Taking advantage of robots.txt

One step further into reconnaissance, we need to figure out if there is any page or directory in the site that is not linked to what is shown to the common user. For example, a login page to the intranet or to the content management systems (CMS) administration. Finding a site similar to this will expand our testing surface considerably and can give us some important clues about the application and its infrastructure.

In this recipe, we will use the robots.txt file to discover some files and directories that may not be linked to anywhere in the main application.

How to do it...

  1. Browse to
  2. Now we add robots.txt to the URL and we will see the following screnshot:
    How to do it...

    This file tells search engines that the indexing of the directories jotto and cgi-bin is not allowed for every browser (user agent). However, this doesn't mean that we cannot browse them.

  3. Let's browse to
    How to do it...

    We can click and navigate directly to any of the Perl scripts in this directory.

  4. Let's browse to
    How to do it...
  5. Click on the file named jotto:. You will see something similar to the following screenshot:
    How to do it...

    Jotto is a game about guessing five-character words; could this be the list of possible answers? Check it by playing the game; if it is, we have already hacked the game!

How it works...

robots.txt is a file used by web servers to tell search engines about the directories or files that they should index and what they are not allowed to look into. Taking the perspective of an attacker, this tells us if there is a directory in the server that is accessible but hidden to the public using what is called "security through obscurity" (that is, assuming that users won't discover the existence of something, if they are not told about it).

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