trusted community. He heads the technology and other core pillars of his own start-up.

Anshul did the technical review of the book Indexing with Solr, published by Packt Publishing.

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